Escape the Infinite Chamber

Chapter 77


Luo Jian suddenly opened her eyes, and was full of panic. He climbed from the ground in a row, knelt on his knees with one lacquer, and held her knife tightly in her right hand, observing the surrounding environment with vigilance.

He thought he was still in the narrow and closed passage, he thought he had not succeeded in killing the enemy, and he even dreamed that he had died. However, whether it was true or not, he could bring him a huge impact.

But Luo Jian soon found that he was no longer in that narrow passage. He was now in a relatively spacious small tomb room, which in fact said that it was not particularly spacious. There was only one coffin in the small chamber, and the space outside the coffin was only enough for two people to walk side by side. When he woke up, he lay beside the coffin.

Luo Jian knelt in the place without moving. He looked around the bad situation, and made sure that he was not in danger and could not help but relieved. After the initial tension, he felt the pain on his neck, and felt his neck subconsciously, but felt the bandage on his neck.


When he and the enemy clown were in that narrow passage, he and he almost used all the power they could use to kill the enemy, with the idea of being together! When rowjane waved to cut the jester's carotid artery directly, the enemy did the same thing as he did!

In the view of luojane at that time, falling high and losing blood a lot, even if the enemy can no longer have the ability to die, it can definitely destroy him! In this way, at least it can also achieve the role of containment, to reduce some threats to their own team.

Without this, rojan did not want to die easily, and he had even the same method of returning. It was conceivable that he had been forced to a situation where he had to take his life.

But suddenly, Luo Jian found that she was not dead. He appeared in a small tomb without any reason. There was only one coffin in the chamber with him, and even his neck was bandaged. Obviously Someone saved him.

Who saved me?

Luo Jian can't help turning over his clothes. He still wears that ragged and cut ancient dress. There is not much on him. The hunter takes all the equipment that he should have, and even the clothes are removed. (in fact, his weapons have been replaced.) Although Jane has been wondering why the other party should do so.

But what luojane now has is only two things, all of which are obtained from the coffin in the main tomb room, a scroll which has been inserted in the waist, and a half jade pendant hanging on her neck.

It can be said that the situation of rojan is very bad. He is alone. He has no props to protect himself except weapons. Even in panic, he is lost. There is no way in this huge tomb that can show him the way - wait?

What suddenly came to her mind, Jane turned the scroll out of her waist.

In the note in the secret room, there is a hint that the tomb owner's ink and water portrait.

"Ink painting." Jane mumbled, turning the scroll open and frowning. The scroll doesn't look very special. It is a portrait of a man, dressed in an old dress and a hat, sitting in a chair, and not having much expression on his face.

After a long time, Luo Jian looked at the portrait, and the picture was a picture, and there was no inscription or other simple portrait. Luo Jian looked up and down, left and right, and was unable to see anything from the painting. Moreover, the picture scroll was very old, the paper was yellow, and some places of ink lines were blurred.

Luo Jian pondered for a long time and sighed, but then he settled down and thought about what he thought. He began to study the axis of the painting scroll, which is the shaft head of the painting axis. The ancients seemed to like to put Dong * * in it, and then he turned out something.

"A rag." "I shake the cloth in my hand," said Luo Jian. The strip was painted with a line of inexplicable reason. Oh If you look carefully, you will find that it is not painted but on a line of lines, not only lines but also some small words that you can't understand.

Rojan soon found that the font or pattern on the rag was incomplete, which means it was probably one of the broken maps.

As for where the other maps are, the answer is probably to be found from the enemy.

Luo Jian put the rags in her arms, touched the half jade pendant hanging on her neck, then stood up and began to find the way out of the small tomb. He could not have been here all the time, and the danger had not passed.

But Luo Jian just stood up, suddenly heard a voice behind her back, and suddenly, she shivered, and realized that someone was standing behind him to speak.

"You wake up." That's what the man said.

Rojan doesn't even know when he's standing behind him.

So he turned around and looked back! This found that a man appeared on the edge of the coffin, sitting on the lid of the coffin with his back facing rojan, wearing a Black Hoodie, a hat on his head, her back against rojan, and his head sitting with his head bent. When luojian saw this man, she was surprised that she could not help but suppress it. Because the tomb was relatively small, the objects around it were almost invisible, and there was no place for Tibetans. Where did the goods come out?Luo Jian was puzzled, but soon he had an idea. I'm afraid this is the effect of carrying the secret room. The goods were in the secret room before! Therefore, when he suddenly appears, he will give people a feeling of appearing out of thin air.

