Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 901: Click to kill

Seeing that the young man's attitude was good, the foreman was not too embarrassed: "Hurry up and sit down, don't be an eyesore there. x"

Lin An sat in his place properly, still having huge waves in his heart.

He was sure that he was not mistaken. This warrior, who was vigorously promoted by Dimension Universe and set as the cover character, is his biological father, Lin Zhen!

As Lin Zhen's son, Lin An has used his father as an idol since childhood.

Although at home, most of his beautiful and gentle mother Anning accompanied him, as well as Aunt Mingyue and Aunt Angel, but as a man, Lin An is more yearning to follow his father to fight and fight.

When the danger came, he and his brother were sent to the Metaverse.

But he and his brother Lin Ping did not fall in the same place. He came to Skyfire City and was arrested as a miner.

When Lin An first arrived, he was only at the peak of the realm king, but the basic requirement for miners here was longevity, and miners who did not reach the realm of longevity were of little value.

Lin An must break through, so he broke through, reaching the realm of longevity that people in the New Territories dream of!

He survived, and used all the time he could to cultivate, and now he has reached the fifth level of longevity.

Lin An sometimes despaired because he felt that no matter how he cultivated, he would never have the opportunity to leave Skyfire City. It would be impossible to resist the foreman and mine guard team here.

The opponent is too powerful, too powerful to defeat!

But now he saw his father!

His father looked younger than himself and was full of spirits. He actually reached the peak of spiritual change!

Seeing in the video, the father slaughtered the gods and stone stages, it was as simple as killing a chicken, Lin An was filled with waves of emotion!

Especially when he saw Lin Zhen killing White, Lin An almost couldn't help but want to jump up from his seat and shout!

He wants to tell everyone that Lin is really his father!

But he didn't do this. He knew that it was better not to say many things. He was just a low-ranking miner, and it was definitely not a good thing to say it.

"I want to practice! I want to become stronger! I want to escape from Skyfire City! Go to my father and tell him about the whereabouts of my brother!" Lin An decided silently in his heart, and fell into thinking.

It is very, very difficult to escape this road, he must think carefully.


After leaving the planet Linda, Lin Zhen moved in the direction of Canghaixing.

"Chrissy, how is the situation on the planet cemetery recently?"

"Master, I just added Wen Tao's Dimensional Universe friend, you won't blame me."

Chris sat on Lin Zhen's shoulders, kicking her chubby feet.

"Oh! Why add him?"

"Wen Tao wants to add you, and I think this person knows a lot in the planetary graveyard. Adding his Dimensional Universe friends can save a lot of research work. You can get a lot of information directly from him. ."

"Just you ghost, what information did you get?"

Chris raised her little face: "Of course there is a lot of news. Listen well. At present, there are about 400,000 warriors of the endless race on the planet cemetery, and about 80,000 warriors of the ground race. We are at an absolute disadvantage. , And the number of this population is still declining, because the endless race sent out a lot of hunting teams to search for the traces of the warriors of the ground race. The power gap above is too large, and it is very difficult for the ground race to make a comeback."

Lin Zhen frowned slightly, "I know all of these, and said I don't know."

"That's the information about the endless race. At present, the planet cemetery is led by a powerful king, the demon king demigod, and the king of Shura. This person is very strong. There are more than a dozen demigods under him, hundreds of This is the main strength of Canghaixing."

"Have there ever been news about a ghost tribe great elder, a holy alchemist?" Lin Zhen was worried about the holy alchemist elder that the judge said, and wanted to meet this person.

"I really don't know."

Lin Zhen nodded, knowing that things couldn't go so smoothly.

"Master, what are we going to do now?"

Lin Zhen thought for a moment: "There is nothing to do right now, so let's raise my star first."

Lin Zhen calculated: "Look, there are more than 400,000 people of endless races. Even if the average strength is in the God Realm stage, one is 1,000 points, and the total is 400 million points, and I am promoted to the seven-star warrior. , It only needs 100 million points."

Chris' eyes widened suddenly, and she covered her small mouth and said: "Master! Are you going to kill all the endless races here? Bragging is not a good habit."

Lin Zhen laughed and said, "If you give me enough time, it is really possible to do this. Even if I can't kill all of them right now, I will kill them with fear! They were shocked and let them hear me. Lin Zhen His name was trembling!"

Having said that, Lin Zhen opened the exchange page again, and exchanged hundreds of horns for the gods from it.

The two-color speakers of gold and silver are used together, and both the ground race and the endless race can receive information.

"Listen to the people of endless races. I am Lin Zhen. I am in the planetary cemetery. From now on, your people should stay honestly in the sea star and don't move, otherwise I will meet them, and I will definitely leave them alone! "

The domineering language full of threats once again caused an uproar.

Just after experiencing the battle of the planet Linda, the ground race was so powerful that many people immediately supported Lin Zhen.

