Escape the Infinite Chamber

Chapter 146

This is an old stairwell. It's an old house in the 1980s. Each staircase has two doors, one on the left and one on the right, with the staircase number written in the middle. Because there was no light, Luo Jian turned his umbrella into a lamp, a dark fire lamp shining with ice blue light. He raised the lamp and let the light illuminate the brand number of the stairwell. There was a prototype sign on it, which said the first floor of the lower floor.

"The first basement floor?" Luo Jian pulled at the corner of her mouth. Then he moved his lamp and looked at the two doors nearby.

The door on the left is red and the door on the right is black.

"It means there is no door to open." Luo Jian said to herself. He thought of the note that the red door should not be touched and the black door should not be opened. In this case, what is the significance of these doors here?

Both doors were very old wooden doors, with many rotten cracks and moss on them. Luo Jian seemed to be able to see the inside of the door through the cracks in the door, but it was dark inside, as if there was nothing in it.

Luo Jian can't help but be curious. He raises his own light. He squats in front of the black door and looks inside through the crack of the door. There is little light that can penetrate into it. The darkness inside the door seems to be shaking. Luo Jian seems to be able to hear some strange sounds from the crack of the door, just like the wind passing through the crack of the door, and the wind is howling.

But in fact, she didn't feel the wind.

Just when Luo Jian was disappointed and wanted to move his eyes away, he suddenly had a new discovery. There seemed to be something in the crack of the door. He saw it. This made Luo Jian focus on the darkness inside the crack. Then, Luo Jian seemed to see something in the dark came and squatted in front of the black door like him. They were only separated by a door.

Then the wonderful thing behind the door squatted down and looked at Luo Jian through the crack of the door.

Luo Jian only saw a pair of pale eyes, no black pupil, just a pair of white pupil, mixed with bloodshot eyes, on the other side of the door, looking at Luo Jian.

Luo Jian doesn't feel afraid. Maybe ordinary people will immediately retreat when they suddenly see these eyes, but for Luo Jian, he has already thrown away the fear. He has been in the Shura for ten years. He has seen many players or monsters who use strange means. Some guys use "fear" as a weapon.

Luo Jian just squatted there and looked at the eyes. He waited for the owner of these eyes to have the next move. Sure enough, it seemed that because of Luo Jian's unexpected reaction, the other side began to hit the door hard, and the black door banged.

But the black, broken and rotten black wooden door is still firmly / firmly set up here, and the things inside can't come out and the people outside can't get in.

Luo Jian stood up uninteresting. The black door stopped ringing after he left. It seemed that the thing didn't hit the door any more.

Luo Jian did not observe the red door again. The red door could not be touched, because he found that the red door was covered with strange and disgusting green moss, which grew in the crack of the door. Some moss even grew along the door to the wall beside it. The door looked like it had been rotten and had not been touched or opened for a long time.

Luo Jian has no interest in touching the sticky moss, because these disgusting creatures are poisonous and highly toxic. But don't ask how Luo Jian knew it. This is the blood like experience and lesson he can get after being poisoned for countless times.

"I hope the clown doesn't touch such things as death." Luo Jian said to herself that he didn't want to stay on the first floor. He decided to go up first and follow these old stairs that seemed to collapse at any time. The handrails of the stairs were made of iron and had been rusty. Some of them looked like they would be broken at one touch. Therefore, Luo Jian didn't want to touch those handrails.

He walked up the stairs. He thought he should be able to go to the first floor. But when he went up the stairs, when he used the light to shine on the number of the stairwell, the sign still said the negative first floor.

"I see. Is that telling me to go down?" Luo Jian is still on the first basement floor. He once again looks at the two doors on the left and right sides. He finds that these two doors are indeed the doors on the first floor that he has seen.

"You can only go down. Well, the first floor, the second floor, the third floor Can we continue down to the 18th floor of hell? " Luo Jian as like as two peas, he started walking down the stairs. He walked to the two floor, which is exactly the same as the one on the first floor. It is also the two gate of red and black. If it is not the negative two floor on the floor, it will even feel that he has never gone down.

Endless steps.

It's interesting. If it's true, then there won't be a road down. Maybe you've gone down hundreds or thousands of negative stairs, but there are still endless stairs below.

So what's the use of this? Even if you go down hard, you can't see the exit at all. On the tip, only the red door and black door can't be touched, while on the back is written such a baffling sentence, etc We can put in our own thinking. If I was the hero, something terrible chased me. I ran out of the house and went down step by step. When I got to the first floor, I found that there were still stairs under the first floor, and there was no exit.错误代码(52001):不可预知的错误。"The clown said:" at first, I didn't realize that it was an illusion. After I appeared in the secret room, I went down nearly twenty stairs. I met you. I thought it was you. The guy accompanied me down a long way. Then he asked me to open the door, but I didn't want to, so he attacked me. "

"How can you think that I am not an illusion now?" When Luo Jian heard what he said, she couldn't help touching the clown. Yes, the body temperature and body information were exactly the same as those recorded by Luo Jian, which made Luo Jian sure that he was indeed a clown. She never doubted her own judgment, because he was always right.

"I don't know. I blinded my eyes myself. I couldn't see the vision, but I could hear the sound." The clown continued: "but when you come, the voice disappears Oh! God, you are a good weapon to ward off evil spirits

The clown said excitedly, and continued to hold Luo Jian. He regarded Luo Jian as a big bear doll.