Escape the Infinite Chamber

Chapter 142

When he saw the man, the memory was spinning in his head. He saw the fields, houses, and the thick willow tree at the door of his hometown. In that time, the road at the door of the family had not been built. The roads were stepped out by generations of people from a village and generations on the muddy ground, which confirmed the famous saying that there was no road, and many people walked there were also roads.

Yes, this place, the rural village that luojane lived in as a child, where his grandmother lived, and the village he and his cousin Luofeng (later ghosts) lived in. From about fourorfive years old, his parents were sent to this rural area, and after finishing primary school in the nearby primary school hall, he went to the big city only after junior high school.

That is, his cousin, Mount Luo, disappeared, completely from the perspective of people, and disappeared until now.

Here, it seems to be the beginning of everything.

"How can I come here?" Luojian looked at the familiar house in front of her eyes in a trance. In that time, the houses were made of yellow bricks and tiles. The buildings were very old. When she was a child, luojian remembered that when she lived here when it was a child, she had to put several pots and pans in the house in rainy days, because the bricks and tiles of the bad house could not be waterproof.

Water drops can make the room a lot of ocean, and wet and cold weather will make Grandma always leg pain. At that time, his cousin, aged 13 or 4, would be busy working around. The chores and housework in his family were all in his hands. Grandma sat in the room and slowly chose food. At that time, Grandma had several mu of land, which were contracted out, and she could collect idle money. Moreover, several children of grandma could send * * money every month. Life was not particularly poor, but she could not eat any precious food.

It was a happy and happy memory for luojian at that time. Although he was not well when he was a child, his cousin never despised him. He always ran around with him, and he was always throwing around with other children in the village, climbing trees and digging bird nest, stealing corn in the corn field in the middle of the night, picking dates planted by others; then he also found the pond Catch the chicken and touch the snail.

At that time, the naughty children did things, and Jane's cousin took him with him.

But how happy memories are now recalled are a sad thing for Jane. He is no longer a Jane. He has changed his skin to stand in this terrible place, looking at the houses and people in the past, and no one will recognize him. He will become a person who has no past or future.

Rojan stood at the door of the old room for a long time until a voice of milk rang around her, and the child asked him, "brother, what are you doing here?"

Jane was slow, touched the red umbrella in her hand, and then she held it open and let the handle rest on her shoulder. Then he looked down and looked at the little fart boy standing next to him.

It was a child of about 78 years old, born short and thin, and had little blood on his face. He knew that he was sick at the sight of the past. But the child was very spiritual, and he had a small basket in his hand, which contained some fruits, persimmons and dates.

Luo jane knew that these fruits were given to the child by the families of fruit trees next door. They did not know whether they were out of sympathy or others. Because the sick child, although sick, was very cheerful and fond of laughter, which was quite different from that of the present one.

"Brother, are you lost?" The child saw that Luo Jane had not answered, and then he asked him with open eyes and innocence. Then the child looked at the fruit in his basket. He continued: "brother Feng asked me to eat persimmons just now. Would you like persimmons to eat?"

"No, I don't want persimmons," she said, smiling at him, reaching out her hand and touching his head

Then, when he found her arm was thin, he found himself only half the head higher than the child in front of him, and speculated that his body was probably ten to eleven two. It's not much bigger than the little fart in front of you.

"Then eat dates! Dates are delicious! " The child kept trying to make rowjane eat, and he lifted his basket up to bring fresh fruit.

Luo Jian can not help laughing again, just want to say something, this time, the old house came out of a 14-year-old or so young, and when she came out, she shouted, "Jane, who are you talking to?"

The child reached out to rojan and said to the boy, "speak to this brother..."

The young man looked left and right, and said, inexplicably, "no one."

The child also stayed, looked back at the position of rowjane standing, but found that the little brother who had just laughed with himself disappeared No, it's not missing, it's just that the child can't see him now.

Little Jane scratched her head strangely, and said to herself, "eh? What about that brother just now? "

The young man came, although he was only 14 years old, but grew very tall, half squatted in front of his brother and touched Jane's head: "what brother?"

"Yes!" "I just had one of them Well, I am a little older than I am. My brother with a red umbrella is here! "The boy immediately laughed and teased him and said, "is that right? That's terrible! It's sunny now! No one will walk around with an umbrella, and it's a red umbrella. Maybe it's a ghost! "

"That's not true." Little Jane shook her head. "Brother is a liar! Ghosts don't come out in broad daylight! "

"Why is that impossible?" Teenagers That is Luo Feng, continued to smile, "you think the ghost holding an umbrella in the daytime is not to block the sun?"

