Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 861: Opened

The White Tiger Hall Gladiator's civil war is over.

Before the war, people's speculations became empty, and no one guessed right.

Before the war, people admired Lin Zhen's courage, but no one was optimistic that Lin Zhen could win, unless Chen Yuan's three heroes would take action.

But the Three Heroes Association did not do anything. Chen Yuan led the people and the speed dragon riders to the summit together.

In this way, Lin Zhen didn't have any chance of winning.

However, the outcome of the battle was too unexpected. Lin Zhen first used the black hole to eliminate most of the opponent's enemies, and then after a life-and-death fight, he used domain power to kill the maimed enemy again, leaving him and Fu Qingfeng fighting.

Fu Qingfeng is worthy of being an ace gladiator. He acted decisively and tactically. He deceived Lin Zhen with his heart on the right and inflicted serious damage on Lin Zhen.

But in that situation, Fu Qingfeng did not win the final victory. Lin Zhen grabbed him with one hand, and the two simultaneously hit each other with the strongest attack.

Fu Qingfeng's sword almost cut Lin Zhen in half!

But Lin Zhen's black thunder light directly blasted Fu Qingfeng into scum.

Fu Qingfeng was wiped out on the spot, but Lin Zhen actually dragged half of his body. Before the tide hit, he walked through the entrance to the top of the mountain and successfully entered the top of the mountain!

As the last tide spreads over, the virtual battlefield is over.

Lin Zhen successfully entered the top 10,000 and got the opportunity to go to the eye of the storm.

But Baihutang, one of the three big gangs in Tianfang City, didn't even enter the eye of the storm. Everyone said that Baihutang was over. Three thousand people couldn't get a Sanhua. This gang had no future at all.

Countless Baihutang gangs have chosen to withdraw, and one of the three once glorious gangs has since fallen.

And the name Lin Zhen really started in Tianfang City.

It's not just Tianfang City, but within a few million light-years, Lin Zhen's name is well known.

Mention the name, many people will give a thumbs up.

"I know Lin Zhen, that is the strong and bold gladiator. I am optimistic about this guy. He can achieve good results in the eye of the storm!"


After the virtual battlefield is over, there are still nearly three months before the eye of the storm opens.

This is another news from Tianfang City.

In the virtual battlefield, Lin Zhen, who has gained fame, is going to open a pill shop!

Almost half of the people in Tianfang City had read Lin Zhen's information, and knew that this martial artist who had made the limelight on the virtual battlefield was still a saint-level alchemist, and he immediately admired the five-body cast.

There are also some people who have expressed doubts, thinking that Lin Zhen is too young and that the name of this holy alchemist is not true or false. Even many data emperors have begun to accurately calculate Lin Zhen's age. How can he become a holy at such a young age? Grade alchemist.

They eliminated the time for eating and sleeping. Even if Lin Zhen never practiced, the remaining time was all spent on alchemy, which was not enough.

But is Lin Zhen still a three-flower warrior? This matter doesn't make sense at all.

Those supporters of the data emperor and Lin Zhen have been fighting on the Internet for many days. When the opponents talk about the data, the supporters are geniuses, and no one can convince anyone.

Among them was an old gang of medicine shop opened by a seventh-level alchemist in Tianfang City.

This seventh-level alchemist was named Li Nian, and he was the owner of the hottest pill shop in Tianfang City.

He has opened a drug store here for tens of thousands of years, and almost no one in Tianfang City does not know his Huichunfang.

His message in the dimension universe said so.

"The yellow-mouthed child Lin Zhen is nothing more than a martial idiot who has become a martial artist. Such people are common among martial artists, and they are not rare. However, martial arts and alchemy are two completely different lines. There are countless martial masters, but the saints There is no one-level alchemist in the entire Tianfang City, and Lin Zhen is nothing but a liar!"

"Even if he makes alchemy in his mother's womb, today, he can become a sixth-level alchemy master. I didn't expect this person to speak so loudly and claim to be a saint-level alchemist. It's really shameless. If you dare to open a business, the old man must go personally and expose his painted skin!"

It doesn't matter what other people say, but as a veteran seven-level alchemist, what Li Nian said was very convincing.

Hearing his words, more people in Tianfang City began to question Lin Zhen, his identity, and the authenticity of his medicine.

People are also waiting. After Lin Zhen's drugstore opens, they must come to see the results.

Tianfang City has a commercial street with the hottest business, and there is a store on the commercial street. It was originally the property of the Klinsmann family, but now it has become Lin Zhen's medicine shop.

This was also the only one who was a Gladiator of the White Tiger Hall, but finally ascended to the top of the mountain. After Klinsmann left the virtual battlefield, Lin Zhen immediately took him to find a demon warrior in the spiritual stage to kill and let him Become a one-star fighter.

