Escape the Infinite Chamber

Chapter 138

According to Anya, you don't need to bring anything to the battlefield. You just need to bring your people and weapons. Anyway, ordinary new people can't hold on for three minutes.

"My best achievement was to survive for about an hour and 20 minutes. By that time, I had already crossed half of the Shura, and the tree was almost in front of me. But the next second I was broken my neck, and I didn't even know who killed me."

Anya began to tell Luo Jian some precautions, he said: "the Shura field is divided into three battle circles, the outermost circle is some weaker guys, we call it the primary circle. The more you go to that tree, you enter the intermediate circle, which is the most extensive circle with the largest number of people. And then the innermost, closest to the tree is the senior circle. The number of people is very small, but the monsters are quite powerful

"In addition to the battle circle, what you need to pay attention to is that as long as you go to the Shura field, it will be more difficult to think of it, because there are some bad guys in the Shura field. If you die, he will drag you into the circle. For example, if you hang up in the primary circle, some bad guys will throw you into the intermediate circle. Once you are resurrected, you will have to face a group of people's fights. "

Anya wagged his tail and said, "it's the same in the intermediate circle. It's good to see that the strong in the senior circle don't care about bullying the weak. If you want to escape, he will let you out."

"That is to say, the most intense situation in the Shura war is the transition from the primary circle to the intermediate circle, right?" Luo Jian listened carefully to Anya's speech. He had to go to the battlefield, and first of all, he had to understand the situation of the battlefield.

"Yes, that's it." Anya said, he paused, and then said: "of course, there is a * *, more important, the strong people in the senior circle are very powerful. Although the number of people in that circle is the least, once the fight starts, it will affect a very wide range, especially those guys who will throw some range of skill damage. At that time, not all of us who have little strength will suffer Man. "

Anya's words made Luo Jian think. He frowned and thought. Luo Jian realized that she needed to be strong, very, very strong, able to stand out among a group of red eyed battle maniacs, but it was not something that could be done overnight.

"You have to understand, new man, the Resurrection time on the Shura field is only five minutes, but that kind of form is not so much resurrection, it is better to recover to the best state in five minutes. Not only will your body recover to its best state, but your mental state will be the same, so the battle on the Shura field will never stop, and they will always be full of spirit to kill each other. "

"It's worth mentioning that people will form teams with each other on the battlefield." Anya wrapped her body around the bony man and said to rojan, "you see, it's like me and him. We've been together all the time."

"But sometimes they will form a temporary team. The temporary team formation method is also very simple. If someone helps you block the attack when you are dying, it means that he is willing to help you. At this time, you can confidently hand over the back to him in a short time. But there are also unwritten rules on the battlefield. If you die while you are forming a team with someone else, don't look for the temporary player after resurrection, because the relationship between you is no longer established. "

"Wait, I want to ask you a question." "If I help someone else and ask him to form a team, but the other party is not willing to even stab me in the opposite direction, what should I do?" she asked

"Then stab him with your backhand and hiss!" Anya began to spit out the message again. "The way to refuse is to attack each other, so that others can understand that you don't want to team up with anyone. No one on the battlefield has time to speak. They always use body language to express meaning directly, and most of the time, body language is to take up weapons and attack with all strength. "

"I see." Luo Jian said that he understood. He took a deep breath and tried to make some psychological preparations, because Luo Jian knew that for a long time to come, he would have to fight and die again and again.

Anya decided to check Luo Jian's equipment and said to her, "let me see your weapon hiss ~"

as soon as Luo Jian turned her hand, she showed her short knife. The blade was dark and did not reflect light. It made people feel cold.

Anya frowned. He looked around the knife and shook his head in disappointment.

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong with my knife Luo Jian can't help but look at her own weapon, which conforms to his wish and can appear or disappear freely, although she doesn't know where it went when it disappears.

"What's the name of your weapon, hiss?" Suddenly Anya asked.

"Eh?" Luo Jian was stunned for a moment. He thought for a moment and said, "does the weapon have a name?"

Anya glared at Luo Jian, surprised and said, "your weapon doesn't have a name. Hiss?"

The other side's reaction was too excessive, which made Luo Jian a little flustered. He said, "my weapon has always been like this, and I have never thought of giving it a name or something..."

"Hiss Are you really the super novice among the novices? " Anya was speechless and put his tail on his forehead. He said to luojian, "I don't mean you give a name like a pet when I say the name of a weapon. In fact, every weapon created by the secret room for players has its unique name. Only the owner of your weapon will know the name of your weapon. From the moment you get the knife for the first time, you should know its name! "错误代码(52001):不可预知的错误。