Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 908: order

The days of hard trek passing day by day.

Lin Zhen is still making rapid progress in this environment.

The body has been greatly exercised under the blowing of the nine-day gang wind. From the first three minutes, it gradually improved to five minutes, ten minutes....

The blood oozing of the scales gradually stopped, and the gaps between the scales became extremely tough.

Under the effect of the deceleration of time, Lin Zhen's time did not pass fast, but despite this, three years passed!

These three years have been almost twenty years to Lin Zhen!

In the outside world, the reward redemption of the gods has also undergone some changes.


"Hello, do you see it? The god's reward has been refreshed."

"I see, the previous treasures have basically been exchanged, the gods, the treasures, and the inheritance crystal ball have all been exchanged. Of course there must be new ones."

"This time the prize looks very good."

The warriors from outside are discussing and checking.

The quality of the second batch of treasures is much better than that of the first batch. For example, although there are still nine treasures, the defense treasures account for the majority, and the price is much higher than before.

The first time the price of the treasure was below 10,000 sacred stones, this time it was all above 10,000 sacred stones.

The three thousand crystals before, this time have also been upgraded to ten thousand.

The gods are all good at calculating. They know that even if the price of the prize is increased, the warriors in the eyes of the storm will still buy it, because if they don't buy it, the **** stone left in their hands will be useless.

Taking this opportunity to lavish money, even if these warriors are unwilling, they can only pinch their noses to admit it.

And this time there is another special function, which is designated exchange.

For example, if a certain warrior needs something, but there is nothing here, you can leave a message on the exchange panel and specify the purchase request. The **** will give the price according to the product, which is a private order.


At the entrance of Fenglei Valley, a luxury car frame pulled by Nine Dragons parked there.

One black and one hundred two demigods stood at the entrance and looked inside, while talking.

Black-clothed semi-shen said: "This Wind and Thunder Valley is a bit too scary. As far as I know, the core area of ​​the storm is not windy. Why is this the core of the eye of the storm, but the storm is stronger?"

The white-clothed semi-shen said: "There is a reason. The four gods have changed the direction of the wind in the eye of the storm. Every year, it is a little slower. Only 4.9 million years have been squeezed out for 49 years, so that people can enter without fear of the wind. The eye of the storm, but where did the storm that should have occurred in the past 49 years go? It can never disappear out of thin air, it is actually concentrated here."

Another black-clothed demigod sighed in admiration twice: "All the storms are concentrated here. My lord has the ability to explore in depth. We deserve to be a super master at the Hall of Fame level!"

"Yes, the Hall of Fame masters are indeed too strong. No wonder the entire ground race has only one hundred Hall of Fame."

Hearing the white-clothed demigod's sigh, the black-clothed demigod said: "No, it's not that there are only one hundred halls of fame, but only one hundred halls of fame places. The staff in the hall of fame is not just someone who stays in it. For example, let’s laugh at Lord Common. After the eye of the storm is over, he should almost refine the **** crystal to attack the gods. As long as he becomes a god, a place in the Hall of Fame will naturally be vacated at that time, and the back will move forward. The final spot depends on these kings fighting for, but you and I have a chance to enter the Hall of Fame."

"Forget it, don't be kidding me. I know that I can become a member of the Hall of Fame. All of them are super abnormal. In my eyes, the strength of our adults has been praised and ranked in the Hall of Fame. Shouldn't it be back, there is no hope for me like this."

The black-clothed demigod also sighed: "Yes! Don't imagine, you and I are almost the pinnacle of demigods. Our aptitude determines that we can't make much progress. We also failed to hit the gods. The only hope is to refine the **** crystals. When the adults break through, you and I will try it too."

"Okay, it's just that the current Shenjing is a bit expensive, I don't know my lord..."

"Huh~! Your lord is out!"

The two demigods who were talking suddenly stood up, and saw the entrance of Fenglei Valley rushing out with a smile.

This super master of the Hall of Fame level, at this moment, looks inferior to the beggar, with **** scars and ragged clothes, just like an African refugee who has been bombarded.

Hastily opened the door of the dragon cart, laughed and plunged in.

The hot spring water and medicated baths that have been prepared for him have the effects of restoring blood and healing wounds, etc., and the laughter fell into the pool for a long time before he breathed out.

"What a perverted place!"

The black and white two demigods looked at each other, and the white demigod said: "My lord, is it going well today?"

"It's not very smooth. With my physical strength and star power, it is difficult to resist the nine-day wind here for a long time. If I didn't return quickly enough, I'm afraid I would fall inside."

"It's difficult for even adults to pass, isn't it possible that no one can enter this Fenglei Valley?"

