Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 858: Meet

Lin Zhen learned about the Hall of Fame and Kingship from Chen Yuan.

Although Lin Zhen only had the Sanhua realm now, he felt that he was not far away from that step.

"If you want to be the king, you need to have a certain degree of fame, so let's start the battle for fame."

When the blood-red flag approached the top of the mountain, the seventieth high tide had passed, and now it was less than two hours before the end of the virtual battlefield.


"Come and watch the live broadcast, there is going to be a fight between Lin Zhen and Bai Hutang."

"No, it's really **** up, it's really worth seeing."

"Whether Lin Zhen is a hero or a bear depends on this time. If he makes such a big movement, it would be a joke if he is eliminated."

"Either he turned into a joke, or Bai Hutang turned into a joke. Anyway, there was a good show this time."

The forum in Tianfang City was extremely lively. There shouldn't be any big waves in this virtual battlefield. At most, a few dark horses burst out, or a few masters missed and were eliminated.

But I didn't expect Lin Zhen to kill him, he just turned this virtual battlefield into a big show.

People who didn't pay much attention to the Gladiator Battlefield have also begun to pay attention. At this time, the number of people watching videos in Tianfang City has exceeded two billion!

The only thing that is not so satisfying is that in the dark, the video image is not so clear.


There is an open field on the way to the final summit.

Through this open land, is the mountain top that can only accommodate 10,000 people.

When Lin Zhen and Chen Yuan came to this open land, it was the darkest time before dawn.

In the dark night, Fu Qingfeng, the three tigers were already waiting for Lin Zhen to arrive.

In addition to the two of them, Chen Yuan also saw Hillman riding the Speed ​​Dragon.

"This old guy is really here, they have joined hands."

Chen Yuan immediately greeted him with a whistle in his mouth.

There were a lot of gladiators from the Sanxia Guild watching the excitement. Hearing Chen Yuan's call, they immediately ran over and gathered around Chen Yuan.

Soon Chen Yuan also took a group of people and came to Hillman.

"The grievances between Hillman, Lin Zhen and Bai Hutang don’t need prostitution. If your speed dragon riders have to come here to wade in the muddy waters, then the three of us would not mind to intervene, everyone. What do you think of the melee?"

Hillman's face was ugly: "Do you have to intervene? Don't forget that we are now joining forces. You can't get any benefits from intervening."

Chen Yuan sneered: "You don't have to worry about it. I can't guarantee anything else. Before the battle is over, I will definitely knock you out of Hillman."

Hillman gritted his teeth for a while, and finally said with difficulty: "If our Velociraptor does not intervene, the three of you will not intervene."

"no problem!"


Soon Chen Yuan and Hillman reached an agreement. Both parties led their men to the top of the mountain and handed over the place here to Bai Hutang and Lin Zhen, and let them solve it by themselves.

When the two gang members left, the clearing was immediately empty.

There are now nearly 13,000 people on the entire virtual battlefield.

Among them, Baihutang has the least people, with only more than 3,000 people, while the other two big gangs together have 9,000 people.

The two big gangs left, and there were not many spaces left above.

At this time, it was the darkest time of the night, and the people in Baihutang who were sitting cross-legged in various positions opened their eyes.

All eyes looked at Lin Zhen together, like a pack of wolves in the dark night.

Everyone focused their mental energy on their eyes, and gave out a look like a wolf.

On the path to the top of the mountain, Fu Qingfeng moved a chair and sat there, looking condescendingly, his eyes fixed on Lin Zhen.

Sanhu first walked to a place tens of meters away from Lin Zhen, and said coldly, "Lin Zhen, the road to the summit is now blocked by us. If you want to reach the summit, the only way is to pass between us. Now There are almost three thousand gladiators in Baihutang, and there are already more than nine thousand people from two gangs on the summit. Do you know what this means?"

Lin Zhen smiled, "It means that most of you will be eliminated."

Sanhu gritted his teeth and said: "Wrong! This means Baihutang's determination to eliminate you. We would rather sacrifice many gladiator opportunities to qualify, than let the dignity of our Baihutang be trampled under your feet. Today, most people give it to you. Funeral, I also want to get rid of you bastard!"

Lin Zhen looked at Sanhu up and down: "I hope you don't regret this choice."

"Stop talking nonsense, Lin Zhen, today you are dead!"

After Sanhu finished speaking, he pulled back and waved his hand, and a group of Gladiators from Baihutang walked out.

There are hundreds of people in this group, and they have a common feature, that is, they all ride mounts under the hips.

"Everyone is ready, everyone can only have one chance to fight Lin Zhen, take turns to attack, never concentrate on charging, this kid has a powerful killer move, one person with a knife, tired and exhausted!"

