Escape the Infinite Chamber

Chapter 70

"I'm so stupid."

Luo Jian wanted to laugh at herself. He held the night pearl tightly in his hand and almost wanted to crush the poor pearl. Luo Jian felt very stupid. When she first found the hole behind the calligraphy and painting, Luo Jian should understand that the painting is clearly a woman forced into a desperate situation, but he has to enter this ridiculous channel foolishly.

Now, I'm really pushed into a corner.

"Desperate?" Luo Jian suddenly asked herself, as if she had thought of something, so she lay prone in the narrow passage for a long time, However, at this time, he could not move forward or backward. He was a bit at a loss, staring at the night pearl in his hand in a daze. However, he was in such a closed and narrow channel, the air could not flow smoothly, and the more narrow the environment, the greater the mental pressure.

As a result, Luo Jian soon found himself in front of a burst of black, and felt breathing difficulties, he realized that if he did not escape from this passage, he might suffocate alive.

Like the corpse that appeared in front of him, it was stuck in this passage and turned into a pile of white bones.

Luo Jian doesn't want to become white bone, and she doesn't want to die. As a result, he is now faced with a difficult choice, either to stay in this passage to die, or to step back and climb out.

So Luo Jian retreated. He put the night pearl in his mouth again, and began to climb backward in an awkward posture. Because there was no way to turn around in such a narrow place, he could only use his buttocks to explore the way. But before climbing two meters away, Luo Jian suddenly heard some voices coming from the rear, and someone said in a loud voice: "there is a hole in here!"

Then there was a murmur of murmur, and soon afterwards, Luo Jian seemed to hear someone climbing into the cave, and there was a rustling, small friction sound.

"I'll go alone!"

Luo Jian swore in a low voice. Just listening to the sound, he had already guessed it. It was probably that the group of enemies found the hole behind the calligraphy and painting, and some of them had already started to climb in to explore the way. If Luo Jian wanted to continue to retreat, it would be dead.

However, he couldn't retreat and couldn't move forward. How could he escape from here? Do you want to die here?

Luo Jian was in a state of uneasiness for a moment. With a bit of confusion and panic, Luo Jian began to fear. When he heard the voice of the enemy coming from the rear, he felt as if he was hurling at his heart. Luo Jian had to take a deep breath, close her eyes, and after a while, she opened them again.

He began to hint to himself, "don't be afraid, don't panic."

"There must be something I haven't found yet."

Luojian no longer retreated, but continued to climb. She crawled back to the place where she had found the body before. The body was still motionless and stuck there. The cave passage was very narrow, and she could only see the legs and feet of the body. Without thinking, Luo Jian grabbed the leg wrist of the corpse and pulled it hard, but it didn't move. The body was stuck very tightly.

So luojian pressed the foot of the corpse and pushed it forward, but it was useless. What's more, with such a pull and push, the leg bones of the corpse would be removed.

But Luo Jian is not quite reconciled, he is adamant and insinuate all the time: "this place absolutely has what secret door and other passageway."

So he used his hand to feel in the narrow passage. He checked one side of the rock and stone seams up and down, left and right, but found nothing. Instead, the enemy from the rear was getting closer and closer.

Luo Jian swallows and swallows, and the bad feeling in her heart begins to expand. He stares at the corpse in front of him for a long time. Somehow, inspiration comes to his mind and suddenly comes up with a good * * son.

Luo Jian thought of the action, he once again seized the leg bones of the body, a hard one to remove it, the body is basically a pile of bones, after pulling off the bones, she forced her body to squeeze out a * * distance in the narrow channel, and put the bone on a protruding rock in the passage behind him.

Then, starting from the leg bones, Luo Jian took down the bones of the corpse one by one, and threw them all behind her until they were piled up into a small mountain like pile of bones. In addition, the channel was very narrow. The pile of bones almost blocked the road behind Luo Jian. When she removed the last skull, Luo Jian found that the bone was too big for him to fill, so she took out her own knife to chop and chop it.

In the end, Luo Jian also put the clothes on the body into the pile of bones at random. In this way, the whole body was torn apart by Luo Jian. On the contrary, the road blocked by the body appeared, but the road behind Luo Jian was blocked by bones.

"In any seemingly hopeless place, the secret room will leave an unexpected path for players. How to find this path is very simple. Put aside your habitual thinking and look at things from another angle. "

This is the advice that uncle B, the new coach, once gave to Luo Jian.

