Everyone Becomes Demonized: I Become A Six-Winged Seraph

Chapter 17

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


Seeing the two pig-headed men eating human flesh without restraint, Sophia couldn’t help but spit it out.

They were actually eating their own kind!

How could they eat people?

Sophia looked at the two police officers with grief and indignation.

“The two police officers are really elegant. Even when eating people, they still have to hold knives and forks. It’s really admirable.”, Hubert clapped gently at the side.

“Who are you people? What are you doing here?”, a pig-headed man with a sheriff’s logo said discontentedly.

“We are just ordinary people who are kind. Because we lack weapons, we are here to borrow a few weapons.”, Hubert said.

“The things here belong to the police station. They are not to be lent out. Get lost quickly. No, this woman needs to stay. I suspect that she is related to a case. She needs to stay and cooperate with the investigation.”, the sheriff glanced at Sophia. He was immediately attracted by her exquisite face and gorgeous figure. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. Even his saliva was flowing out.

Sophia felt a chill ran down her spine when she was stared at by the pig-headed sheriff. She felt extremely uncomfortable and couldn’t help but tighten her coat.

“I didn’t commit any crime. There’s nothing to investigate. But you guys, not only did you watch the citizens fall into a disaster without responding to the police, you actually hid here and ate the meat of your own kind. Are you still human?”, Sophia said angrily.

“These are our own matters, it’s not up to you to care!”, the pig-headed sheriff slammed the table, took out a Glock 17 from the holster at his waist, and aimed it at the two of them.

“Now, I order you to raise your hands and face the wall!”

“What? You found out that you were in the wrong, so you’re going to force it?”, Hubert asked with a sneer.

“Hmph, so what if I am? Now, I’m the one holding a gun to your head. If you don’t want your head to explode, then do as I say!”, the pig-headed sheriff said as he pointed the gun at Hubert.

“You can’t win, so you’re going to take action?”, as Hubert said that, a Holy Light Shield suddenly appeared in his hand. Then, his whole body crashed toward the pig-headed sheriff like a cannonball.

The pig-headed sheriff was shocked when he saw this. Then, he immediately pulled the trigger.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of bullets shot out and swept toward Hubert.

While shooting, the pig-headed sheriff revealed a cruel smile.

His gun was filled with dumdums, which were extremely destructive. Under such close range shooting, he could even tear the opponent into pieces.

Even if one held an explosion-proof shield against it, it would not work.

He could not wait to see the scene of the opponent’s body being torn apart by dumdum bullets.

However, a shocking scene appeared.

When all the bullets touched the Holy Light Shield, they did not pass through the shield as he expected. Instead, they were stopped and fell to the ground.

Not even a dent was left on the smooth shield.

“This is impossible!”, the pig-headed sheriff stared at Hubert in disbelief. “Impossible, how can my dumdum bullets not pass through the shield? It’s an illusion! This must be an illusion!”, the pig-headed sheriff shouted, he continued to pull the trigger towards Hubert.

However, the remaining bullets still did not pass through the Holy Light Shield.

Kacha Kacha.

The pig-headed sheriff wanted to continue shooting, but the sound of an empty machine came from the gun. There were no more bullets in the magazine.

The pig-headed sheriff quickly reached for his waist and wanted to change the magazine, but Hubert had already come to his side.


The Holy Light Sword appeared in Hubert’s hand. With a wave of the long sword, a stream of blood gushed out from the pig-headed sheriff’s neck.

“Ugh…”, the pig-headed sheriff covered his neck with both hands, trying to stop the blood from flowing out. However, how could he stop the blood from flowing out with only his hands?

The pig-headed sheriff kicked his legs back and forth a few times. He straightened his neck and stopped breathing.

The pig-headed sheriff was dead. The remaining pig-headed police officer was stunned for a moment. Then, he grabbed the shotgun on the table next to him.

However, before his hand touched the shotgun, Hubert’s Holy Light Sword came in front of him.


A sword light flashed, and the pig-headed police officer’s head was chopped off.

Plop. The pig-headed police officer’s body fell to the ground.

Hubert bent down and took a bunch of keys from the pig-headed man’s waist.

“What is this?”, Sophia asked.

“The key to the gun cabinet,”, Hubert said as he tossed the keys in his hand.

Hubert followed the route he remembered and arrived at the gun cabinet of the police station.

It was a huge room with a two-inches thick steel security door outside. It was said to be able to block close-range shots from AK-74s and other assault rifles.

Hubert stuck the key in for a long time but still could not open it.

Hubert angrily pulled out his Holy Light Sword and made another hole in the door.

When the door was opened, Sophia and Hubert were shocked by what they saw.

There were hundreds of boxes in the whole room.

Hubert walked in and pried open a box containing a brand-new AR15 rifle.

Sophia also opened a small box. Inside was an anti-personnel mine.

Other than these two weapons, there were more Remington 870 shotguns and bullets.

They even found a few boxes of bulletproof vests.

“Why are there so many firearms in the police station?”, Sophia didn’t understand.

The supplies in this box exceeded the maximum amount that a police station could store.

In particular, things like the landmines should not be the equipment of the police.

“I’m not sure either.”, Hubert shook his head.

In his previous life, he had only come here to pick up some leftovers. Most of the goodies had been taken away by those who had come in first.

In fact, he did not even know that there would be things like landmines in the police station.

Otherwise, he would not have let the people from the church place traps in the grass. Wouldn’t it be better to just place the landmines?

As for why these things appeared here, Hubert had a guess. They could have been bought by a family or a big gang in the city through the police station.

As for why they didn’t come to pick them up, he didn’t know.

It could also be because something had delayed them, or it could be that before they received the news, the Cataclysm had broken out, so the owner of the goods didn’t know that the goods had arrived.

However, it did not matter what the reason was.

Now, the goods belonged to Hubert.

Looking at the hundreds of boxes, Hubert felt that the cart he brought was too small. It could not hold many things.

In desperation, Hubert could only open the boxes and stuff the guns and a certain proportion of ammunition into the shopping cart. He barely brought enough weapons to guard the church.

Sophia was even more delighted as she took out an AR15 rifle. She had enough of the awkward situation where the pistol could not break through the defense. This thing was much more powerful than the Glock, and it would greatly increase her strength.