Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 872: Eye of the Storm is on

Lin Zhenxin had some enlightenment, and when he returned to the back hall, he immediately opened a new round of enlightenment. [Please remember the city\'wen\'study


There are tens of thousands of flowers in the garden within the **** clock.

Lin Zhen didn't look at the short-blooming flowers, but went straight to the front of an ivy.

The flowers of ivy, layer upon layer, are blooming throughout the year, which is enough to guarantee Lin Zhen's comprehension.

"Time acceleration and deceleration require a process. The maximum deceleration effect here is twenty-four times. The acceleration is the same. Only after the time acceleration corresponding to the comprehension can be achieved, can I decelerate the comprehension time."

"Like this kind of ivy flower, it should contain twice the time acceleration. I will try to understand it first!"

Lin Zhen's judgment was correct. This time, the flowers of the ivy did not decay as quickly as ordinary flowers, because its acceleration time was very slow, which was just enough for beginners like Lin Zhen to comprehend.

Spiritual power rests on the flowers, and Lin Zhen carefully understands the process of blooming.

"When the flower blooms, the time flow rate at the petals is different from other places. It is obviously faster than other places. I have to master this force field."

"The law of time is extremely profound, and it is mutually dependent on the law of space. Only when space exists, time can exist. If space does not exist, then time has no basis and meaning for existence. I am in space and I need to realize the flow of time!"

"Since the flow of time is different at the petals, let me become a petal!"

Lin Zhen's thoughts moved, his mental power had already reached the petals, in the core of the petals.

His people are still outside, feeling the normal flow of time, but their mental power is already at double the flow of time.

Such a strong contrast is of great benefit to Lin Zhen's comprehension.

Sitting in front of the divine clock, Lin Zhen embraced Yuan Shouyi and entered a state of deep cultivation.

Storm's Eye Star Field.

Cosmic storms of up to thirty-five levels are roaring and raging, moving wildly at a speed of more than 200,000 kilometers per second!

The densely packed sky is all after being polished by the storm for millions of years or even longer, the thin cicada wings and sharp blades of the planet formed, as the storm rotates, forming a light blue light.

These fragments are made of extremely strong materials, and each piece is as powerful as a slashing blade, unable to pass!

The width of the spreading storm has reached thousands of light years, forming a life restricted zone, even if mosquitoes fly over, they will be instantly cut into hundreds of pieces!

On the periphery of the storm, a starry sky camera with a thousand-fold high-speed camera is shooting the storm billions of kilometers away.

"Hey! Weakened! Weakened!"

In the camera lens, the light blue deadly light that could not be captured at all has gradually appeared in the camera.

"Hurry up and test!"

"The wind speed is dropping rapidly, it's level 34, level 33, level 30!"

"The storm will stop completely within a week!"

"Haha! It's really rare. It's been 4.9 million years. It's finally time when the storm in the eye of the storm stops, and a grand gathering is about to usher here!"

"Publish the news, those who are going to enter the eye of the storm are almost ready to go."

Those who have been observing the information of the eye of the storm have passed the news to all directions.

Too many people want to enter the eye of the storm.

Within the square city alone, the number of warriors registered exceeded one million!

And these warriors are not ordinary people, you have to know that there are requirements for the registration of Tianfang City, and you can only register after the star reaches four stars.

Moreover, the endless battlefield is far more than a city in Tianfang City. Among the dozens of nearby cities, there are tens of millions of warriors going to the eye of the storm.

According to incomplete statistics, there are about 50 million people on the ground race.

Corresponding to the ground race, the number of people on the endless race is similar, so the number of people who actually enter the eye of the storm is about 100 million.

The eyes of the storm are dangerous, and the process of finding treasures is full of various unknown risks, and also faces other competitors.

According to the process of the eye of the storm in the past, there will never be more than half of the people who can survive.

However, the warriors are still rushing, because as long as those who live out, their future achievements will not be small.

"Master, the post published in the Dimensional Universe does not have any news related to the two young masters."

Kris reminded Lin Zhen in the dimensional universe.

During this period of time, Lin Zhen’s name is very famous in the surrounding areas. Many people want to be a teacher, and there is a lot of news about what they want to meet. Lin Zhen also asked Chris to pay close attention to the situation in the dimensional universe to see if there is Lin Ping Lin An. Message from two people.

But there has been no news, which explains the problem.

Lin Ping Lin An is definitely not in Tianfang City, or even in the area around Tianfang City.

The father and son are connected, Lin Zhen feels that the two sons are definitely still alive, but they are not nearby.

Although his current reputation is not small, he is still far from reaching the region that can affect the entire endless star sea.

"It seems that the reputation is still not enough. The two children don't even know that his father has come to the endless battlefield. But this time the eye of the storm is opened. People from the ground race and the endless race are all paying attention. The degree of attention is definitely not a corner of the sky. The land is comparable. If I can make a name in the eye of the storm, they will definitely get news from me."

