Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 471

On the land of the starry sky, on the altar of the ancient third pyramid, a skinny corpse that had already dried up and did not know how many years sat there, without a bit of flesh and blood, appeared to be air-dried, with a yellow and yellow hair, expression calm, knee-high Sitting still, as if meditation.

Looking at the dry corpse, Ye Chen stared wide-eyed, his mouth was open, and he looked at it all in front of him, with an indescribable shock.

That’s right, this is his body, exactly the body of his past life.

Although it was very thin, and even without a bit of flesh and blood, everything was dried up, no longer the fleshy appearance of the past, but he was able to sense the familiar source of the original, it is his past life.

He still remembers clearly in his previous life. He was joined by seven ancient Experts. The flesh and blood were burning. The gods were burning and everything was igniting. I thought it was lucky to have a little god to escape. Absolutely I didn’t expect that even the body would be preserved, that is, there was almost no flesh and blood left.

Although it is very strange, why his former corpse can be preserved, but it is puzzling.

Just inexplicable, he sensed a strange feeling, as if, as long as he was willing, this past corpse could recover and be used for him.

This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling, very wonderful, perhaps the reason of past and present.

“The so-called treasure is actually just a corpse?”

Zhu Qiang, the army of the league, seemed to be quite wrong. Absolutely, I did not expect that the treasure on the altar of the third pyramid would be such a heart-wrenching corpse, which was really infiltrating.

“No, this is definitely an extraordinary corpse. Otherwise, it is not qualified to stay in this place after the Tianguan Pass. It must be an extraordinary corpse.” Zhu Xiong became interested in the mistakes, so It is impossible to store ordinary things in a strange place.

After a while, suddenly, the main eyes of the Zhuxiong suddenly emerged with brilliance, gazing at the skinny corpse, even more glaring than the eggs gazing at the first altar.

Because at this moment, they all felt a special air machine that had been smashed out of this corpse. It was full of hegemony and full of immortal air.

Although it looks very thin, but the lord of the world can see a heroic stalwart sitting there, bathed in the endless golden light, once completely recovered, then the whole void will collapse Broken, everything shakes, sweeping the heavens, unmatched.

Everyone has a feeling of fear and fear.

This is astonishing, because it is an illusion, but it seems to exist in general, Zhu Xiong understands that this dry corpse must be a living, Megatron.

“I know who he is!”

At this moment, the masters of the lords were many times strong, and they immediately understood, shocked, stunned, and hot… excited!

That’s right, it’s exciting!

He is the king of fighting –

Thousands of months of bones!

Thousands of months, known as the battle of the Holy King, is the successor of the taboo Saint Dou Zhan lineage, but also a legendary supreme arrogance!

His life is full of legends, from the lower bounds, step by step from the world left by an ancient Expert.

First became a king, then went to war with the kings, killed Nine Heavens, embarked on the starry road left by Expert, battled the kings, stepped on the bones of the kings, and competed for the inheritance of the ancient Expert. .

In the end, he surpassed the kings and achieved the only true king. From then on, he created an immortal legend of life and passed away.

He inherited the world of the ancient Expert, created an immortal kingdom of God, and ascended in the era when Wanwan and Wanjie were banned, and began his own legendary road of Wanxiang.

The dragon dragon that has caught the strange kind of True Dragon has killed the elder of the immortal Holy Land, and has entered the Wanxiang House where thousands of days of arrogance gather. It has indirectly and directly collided with the immortal true king, and killed it with the semi-sacred body. Passing Saint or even the Lord, confronting the immortal king…

One thing can be described casually. Every one of them is definitely a legendary deed in the heavens. But in the thousands of months, it is commonplace.

Because he is a legendary figure, full of legends, it is the 9th layer that has been unsuccessful after the mythological era. It is the first ten-day possession after the mythology. It is perfect and perfect. Supreme is also the successor of the first taboo inheritance of Wanyu.

Although it was finally defeated because of a world-shaking major event, but after so many years, some people still remember that there was such a genius in the past few decades, even if it was as short as a meteor. After a period of glorious glory, it has been annihilated since then, but it is undoubted that he has been recorded in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

I have never known how many people are secretly sighed. If they grow up, the last person of the emperor may be him, and even have a great chance to reverse the hope of becoming an emperor.

Unfortunately, a generation of peerless arrogance.

The world believes that the holy sacred battle of the Holy King has long been the ancient expedition of seven ancient expeditions in the opening of the heavens decades ago, and the other murderer who sealed the other heavens did not expect to exist.

