Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 886: Heritage of God

On the ground race side, a warrior team of hundreds of people is exploring the planet one by one.

Among this team, the lowest-level warrior is also a **** stone!

A group of ten people, and each group is led by a demigod.

The group moved forward in all directions, pulling a net, each holding a huge metal circle in their hands.

There is a halo on the metal ring, and the halo will brighten up when there is a **** stone.

"Hurry up! Try not to leave dead ends!"

A king-level demigod passed through the air and kept shouting at the people below.

Behind the team, there was a huge metal frame pulled by nine blue dragons, slowly walking behind.

Those teams of three or five people will take the initiative to retreat when they encounter this team.

This team is too strong, and it is simply not something that ordinary warriors can contend.

"Who are this group of people? They are too strong. The worst is the Divine Stone Realm, and the direction of advancement is also the planet cemetery. Shouldn't such a powerful team go to cross continents?"

"I don't know, but the person who can command such a powerful team should be at least one king, but I saw that there are two kings in this team, who is the highest commander?"

"Is it ignorant? This is the king of the city of purgatory, laugh at common people, laugh at common people, do you know? From the Hall of Fame in Tianfang City, those two kings are his subordinates."

"Oh my god! He is actually a strong Hall of Fame! How can such a strong come back here?"

"It should be to collect the **** stones quickly. We can't figure out the thoughts of these powerful people."

Inside the metal frame, a tall, long-haired warrior leaned against the dragon cart, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The luxurious interior decoration of the dragon car is horrible, and the door curtains are all star beads.

The stellar bead is refined from the stars. Only after the white dwarf explodes, without forming a black hole, the star core is refined. It has the automatic light-emitting function of the night pearl, and it also has the meaning of warmth, which is extremely precious.


The door curtain of Xingxingzhu was opened, and a powerful king came in.

"Laughing common people, today's harvest has been calculated."

"Yeah, say."

"I worked 22 hours today and harvested a total of 285 sacred stones."

Smiling Cangsheng slightly tapped the white jade tabletop: "There are not three hundred..."

"My lord, this is also a normal ups and downs. According to the average calculation, you can still find three sacred stones per person every day. Occasionally, it is not a big deal to have less."

Laughing Cangsheng nodded: "Of course I know this is normal, but I don’t treat me now. Three hundred sacred stones per day, 9,000 per month. To accumulate 100,000 sacred stones, I’m afraid it will take almost a year. Competitors, may not give me that long time."

"My lord is talking about the blood shadow of the Hall of Fame powerhouse on the endless race. The speed at which he searches for the **** stone should be about the same as ours."

"Yes, his number and strength are equal to ours. This time he came to the eye of the storm, his goal is the same as mine, and he comes for the crystal ball of the gods."

The king demigod thought for a while: "My lord, you already have a **** crystal, can't you just refine it into a god? Why do you have to find the inheritance of the gods?"

"Huh! What do you know? I can now forcibly refine the **** crystal into a god, but if I become a **** in this way, it will also have the lowest strength in the gods. If I can get a **** inheritance, it will be different. After gaining the inheritance, although the strength is still inferior to those who have cultivated to become gods on their own, there are still great benefits. After becoming a god, the strength can also be ranked in the middle. This is also the wish of many hall of fame demigods."

"The subordinate will urge them to move faster, and strive to increase their daily harvest by 50!"

"Do everything, if it doesn't work..."

Laughing Cangsheng showed a stern look on his face: "I have raised so many sacred stone realms, but they have not been raised for nothing. The sacred stones on their bodies are my reserves."

Like Liao Cangsheng, on the endless race side, there is also a hall of fame demon warrior carrying a hundred demon warriors carpet-like searching for the **** stone.

This Demon Clan Hall of Fame is called Blood Shadow, and his purpose is the same as Laughing Common Life, which is to exchange the inheritance of God in advance.

The conversation process between him and his subordinates was exactly the same as that of Xiao Cangsheng's side, both of them regarded each other as competitors.

This time the eye of the storm opened, and only the two of them who were strong in the Hall of Fame entered. In their eyes, only the other was worthy of attention, because no one else had the strength to compete with them.

The eye of the storm has gradually entered a period of calm, except for some conflicts that broke out when the warriors first entered.

Because now the ground race and the ground race are together, the endless race and the endless race are together, basically there will not be too much conflict with each other.

At least until a large number of warriors arrive at the planetary cemetery and the intersecting continents, this calm will continue.

But people also know that this is temporary. When the local race and the endless race meet, the real conflict between the two sides breaks out.

Occasionally, some warriors will exchange for treasures, but more warriors are accumulating divine stones, keeping them to buy better things.

Get the good things first, and then exchange the remaining sacred stones for something.

Many warriors drool at the crystal ball of the inheritance of the gods, but everyone knows that this treasure is definitely something they can't imagine. Only the real strong and the people with the corresponding power can get it.

Time is passing slowly.....

Ten months have passed......