Of course, compared to supporting Lin Zhen, more people cursed Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen thought that the first person would be the person of endless races, but he did not expect that the first person to scold him would be the Ruthless King!

"Lin Zhen, it's best not to let me know your coordinate location, or you will be dead!"

"Hahaha! You'd better not let me know where you are. You, a mouse crossing the street, have the ability to fight against me. Why don't you come out and contribute to the warriors of the ground race? Endless race. People deal with you, and the ground races don’t need you either. You have a way to report your coordinates, and I will go and destroy you now!"

Lin Zhen's scolding once again attracted many people to applaud, such as the Soul Chaser, who spoke in support of Lin Zhen.

And those people who were rescued by Lin Zhen on the planet of Linda, at this time, they also had no choice but to be stingy with the **** stone. They bought loudspeakers and lashed out at the Ruthless King.

Others did not dare to squirt, but the Ruthless King had already gotten into Lin Zhen, and with Lin Zhen as the backstage, they didn't have to worry so much.

Among them, Wen Tao's words are the sharpest!

"The Eye of the Storm was originally a battle between the ground race and the endless race. The two sides are hostile. It can't be an exaggeration. The Ruthless King, you don't want to help your fellow race. Lin Zhen is now a hero of the ground race. You still want to find him. The trouble? You still have the meaning of race in your heart!?"

"You can treat your family members as being ruthless, so you got the title of Ruthless King, but that is your own business after all, and no one wants to care about you. But if you treat your race at risk, it is unjust, like you. Wait until the ruthless villain dare to come out and bark? What a shame! If there is anything to Lin Zhen, my Dimension Universe Company will definitely not give up with you!"

Hearing Wen Tao's tirade, Lin Zhen stroked his chin.

Although this reporter was rather annoying before, but afterwards he acted more like Lin's real appetite and his sharp words, as expected to make a living by playing tricks.

Ruthless Wang Kong has a good ability, and this deflation is also settled.

Facing the surging sentiment among the ordinary warriors of the ground race, the Ruthless King never said a word.

On the ground race, no one except the Ruthless King went to spray Linzhen.

However, there are still many people in the endless race who see Lin Zhen not pleasing to their eyes, such as the monkey fierce who fought with Lin Zhen before.

The monkey furiously scolded Lin Zhen: "Lin Zhen, you were a fluke before, and you dared to be arrogant. If I let Lao Tzu meet you at Canghaixing, you will surely be frustrated!"

Lin Zhen laughed and retorted, "Dead monkey, did your tail grow out? Doesn't your **** hurt anymore? I want to cook a pot of sauced monkey tails here. Would you like to come over and drink some?"

The monkey vomited blood fiercely and cursed.

King Shura, the number one master of the Azure Star endless race, also spoke.

"Lin Zhen, you are a yellow-mouthed kid who dare to speak up! There is a kind of sea star, and the old man will let you know that the sky is great!"

"King Shura, you, a fellow who has not been a king for a long time, dare to rule the planet cemetery. Stay on the sea star and wash your neck and wait to be slaughtered. When I pass, it will be when you die!"

King Shura was also extremely annoyed, but as a powerful king, he held his own identity, and wanted to scold Lin Zhen, he really couldn't hold back his face.

"Lin Zhen, this king knows that your teeth are sharp, but you don't have to be arrogant. If the old man doesn't want to use your tongue, you can scan the screen and curse people, aren't you rich? Someone will play with you today~ I'm afraid you can't afford it."

After finishing talking, a powerful demon **** stone named Guaiba began to spray Lin Zhen.

It may have been supported by King Shura. This guessing tyrant used Lin Zhen's original method of dealing with the Ruthless King.

The two-color horn keeps screaming, and when you scold someone, you can pick ugly curses. The classic curse sentences of all races are constantly screaming!

Sometimes people of other endless races booed and mocked.

The people of the ground race were immediately embarrassed. Guessing the tyrant came prepared, if Lin Zhen was scolded by him for a day, he would be ruthless!

If you fight against him, you can definitely not be able to do it. The endless races have occupied Canghaixing for so long, and this divine stone is nothing at all.

After Lin Zhen heard a few sentences, he also felt a little tricky.

After thinking about it, I said to Chris: "Is there a way to find the approximate coordinates of this person?"

Chrissy immediately replied: "I can't find it, but Wen Tao should be able to find it. He is from the Dimensional Universe Company and can locate the other side's Dimensional Intelligent Life."

"Well, since Wen Tao has added my friend, let's do something for me, find him, and determine the location of this Guess."

"What will the master do?" Kris asked.

Lin Zhen smiled suddenly: "Does Kris know about online games? The reason why some people are so arrogant on the Internet is because others can't find him. If they are found, they won't be arrogant!" rw

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