Escape the Infinite Chamber

Chapter 135

The two words "Chamber of secrets" once flashed a strange pain in Luo Jian's head.

Luo Jian was convinced that someone was waiting for him, but his memory was so confused that he could hardly remember anything, but he also understood clearly that I must leave here as soon as possible!

Leave this strange chamber, this place called blood red Shura.

"Hiss I never knew anyone could go out of this place except hunters The snake head monster interrupted Luo Jian's delusion. He twisted his slender body and slowly swam to Luo Jian's face. He looked up and down at Luo Jian's appearance. He saw Luo Jian's eyes, dark and bright.

"Obviously, you are not a hunter. You can't get out of here," he said

"Why only hunters can go out What is a hunter? " Luo Jian doesn't understand this monster very well. Now he feels his head hurt very much. The word "Hunter" seems to remind her of something. But when she tries to recall, her brain becomes very uncooperative.

"God, hiss...!" Br > "if you don't know about the snake's body, you'll be surprised if you don't know about the snake's body In this secret room. "

"I don't think I'm a rookie." Luo Jian shakes her head: "my head is very painful, my memory is also very confused, I am probably amnesia."

"That's quite the case with you now." The serpentine said, "come on, new man, come with us. We will tell you what this place is. To be honest, this secret room is very, very boring."

Luo Jian didn't know where she was going or what she should do now, so Although the two guys on the opposite side don't look like human beings, she still follows them, because she doesn't think it's necessary for each other to invade her. Of course, even if they do something wrong, she won't be afraid.

His fear was burnished by the hateful wolf.

Luo Jian followed the two monsters to their old nest, and the serpentine was not idle all the way. He had been telling Luo Jian some basic information. And although this guy looks like a monster on the surface, he has a high IQ. He tried to use some words to wake up Luo Jian's memory. For example, he would say:

"do you remember your name, hiss?" The serpentine swam the tip of his tail as he swam forward. His snake tail tip is very cute and always unconsciously attracts Luo Jian's attention.

Luo Jian had to stare at his wagging tail and reply, "my name is luojian."

"Hiss Luo Jian. Well, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Ya'an. Before I became such a ghost, I was also a player in the secret room A living human being. " Serpentine No, he should be called Ya'an. He looked back at Luo Jian and continued:

"as soon as I look at you, I know you are from state Z Ah an said.

"Aren't you from Z?"

"No, I'm from country y, but I've lived in country Z for a long time, and then I came here miraculously." Aan answered rojan.

Luo Jian looked up and down at the snake. It was a big black snake. His body was very long and long, and he walked in a perfect curve. However, there was a face on the head of the snake, which also looked terrible. His eyes were long and thin like snakes, and the pupils were the pupils of the cold-blooded animals of that kind.

In addition to his eyes, his mouth is also very wide. The corners of his mouth can almost split to the root of his ears. When he speaks, he will unconsciously spit out a long forked tongue, which will make Ya'an speak with the hissing sound of snakes.

Luo Jian looked at the frightening monster and frowned unconsciously: "were you really human before?"

"I'm human, of course! Do you think I want to be like this? " Ya'an seems not very happy and shakes his tail. However, this guy's tail wagging action is really cute. Luo Jian is always attracted by his tail unconsciously.

Ya'an seems to have noticed Luo Jian's remark and continued to wag her tail triumphantly, saying: "almost all the people who come to this chamber of secrets are losers."

"Wait, you said this place is called blood red Shura field It's a secret room, isn't it? " Jane paused for a moment, and suddenly asked.

"Yes, this is, of course, the chamber of secrets Yeah? Hiss ~ do you remember anything Ya'an looks forward to Luo Jian.

"No, nothing Oh, not at all. " Luo Jian rubbed her temple uncomfortable.

"Before I woke up in this ghost place, I thought I should be in the same room Well, I don't know how to describe the kind of secret room you mentioned. It's a closed space I think I should have companions. They are also there. There is a voice in my heart telling me to go to them quickly. ""So you want to leave this place?" "Yaan hissed.

"Yes, I really want to leave here."

Jane was going crazy, and the red sun in the sky was like a warning. When she was looking at the dazzling sun, he would have that It was like a sense of urgency coming out of somewhere deep in the soul, forcing rojan to leave, and leave here! Get out of here!

