Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 485

Ye Chen killed the old emperor, waving the strong and powerful fist, and the golden light was shining, punching out with one punch and one punch.

Every punched out of the box, with the strength of terrifying, like the entire length of the sky is added to this god fist, bombardment.

Undoubtedly, the old emperor is quite uncomfortable now, because it is too strong, the power is endless, and the blast of each punch makes him uncomfortable with almost vomiting blood, and can’t bear it.

If he is not strong enough, he will resist the Aegis, which is made of such extraordinary materials. If it is replaced by other males, it is likely to have been smashed into minced meat.

The power of fighting against the Holy King is really not a false name. It is really powerful and unbelievable.


It was also a punch, and the whole man was blasted out. The blood was constantly splashing, and the gods began to crack. The corners of the mouth were coughing up blood, and some were stunned.

He has the urge to run away, because the super-masters of 9th layer, such as him, can’t face such a powerful battle king, to be killed.

However, he did not understand that Ye Chen’s past life was a true anti-tenthing person. He was called the supreme arrogance and the most powerful taboo warfare of the ancients. He surpassed everything in the Tao and the law and the flesh. Can kill the enemy across the big realm, how can the enemy.

However, he is a generation of 9th layer. Although Ye Chen is very powerful, he barely resists it, and he is using his magical powers. A path of God is the sky, representing the peak of the holy Tibet. The trace of the road turned to Ye Chen.

Then the mouth opened slightly and spit, and the purple light with the piece was quickly swelled, drowning in all directions.

Among them, a god of honor will appear quickly, holding a powerful warrior such as Excalibur, Shuangyu, Tiandao, Daxie, and Long Spear to attack and fight against the King of Fighting.

“It’s Purple Qi!”

Beyond this battlefield, the other males did not participate in the battles, but they were absolutely knowledgeable. They recognized the Taoism of the Xiaguo Laohuang at this moment, which is the legendary Purple Qi. .

Transforming into the Purple Qi with the Xitian spirit, similar to the Taoism of the peas, the apatho-like god will be born, each god will be very powerful, and can display the powerful power of the old emperor himself. Quite extraordinary.

Ye Chen just glanced at it coldly, and then opened a golden channel behind him, as if he had reached the ancient Great World of a golden god.

“It is the skill of the five elements of the Golden World of Fighting against the Holy King. It is the strongest attacking sacred technique of indiscriminate group attack!”

Naturally, some people have recognized the magical power that Ye Chen has shown at this moment.

The golden Great World was completely opened, the dazzling golden light was squirting, and it was extremely flaming. With a path of yellow golden light, it rushed out and became the most embarrassing meteor shower. Rushing towards all the gods will phantom.

Bang bang bang ——

The heavens trembled, and all the gods annihilated the phantom without being really rushed, and they were annihilated by the golden light, and they disappeared into ash, and nothing happened.

At the same time, the old emperor is also coughing up blood, because when fighting the holy king, there is no difference in attacking God when he will phantom, but also attacking, constantly waving the god fist, but can feel the power of each punch. It seems to be falling.

At the same time, the four Great Sage spirits are attacking the lords of the lords, and the heads of Ye Chen within the body are constantly being extracted from the head, as the springs, while attacking the lords, and also let Ye Chen within The body’s power is accelerating wear and tear.

Obviously, Ye Chen’s breath began to weaken, and Zhu Xiong had to kill the four Great Sage spirits. This moment is even more brave, constantly resisting, and shining.

Zhu Qiang sighs, although the fighting king has begun to weaken, and finally it is likely that eventually will be a situation of being killed, but this record is called a peerless glory.

In the world, how many people can face so many male lords, more old and old, and the old emperor’s shot, but also able to fight this step, to carry out the enemy, and even under pressure.

Nothing before, I am afraid that even the mythical God Emperor is a young age, but that’s all that’s all.

After a loud bang, the old emperor was once again blasted out, constantly sprinkling blood, and his mouth overflowed with blood, which was quite miserable.

But at this time, the phantoms of the four Great Sage spirits were quickly fainted. They were shot by the lords and they were almost directly blasted and shattered between heaven and earth.

Ye Chen’s breath is no longer so strong, the gold blood qi is fast and restrained, he seems to be aging a lot, and the whole person has become slim.

Fighting against the Holy King, they all began to feel weak.

This made the lords all sighed in relief, facing the fighting kings under the peak conditions, they all suffered the pressure of terrifying, like the mountains and giants in the heart, it is difficult to breathe coming.

It’s too strong, it’s so powerful that it’s impossible to beat.

If they really stay at their peak for a long time, they will be desperate.

“Hahaha, fight against the Holy King, even if you reborn in Samsara, how about recovery, after all, can only be maintained for a while, now you are not going to fall from the peak state?”

Zhu Xiong is in laughed heartily, everyone else is shaking his head and sighing, can sigh a generation of fighting against the Holy King, how powerful, how invincible, the arrival can not be invincible, after all, not really recover, just forcibly gather a good spirit Can’t be Eternal invincible.

It’s a pity that you can sigh, otherwise it will be completely recovered. There is no enemy here, and it can sweep all the enemy in the world.

“Little brother!” At the beginning, the female lord came forward, standing side by side with the fighting king, and the voice was soft but full of firmness: “I will fight side by side with you.”

Ye Chen shook his head gently and said: “You can’t do this if you are quiet, you don’t have to shoot.”

Although the old emperor is coughing up blood, but the breath is still very strong, in said with a sneer: “The Holy Lord is indeed a crown of the world, it is no wonder that you will not be weak in the front of these beautiful people, but you What is the ability to continue to maintain that poor prestige.”

Zhu Xiong is in laughed heartily, full of ridicule.

Ye Chen gaze glared at him coldly, saying: “I am fighting for the Holy King, when you are the enemy of the world!”


At this moment, Ye Chen’s already weakened breath suddenly climbed again, and in an instant he returned to the peak state, and the terrifying breath continued to slam the sky and overwhelm the heavens.

“How can it be!?”

Zhu Xiong shocked!