Having figured out this, Luo Jian cheered herself up in her heart and tried to keep his inhuman calmness. She asked, "who are you?"

Although Luo Jian asked who the other party was, in fact, at that moment, he had made a lot of conjectures about the identity of the unexpected guest! The hunters are said to be unable to speak, so they can be ruled out, and the only thing left is The enemy, or the new teammate you never met.

When Luo Jian put the dead in the coffin before, although he could not see the exact face of those enemies, he still remembered the voice and tone of the group of people.

However, the voice of this man is different from that of any enemy Luo Jian has heard before. It is not the deep and dumb voice of the vampire captain, nor the rough voice of that strong man. Naturally, it will not be the clown with a scalpel. Otherwise, Luo Jian would have been killed by a knife. Of course, it is more unlikely that it is the voice of the woman with long hair.

So there are only two choices left for Luo Jian's conjecture. One is that this person is the last enemy member who has not seen him. 2、 He's the new teammate in rojan's team.

In fact, judging from the current environment and situation, the second option is the most likely. Otherwise, Luo Jian would have died rather than stand here in good condition. Obviously, he was saved by the new team mate.

Sure enough, the new teammate turned his head slightly, showing a small half of his face, and said to Luo Jian, "my code name is apocalypse, as for my name Oh, I've forgotten my name. You can call me ghost. That's my nickname

The voice of the other party was muffled, but Luo Jian found that the voice was familiar. He seemed to have heard it somewhere, but he could not remember it for a while. He felt it necessary to look at the face of the other party.

"Can you turn around?" So she said.

The new teammate seemed to be hesitating for a moment and sighed. He jumped off the coffin and turned to face Luo Jian.

Luo Jian felt her heart suffocated for a moment, and then she had a terrible illusion that she couldn't breathe. She said in disbelief, "is it you?"

The ghost of the chamber of secrets.

The man that Luo Jian once saw in front of her uncle's shop. According to him, he has signed a lifelong contract with the secret room and has become the ghost of the secret room. This man is probably Luo Jian, his cousin who has been missing for nearly 20 years.

"It seems that we have met again. It's predestined." The cousin's temperament is gentle and gentle, and he has two lovely dimples when he laughs. But when he doesn't smile, his face under the brim makes him look very handsome. After a long time, Luo Jian's impression of her cousin has been blurred since she was a child. At the moment, facing the lost and recovered relatives, he feels strange and familiar.

"Are you the apocalypse?" Luo Jian didn't know how to address each other. She really followed his nickname of ghost. She felt very uncomfortable. However, when she called her brother, she really couldn't say it for a while. In particular, the other party seemed to have lost all memory of "reality", that is to say, he did not remember that luojian was his younger brother.

"I am the apocalypse." The cousin answered him.

"But you didn't tell me that you are a ghost, and the ghost has no right to return to reality. To be an apocalypse is to accept the final trial, and the successful trial can return to reality. In that case, how can the chamber of secrets make you an apocalypse? "

Luo Jian's statement seemed to make the ghost smile with a vague meaning, and replied: "the person who told you this information obviously didn't say everything. The Apocalypse can return to reality as long as he successfully completes the final trial. But players like me who have no right to return to reality can also successfully complete the trial, and if the secret room can not send me back to reality, it will be changed to -- Realize one of my wishes, except for all my wishes to return to reality. "

"I see." "You came for that wish," she understood

Silence for a while, Luo Jane some presumptuous ask exit: "can I ask you?"

"Go ahead."

"What kind of wish is it?"

The ghost's voice was very light, as if with hope, and his expression was particularly gentle: "it's very simple. It's just to terminate the lifetime contract. From a ghost to an ordinary player again, in this way, my reality can come back, and I can go to see my relatives and I won't be alone any more."

Luo Jian didn't know how to answer him. After so many years of fighting between life and death, she finally summoned up the courage to challenge the so-called final trial. What she wanted was such a simple wish. She didn't want to live forever, she didn't want to be powerful, she didn't need to be invincible, she didn't need to be invincible. She didn't have so many * *, but just wanted to go back to the beginning The precious family affection.

Luo Jian wanted to cry, but he couldn't cry. He asked the ghost hoarse, "can I call your brother?"The author has something to say: at my speed, I'm afraid there is still a long way to go.