Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 883: Lin Zhen local tyrant six hundred and sixty-six!

Hearing Lin Zhen's words, Kris, the intelligent life, was taken aback.

"Master, give two thousand if you provide the coordinates. Do you have so many sacred stones now?"


"Then you... Isn't this a deception?"

Lin Zhen waved his hand: "No, it's not a deception, it's bragging, do you think these warriors are all fools? Let’s not say that the Ruthless King has always been alone, no one knows the coordinates, even if someone knows, no one will believe it. My words, but this can be disgusting to the ruthless king."

Chrissy said in a puzzled way: "But this will not do you any good, right? I remember the master is not such an impulsive and high-profile person."

Lin Zhen pondered for a moment: "I have a high-profile reason why I must be high-profile. The Ruthless King just happened to happen."

Lin Zhen's actions shocked the warriors of the ground race again.

The Ruthless King wanted Lin Zhen, this was reasonable, and arrogance was the privilege of the strong.

But Lin Zhen wanted Ruqing Wang in turn, which was too hard to understand.

It seems to give you the coordinates of the ruthless king, and you dare to find someone else. Isn't this intentionally disgusting?

But people are more emotionally excited. Lin Zhen is so courageous. If he is wanted by the Ruthless King as an ordinary person, he might have been hiding in a mouse hole long ago for fear of being discovered.

But Lin Zhen not only didn't do this, but instead became angry, which is tantamount to directly provoking the dignity of the ruthless king.

Is the dignity of a king-level powerhouse so provocative? He just waited for the ruthless king's revenge.

People are looking forward to the reaction of Ruthless King.

On the intersecting continent, King Ruqing was sitting on a crescent-shaped broken meteorite and was cultivating. He heard the news of Lin Zhen.


A white icy air sprayed out from his body, directly covering the surrounding meteorite with a thick layer of frost.

"Okay! What a Lin Zhen, really courageous!"

The ruthless king's face was cold, and he directly exchanged a golden horn on the exchange page.

He had more than 500 sacred stones before, because he wanted Lin Zhen for the first time. If he really caught him, he would give the reporter a reward, but he didn't succeed and let Lin Zhen run away.

In his opinion, Lin Zhen would not reappear temporarily after running away, and the five hundred sacred stones would not be used temporarily.

The Ruthless King exchanged a cold-attribute spirit treasure and spent three hundred divine stones, and now there are two hundred remaining in his hand.

Once again, he took out twenty in exchange for a golden trumpet, and the Ruthless King immediately counterattacked.

"Lin Zhen! Don't blow up there. My coordinates are 552331-82374. If you are really capable, come here. I am here waiting for you."

When the ruthless king said, he kept a mind. He didn't say his exact position, but a little deviation, which was also for his own safety.

Although he is not afraid of Lin Zhen, he still has other enemies.

Hiding behind the meteorite, staring tightly at the spatial coordinate point, the Ruthless King waited to see if Lin Zhen would appear.


The Ruthless King really fought back!

Hearing the ruthless king reported the space coordinate point, the other warriors suddenly boiled.

Really stunned!

"I just said Ruthless King wouldn't be polite to Lin Zhen, but he is a powerful king, so Lin Zhen is something."

"Although he is a saint master, in the eye of the storm, the status of saint master is not as easy to use as a powerful king. Lin Zhen must be persuaded this time."

"Oh! It's not of a magnitude at all, I guess Lin Zhen dare not speak."

"If you want to talk, you have to talk. Twenty sacred stones can be exchanged for a speaker. It is estimated that Lin Zhen will have no money after changing two or three speakers."

This kind of discussion takes place in any place. There is no Dimensional Universe Forum in the eyes of the storm. People are struggling to communicate and can only talk in a small area.

But beyond everyone's expectations, Lin Zhen fought back again.


Hearing the words of the Ruthless King, Lin Zhen immediately exchanged his speakers again, and said loudly in the Dimensional Universe after a while: "Liar! Your coordinates are across continents. I passed by, but I didn't see you at all!"

Lin Zhen said this too casually, so he wouldn't go over and check it stupidly, but it was difficult for Ruthless King to prove it, and he believed that Ruthless King didn't dare to reveal the coordinates, at least not the exact coordinates.

In the eyes of the Ruthless King, his enemy would definitely not be Lin Zhen, and the strongest kings would also have enemies. The Ruthless King was alone and would be **** if he dared to expose it at will.

The Ruthless King didn't see Lin Zhen coming at all. He was furious when he heard Lin Zhen turn black and white casually. He exchanged his speakers again, and wanted to counter Lin Zhen.

"Lin Zhen! You bastard, you don't want to talk here anymore. This king has been waiting here, but he never saw you appear!"

Ruthless Wang believed that everyone would still believe him instead of Lin Zhen. It was not so easy for Lin Zhen to discredit himself.

But before Lin Zhen recovered, suddenly the coordinate point space fluctuated and someone appeared.

The Soul Chaser, and two powerful kings at the rank of kings, three people appeared at this coordinate point at the same time, obviously coming to the Ruthless King.

The ruthless king's body was completely hidden inside the meteorite, and the soul chasing kings did not notice it.