“It turned out to be a taboo lineage fighting the corpse of the Holy King. No wonder so, I thought it was smashed, and nothing happened. I didn’t expect it to last for a long time. Perhaps this is the terrifying of the first taboo of Wanxiang. “One of the lords is marveling at the sacred sacred, but the eyes are full of endless blaze.”

Because no one knows that the battle of the Holy King is the last generation of Saint Dou Zhan, or the ultimate inheritance of this taboo lineage.

Although fallen, but in his holy within the body, perhaps can also find the inheritance of Saint Dou Zhan lineage.

If it is obtained, and the cultivation is successful, it will be able to achieve the strongest of the taboo lineage. From then on, there is no fear in the fields.

It must be known that each generation of Saint Dou Zhan is an invincible of the ancients, not Heavenly King, at least the level of the ancient Expert, such as Saint Ancestor Dou Zhan, which is the most powerful in the mythology. On the Great.

For the inheritance of this lineage, and who does not want to get the hand, at least can create an immortal Holy Land career.

“No matter what other treasures are, the holy sacred battle of the Holy King must get the hand.” This is the mentality of the lords, the inheritance of Saint Dou Zhan lineage is not weaker than the inheritance of God Emperor, no one wants to give up.

Once you get it, it’s not a problem to create another topless Holy Land.

It’s not just the male masters who know this. At this moment, Ye Gucheng is full of dawn, with extraordinary traces intertwined and insightful.

After half a whistle, he sighed softly: “I know who he is, and it is the remains of the sacred sacred sacred moon. I never thought that I could live forever and never be destroyed. I don’t know Samsara, If the two worlds merge, can you match him who is alive?”

His words are full of regrets, because this powerful person has long since passed away, leaving only an immortal sacred bone to survive.

In addition, among the younger generations, after knowing it, I realized that this is the complex expression of the sacred sacred priest who was born in the invincible young generation decades ago.

Although they are all young spectators of the new generation, how can they not know about the battle king who was a few decades ago? It is still circulating in the universe and has become an epic figure.

Everyone knows that even the immortal king of the past generation is highly appraised for the fighting king, and it is regarded as a big enemy of life. It is also full of regrets and cannot be at the peak of it.

Many people are full of regrets and regrets for such a disappointment that broke the 9th layer after the mythology. They can’t witness their true peak, otherwise the declining Saint Dou Zhan lineage may not be able to re-enter the peak in his hands. Brilliance.


At this moment, the sacred lord of the early days, who had always been ignorant, suddenly moved. The momentum was many times stronger than the previous one. The majestic Great Dao was filled with air, and the void trembled. Let the stars tremble, and let the lords all change.

Her power is unparalleled, and any one who is stronger here, even those who are close to the big limit, are shocked at this moment.

Just releasing the most powerful power at the same time, but everyone can also see her unparalleled beauty, the crystal tears are falling, the drops are crystal clear, looking at the sitting sacred.

She is crying, but she is also laughing at the show, and she is fascinated by the world.

Laughing in tears, laughing in tears, very strange, but anyone can feel the emotional fluctuations in her heart, she is in the red lips, has an infinite love, softly said: “little brother, finally found you It is.”

Ye Chen was trembled, and Yingwei couldn’t help but tremble like his treasure. He was full of excitement, faintly sighed, this idiotic woman, taught him how to face her in the future.

Zhu Xiong’s masters were wrong, and immediately the palace owner of Yaochi’s Holy Land sighed softly: “I have heard that the young lord of the early days is the confidante of Saint Dou Zhan, who came together from the lower bound, but dispersed. It’s not bad to think about it now.”

Hearing this, Zhu Xiong is faintly sighed, it is no wonder that for many years, the crown of the world, known as one of the most beautiful Priestess, the first lord of the priestess, has always been pursued by many outstanding figures of Wanyu. Promise, it is no wonder that the heart has belonged to it.

It is a pity that it is only a forbidden person who has passed away.


In the beginning, the female saints ignored Zhu Qiang’s strange eyes and directly opened the lotus feet. The void stepped, step by step, and rushed straight to the seemingly infiltrating body.

This scene makes all the masters change. Although they know the relationship between the two, the holy sacred is about the taboo inheritance of Saint Dou Zhan lineage, and anyone wants it.

At this moment, the Zhuxiong masters are skyrocketing and go straight to fight for the holy shrine.