Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 304

Split sky chop, that one\'s famous fighting skill!

Countless people in the world practice, but few can practice to the essence, let alone enter the Tao.

Splitting heaven into the Tao is not terrible. Neither Zhou Si nor Dai Yaoyao will be afraid.

But what makes them more concerned is the significance of cutting into the Tao.

Xu Wuzhou was born in Lin\'an, Yunzhou, and cut into the Tao by splitting the sky. What\'s the relationship with that?

"I cut!"

Xu Wuzhou entered the Tao at this time, and the blood light vision did not enter his body. He waved a long knife and cut off the Qi of hiss. He was extremely overbearing. He cut down with a knife and swallowed everything and wanted to cut it off completely.

The long knife was cut on Tuoba Kuang\'s long gun. Tuoba Kuang only felt the violent impact of overwhelming force, and the power was beyond imagination.

He suddenly cast his secret arts, and his energy burst out violently. But even so, the beheaded figure retreated repeatedly.

The hand holding the long gun shook the spilled blood. His arm trembled and retreated tens of meters. Only then did he stabilize his figure and look at Xu Wuzhou with burning eyes.

"Thank you!" Xu Wuzhou laughed wildly at Tuoba. It\'s not because of his pressure that it\'s hard to enter the Tao.

Xu Wuzhou stood there, his blood rippling. He was arrogant and domineering, with a faint courage to look down on the four sides.

"The overlord is very brave, no two through the ages!"

Dai Yaoyao looked at Xu Wuzhou, a fierce bully, and spit out these words. This is a well-known saying in the world. There are thousands of families in the world, but if you want to say that you are brave and crazy, who can compare with that one? He used it to cross the ages!

"Xu Wuzhou... Is it really the layout of Yunzhou?" Dai Yaoyao stared at Xu Wuzhou.

Tuoba shook his arm wildly and looked at Xu Wuzhou at this time. His eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

"You are stronger than Zhang Qiang!" Tuoba said to Xu Wuzhou.

This sentence made Zhang Qiang blush when he was healing. He was known as the first person in daozong God\'s hiding place. But now it seems to be in vain.

"Better than you!" Xu Wuzhou said to Tuoba madly.

Tuoba laughed wildly, looked at Xu Wuzhou and said, "I can\'t get the origin of black Kirin\'s life, so I\'ll take your life."

While talking, Tuoba Kuang broke out an amazing breath of energy, just like walking in the golden light, bathed in the vast aura, the long gun trembled, vaguely like a gun dragon.

"You really deserve me to be serious, so I\'ll let you know what is the real pride of the hundred show list." when Tuoba spoke wildly, the long gun clanked and the luster of his eyes was amazing.

At the moment, Tuoba maniac\'s body trembled and runes rushed towards him. The blood marks just injured by the shock of his arm were repaired at the moment. His body was full of war spirit and the climbing path was the strongest. The whole person became very bright, and everyone felt the breath of the mountain.

At this moment, everyone knows how terrible Tuoba mania is.

"Xu Wuzhou, you think your re-entry into the Tao is Tianjiao. I will let you understand that you are just scum."

Tuoba maniac looked contemptuous and his spear trembled. He evolved track marks, which were intertwined with the spear.

At this moment, he used his cards to drive the rotation of the spear in the war skills room. Suddenly, a golden energy whirlwind appeared between heaven and earth. On the spear, all kinds of runes reflected in it and became more and more bright.

"This move is called the beast out of the gate. There is the fury of the fierce beast, and then integrate into my way. Can you stop your Sabre entering the way?"

While talking, Tuoba waved wildly. The whole person turned into a beast. He really became extremely ferocious and violent, just like a wolf with blood red eyes. He shot savagely and powerful.

The golden whirlpool of the spear surged, devoured everything, and instantly covered Xu Wuzhou.

At this time, Xu Wuzhou entered again and his strength soared. But he looked at the shot with a dignified face, but he was not afraid and did not dodge.

"Who told you that I\'m going to cut your spear with a knife? The wind and rain startled Gu Yue!"

Xu Wuzhou used the first sword of the annihilation sword and came out with a sword. The sword Qi was towering and greeted each other\'s long gun.

Heaven and earth appeared in vain. With Xu Wuzhou\'s sword, they rushed to Tuoba crazy.

"What a strong Kendo!"

Some people mutter to themselves that Kendo shocks their hearts. They have never seen it before.

The gun clashed with the sword.

At this moment, the scene completely turned into an explosion scene, and the Qi flew everywhere. People couldn\'t see what happened.

When the two separated, they saw that Xu Wuzhou\'s fingers were full of blood and the tiger\'s mouth was torn. The whole person looked miserable.

But... They looked at Tuoba crazy and found that he was not much better. The long gun also shocked his whole arm, with blood beads everywhere, and the clothes on his arm had already been completely broken.

Both were hurt.

"Hiss!" many people gasped, but most of them were thirsty and staring at Xu Wuzhou.

Tuoba crazy strong, they know, because this is the existence of the hundred show list. He has always been invincible.

Maybe there is no boat... Not long ago, it was just in God\'s possession. At the moment, can it match Tuoba\'s crazy war?

Even Zhang Qiang was stunned and stared at Xu Wuzhou with incredible eyes.

Does Taoism have such strong Tianjiao? All along, daozong and Baixiu list have failed!

Tengzi and wanteng are shooting at the two women. They can be defeated again and again. They are full of frustration. But now... Their frustration is even stronger.

Even if they can block the attack of Tuoba madness just now, they have to use all their cards. In other words... Xu Wuzhou is not weak, even... Stronger.

"How strong!" Xu Wuzhou stared at Tuoba madly.

This man is really powerful beyond imagination.

The silent sword is so powerful. Needless to say, it crushed other practitioners all the way. But now... This man is blocked. He is the only one in the same rank to block his silent sword.

Tuoba maniac was also unbelievable. He had never been able to block out the gate with beasts. Maybe Wuzhou not only blocked, but also hurt him.

Tuoba maniac would never allow his unbeaten record to be broken. He stared at Xu Wuzhou and said, "it surprised me, but... Do you know why I can enter the hundred show list?"

When Tuoba maniac spoke, everyone felt a dazzling light burst out from Tuoba maniac, and he was wrapped with golden runes. The golden Rune made his body crystal.

"Golden body! No wonder you can enter the hundred show list." Dai Yaoyao slapped Tengzi.

Tuoba said, "I\'ve forgotten how long I haven\'t used my gold body. This is my real card. Can you still stop my move?"

While talking, Tuoba\'s crazy long gun erupted into a vortex again. The golden vortex was more terrible than just now. His eyes stared at Xu Wuzhou coldly, with some disdain.

"If you offend someone you shouldn\'t offend, you should die." Tuoba was ferocious and used the beast to get out of the gate again.

They thought that Xu Wuzhou would avoid it. Xu Wuzhou stood there, holding the long knife tightly, and his expression was still calm.

The second sword of annihilation sword should be seen by the world.
