Estela by Miu

Chapter 30: Amethyst

I woke up when I heard angry voices, and my eyes flew towards the open window.

Grunting, I dragged my body up from the heavenly bed to close the window so I could go back to sleep.

"Don't ever show your face here again!"

I paused.

That's Lily's voice.

I didn't know that she could have this tone full of contempt and coldness. She was nothing but affectionate to me.

Shaken and curious, I glanced below the two-story mansion and saw Lily talking to a tall, handsome young man.


My heart missed a beat.


"Little Stela . . ."

His voice was soft and low. His eyes shone with different emotions –– relief, pain, hurt, guilt.

"Little Stela!"

He called again, and my legs almost gave way.

Afraid of what this man had done to me, I closed the window, but not before I heard Lily's angry voice.

"I let it slide for Estela, but this time, don't ever come near her again if you know what's good for you."

And I went back to bed.

Peace and quiet.

. . .

. . .

I turned around, unable to sleep.

Those amethyst eyes were bugging my brain, and my heart wasn't cooperating.

I sighed and brought my hand on top of my eyes, forcing myself to sleep.


These past few days, Lily Fay remained by my side. She was sticking to me like a fly stuck on flypaper. If that was one way to express my feelings in the current situation.

She was showing me pictures and bringing me to places that could awaken my memories, and it was a week since I stepped foot in their –– I mean, our mansion while Hynes was busy at work.

Ever since my brother was married, Hynes was substituting for my brother while the latter was busy enjoying his honeymoon with his wife.

The only time I saw my brother's wife was at that time in the hospital. Lily said she was my best friend.

I wonder why I couldn't remember her.

Well, I can't remember anything.

In the meantime, we were in our office building in New York. My mother wanted me to feel the environment where I worked, hoping it would jog some memories.

I scooted closer to Lily, feeling uncomfortable and scared like how I usually am when I saw unfamiliar people and surroundings.

I couldn't help feeling terrified –– feeling the world would swallow me whole.

I was like a caged rabbit freed into the wilds.

I fixed my long white prairie skirt and the calf of my long-sleeve grey shirt. I knew I probably look like an old maid in my outfit, but I couldn't help it. I felt vulnerable and uneasy when I didn't cover myself.

All the beautiful dresses and clothes in my closet were a little too . . . revealing for me. Thus, Lily brought me to our boutique so I could choose the clothes I wanted.

"This is your office, dear." Lily encouraged me to step into a neatly organized room, and yes –– everything was in the shades of white down to the furniture.

Do I love the color white so much?


Lily's face held expectations, but I just stared at her. No familiarization, just the feeling of being comfortable.

If that counts.

Lily's face fell, but she forced a smile.

It didn't bother me. I was already used to her change of facial expressions.

"That's alright. It's just been a week after all." Lily clasped her hands, and her face brightened.

"I know! Why don't we visit your brother? You always love to be around him."

Before I could even say anything, she grabbed my hand, and we rode the private elevator going to my brother's office.

When the elevator dinged, I was transported in a room with a modern theme in hues playing in shades of black, grey, and white.

I spotted my brother sitting like a King on his throne.

"What're you doing here?"

Lily's angry voice snapped me out of my amazement and noticed that my brother was not alone.

Those amethyst eyes were staring at me. He was sitting in front of my brother. Bags decorated his eyes, and he was thinner since the last time I saw him in our mansion.

"Little Stela . . ."

Those amethyst poles shone bright when we met gazes.

I was scared when my body shook yet again.

He stood to his feet and zoomed towards me.


Panic and terrified, I pulled away from Lily's grasp and circled my way to my brother's protection. Hiding behind him –– shaking, silently asking for him to keep me safe.

The man looked hurt, and I felt anytime now, he would –– collapse.

"Get out! Get out now!"

Lily's voice pierced the tensed silence, and I trembled even more.

This was the first time I saw Lily so fierce. It was like she was going to kill the man.

Don't! . . . Don't!


Don't what?

"Mother, he and I have business."

My brother's calm voice somehow comforted me. My brother didn't even bother to glance at me. But even so, his back was all I needed to feel safe.

"Cain! How could you? After what he did? We could have lost Estela! It's already considered mercy that we let him off." Lily's color was paler than usual. Her emerald eyes were deeper and darker without an ounce of warmth as she was ready to fling at any moment to suck the lights out of those violet poles.

No! . . . Don't . . .

Don't what?

My brother stood to his feet, and I grabbed his shirt, asking him in silence not to leave me. He just briefly glanced at my direction, mirth and amusement in his eyes.

I felt like I was being mocked.

I don't like it.

"Mother. Take Estela and go."

My brother remained calm, yet I felt his tone had a tint of warning in them.

Lily regained her bearing. She breathed deeply but still maintained her piercing cold eyes at the man while the latter continued looking at me. His eyes not leaving me that I hid again behind my brother's back to escape his view.

I felt like he would take me away at any moment, and my legs turned to jelly at the thought.

"Let's go, Estela." Lily extended her hand to me.

I didn't budge, still shaking at the thought if I left my brother's back, the man would snatch me away.


My body heeded my brother's command like it was trained to obey his every word.

My wobbling legs and trembling hands somehow managed to make its way towards Lily while all the while, I felt those amethyst eyes boring through me.

I lowered my head, afraid to meet his gaze.

Afraid to see the hurt on his face.

Eh? What did I think?

Before I could contemplate, Lily grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the elevator. And before the door close, the man spoke in silence.

I love you.