"Liar! Ruthless King, a rubbish, actually deceived Lin Zhen, and he simply lost the face of the powerful king."

When the Soul Chaser heard the information of Ruthless King's coordinates, he immediately found two friends who wanted to come and besieged the Ruthless King, but he didn't expect it to be empty.

The King of Soul Chaser is not good-tempered. At the beginning, he was robbed of the Crystal by the Ruthless King at the auction house. In addition, there were grievances and hatred for the Ruthless King. Now he ran for nothing, his temper came up, and he exchanged one directly. speaker.

"The Ruthless King is a **** bragging about taxes. Lao Tzu's Soul Chaser is at your coordinate point. Mao hasn't seen one. If you are there, get Lao Tzu out! On the contrary, the little brother Lin Zhen just left, ruthless The king really lost the face of the powerful king!"

Now that he scolded the Ruthless King, it didn't matter if he gave Lin Zhen a favor. If he could discredit the Ruthless King, the Soulchaser King was willing to do this.

The two powerful kings who came with the Soul Chaser were also angry, and at the same time they exchanged their horns to support the Soul Chaser.

"Lao Tzu, the Iron Hand King of the Wild City! Confirm the words of the Soul Chaser."

"I am the Ghost King of Thunder Cloud City, confirm the words of the Soul Chaser."

Three powerful kings came forward to attack the ruthless king, which made people have to believe.

This shocked everyone's eyes. Lin Zhen really dared to go to the Ruthless King, but the Ruthless King did not dare to report the coordinates!

Suddenly, a few of the God Stones who were not afraid of watching the excitement spoke up.

"Lin is so good! My Illusory City demigod Asuk looks forward to your growth."

"Hahaha! What a wonderful drama, Saint Master Lin Zhen, I remember your name. Your courage is as admirable as your alchemy. I am a martial artist in the realm of gods and stones."

"Oh! It's really sad that the powerful king was playing such a trick. The Ruthless King is so disappointing."

"You are really local tyrants, the speakers of the Twenty Divine Stones do not blink. I, Du Yuecheng, Flowing Fire City, admire you and support Lin Zhen at the same time."

The lifeless atmosphere in the eyes of the storm was swept away, and it suddenly became lively.

The Ruthless King looked at such a scene extremely frustrated, but he didn't dare to find a few Soul Chaser Kings. He had no chance of winning in one fight.

Only after the Soul Chaser left, the Ruthless King exchanged a trumpet again, yelling at Lin for being a liar.

Unfortunately, no one believes his words now.

Lin Zhen wasn't over yet. Seeing the ruthless king dared to scold him back, he immediately exchanged his horn and scolded him.

A saint-level alchemist, a demigod at the level of a king, actually started a curse war in the dimensional universe.

Just like in online games, some local tyrant players spend cash to buy props and speak out and curse people all over the world. The comparison is not the ugly curse, but the financial resources.

When one person stops, it proves that he has lost and is no match for the other person.

Of course the Ruthless King couldn't stop at this time. He exchanged all the two hundred sacred stones in his hand for trumpets. Lin Zhen scolded him every time he cursed. He didn't believe how many sacred stones Lin Zhen had in his hands.

Two people come and go, and when Lin Zhen scolded the tenth sentence, the ruthless king realized that there was no **** stone in his hand.

"Lin Zhen, bastard... he actually has so many sacred stones! Is he crazy? Using so many sacred stones to fight with doesn't he want to exchange treasures in the eye of the storm? Yet?"

If King Ruthless still had the sacred stone in his hands at this time, he would have to fight Lin Zhen to the end for how much he spent, but it was a pity that he was gone.

At this moment, he extremely regretted why he had to exchange the treasure first, otherwise he had five hundred sacred stones in his hand, he believed that he would be able to beat Lin Zhen.

It's a pity that he can only watch Lin Zhen continue to screen there.

"King Ruthless! Go on! Why are you talking about it? I can't afford to spend money? I am ashamed to say that he wants me to spend a thousand sacred stones. Even if someone really reports the coordinates to you, you can pay others’ sacred stones. Hahaha!"

After swiping the screen for a few consecutive times, seeing that the Ruthless King was completely silent, Lin Zhen also stopped the scolding after dropping a sentence of rubbish.

Such a brilliant drama stunned the warriors of the ground race.



A martial artist who has not yet reached the realm of God Transformation, actually gave the Fengwang Demigod the right words!

Or right, no money!

As long as Ruthless King still has money, he will never admit counsel in such a situation. It can be imagined that Ruthless King is holding his stomach at this moment. If this breath is not going well, he can only be a demigod in his life. Now, even the refining of Shenjing will not succeed.

People calculated it, and after a while, Lin Zhen swiped 15 items on the screen. That's three hundred sacred stones!

For a time, there were some warriors who spent divine stones to speak in the dimensional universe.


"Lin Zhen is mighty!"

"The local tyrant is domineering! This time you are considered a big name!"

It was indeed a name. Lin Zhen came to the eye of the storm for a month, and all the warriors of the ground race who entered the eye of the storm did not know the name of Lin Zhen.