Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 296

Zhao Ming\'s knife cut, everyone only felt a dazzling light, and the energy was confused. This knife showed the power of treasure and his war skills.

The blade of the knife fits with people. If you cut it down, heaven and earth will collapse.

Everyone swallowed saliva and looked at Xu Wuzhou, thinking that he should be invincible to this move. After all, this is a terrible trick that a strong man who has practiced Tao for four times shows his treasure.

"Can Xu Wuzhou stop it?"

"His swordsmanship is extraordinary. Maybe he can resist with that move!"


People talked, but soon they found that Xu Wuzhou didn\'t use his kendo. Instead, he fought Zhao Ming with other secrets.

"Is he crazy? How can he stop this move without using his sword skill?"

"This knife is enough to hit him hard!"


People couldn\'t understand Xu Wuzhou, but at the moment, Xu Wuzhou\'s whole body burst into a bright light. The whole person soared into the air, and the Tao patterns trembled around him. He was like an incarnation of a roc, and his energy turned into plumes.

The whole person\'s momentum rippled in the sky, and the powerful penetration erupted into majestic blood gas. The whole person had the dignity of crushing everything.

He swooped down like a roc, and the Tao pattern trembled. He accumulated terrible energy and directly met the knife that cut at the other party.


At the next moment, people only see a dazzling light, and the whole world will burst.

Many people just feel that their eardrums are about to burst. They can\'t help covering their ears.

They also saw an incredible scene.

Zhao Ming\'s arm shakes, the tiger\'s mouth bleeds and tears, and drops of blood drop on the ground.

He also had blood in his mouth, his body retreated, and the whole person was shaking.

"How is that possible?"

"The treasure ware cooperated with the five-level fighting skills of the strong four times, and Xu Wuzhou blocked it with his bare hands?"

"It\'s too strong. What combat skills did he just show?"

"I think it\'s like the Pengzu war skills of Shenpeng!"

"It\'s a bit like that, but... It\'s impossible!"

"I think he\'s stronger than Shen Peng when he shows his fighting skills."

"It shouldn\'t be Shen Peng\'s war skills. Shen Peng doesn\'t even hesitate to eat blood. His practice is not so powerful. He\'s only got it for a few days. How can he be so powerful."


Many people don\'t want to believe it, but Tengzi and others can naturally see that this is Shenpeng\'s fighting skill.

They also thought it strange that what chance did Xu Wuzhou get to practice Shenpeng\'s war skills to this extent.

The combat power just demonstrated is also the lowest of five high-level combat skills.

"His strength soared, and Lien Chan\'s skills were cultivated to this extent. Did he really enter a secret place?"

Tengzi and others stared at Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou has the upper hand and will not miss this opportunity. He repeatedly displayed his fighting skills and constantly attacked Zhao Ming.

Zhao Mingqiang uses a treasure in action. At this time, the spirit can\'t carry it. There can also carry Xu Wuzhou\'s attack.

One after another, his strength continued to explode, and his whole body was completely cracked, and his whole body suffered unimaginable attacks.


He vomited two more mouthfuls of blood, and the long knife in Zhao Ming\'s hand was shocked by Xu Wuzhou. When Xu Wuzhou swept down, he was hit on the huge book.

A dull blow made him spit blood again.

When Xu Wuzhou swept away, the treasure fell into his hand. The treasure ware is made of black iron, which is of excellent quality.

It fell into his hand and turned into a knife the size of a fingernail.

"Good thing!" Xu Wuzhou muttered, but he didn\'t swallow it directly. He has always been a waste of weapons when he performed the split sky chop. With this treasure, you won\'t have to change it again and again.

At this time, there was a lot of liquid in Xu Wuzhou\'s black bowl, and he didn\'t think of swallowing it immediately.

Zhao Ming watched as all his treasures fell into Xu Wuzhou\'s hands. He stared at Xu Wuzhou with a gloomy look, clenched his fist, but finally relaxed again.

finished! He was defeated by Xu Wuzhou, and the hundred show list was completely hopeless.

Unwilling! How long did he work hard to maintain the state of suppressing himself, but in the end he was hopeless.

Zhao Ming took a deep breath, looked at Xu Wuzhou and said, "I remember today\'s revenge!"

"Do you still want revenge?" Xu Wuzhou looked at Zhao Ming and said.

"Hum! Let\'s divide it up again!" Zhao Ming said to Xu Wuzhou, not looking at the dead tree.

Seeing that Zhao Ming was leaving, Xu Wuzhou shouted, "wait! You may not understand some rules."

"What rules?" Zhao Ming frowned at Xu Wuzhou.

"You can ask other people, they all understand." Xu Wuzhou said.

Zhao Ming sweeps at the others, and everyone avoids his eyes. Finally, it fell on WAN Chong. Wan Chong answered casually, "it\'s a ransom... Oh, no, it\'s the education fee for learning from a cut."

Xu Wuzhou gave Wan Chong an appreciative look. Wan Chong was really interesting and didn\'t lose himself to help him understand the Tao once.

Zhao Ming couldn\'t hear each other\'s meaning. He stared at Xu Wuzhou gloomily. However, seeing everyone watching him, he stopped saying anything after all. With a hum, he took out some things from his arms and threw them to Xu Wuzhou. "It\'s not a shame to be arrogant and rob his peers!"

Xu Wuzhou took over and said with a sneer, "help people grow and teach them to be human. What\'s the shame of such a noble thing? Isn\'t it a shame to learn from you to kill? I\'m kind-hearted and don\'t like your indiscriminate killing."


Without saying anything, Zhao Ming glanced at the dead tree and left quickly.

Xu Wuzhou looked at Zhao Ming\'s back and shouted, "look at your strength. If you sincerely join our sect, I can also consider it!"

Zhao Ming gave his body a meal, then snorted coldly and left again.

"It depends on your strength, so our Taoist sect is willing to transform you. Otherwise, who wants you?" Xu Wuzhou muttered.

The crowd looked at Xu Wuzhou and it was quiet all around.

No one expected such a result. Zhao Ming was defeated directly.

Tengzi and wanteng looked dignified. They stared at Xu Wuzhou and regarded Xu Wuzhou as a competitor.

They have a sense of crisis. Xu Wuzhou should have planted Tao three times. He is so strong. If you plant Tao once, won\'t it suppress them?

Is it difficult for Xu Wuzhou to plant the Tao and hide it? How long has it taken him to plant the Tao three times since he was just absorbed in hiding?

Thinking of this, they were awed.

To enter the hundred show list, you have to plant the road five times. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for a boat to get in the way.

Tengzi and WAN Teng are even considering whether to take action at the moment and directly suppress and kill Xu Wuzhou to solve the competitor.

Just... Thinking of his identity as a disciple of Taoism and the identity of a young teacher in the world.

They didn\'t have the courage to do such a thing after all.
