Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 263

It\'s the same person who shows the same fighting skills. If a person follows the rules and regulations, a person can simplify and eliminate redundant moves, the two are superior to each other.

Of course, compared with this, Xu Wuzhou is more concerned that he has learned 999 sets of combat skills, and his martial arts foundation has been completely laid down. At this time, he really has a solid foundation to support him.

At this moment, Xu Wuzhou felt that he had really stepped into the door of martial arts.

"Who are you?" Xu Wuzhou asked his doubts when he saw that the madman would answer him.

"The immortal body, the inheritance of hope." the madman replied Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou was puzzled and looked at the madman incomprehensibly. The madman did not continue to answer.

Xu Wuzhou asked another question: "why help me break the virtual shadow?"

"Over the years, many people have forgotten that the Terrans can base themselves on this continent. It is because they are down-to-earth step by step. After big fish and meat, they won\'t pick up the white rice that fell on the table." the madman said.

Xu Wuzhou had guessed the answer for a long time, but when he heard the madman say so, he was really sure.

If you want to go to this altar, you must learn all these war skills. But in fact, each warrior\'s understanding is limited. They can understand some suitable combat skills, but it is very difficult to understand them all.

If Xu Wuzhou doesn\'t have a black bowl, he can\'t guarantee all his feelings. Most importantly, it can\'t be so fast.

And this is also the key. Xu Wuzhou believes that there is absolutely superior understanding in this world. As long as they take the time, they can still understand these war skills.

It\'s just... Such people don\'t want to spend a lot of time learning these ordinary combat skills.

How can those real Tianjiao look up to the three-level war skills?

That\'s what the madman said. After eating a lot of fish and meat, you can\'t see these ordinary combat skills.

Xu Wuzhou thought that he would be himself if he didn\'t have a black bowl. If he really depends on himself, he may learn some. But I will never learn it all, because it takes too much time and energy.

"Of course, that\'s not why I broke the virtual shadow for you." the madman said again.

"Hmm?" Xu Wuzhou wondered.

"It just makes me stop. But... Breaking the virtual shadow, I want you to climb the altar without being blocked. It\'s not easy for someone to understand all the fighting skills within the rules, and don\'t want to be driven down by the virtual shadow because of your poor strength." the madman said again.

"Why?" Xu Wuzhou asked.

"The ages are too long. The world has changed for a long time. I really grow up. When I grow up, I have to go to the world to see. Only when you go to the altar can you open the door for me." the madman said.

Xu Wuzhou squinted at the madman. He didn\'t understand what he said. From Zhou Si\'s words, the madman existed forever, but he said he had just grown up.

Does he need to go through eternity when he grows up?

The madman took Xu Wuzhou to the bronze platform in the center of the altar.

However, before Xu Wuzhou reached the bronze platform, he was stopped by the scene in front of him.

In front of the bronze platform, Xu Wuzhou saw three big characters.

The three big characters are dripping with blood and scarlet, just like fresh blood.

"What is Tao?"

Xu Wuzhou recognized these three characters, but he just took a look at them and felt that the spirit was about to burst. This big character contains infinite truth and charm, which is so powerful that he can\'t bear it at a glance.

When Xu Wuzhou looked at these three characters, a virtual shadow appeared in the void.

This is a man, this virtual shadow is the essence, and there is no momentum when it appears.

But the more so, Xu Wuzhou became more and more vigilant. On the steps, every virtual shadow appears with terrible momentum. But this virtual shadow spirit has no momentum, which is enough to represent its extraordinary.

Most importantly, the ghost appeared. The madman didn\'t do it, so he stood there quietly.

Yingling virtual shadow shot Xu Wuzhou, and the shot was thunderous. Hit out with a powerful force.

This is a set of boxing, a set of boxing on the steps.

With one punch, although Xu Wuzhou reacted very quickly, he was greeted with strength. But the powerful power still shook him.

Xu Wuzhou\'s figure retreated again and again. In an instant, he retreated to the edge of the altar.

Appearing on the edge again, many martial artists saw Xu Wuzhou clearly. They were stunned and thought, what is Wuzhou doing?

But soon they understood that they saw a virtual shadow spirit coming straight, and then attacked Xu Wuzhou with war skills.

Every move carries inexplicable power. The energy rushed out, terrible.

Seeing this, Xu Wuzhou turned pale. Because this virtual shadow is stronger than any previous one.

Looking at the warrior who burst at him, Xu Wuzhou fought with his fighting skills. The power erupted from his body, releasing the mighty power and directly facing the virtual shadow.


Xu Wuzhou fought with the other party, and Xu Wuzhou only felt his blood rolling. This virtual shadow is much stronger than expected.

Dai Yaoyao and Zhou Si also saw the virtual shadow, and their eyes were burning.

"The virtual shadow of the sage!"

Both were shocked, and their eyesight was extraordinary. It can be seen that the virtual shadow carries holy power.

What existence can carry Shengwei? Only saints!

Is this the virtual shadow of saints and heroes? Isn\'t that the sage\'s Tao and Dharma?

Both of them are somewhat thrilled. If the saint\'s spirit is empty, it can be comparable to a young saint.

What on earth is there on the altar? There are such virtual shadows and heroes.

The crowd didn\'t understand. They all looked at the stage.

At this time, Xu Wuzhou fought with the sage\'s virtual shadow.

People thought that Xu Wuzhou would be hit and fly in an instant. Because this is the ghost of saints, an absolutely powerful and terrible existence.

Maybe there was no boat, but it resisted.

"The realm is equivalent to Xu Wuzhou, and the Tao has not been planted in God\'s possession!"

"It should be a battle of the same rank!"

"Although it is a virtual shadow of the spirit of heroes, it is, after all, a virtual shadow of the spirit of saints. It carries the traces of saints, and its power is invincible."

"This existence, the whole nine palaces holy land, can block not many!"

"I thought Xu Wuzhou could climb the altar, but I didn\'t expect to be beaten down in the end."

"Hehe, I knew he couldn\'t succeed!"


Everyone talked and looked at the stage. But Xu Wuzhou fought with the virtual shadow, and his figure changed quickly. They can see it at the edge, but they can\'t see it as long as they hit it.

However, the sound of the confrontation between the two makes people feel the intensity.

In fact, the war is really fierce.

The virtual shadow was more powerful than expected. He exceeded the limit and was as powerful as Xu Wuzhou.

The fighting skills are continuous, and the hand is extremely fast and skillful.

One move at a time, the light is bright and the energy is huge. Like a tsunami, it kills Xu Wuzhou with the explosion of war skills.

But... Xu Wuzhou found that any combat skills displayed by this virtual shadow are those on the steps.
