Everyone Becomes Demonized: I Become A Six-Winged Seraph

Chapter 37

Hubert’s jaw almost dropped when he learned of the effects of Father Marlin’s new fruit.

Others might not have realized the effects of the fruit, but after living in the Cataclysm for five years, he knew how precious the fruit was.

In the long days of the Cataclysm, people had to face endless labor and the attacks of all kinds of monsters.

They had to struggle for survival every day and live a precarious life. Their nerves had always been in a state of high tension. Many people did not die from lack of food or monster attacks, but from a mental breakdown.

If they had this fruit of joy to relieve the mental stress of everyone, the atmosphere of the sanctuary would be better, and no one would die because of the excessive mental stress.

From a certain point of view, this fruit had strategic significance.

Hubert immediately decided that everyone in the sanctuary would take turns to eat the fruit of joy.

Everyone was elated by this decision and applauded in agreement.

After distributing the enchanted elemental fruit, everyone began to eat lunch.

After lunch, Marlin followed Hubert’s advice and posted the notice to take in civilians, covering a few streets nearby.

In the afternoon, many civilians who had run out of food brought their families to the shelter.

After receiving a positive answer, they happily joined the shelter.

Some of the hooligans wanted to join too, but Hubert found them and caught them one by one.

Some of the hooligans were unconvinced and wanted to break in.

However, after seeing Hubert’s Holy Light Sword and Sophia’s AR15, they retreated decisively.

In the afternoon, there were 167 more civilians in the church, and Hubert’s faith had been collected 87 times. He was only one step away from upgrading 100 to the level 3.

At night, Hubert sat in his room, thinking about where to get more faith so that he could directly break through to the level 3.

Suddenly, there was a slight knock on the door.

Hubert opened the door curiously and found a woman standing outside.

The woman’s body was completely made up of all kinds of desserts. Her head was a colorful lollipop, her eyes were rainbow candies, her body was a gingerbread, and her limbs were chocolate bars. Her ability was to manifest a piece of dessert every day.

Hubert didn’t remember seeing this woman, so he asked curiously, “Who are you? Why are you here?”

“I’m Martha, a civilian who just entered the sanctuary this afternoon. Why? Have you forgotten me?”, Martha said with a pitiful look.

“It’s so late. What’s the matter?”, Hubert asked.

“Well, to express my gratitude for letting me into the sanctuary, I made a dessert for you. I hope you can try it.”, Martha said and took out a plate with two doughnuts on it.

“Okay, thank you.”, Hubert took the plate.

“Don’t you want to try it? I made it with a new formula. I don’t know if it suits your taste. If there is anything wrong, you can tell me immediately. I will change the formula.”, Martha said earnestly.

Seeing Martha’s pleading look, Hubert had no choice but to pick up a doughnut and put it in his mouth to taste.

“How is it? Is it good?”, Martha asked.

Hubert felt a sweet feeling fill his mouth, followed by a bitter taste that was difficult to swallow, and a sharp pain in his stomach.

“I’m poisoned!”, this was Hubert’s first thought.

He held the door frame and stood firm, staring at Martha. “Why did you poison me? I don’t know you, why did you do it?”

“Actually, I don’t know you either. I didn’t want to kill you, but who told you to offend someone you shouldn’t have? I had no choice. I couldn’t rely on other people, so I had to do it myself.”, Martha seemed to have changed into a different person, her fear and trepidation look disappeared completely. She took out a cigarette from her pocket and lit it skillfully.

“Who sent you?”, Hubert asked, gritting his teeth.

“Well, Richard asked me to make you understand. Now you can rest in peace, right?”, Martha said and blew out a smoke ring.

“How much did they give you?”, Hubert asked.

“Three gems. How about it? is the price high enough? You can rest in peace if it’s worth the price.”, Martha said with a smile.

“Hahaha.”, Hubert could not help but laugh.

“What are you laughing at?”, Martha was a little unhappy.

“Richard is too naive to want to take my life for just three gems.”, Hubert laughed. “You are the same. You lost your life for just three gems. You are really short-sighted.”

“What are you talking about?”, Martha said impatiently, “You ate my special poison doughnuts and you will die a minute later. How can you say that I am short-sighted? I admit that your martial arts are very powerful, and you can kill Richard’s bodyguard. But after eating my poison doughnut, can you still lift your arms?”

“Why not?”, Hubert sneered and cast a Holy Light Healing Spell on his body.

All the poison from eating the poisonous doughnuts was swept away, and Hubert’s body returned to normal.

Hubert conjured the Holy Light Sword and pierced through Martha’s heart.

Looking at Martha’s shocked gaze, Hubert smiled and asked, “Do you think I can still lift my arm?”

“How, how is that possible? You clearly ate my poisonous doughnuts. How can you still be fine? Impossible, this is impossible. How did you detoxify the poison?”, Martha asked in confusion.

However, Hubert did not have the intention to answer her question. Instead, he cut Martha’s body into two.

With a plop, Martha’s body fell to the ground, black hot cocoa flowing out.

“What happened?”, Laura, who heard the commotion, walked out from the next room and asked.

“We found an assassin. Help me burn the body and come to Father Marlin’s office for a meeting.”

After saying that, Hubert strode away.

Soon, the important people in the sanctuary gathered in Marlin’s office.

“I was assassinated just now. The assassin was sent by the mayor’s son, Richard.”, Hubert said.

“What?”, hearing Hubert’s words, the meeting room instantly exploded.

“I knew that Richard didn’t have any good intentions. I should have killed him with one shot.”, Sophia said.

“Richard actually dared to send people to assassinate us. Let’s go back and show him that he bullies the wrong group.”, Chloe also raised her hand in agreement.

“I agree too.”, Linda raised her hand in agreement.

“I don’t have any objections. If you want to do it, you can add me as well.”, Laura nodded in agreement.

“Well, since no one objects, let’s go and kill Richard tonight.”, Hubert decided.