Laughing Cangsheng thought for a while: "If it was before, I might have chosen to give up, and go to the intertwined continents to explore and get good results, but now the gods have opened a new reward panel and can make reservations for certain things. Can give up."

"My lord, what do you mean?"

"I want to order a defensive treasure that can withstand wind and thunder. As long as it can withstand half of the power of wind and thunder, I can come and go freely in the valley of wind and thunder."

"That must be very expensive."

"Even if the family bankrupts, I must get it. As long as the treasure of the gods is obtained, these are nothing."

Having said this, Xiao Cangsheng's face suddenly became serious.

"Today, I saw something strange."

"What did the lord see?" asked the black and white gods.

Laughing Cangsheng thought for a while, "At that time, the wind was too violent and there was no time to record it, but I vaguely remembered it as a footprint."

This sentence shocked the two gods, black and white: "No! There will still be footprints in Fenglei Valley?"

"Could it be left by the ancients? There should be only adults trying to break through."

Laughing Cangsheng shook his head: "I didn't see clearly, I can only go in and take a look after getting the defensive treasure. I hope to be sure about this, if there are really people in it..."

Smiled and paused for a moment: "I have an intuition that if someone really enters, then this person must be the one who exchanged the crystal ball of the god's inheritance!"

In Fenglei Valley, Lin Zhen cloned himself and tried alchemy in Treasure Hunt's hut.

Lifting one hand, a bright blue flame burned in the palm of the palm, without the need for a pill furnace, directly refining with bare hands.

The temperature of the flame is constantly being adjusted, turning bright and dark, and there must be no deviation in this process. A slight difference in temperature may cause the failure of alchemy.

When it takes three thousand degrees, it can only be three thousand degrees, and three thousand and one or two thousand and ninety-nine will not work.

Blindly flavored medicinal materials are prepared and put into the palm of the palm. The process is complicated and dazzling.


The flame suddenly twisted a few times in the palm of the palm, and then the color became lighter and extinguished.


Lin Zhen let out a breath and opened his eyes.

"Fortunately, all of this is expected. Although it failed, it is not my technical problem, but the lack of medicinal materials and the blood of the beast."

Beast **** blood refers to the blood after the warriors of the galaxy behemoth race have cultivated into a god. This kind of blood is added to the pill and is of great benefit to the warriors of the galaxy behemoth race.

Lin Zhen wanted to refine the pill of the God Realm stage, this kind of blood was indispensable.

"Now that the order is opened, I can try to order from the gods to see if I can get it. As long as this medicinal material is available, my **** realm period will be reached soon."

When he lifted his palm, the exchange panel appeared, and Lin Zhen clicked in the void to open the private order interface.

"Order the blood of the Beast God, weight...concentration..."

After listing your requirements, the price is generated.

"Five thousand sacred stones!"

Lin Zhen's eyes narrowed slightly. The price is really not low. The crystal ball for the inheritance of the gods is only 100,000. The blood is insignificant for a beast god, but since it is in touch with the gods, the price will not be cheap~ It seems that I still have to collect sacred stones, even if my alchemy work is temporarily over. "

With a thought, the treasure hunter’s hut disappeared, and the clone entered the body of the body.

Lin Zhen appeared, standing in the wind of nine days.

The whole body was armored, and the black scales glowed with a gloomy light. The biting wind could blow down the mountain, but it could not make his scales fluctuate.

Compared with three years ago, Lin Zhenkai's body has become much larger. Before he was 2.5 meters tall, he is now more than three meters tall.

The muscles all over his body are solid and capable, which proves that Lin Zhen has become more mature in the state of the galaxy beast.

If he becomes a black hole beast at this time, his body length has exceeded fifty meters, he is really a giant in the starry sky.

"After three years of hard training, I was finally able to adapt to the nine-day gang wind here. In the armored state, the gang wind has no effect on me. Even in the normal state, it can withstand a few hours."

"Able to act here, I should look for treasure next."

"Chrissy, help me determine the most likely treasures in this neighborhood."

"Isn't the master going to the ultimate battle of the two gods?"

"It's not in a hurry, first get the medicinal materials from the God Realm Stage."

Kris quickly calculated it, and quickly gave an answer.

"Master, according to what I know about this place, in this place under your feet, two kings fell 100,000 kilometers east, and one king and one hall of fame fell 250,000 kilometers south. You have to go first. Which side?"

"Since there is a Hall of Fame level fall, it must be there. Two hundred and fifty thousand kilometers is not far away."

Lin Zhen determined the coordinates and plunged into the nine-day wind.

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