Everyone Becomes Demonized: I Become A Six-Winged Seraph

Chapter 19

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

With the help of the flashlight, they saw the source of the sound.

A huge spider was rushing towards them.

This spider was 1.5 meters tall and 2 meters wide. It was almost as big as a car.

Its body was covered with yellow and black patterns. Its eight compound eyes were moving around. Its eight sharp legs pierced into the cement floor, making a rustling sound. Its sharp mouth was the size of a tennis racket. It looked extremely ferocious.

“What is it?”, seeing the thing that was charging at her, Sophia subconsciously took half a step back and pointed the AR15 rifle in her hand into her front.

Chloe let out a scream and hurriedly threw away the chocolate in her hand. She picked up the shotgun that was hanging in front of her body. Her hands that were holding the shotgun were shaking non-stop.

Hubert, on the other hand, was much calmer.

He recognized the creature at a glance — a cave spider.

This spider was mutated from some kind of spider. It liked to hide in caves and hunt. Its eight legs were very sharp and could even pierce through steel.

This spider gave up weaving webs and usually liked to chase after its prey. When the prey was exhausted from chasing, it would use its forelimbs to pierce through the legs of the prey, making it lose the ability to escape. Then, it would inject a certain amount of dissolved mold into the body of the prey.

It would dissolve all the substances in the body of the prey into absorbable nutrients.

After the cave spider finished eating its prey, the prey would only have a piece of skin left.

Because of its characteristic, many people called the cave spider a skin hunter.

Although the cave spider was very terrifying, Hubert was not worried at all.

During the Cataclysm, he had many dealings with the cave spider.

This kind of animal was typically high in attack and low in defense. Its body was very weak, and it could even be killed with ordinary guns.

Moreover, the cave spider was a solitary animal. Within its hunting range, it wouldn’t allow the existence of a second cave spider.

Therefore, with a few people and enough firepower, the cave spider was the hunted prey.

With Hubert’s current strength, he could cut the cave spider in half with one slash.

However, he didn’t do that. Instead, he wanted to train Sophia and Chloe.

“Don’t be afraid. Pick up your weapons and aim at the cave spider. Fire!”, Hubert pointed the Holy Light Sword at the cave spider and gave the order.

After Sophia heard Hubert’s order, she was stunned for a moment. Then, she decisively pulled the trigger.

Tap, tap, tap.

A series of bullets shot out.

Because of nervousness, half of the bullets missed, and only half of the bullets hit the cave spider.

Pu, Pu, Pu.

The bullets entered the cave spider’s body, splashing blood everywhere.

One of the bullets coincidentally hit one of the cave spider’s compound eyes. The bullet with powerful kinetic energy directly blew up the compound eye.

Dark green liquid mixed with minced meat splattered everywhere.

Hiss, hiss!

The spider felt the pain and became more and more manic. It screamed twice and continued to charge at Sophia and the others.

“Good job. Don’t stop shooting.”, Hubert praised from the side.

Seeing that her shooting was effective, Sophia was energized.

During this period of time, she often met enemies that made her bullets ineffective — the slime, Oink, and the alligator men.

This really hit her hard.

Now, when she met a monster that she could deal with, her emotions were naturally hyped up. She continuously pulled the trigger, and bullets rained down on the cave spider like raindrops, as if she wanted to vent all the depression that she had accumulated during this period of time.

Beside her, Chloe gradually calmed down after the initial panic.

She realized that the cave spider was just a little scary. In fact, there was nothing to be afraid of. It would still be hurt if the bullets land on it.

Thus, she became bolder and fired repeatedly at the cave spider.

Because she used shotgun bullets, Chloe did not even need to aim specifically to injure the cave spider.

Small steel balls shot into the body of the cave spider, forming a large wound on the surface of the body.

In the end, Chloe felt that using shotgun shells wasn’t enough, so she changed the bullets to shotgun slugs.

When the cave spider was five meters away from the group, a shotgun slug directly hit the head of the cave spider. With a bang, half of the head of the cave spider was cut off.

The spider could no longer hold on. Its huge body fell to the ground, and its eight legs were still twitching.

“You dare to scare me? Go to hell.”, Chloe walked to the front of the spider and shot the spider’s head.

She had been holding a grudge against the spider for causing her to lose half of the chocolate.

“Okay, save your ammunition. Don’t waste it because of the corpse.”, Hubert stopped Chloe from continuing to whip the corpse.

He took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket and handed it to her.

“Alright.”, after a fierce battle, she was much bolder now. She was no longer so repulsed by the smell in the air. She stood on the spot and started to eat in big mouthfuls.

Seeing Chloe’s appearance, Hubert secretly sighed. Sure enough, the environment could change a person.

Chloe should have been happily studying in school and then falling in love.

But the arrival of the Cataclysm forced her to fight in the sewers and deal with monsters.

It was simply a trick of fate.

“Pack your things and get ready to go.”, Hubert called out to everyone and continued to walk forward.

The following journey was a lot more monotonous. Perhaps it was because the cave spider had eaten all the creatures nearby, but Hubert and his group did not see any more monsters. They did not even see a mouse.

Hubert felt that something was not right. He felt that there was a dangerous smell ahead.

However, he could not leave just like that.

This path led straight to the church. If he escaped, the people in the church would be in danger.

Therefore, even if Hubert had to take some risks, he had to find out what was ahead.

After walking for another fifteen minutes, Hubert and the others finally arrived at the end of the sewer.

At the end of the sewer was a half-collapsed stone wall. Behind the wall was a beautifully decorated stone room.

Hubert pointed the flashlight at the room and looked at it carefully.

The entire room was made of stone. The walls around were carved with exquisite murals. No one knew how many years had passed, but the color of the murals was still vividly cleared.

There were fist-sized diamonds inlaid on the wall. Under the illumination of the flashlight, they emitted a dazzling light.

In the middle of the room, there was a coffin made of obsidian. The pattern of the feathered snake god was carved on the coffin, and the body of the feathered snake god was wrapped around the coffin. It looked very strange.

“Wow, what a beautiful diamond!”, Chloe saw the shining diamond on the wall and could not help but touch it with her hand.

However, the diamond started to move.

Chloe took two steps back in fright and carefully observed it.

She was surprised to find that it wasn’t only the diamond she touched that moved.

All the diamonds in the room moved.

Buzz buzz buzz…

As if a switch had been activated, all the diamonds in the room emitted an ear-piercing buzz.

Accompanied by the buzz, the diamonds detached from the wall one after another. One by one, the diamonds turned into shining beetles. These diamond beetles, which were as big as fists, had sharp mouthparts, they pounced on them in groups.