Evil Boss Comes Again

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These days when Mother Wan was here, she did everything except asking Yan Qingyi to wash the dishes. As the name suggests, she couldn\'t sit all the time, she had to move her muscles and bones, so that she would be good to the child in her belly.

In fact, Yan Qingyi knew that when she said that, she just didn\'t want to see her idle all the time, so she found something to do.

Yan Qingyi was sitting on the sofa watching TV after washing the dishes when she heard the clucking sound of the two chickens in the bathroom. After a while, another pungent smell of chicken excrement came to her. before.

She was really going crazy. She was prone to nausea in the early stages of pregnancy, and she smelled these odors every day. To be honest, she couldn\'t stay any longer.

"Mom, Dad, I\'m going out for a walk."

After Yan Qingyi finished speaking, she got up and walked out of the house without waiting for the second old man to speak.

Wan Xiao left early in the morning today, saying that there was something wrong with the troops, otherwise, he would definitely not want Yan Qingyi to go out and hang out.

During this time, when she went to bed every night, Yan Qingyi could feel the hard and straight things in Wanxiao, so she also understood the unpleasantness that he suddenly revealed when she told Wanxiao the news of her pregnancy that day. What does the expression mean!

If it is left in modern times and a woman is pregnant, a man will either shy away from the child in his womb and insist on climbing up, or he will go out for prostitution, or find a mistress or a mistress.

So, in this conservative era, even if you feel flustered, you won\'t do anything bad for your wife, and you won\'t go out to hook up with other women.

This point, Yan Qingyi still likes it.

After wandering outside for about ten minutes, when he was about to go home, he happened to meet Tan Tianying again. In her hand, she was carrying a large bag of fruit, and her face was red, as if there was something good. However, when she saw Yan Qingyi, the red light on her face disappeared instantly!

In Yan Qingyi\'s heart, there was a sense of ill will.

This woman is really haunted, she was so shameless that day, she is still cheeky today!

"Sister Tan, why are you here to see our Lao Wan again?"

A sharp sarcasm was drawn on Yan Qingyi\'s lips, and after speaking aloud, Zhang Lan, who was taking out the trash outside, stopped outside and looked at the direction Yan Qingyi was in without blinking.

Tan Tianying walked up to Yan Qingyi, sneered, and then said, "You think too much, I heard that Uncle Wan and Aunt Wan are here, specially to visit the two old people!"

Yan Qingyi couldn\'t help frowning.

Who told her that?

Will it be Wanxiao?


Yan Qingyi gave her a look that was too lazy to answer, and then went home slowly.

Tan Tianying was walking behind her. Although Yan Qingyi couldn\'t see her face, she could also feel what kind of eyes the other party was staring at her at the moment.

Wan\'s father and Wan\'s mother were sitting on the sofa watching TV, and they were happy when they saw Yan Qingyi come back, so Wan\'s mother\'s face instantly went down.

After Yan Qingyi came in, she found that there was another woman behind her, so she stood up.

Tan Tianying hurriedly put down the fruit he bought, then walked to Wan Mu, took her hand, and began to flatter.

"Auntie and auntie, hello, my name is Tan Tianying, and I\'m a good friend of Brother Wan. I heard that the two elders are here, so I came to see you. Are you still used to it?"

"Hehe, it turns out to be Wan Xiao\'s friend, hurry up and hurry up!" A smile appeared on the face of Wan\'s mother, "Look at you, come as soon as you come, what fruit do you want to buy?"

"I bought it for you two old people to eat, I hope you don\'t dislike it!" Tan Tianying laughed, and was pulled by Wan\'s mother to sit on the sofa.