The three tigers laid out their tactics, and the cavalry from all directions began to attack.

The final battle between Lin Zhen and Bai Hutang finally started!

Lin Zhen held the Lantis gun in both hands and greeted the impact of the first cavalry.

When this warrior shot, he completely abandoned all defenses, concentrated his life skills on a single knife, and attacked Lin Zhen.

If only Lin Zhen played against him, Lin Zhen could kill him with one move, but Lin Zhen couldn't do that now.

The opponent's charge formation is very hierarchical, coming one after another, and the speed of the impact is extremely fast. If Lin Zhen hits the power to kill one person, the second person will be difficult to resist.

In desperation, Lin Zhen brandished his spear and blocked it!

Clang~~! !

After a loud noise, this cavalry passed by Lin Zhen, and the second cavalry had arrived in almost 0.01 second.

Clang~~! !

After another shock, the third immediately followed.

The three tigers laughed in the distance: "Lin Zhen, take your time to resist. We have almost 3,000 people here. Each one takes a knife and attacks in turn. You are just a piece of iron, and you have broken it into a discus!"

Speaking of him, he came to Fu Qingfeng's side and said somewhat proudly: "Qingfeng, how are my plans? Enough for that kid to drink a pot."

Fu Qingfeng shook his head slightly: "It won't be that easy."

Sanhu also said: "I also know that it is impossible to win so easily, but this time it is absolutely foolproof. If there is a breeze, you personally block the entrance to the top of the mountain, whatever Lin Zhen he can do in this clearing. He has the ability to kill all these three thousand people? I'm afraid he doesn't have this ability."

A smile appeared on Fu Qingfeng's face: "The reason I agree with your plan is because you asked me to guard the mountain pass personally. With this trick, it will be useless for Lin Zhen to toss it."

Sanhu also sat next to Fu Qingfeng, "Then let's watch the show here. There is still one hour and ten minutes, and the last wave of tide will submerge here. I hope Lin Zhen can support it for a while."


Lin Zhen's resilience is beyond everyone's imagination.

One by one cavalry rushed over violently, with a much stronger force than usual, but even if the cavalry used all their strength to attack, Lin Zhen could easily block it.

After Lantis's spear was attached with gold, it became almost indestructible, Lin Zhen's motionless mentality, his spear was horizontal, completely head-on!

The sound of clanging iron was connected into a line, and the opposing cavalry slapped like a wave, but they couldn't shake Lin Zhen's bit!

Nearly five hundred cavalry attacked in turn, completing a round in almost ten seconds.

But after hundreds of consecutive rounds, Lin Zhen was still the same Lin Zhen, without even a single strand of distance back.

At the beginning, everyone in Baihutang, who was excited by the cavalry's thunderous charge, almost fell asleep.

The opponent is not terrible, terrible is that you have no hope at all.

The tide of the seventy-first round had already risen, proving that it was less than an hour before the final end, but the battle was dull and it made people feel drowsy.

"When can I finish the fight? It's so boring!"

The words of a white tiger hall gladiator represented the aspirations of many people, including the cavalry who charged.

Repeating an action over and over again, these cavalry are tired, and they no longer have that strength when wielding weapons.

Even the people who watched the final battle video have been offline one after another. Just wait for the news tomorrow.

It was so dark that I couldn't see clearly, but it was still such a repetitive picture, which was really boring.

People are a little tired.

The opportunity Lin Zhen was waiting for came under such circumstances.

Because the cavalry charged in a cycle, coming from the side, the surrounding Baihutang warriors stayed on both sides, passing through the cavalry team, they could reach the entrance of the mountain where Sanhu and Fu Qingfeng were.

A gladiator riding a black ghost horse charged with the warrior in front.

Lin Zhen has been paying attention to him for a long time. This guy is a little overwhelmed, and he kills him weakly. This is a rare opportunity.

One, two, three, when the enemy arrived ~ Lin Zhen who had been dull for almost half an hour suddenly broke out!


Because this person's attack was the weakest, Lin Zhen chose to resist.

Sure enough, this warrior's long sword was only symbolically slashed across Lin Zhen's body, causing a spark.

The gladiator himself was stunned. He didn't expect that Lin Zhen suddenly gave up his defense, and he actually cut Lin Zhen.

It's a pity that such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he didn't make any effort.

Lin Zhen didn't resist this time, and finally got the chance to calmly shoot.

The land of spring!

The spear shook, energy exploded, and countless layers of ground spikes rose into the sky, blocking the cavalry behind.

But Lin Zhen seized this opportunity, turned his body into a streamer, passed through the chaotic cavalry team, and rushed to Sanhu and Fu Qingfeng!