Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 907: God Alchemist

King Chilian is the strongest person Lin Zhen has killed so far.

The killing of King Chi Lian did have a lot of luck this time, and it was more due to the opponent's ignorance of Lin Zhen's tactical cards and the mentality of underestimating the enemy.

If it is mutual understanding, even if one-on-one, Lin Zhen is probably not the opponent of King Chilian.

Of course, this refers to hard power, such as star power competition. In fact, Lin Zhen has a lot of cards, and when he really fights, he can often explode astonishing combat power.

The memory of King Chilian was much more than any memory Lin Zhen had absorbed before. After all, King Chilian came from an endless race, and what he learned was very different from Lin Zhen's past experience.

Alchemy alone, the endless race is very different from the ground race.

The ground race pays more attention to the heat of the elixir and pays more attention to the means.

The alchemy of endless races pays more attention to the control of soul power, spiritual power, mind control, and so on.

Even the biggest difference between a saint-level alchemist and other alchemists is that they can take heart training!

Heart refining is to get rid of the limitations of the alchemy furnace, or the palm of the hand condenses the pill fire, or the pill fire is condensed in the void, and directly burned out of thin air. Whoever can do it more concisely and quickly is the key to promotion to the holy rank.

They believe that this way the alchemy is closer to the nature of the world, removes the thought of craftsmanship, and after the pill is formed, it is more suitable for the soul of the martial artist, and the effect of the medicine can be maximized.

Such alchemy techniques have been passed down for countless years, and a unique system has been formed.

Lin Zhen originally thought that he could master this alchemy within three days, but after he really absorbed it, he realized that it was almost another process of relearning alchemy.

Lin Zhen didn't immediately devote his full effort to the study of alchemy, but first practiced time to slow down.

In this treasure hunting hut, Lin Zhen first realized that the time slowed down. After more than half a year, he finally cultivated to the eight times the time slowing down.

After having eight times the time to slow down, Lin Zhencai concentrated on learning alchemy.

The fragmentation of the heavens and the earth outside had no effect on Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen himself already has the strength of a holy peak alchemist. According to his knowledge, there is basically no way for an alchemist to reach the holy peak. The only thing he can do is to learn more pill and master. Refining more powerful drugs.

The memory of King Chilian didn't think so. He believed that the holy rank was not the true pinnacle of the alchemist. Above the holy rank, there was a kind of extreme alchemist.

God-level alchemist!

The god-level alchemist corresponds to the realm of the gods. It is a more difficult road than martial arts. Although the gods are also difficult to reach, there are still many, but the god-level alchemist is in the memory of King Chilian , It only exists in the legend.

King Chilian wanted to follow the path of a god-level alchemist, but what he had learned had limited him within a framework, and he didn't know where the path to the god-level was.

The last idea he came up with was to absorb the memory of another holy alchemist from the ground race.

The two great saints have been combined into one, and perhaps a new path can be found.

Of course, King Chi Lian did not have Lin Zhen's ability to devour memories. He was planning to cultivate Gu worms, to control the holy alchemist on the ground, and to slowly learn to absorb and digest it was a stupid way and the only way.

It was precisely because of this that when King Shura called him to come, he immediately agreed that it was the identity of Lin Zhen Sheng-level alchemist who tempted him, but unfortunately, he was killed.

During this period of time, Lin Zhen was basically learning the alchemy methods of endless races, and began to put them into practice, and became as familiar with these alchemists as possible.

At the same time, continue to digest the memory of King Chilian, and there is still time for thinking.

He considered the advantages and disadvantages of the alchemy methods of the two major races and summarized them.

Both the alchemy of the ground race and the alchemy of the endless race have reached the peak of the holy rank, and the shortcomings are also clear.

The alchemy on the ground really lacks the creativity of the endless race. It pays too much attention to the heat of the pill and ignores the essence, but in some details and skills, it is much more than the endless race.

The alchemy of the endless race is closer to the essence, but its grasp of details is far less than that of the ground race, so it is impossible to go too far.

At this time Lin Zhen already knew his way to a god-level alchemist.

That is to combine the alchemy techniques of the two major races into one, creating a path that belongs to Lin Zhen alone.

He also didn't get the pill of the gods from King Chilian, but Lin Zhen was not discouraged.

Relying on the understanding of the medicinal properties and the understanding of the alchemy, Lin Zhen was completely able to figure out the mystery of the God Realm Qi Pill Recipe by himself, which was not particularly difficult.

At present, what his clone is doing is to analyze the needs of the elixir of the gods and obtain a precise data to determine the medicinal materials and determine the refining method.

This process requires trial and error, but it can be done in the dimensional universe.

