Evil Boss Comes Again

Chatper 162

When Father Wan and Mother Wan heard that they were going to beat their children, their faces instantly turned ashen, especially Father Wan, who was the first grandson of his Wan family and could not be beaten without saying anything.

Yan Qingyi didn\'t really want to get rid of this child, she just wanted to use this child so that Mother Wan would not treat her as an enemy!

Mother Wan was quite scared at first, but when she thought of using the idea of ​​beating her child to threaten herself, the tone in her heart came to her throat.

She pointed at Yan Qingyi and said angrily, "Yuan Xiaoman, you are so capable, you actually want to abort the child!"

The father Wan next to him couldn\'t bear it any longer, and shouted at the mother Wan, "Have you had enough trouble?"

When Wan\'s mother was yelled at by him, she shivered with fright. She was quite angry at first, but now that Wan\'s father was angry, the anger disappeared immediately.

Father Wan stood up and said to Yan Qingyi, "Xiaoman, go back to your room."

Yan Qingyi didn\'t say a word and went directly to the bedroom.

Tan Tianying comforted Wan\'s mother there. Wan\'s father said that the current situation at home was inconvenient for guests, so he let Tan Tianying go too.

This incident today is really embarrassing for Wan Xiao, but fortunately Wan Xiao is not at home, otherwise, they will definitely have to chase their old couple again!

Yan Qingyi was lying on the bed, so angry that she was thinking about it, and she didn\'t know how long it took before Wan Xiao came back.

Hearing his voice, Yan Qingyi began to cry aggrievedly.

Wan Xiao heard crying outside, looked at Mother Wan before entering the room.

"Why are you crying?" Wan Xiao asked in a low voice. After closing the door, he went to sit by the bed.

The light in Yan Qingyi\'s eyes dimmed a little, and the thin sadness in the bottom of his eyes came out. She sniffed and ignored Wan Xiao, but turned her head to the side.

"Did my mother tell you again?"

Yan Qingyi didn\'t dare to admit it. If she did, Mother Wan would definitely think that Yan Qingyi was suing her in front of her son. As for her, she wanted Wanxiao to ask Wanxiao herself, so after Wanxiao asked her this time, she still didn\'t answer.

Wan Xiao took a breath and turned to leave the room. After a while, I heard Wan Xiao\'s voice questioning Wan\'s parents and Wan\'s mother.

Even if Yan Qingyi didn\'t stand in the living room, just from the tone of Wan Xiao\'s questioning, he knew that his whole body must exude a fortitude, toughness, and no one could question him.

Just as Yan Qingyi had guessed, Wan Xiao\'s body is now exuding a resolute aura, not anger and self-assurance, so that Wan\'s mother does not ask questions.

After Wanxiao listened to it, she didn\'t say a word for a long time.

Wan\'s mother pulled Wan\'s father, Wan\'s father sighed and said: "Wan Xiao, don\'t blame your mother, she has such a temper, in fact, she doesn\'t have any bad intentions towards Xiaoman, you, go in and persuade Xiaoman. Man, tell her to stop crying, crying too much is not good for the child in your womb!"

Wan Xiao still didn\'t speak, just turned around and entered the room.

Yan Qingyi didn\'t cry anymore. After all, it\'s good to do a play for a while. If you do it for too long, it will make others feel that she is doing too much, and it will be detrimental to her image in Wan Xiao\'s mind.

He sat on the edge of the bed, smoothed the hair on Shunyan Qingyi\'s forehead, and then said, "I\'ve already heard about it, this time it\'s my mother\'s fault, you, don\'t be angry with her, okay? ?"

The long eyelashes concealed the loss in her eyes, "Old Wan, now my parents have a big prejudice against me. Since the two elders don\'t like seeing me so much, then you can divorce me!"

After speaking, she twisted her body to the side.

Wan Xiao frowned, an unhappy expression appeared on his resolute face, and his eyes immediately sank, "Leave what? Let me tell you, divorce is not allowed!"