After becoming a one-star fighter, even if Klinsmann got out of the control of the arena, he immediately joined Lin Zhen's command and became the chief butler of the drug store.

This shop, covering an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters, was bought by Lin Zhen with an IOU of 20 million.

If it was someone else, killing Klinsmann would not accept the IOU, but Lin Zhen was different.

Lin Zhen gave him the opportunity to enter the eye of the storm. This favor is priceless. What's more, Lin Zhen told Klinsmann that in one day, maybe 20 million will be back.

Klinsmann worked with Lin Zhen, and of course he didn't account for these trivial matters and agreed immediately.

The pharmacy began to renovate, and shelves were soon erected.

Lin Zhen lives alone in the back hall of the pharmacy, where he usually practices alchemy.

The day before opening.


Lin Zhen was sitting in the back hall with a water mirror light curtain in front of him.

"Siam Grass, Wanlixiang, and Star Magic Stone... These three main medicines are the key to my promotion to the middle stage of Sanhua. With these three medicines, I will soon be able to refine the Qimai Flower. Raising flower pills."

"The money is not big heads. What I really need now is this thing."

Lin Zhen nodded a few times, and quickly turned to a page.

At the top of the page is a huge bronze bell named Misty Bell.

This divine clock has a very special function, that is, it contains the power of the law of time.

Using this divine clock to practice cultivation can slow down the surrounding time.

A day is twenty-four hours, and a normal bell rings for one hour at a time, but this divine bell can decelerate up to twenty-four times and only rings once a day.

As long as the user has enough star power and understands the law of time, and then drives the divine clock, he can practice while the time is slowing down.

When Lin Zhen was in the New Territories, he had acquired a pocket watch and a time stone. He had a deep understanding of the law of time, but after arriving in the Metaverse, everything was different, and everything in the New Territories was no longer common here.

For example, the time on the earth is set based on the rising of the sun and the setting of a star.

The Metaverse’s time is formulated according to the law of the Great Universe, which is countless times more profound than that of the New Territories. Lin Zhen’s time law is no longer so easy to use. After years of hard work, he barely managed to speed up when attacking. Or slow down, and the effect is not ideal.

Since Chen Yuan learned about the Hall of Fame and title title, Lin Zhen has realized what he lacks most right now.

What he lacks most is time.

Although it is unthinkable for Lin Zhen to cultivate to this level at the age of over a thousand in the eyes of others, it is not enough in Lin Zhen's eyes.

The environment he is in requires him to have stronger strength, but even if he swallows the pill, it takes time to digest the medicine. What he lacks most is time to adapt to the newer environment.

So when he saw the Tianfangcheng auction house yesterday, which was going to be auctioned a month later, Lin Zhen decided to buy it.

Although the starting price of this magic clock is as high as one billion!

This kind of thing is no longer in the ranks of Lingbao, it belongs to a higher level of things, called the most precious.

The purchasing power of currency on the endless battlefield is very strong, and things with hundreds of millions of dollars rarely appear. This kind of starting price of one billion is simply rare.

"One billion..... This is just the starting price. What about the final transaction price? As far as I know, many people have taken a fancy to this magic clock. They won't let me be called Lin Zhen. It’s half past one, so I have to prepare a lot of wealth during this time."

"There is still a month to go. I don't know how much wealth I can accumulate. It is estimated that at least 3 billion will be needed to buy this magic clock."

"Time..... If I can successfully drive this magic clock and master the law of time deceleration, then I will have a lot of time. This is the weapon for me to catch up with other masters."

Lin Zhen silently calculated that most of his pills have already been placed outside. After opening the business tomorrow, he does not know how much money he can make.

And what he had the greatest hope was the Rank Nine Golden Pill, and it was this pill that really wanted to make a lot of money.

While calculating, Klinsmann ran in.

" That Li Nian is talking nonsense in the dimensional universe again."

"What did he say?"

"The old thing found a large number of people in the dimensional universe. Many of them are people in the pill industry. These people are now repelling you. They say that when our drugstore opens tomorrow, we must give us a good look. You are squeezing out the pill market!"

"Oh! This old man's ambition is not small, it seems that it would be good for him to squeeze me out."

"Yes, this old man is a seventh-rank alchemist, and he has always regarded himself as the strongest alchemist in Tianfang City. In alchemy, this old man has very high attainments. Boss, you must be careful not to capsize in the gutter."

Lin Zhen smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, the person who can take advantage of me hasn't been born yet. Since he wants to come, let him come, just as an advertisement for our pill shop."

"Okay! I'm relieved if I have the boss, then I will prepare first."

Klinsmann relaxed and ran out.