Turn his gaze back to the misty divine clock.

"In the past month or so, my progress in comprehending the misty divine clock is pretty good. I have already mastered twice the time to accelerate, which can really be used in actual combat."

"It's just that the time slowing down is very difficult. It is definitely not something that can be achieved overnight. There is no time now. I must prepare to go to the eye of the storm."

Lin Zhen raised his hand and put the misty divine clock into the body world.

He began to organize his things.

He didn't have the opportunity to comprehend the stone stele from the Holy Land during this time, the Rakshasa of the Seng Luo sword technique, this is what he must comprehend.

Shadowless Step's progress has reached the sixth level, and it takes time to fully understand.

There is also Luo Tian's escape method, which will be his trump card in the eyes of the storm. With this method, it is difficult for anyone to kill Lin Zhen.

The other is medicinal materials. The acquisitions during this period of time have also achieved initial results. All medicinal materials for refining Yanghua pills have been collected.

There are also medicines for the Spiritual Realm Period, Lin Zhen also reserves enough medicinal materials, enough for Lin Zhen to cultivate until it hits the Spiritual Realm Period.

The three gods of destruction thunder in the body have also been fully recovered and can be used at critical moments.

Lin Zhen's star power is as high as 350 million, and the clone star power is as high as 400 million, which is enough to support Lin Zhen against the opponent in the gods.

Together with the body clone, Lin Zhen has the confidence to fight against the general late stage of the God Realm, but no matter how high it is, it won't work, such as the Divine Stone Realm, such as a half god.

In the eyes of this storm, the god-stone powerhouse and the demi-god powerhouse are the main forces. Although Lin Zhen is currently good at strength, there is still a big gap between these top players.

Maybe there will still be kings who are strong enough to enter the Eye of the Storm, and maybe there will be a Hall of Fame, but the chance of encountering that is too small, Lin Zhen doesn't care much.

"In the eyes of the storm, there are countless strong people, and my strength can be considered medium at best, and everything must be very careful."

"Maybe I need a small team to enter the eye of the storm with others."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Zhen opened the Dimensional Universe and began to look for news of teaming up to the Eye of the Storm.

There are too many such news, and there are tens of thousands of requests for team formation on the forum in Tianfang City alone.

For the strong, it doesn't matter whether you form a team or not. It will be more convenient to move by yourself, but for those with average strength, it is safest to form a team to protect yourself.

"The five-person team is missing four and one. It needs a strong fighter with a star power value of more than 300 million."

"The high-level spiritual teacher team lacks two and requires a diamond-level spiritual teacher."

"The conscience team, sincerely cooperates, the resources of the **** stone are allocated according to work, and there are currently two members.

"The powerful four-man team, led by the Divine Stone Realm, there is still a lack of an alchemist, the powerful alchemist Jiajiajia!!!"

Lin Zhen swept around, in fact, according to his terms, it was still very popular.

Not to mention anything else, it is the point of the alchemist. Having the rank nine golden core is Lin Zhen's greatest advantage. It can save lives at critical moments, and any team needs it.

But Lin Zhen doesn't want to join the team The choice is to choose the most suitable team. Some teams seem to be very strong, but if the weaker join in, they will often not get fair treatment.

While choosing, suddenly someone in the dimension universe added his friend.

"Master, someone added your friend and signed Chen Yuan, do you approve?"

Lin Zhen was stunned. After the virtual battlefield, he had not seen Chen Yuan, but it was certain that Chen Yuan would also go to the eye of the storm.

Lin really feels good about Chen Yuan, and this person also came from the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake, which is regarded as the same.

Adding himself at this time was probably related to the eye of the storm, and Lin Zhen immediately agreed.


Soon Chen Yuan's influence appeared in the dimension universe.

"Hahaha! Brother Lin, I haven't had a chance to congratulate you yet, congratulations on becoming famous in the first battle and entering the eye of the storm. Congratulations on your becoming the leader of the medicine industry in Tianfangcheng.

"Senior Brother Chen is too polite, it's just luck."

"Luck is also a part of strength. Junior Brother Lin shouldn't be humble. Actually, I asked you this time."

"Brother Chen, please speak."

"Has Junior Brother joined the team now? If you don't plan to go alone and want to find a reliable team, how about coming to Senior Brother me?"

Lin Zhen pondered for a moment: "Since the seniors are invited, the team must be very strong. I'm afraid I won't hold you back in the past."

"Hahaha! Junior brother can really laugh, anyone can pull back, but you absolutely won't, Junior Brother, then that's it. Junior Brother, you are ready to come to 77 Queen Street, we all want to see you, soon Come on, brother, I'll be waiting for you!" 1

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