"Fortunately, there are only bones left. If it is not completely rotten, it will be difficult to shred the corpses." Luo Jian held down one of her shaking hands, with a smile that she did not know was mockery or happiness. She continued to climb forward with the Pearl of the night."I don't know if the enemy who comes up behind will have the idea of retreating when they see this pile of bones." As she climbed, Luo Jian thought, "when I saw the corpse, I really thought that the road was blocked. Moreover, this passage was so narrow that it gave people psychological pressure to oppress. Therefore, the idea of retreating arose. But I am afraid that the senior people who catch up with me are only temporarily bluffed."

"So, I'm not out of danger. I have to climb out quickly."

Luo Jian guessed that the corpse may have been a little fat, because when she climbed through the passage where the corpse was stuck, she felt extremely narrow. Her head passed, but her shoulder was jammed, and it was so badly jammed that the skin and flesh of both shoulders were going to be worn out. She was in a hurry and grinded on the rock with her own knife, and finally she buckled down a piece of it Stone, let his upper body pass.

Men's body shape is broad and thick. Since the shoulder has passed, the lower part of the body is not a problem. While Luo Jian is wriggling her body forward, she suddenly hears the voice behind her, which is close at hand.

"Paralyzed, there's a bunch of bones here." The voice was a man, not the voice of the vampire captain or the woman that Jane had heard, and there seemed to be something like a walkie talkie, and she also heard the signal sound of puff and puff.

This enemy, which is close to Luo Jian and is almost less than five meters away, makes Luo Jian scared. She doesn't swallow the whole night pearl in her mouth, because just now, Luo Jian has been concentrating on removing bones to block the passage, instead, she ignores the increasingly rustling sound. Unconsciously, the enemy has been so close to him.

Must be quick!

Luo Jian couldn't think about it any more. She crawled on and on. While climbing, she was distracted by the enemy's movements. The enemy was blocked by bones and was communicating with her friends by radio. Because the distance was very close, the echo in the channel was also very big. Luo Jian could hear clearly every word of the enemy's communication.

"Keep going." It's the woman's voice.

"I said, there's a bunch of bones here. There's no road ahead."

But the woman persisted and said, "I said, keep going!"

"How do you want me to climb? The passage is too narrow. My body is squeezed by the rocks around me. I can't squeeze this pile of bones! " The enemy, who was following her, was apparently angry and began to argue with her companion.

The woman on the opposite side of the radio sneered: "then smash the bones and grind them into powder, so that you can squeeze through!"

"Cut." The enemy was obviously very angry, but she didn't dare not obey the woman's order. After turning off the radio, Luo Jian heard the man mutter to himself: "when the damned little one falls into my hands, I won't kill her!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he began to pick up the bones as Luo Jian had done before. In such a narrow place, he didn't seem to carry any large weapons. However, Luo Jian crawled and crawled, but suddenly found that the passage became bright. Although luojian could not turn back in the narrow place, she saw the red reflection from the back, and immediately understood! The enemy is burning bones!

Indeed, burning is the fastest way to turn a corpse into a pile of powder, and in this narrow passage, only the body is combustible, and the rest is rock, and there is no need to worry about being affected.

Luo Jian is more anxious. Although the other party may not be able to see Luo Jian for the time being because of the fire light, the distance is not far. After the fire is finished, the other party can put out the fire and run straight to Luo Jian. Moreover, under this environment, it is difficult for Luo Jian to make a counterattack - he can't even turn around and look at the back!

We can only move on.

Luo Jian had no choice but to continue climbing, but after climbing through the narrowest place, she found that the surrounding environment seemed to be more and more wide, and it was not as narrow as before. However, Luo Jian soon climbed to * *, which blocked Luo Jian's way no longer was a corpse, but a real rock wall. After looking around, Luo Jian soon found that she lived on top of her head But it's another channel.

Luo Jian turned hard. Although the passage became wide, many movements were still severely restricted. After barely turning over, he put his hands on the passageway on his head, and moved his body upward, so he slowly sat up, and then continued to go up, because the passage on the head was straight. Luo Jian could stand up instead of standing up I'm lying in the tunnel.

Then both hands and feet against the tunnel wall, began to move upward. The vertical passage is wider than before. Although it is more difficult to climb, at least it makes Luo Jian feel less suffocating. Even Luo Jian can look down. If the fire can be seen, it means that the enemy has not finished burning the bones.

However, after climbing a little distance, Luo Jian suddenly stopped, raised her head and looked at the top of the vertical passage, which was also dark. She didn't know where to go. Then she lowered her head and looked at the light of fire in the passage below.

The light of fire reflected on Luo Jian's face, which showed the slightly ferocious expression on his face.

Although there is trouble with this angle, the other side certainly can't move freely. Moreover, the other side seems to have only one person, so the probability of success is really great.The author has something to say: continue to be a good writer.