Inside Linda's planet, Lin Zhen's practice deepened.

The refining of the avatar's pill was fairly smooth, and when it entered the underground for the second month, the avatar had already refined the pill that was enough to make Lin Zhen rush to the spiritual consciousness stage.

At this time, Lin Zhen's realm had also reached the peak of Sanhua.

The three flowers above his head are completely in full bloom, and the star power is also unprecedentedly as high as 450 million.

At this time, as long as Lin Zhen swallowed the pill, his realm would be able to change directly.

But Lin Zhen didn't choose to break through immediately, because he still didn't feel the star power overflowing.

In order to pursue a perfect breakthrough, Lin Zhen chose to continue practicing.

Treasure Hunting Teng was released by him, and he could move freely in this star field near the planet Linda. Whenever the collection of the **** stones was full, he would automatically send it back here, but he could not go beyond this star field.

In the third month, Lin Zhen mastered a quadruple time deceleration, giving him more time to practice.

With a four-fold time acceleration, in the fourth month, Lin Zhen mastered a five-fold time acceleration.

When the clone had refined a part of the pill, it also began to comprehend the stele during this time.

In the fifth month, Lin Zhen Wuyingbu's practice made another breakthrough and successfully comprehended the sixth picture.

After comprehending this picture, Lin Zhen's actual combat ability has been greatly enhanced. Even if he does not use the treasure hunter now, he is confident that he will be undefeated in the face of opponents at the peak of the gods.

In the sixth month, Lin Zhen finally mastered five times the time to slow down.

After the time ratio reached one to five, Lin Zhen had more time to practice. The clone temporarily stopped the comprehension of the shadowless step, and instead went to the third form of the comprehension of the sword technique, Rakshasa.

It took Lin Zhen ten years to comprehend the second trick Senhan. This trick was dozens of times more difficult than Senhan.

After a period of comprehension, Lin Zhen made a judgment. It is estimated that it will take at least 200 to 300 years before the comprehension can be successful.

But Lin Zhen still has plenty of time now. This trick Raksha must learn. This trick is his trump card to fight the strong, and it is the guarantee for leapfrog battle.

With a time ratio of one to five, Lin Zhen meditated and adjusted his breath every day, cultivating star power, and completely resolved the little mood instability caused by the rapid advance during this period of time.

In the seventh month, after Lin Zhen mastered a six-fold time acceleration, he also felt that the star power of the Sanhua realm had reached an overflowing level.

At this time, if Lin Zhen chooses to break through, then it is considered a perfect breakthrough. Except for the world in the body, it is possible to double his body star power.

But Lin Zhen still did not do so immediately.

The realm of divine transformation is the watershed between warriors and gods. If the foundation of divine transformation is well laid, the future strength will be strong.

In Lin Zhen's view, the transformation of Sanhua to God is very important, and he always feels that something is lacking.

He has instructed Chris to notify him immediately when the treasure hunter has collected enough divine stones.

So Lin Zhen was still waiting, waiting for the moment when the crystal ball of God's inheritance was exchanged.

In the area of ​​the planet Linda, Treasure Hunter can harvest about 400 or so sacred stones every day. Although Lin Zhen didn’t check the number of sacred stones to avoid, he knew that day would be soon. Has arrived.

In the eighth month, Lin Zhen hadn't gained much. It was a relatively flat month. The insight of Sun Luo swordsmanship was still far away, and the time slowed down and he didn't make progress.

But in the ninth month, Lin Zhen finally had a huge harvest!

First of all, the time slowed down, Lin Zhen realized six times, and the time ratio could reach one to six.

Furthermore, Chris finally notified Lin Zhen that the treasure hunter had completed the task and returned.

Lin Zhen, who had just finished the six-time deceleration, was overjoyed and immediately stopped practicing and went to check the treasure hunt.

During this time, all the sacred stones and treasures found by Treasure Hunter Teng were all piled up in the alchemy room, and Lin Zhen was afraid of being distracted and never went to see it once.

This time, the Baoguang in the room filled Lin Zhen's eyes suddenly!

"Master, congratulations, this treasure hunt Teng is considered to have overfulfilled the task, a total of 115,000 sacred stones have been collected."

Lin Zhen was shocked: "One hundred thousand five? Didn't I say one hundred thousand is enough?"

"Master, I can’t use it to directly exchange for the Crystal Ball of God’s Inheritance, so I just made my own choice and let Teng Duo collect some of the treasure hunters, so that you can redeem the Half-God Inheritance, the King’s Inheritance, and the Hall of Fame Inheritance all at once. Yes, I can also complete the upgrade as quickly as possible."

Lin Zhen immediately wiped the cold sweat on his head, put away the sacred stone without a word, and then took out hundreds of thousands of mental energy, quickly opened the exchange panel, and directly exchanged for the inheritance of the gods!

When the energy little angel waved its wings and appeared, Lin Zhen finally let out a long sigh.

He had a hunch that later, this crystal ball would not belong to him, but fortunately he succeeded.

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