This really scared the child. Little Jane shrank for a moment, looked around, and reached out to her cousin: "brother hug!"

Luo Feng immediately reached out to pick up the child. He was very strong because he often did farm work and ate a lot. He was tall and strong. He looked like a pet brother. He wanted to hold the little fart child in his arms to the sky.

"Jane, don't be afraid, brother. I'm full of Yang. Ghosts and evils dare not get close to me Well, that's what grandma said

The two brothers walked into the room as they talked. They didn't see anyone standing behind them. Of course, it can be seen, but in the moment of seeing, he has forgotten his existence.

Therefore, Luo Jian can only hold the umbrella to look at the back of the brothers.

Luo Jian stood for a long time. He didn't know where to go, and there was no place to go. He saw the door of the dilapidated room in front of him. After thinking about it, he raised his feet and stepped into the room. The wall made of yellow bricks and mud of the old times has uneven and pitted ground. Wooden tables and long wooden chairs are set at the entrance of the entrance. Just now, little Jane's fruit basket was placed on the table.

There was a sound of boiling water in the kitchen. When Luo Jian entered the door, she saw that the two brothers were squatting in the kitchen, commenting on their hands and feet in a bucket in the kitchen. It was estimated that they had gone to the pond to touch the fish and were taken back to discuss how to cook and eat.

Luo Jian squints and hooks the corner of his mouth. He skips the kitchen and walks into the bedroom inside the room. He remembers that he lived in the same room with his cousin when he was a child, because he was ill at that time and had the habit of kicking quilts when he was young. In order to prevent Luo Jian from entering the hospital with a cold and fever, his cousin would wake up and tuck him in at midnight.

The pattern of the old house is not different from Luo Jian's impression. On the contrary, he is reminded of many memories by the familiar room. The things that he gradually forgot in the killing slowly come back to his mind, but the feeling is so far away. It is clear that Luo Jian is now standing here, standing in the best time in memory.

Luo Jian puts down her red umbrella. He goes to the small table in the room. There are primary school textbooks on the table. Luo Jian remembers that she used to find excuses not to go to school because of her physical reasons. Later, her cousin gave him remedial lessons Luo Feng's academic performance is actually very good. If he had not been pulled into the secret room later ---

now, he is expected to have made a success, become a leader in the society, and have a perfect family and career.

Luo Jian reached out to touch the textbook on the table, but before her hand touched the table, he heard a footstep at the door. Luo Jian turned her head and looked at it. Luo Feng ran into the bedroom room when she was a teenager. However, she was stunned when she just entered the door and said: "who are you? What are you doing in our house? "

Luo Jian realized that if he put down his umbrella, his ability would disappear temporarily, and naturally he could appear in front of others.

Let him forget.

Luo Jian thought. He is not a person of this era, nor of this world. He should not be here, so it is better not to leave his own traces, let alone try to change the past. Hawk has warned Luo Jian countless times to change the past, because once the past is changed, the future will surely change.

Luo Jian wanted Luo Feng to forget seeing her scene, but things have changed subtly at the moment, because Luo Feng suddenly cried out, "ah, is it possible that you are what my brother has been saying just now The little brother with the red umbrella

Luo Feng laughed: "who's your child nearby? I haven't seen it

Luo Jian took a look at him, put her umbrella up again, leaned on her shoulder, turned the handle of the umbrella, and looked at Luo Feng's bright eyes. He whispered, "you haven't seen me."

Luo Feng strange smile: "how can I not see you?"

Doesn't work? This time it was Luo Jian who was surprised. He looked down and thought whether there was something wrong with him. But before he could figure out what was going on, Luo Feng had already come to him.

It may be that Luo Jian lowered her guard against familiar people. He didn't mind Luo Feng's approach until he remembered what Eagle said before: "if you go back to the past, don't let anyone touch your body." It seems too late for Luo Feng to give this warning, because Luo Feng has already reached out and picked up Luo Jian.

A long lost embrace.

Luo Jian didn't dare to move at that moment, and let Luo Feng pick him up. Although Luo Jian was only about ten years old, it was still very thin. Luo Feng didn't take much effort to pick him up.

Luo Feng touched his head and laughed happily. He said, "are you here to play with my brother?"Luo Jian still did not speak, hesitated for a moment, sighed slightly, and tried again: "Luo Feng, you haven't seen me Now, put me down and forget me. "

This time the ability seems to have an effect. Luo Feng was sluggish for a while, then he put Luo Jian back on the ground, turned around and left without saying a word. Luo Jian saw him go back to the kitchen, and began to talk to his brother about some topics. Laughter was heard all the time.

The author has something to say: = v = I will try my best to update it!