Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 494

The strong words resounded through the heavens and the earth, making this piece of heaven and earth seem to solidify and scream the heavens.

Everyone is stunned, even if it is a few ancient Experts.

It must be known that the previous sacred gods have deep hostility towards Ye Chen, but at this moment, I don’t know why, as if standing on the side of Ye Chen.

Undead ancient ancestors couldn’t help but squint, said: “Yan Shenzun, you are…”

Yan Shen respected but did not pay attention to the undead ancient ancestors, but looked to towards Ye Chen, deep scorpion has a little flame in the prance, as if you can burn Nine Heavens ten places, terrifying infinite, also look towards towards Ye Chen, slowly Opening, said: “How did you get it?”

Ye Chen lightly smiled, sorry, “Trusted by people!”

Hear this, the god of the gods nodded, looking at the Great Dao rule and Great Dao blood essence in the palm of the hand, full of enthusiasm, full of excitement.

Finally, I was able to find the most outstanding Tianjiao.

It’s been tens of thousands of years, I thought he had passed away, and I didn’t expect to get his news again.

The sacred gods, naturally, also understand that this is the guy who voluntarily handed it to Ye Chen, not a good one.

I did not expect that, after so many years of disappearance, I would actually pass the information back in this way.

Yan Shenzun slowly looked at Ye Chen and said, “How is he now?”

Ye Chen shook his head: “The kid is a remnant of the soul, handing over the Great Dao blood essence to me, and then saying that it is enough to give it to the elderly.”

“Just a broken soul…”

The sacred god faintly sighed, as if to see the arrogant look of the arrogant.

For Ye Chen, it looks pleasing to the eye, with a good impression, nodded, said: “old man knows that these Great Dao blood essence must be the reward that the kid gives you, but with these blood essence, looking for that kid will be fast There are a lot of things. Naturally, the old man will not treat you badly. Today, the old man will be in your head to help you.”

The next moment, the sacred sage came to the side of Ye Chen, and stood with the Tianmen sect master, the Wanxiang government, and the early ancestors, and confronted the undead ancient ancestors.

This scene has changed the undead ancient ancestors, so that there are four ancient Experts.

However, the number of Experts on both sides is flat except for the neutral Hall of the Masses, the Purple Mansion Expert Expert.

Just around the corner, Ye Chen looked towards the Angel of the Angel family and said: “Shen Yu, there is one thing in Junior, please look at it.”

Everyone is wrong, and there is still something to be seen by the hostile Expert.

I have already attracted the sacred gods before, is it necessary to attract another person now?

Undead ancient ancestor expression is ugly, but it can’t stop it.

However, the most erroneous is the Sheng Yu Zun, some wrong, unclear, although it is an undead ancient ancestor, but in fact, there is not much hatred with Ye Chen, smiled: “Little guy, you will have something to show me What?”

“Shan Yu Zun and look at it.”

The holy feathers smiled, but they also took Ye Chen’s things. It was a soft white sacred light shining through the shining rays of light. It was the holy platinum of the chaotic fairy gold.

Not to mention what it is, just this piece of sacred platinum is worth the price, it is definitely one of the most precious treasures, ranking among the chaotic fairy gold, world-famous.

I didn’t expect this Ye Chen to come out and take it out.

Only when the sacred sacred person took over, in an instant, like the sacred gods, this piece of heaven and earth has solidified. This piece of heaven and earth is about to collapse, and the rumbling sounds.

The expression of the sacred sacred man is full of endless excitement, and trembles: “It turned out to be Emperor’s decree.”

Once in the Angel family, there was a supreme Emperor that touched the supreme field of the mythical God Emperor, and almost became another great emperor after Angel the Great.

Only in the mythological era, this Xeon Emperor suddenly disappeared, disappear without a trace.

Although the myth has been shattered, many people think that this Emperor has fallen, but the Angel family has always believed that the Emperor has not fallen, but for some reason, there is no return.

Nowadays, the Emperor’s former Emperor decree appeared, which made the Sacred Yuzens full of endless excitement when they saw it. They couldn’t help but say: “Little friend, this god makes you come from where you came from. “”

Seeing the exuberant expression of the holy feathers, the expression of the undead ancient ancestors and other people became difficult to look at, and could not help but say: “Sacred feathers, you must forget that this little animal has you and me. Wanted East -“

“To shut up!”

The undead ancient ancestors have not finished, and the holy feathers are angered, and the expression of the former is hard to see.

What kind of character is he, the ancient ancestor of Holy Land, the arrogant of the heavens, and the tens of thousands of fields, is one of the existences at the top of the pyramid, and he has been drunk like this.

Especially in front of so many cultivators who are arrogant, it is even more embarrassing.

But he can only be stunned and cold, but not how.

What is the Angel family, the real Godless, Imperial Family, the most powerful family of God Emperor in the mythology, has a very deep foundation, even if facing the people’s palace, there is no fear, even the emperor must be jealous. power.

And the inheritance of God Emperor has been the strongest emperor’s ancient soldiers, that is the strongest ancient soldiers of God Emperor in the past, the full recovery is no less than their birth and deforestation, can destroy the world.

The undead lineage is powerful enough, but it is actually a bit worse.

This is one of the fundamental reasons why the Tetriarch and the Imperial Family can stand out from the world.

Ye Chen saw this scene and couldn’t help but smile. Seeing that you are not dead lineage is still so arrogant, now it is a bitter.

I never thought about the undead ancient ancestors. The holy feathers came to Ye Chen’s side and seized the Emperor decree. It was full of excitement and power. As he whispered at this moment, he asked: “Little friends, please let me know.”

Ye Chen arched his arch and said: “Sir, please let Junior handle the matter in front of you. This is a long story and needs to be detailed.”

At this time, Sheng Yu Zun also calmed down the agitated state of mind, nodded: “In this case, this seat also helps small friends, solve the problem of small friends as soon as possible.”

Then he came to Ye Chen’s side, behind the sixteen wings, the endless Holy Light in the ordinary, but also in confrontation with the undead ancient ancestors, indifferent: “Don’t die, persuade you, or go back, this person, You can’t move.”