So rojan wants to escape, wants to go out, wants to leave, very much wants!

"We want to leave here too. Like you, from the moment I wake up in this place, I want to leave here all the time. I want to see my friends and relatives, my companions and my love. Hissing, but we have been here for more than ten years, and we have not found a way out. "

"You can't go out?" said Yaan, who was so sluggish that he couldn't believe it

"No, no one can go out here hissing ~" Anya looked at the bone man walking quietly next to him, and then pointed to the bone man with his tail. He continued to say to rojan:

see this guy? He came earlier than I did, more than 20 years earlier, and the guy couldn't speak because he was just a bunch of bones until someone taught him sign language, and I just knew the sign language. "

"Wait! How many people are there in this bloody seruo field? " Anya's words made rojan realize that there might be many people like Ya'an in this secret room. Of course, it is unclear whether or not people can not say it.

"As far as I know, there are nearly 2000 people in hissing blood red Shura field. Most of them are like my failures, or players who want to get rid of the control and punishment of the secret room. Sometimes, some players who have used wrong props or walked the wrong path enter by mistake. In short, if they come in here, they don't want to go out again."

Around 2000 people, Luo Jian can not help but look up at the huge Valley, the surrounding mountain peaks surrounded the valley into a huge circle, and in this circle, there are 2000 frogs looking up at the sky.

"Is it true that no one has ever been out?" "You didn't mean the hunter could go out before," asked rojan, not dead hearted What is the hunter? "

"Hunter? It's a bunch of pitiful creatures, not even worse than we, the ones who have been made monsters because of failure. " Ian shivered his tail uninteresting.

"Why do you say that? Are hunters a group of monsters? " Asked rojan curiously.

"No, the hunters are all human beings. They are perfect, powerful and invincible." Ayan hissed and sighed.

"But they have no mind, and they are no different from machines." "Monsters in the secret room Hissing, like me, I became this way without human nature, no memory, as if really become a monster, but with the passage of time, my memory and reason will slowly return to the cage. When I fled to this sermon to get out of the control of the secret room, I was completely restored to my mind. "

"But the hunters are different, they are in turn, their souls are torn apart, and the gods are almost still in the first place, but as time goes on, they disappear slowly and permanently. This time Hunters will be the perfect tool for the chamber, which can even control them to do anything. "

"So, can hunters be allowed to enter and exit the secret room at will?" Jane understood what Ya'an meant. He understood that the hunter was a very powerful group of things, and was a tool used by secret rooms to directly interfere with players.

"Hunters will be given BAFF by the secret room, just like the state aura in the game, and they will be permanently held. As long as the hunter or the hunter is still the hunter, they will be in the state of" cannot be destroyed ". The chamber is dead and the next chamber will be revived. Of course, if he is to stay in a secret room for a long time, it will be raised every two hours. "

"Apart from the resurrection aura, they have the ability to travel freely through the chambers, and they can walk freely in any space, but this ability is limited to themselves," Ayan added

"There is also one thing to mention in the end. Hunters are dumb with red eyes, they can't speak or speak. There is no communication, so body language can not be available. This * * wherever, even in this special blood red sermon field is the same. "

"So, did you say that only the hunter could leave, and that's why?" It was also understood that he was not a hunter, so he had no power to travel around the space at will. So he can't leave the secret room.

"I wonder why you know the hunter so much." "You don't mean that hunters can't communicate with anyone," she frowned? So how do you know them so? "

Anyaton gave a hissing voice and looked back at rojan: "you are very keen Well, I know about the hunter. I know from an old man. He knows almost everything in the secret room. I think he is the only one who knows how to leave the secret room of the red blood Xiuluo field. We will take you this time, and we will take you to see him. "The only one who knows how to escape.

Hearing Anya say so, Luo Jane was suddenly a little excited.

However, both the two monsters walked forward together. They didn't seem to notice that there was a pursuer quietly following her. The pursuer was obviously aiming at Luo Jian. It was hidden in the thick grass, stepping on the grass and green leaves gently, staring at the pupils of a pair of wild animals, and looking at Luo Jian quietly.

If Luo Jian found it, she would know that it was the wolf who had been fighting with her.

The author has something to say: in the next chapter, there is a core character to appear. Relatives should remember him, the guy who talked with Xing Yan in the Shura field = v =

in the next chapte