Now he has some eyebrows, as long as the pill leading to the God Realm stage is refined, Lin Zhen will become a god-level alchemist with this pill!

Becoming a god-level alchemist and entering the **** realm period is certainly important, but that can't be accomplished in a day or two. Lin Zhen's body has other things to do.

He is going out of the hut of the treasure hunting vine.

Now that he has come to Fenglei Valley, it is impossible for Lin Zhen to return empty-handed. He needs to go out and look for the treasure here.

Although the Jiutian Gangfeng here is violent, Lin Zhen is in good condition at the moment. He must adapt to the Jiutian Gangfeng and lightning storm here.

If you don't go out, you can only stay in this cabin forever.

The body is armored, but it cannot be attached with gold, because the attached gold will attract lightning bombardment in the valley, which is an act of seeking death.

Even Lin Zhen couldn't take out any weapons, whether it was double swords or double spears, it would attract thunder and lightning.

"Chrissy, lock me in the direction of the place where the battle of the gods finally broke out. Master, I'm going to go on the expedition."

Kris immediately typed a coordinate for Lin Zhen.

"Master, walk in this direction. As long as you don't give up halfway, there must be a day when you arrive at your destination."


The black scale armor covered his body, and Lin Zhen looked like a wild beast, quietly poking out a hand from the tree-vine hut.


A knife-like wind swept across the palm, and the wind speed had reached a state of sub-light speed!

Even though the palms were covered with scales, Lin Zhen still felt a tingling pain.

"Good guy, if I didn't come in after Kaihua, I'm afraid I would have been torn apart by the wind."

After feeling that he could bear it for a short time, Lin Zhen took a deep breath and resolutely walked out of the treasure hunting house.

The skin of the body rolled over like water waves for an instant, and the bones creaked.

Putting away the treasure hunting Teng and turning it into a red thread wrapped around his wrist, Lin Zhen took a step forward and began to walk hard in the valley.

Although it is called a valley, its vast territory is probably comparable to the distance from the earth to Mars.

It is too difficult to walk around such a remote place that needs to be summarized by astronomical numbers.

With Kaihua's body, Lin Zhen trudged hard in the wind.

After walking for three minutes, Lin Zhen felt that he was going to be unable to support it, so he had to put down the tree and vine hut again, and hid himself again.

After three minutes of trekking, blood began to ooze under the scale armor.

"Sure enough, it's hard enough, but it's normal. If it weren't for the howling wind and thunder, this valley would have been turned upside down."

"Human adaptability is the strongest. My body needs to move forward now, so I have to block this wind and thunder. I can only walk for three minutes now, but maybe next time I will be able to improve a bit. Anyway, there is an immortal spirit body. Recovering can allow me to quickly devote myself to the next exercise."

The power of the immortal body was running, the lotus flower slowly bloomed, and Lin Zhen's injury was quickly recovering.

About ten minutes later, Lin Zhen left the vine hut again and began trekking in the valley for the second time.

This time, Lin Zhen's time reached three minutes and one second!

After holding on for a second longer than last time, Lin Zhen had to rest again.

"It's so difficult. It's not easy to move around here freely, but it's a good thing to improve. It proves that I have adapted to the wind here a little bit and I will make progress next time."

After another ten minutes Lin Zhen started to advance for the third time. This time it improved by one second, three minutes and two seconds.

Although there was only one second of improvement each time, Lin Zhen was not at all discouraged. After resting, he embarked on the journey again.

This time, with a two-second improvement, it reached three minutes and four seconds!

Moreover, the bleeding under the scales has also been slightly relieved.

This relief is so subtle that if it weren't for Lin Zhen's feeling extremely keen, he would not even be aware of it.

"Chrissy, is the amount of blood oozing this time a bit less than the last time, did you make a record?"

Chrissy didn’t incarnate as a little girl squatting on Lin Zhen’s shoulders, but returned to the inside of the dimensional universe, because she felt that if her white skirt fluttered in the gusty wind, Lin Zhen might see something. , It will suffer.

Lin really couldn't understand the strange thinking of intelligent life, but fortunately this did not affect Chris' calculations.

"Master, the amount of blood oozing is indeed less, less than 0.04 grams, this is a visible improvement."

"It's good to have progress. I am going in the right direction, right?"

"There is no mistake. Your current direction is the direction of the planet where the two great gods fell. Based on your current speed, you will be able to reach that planet in about 1,500 and 70 years."

Lin Zhen smiled: "If you don't need you to pour cold water on me, will I never make progress? After I gradually adapt to the wind here, the distance of more than a thousand years will not be considered a distance at all."

"Then come on, master, according to the inheritance memory I have obtained, the two gods have extremely precious treasures. If you can reach it, the harvest will definitely exceed your imagination."

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