Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 842: Oh it's you

Seeing Lin Zhen lying on the bed and falling asleep brazenly, Sanhu's heart was cold.

"This... How did he do it? How did he get back to the room?"

His subordinates were also completely confused: "This is too weird. At that time, he suddenly disappeared from the ring, and then returned to the room. The monitors in the middle were all checked. I didn't see Lin Zhen passing by. Guarding me too. I have asked about it, and I have not felt any fluctuations in the air."

"Smell? Temperature changes? Have you investigated it? Mental power fluctuations? Did he teleport back?"

"I've checked it all, there is no abnormality, and the room where Lin Zhen lives cannot be penetrated by mental power, and teleportation cannot be reached."

"This is really hell!"

Sanhu angrily smashed the newly-changed water cup again and shattered it again: "In this case, wouldn't we have no way to restrain him? He left when he wanted to leave?"

His subordinates hesitated: "Brother Sanhu, I don’t think so, I guess Lin Zhen should have moved a short distance through the teleportation formation. He can only return to his room. If he has this ability, I’m afraid I won't stay here at all."

Sanhu thought for a while: "It is very possible. If this is the case, it is not to be afraid of, but please remember one thing, do not let Lin Zhen have a chance to leave here, he has signed a contract with us now, if he leaves before Yum , That is to compensate us at a sky-high price. I don’t think he will leave so risky to ignore the agreement."

There is a compensation clause in the contract between the two parties. Lin Zhen wants to run, but it is impossible to enter the human city of the endless battlefield. He will be wanted.

Therefore, Sanhu believed that Lin Zhen should not leave.

As long as Lin Zhen does not leave, he is confident that he still has a way to make Lin Zhen succumb, but that should be at least after 30 games. From the current point of view, it is impossible for Lin Zhen to be defeated within 30 games. Up.


Back in his room, Lin Zhen looked at the cute little melon in front of him.

Xiaogua has grown up a lot, and he is a little fox and a half.

Lin Zhen didn't try to ask Xiao Gu what, he had completely discovered the difference of this little fox, this was definitely not an ordinary fox, or even an ordinary galaxy beast.

Many times, he teased Xiao Gu. Although he was having fun, he could vaguely feel that Xiao Gu had a slight hostility towards him.

Although this feeling was very slight, it was still noticed by Lin Zhen's keen sense.

He doesn't know where he and Xiaogua will go in the future, but at this stage, they absolutely need each other.

This kind of magical dream definitely didn't come for no reason. The only explanation was the little melon around him.

And Lin Zhen didn't let Xiaogua work in vain. He had been feeding Xiaogua with pill, and he wanted to see how far Xiaogua would grow in the end.

Today, Lin Zhen gave Xiaogua Xingjing's medicine.

After swallowing the pill, Xiaogua and Lin Zhen once again fell asleep.

This time the dream was still the same as last time. Lin Zhen resisted the fox **** on Qingqiu Mountain for about three minutes, and then failed with all his strength.

When he woke up, he found that the ninth level of the longevity medicine had resolved most of it.

However, it is not so simple for Lin Zhen to enter Sanhua from the realm of longevity.

From the 9th level of longevity to Sanhua, this is a very important level. On the surface of the metaworld, the Sanhua warrior is basically at the peak, and there is rarely a period of transformation.

For Lin Zhen, entering Sanhua means truly entering the ranks of high-level warriors. If his current state reaches Sanhua, then ordinary spiritual changes will no longer be placed in his eyes.

It is even possible for him to confront the master of God Realm Change!

But in the process from level 9 to three flowers, breakthrough is easy, but perfect breakthrough is difficult. Lin Zhen needs a long period of accumulation to make his star power reach the level of overflow.

The minimum star power limit for a martial artist who has become a godly mind is 100 million.

The minimum star power limit for a warrior who has become a **** world is 200 million.

Lin Zhen's current one hundred and forty million star power can only be regarded as ordinary in the divine consciousness change, so he hit the 33 heaven tower, and has never been able to beat the twelfth floor of the god.

Now that he has the advantage of dreaming, Lin Zhen wants to make a breakthrough in his realm once again.

This night, most of the medicinal power was consumed, and another night of medicinal power would be completely resolved, and then Lin Zhen could swallow the pill again, allowing Xingli to accumulate again.

Accumulating for one day, resolving for two or three days, and repeating this several times, I believe that promotion to Sanhua is expected.


The next day Lin Zhen went to participate in the ring match again. He thought he would meet a relatively strong opponent, but he didn't expect that the person who appeared on the stage this time was just a very ordinary three-flower period.

Before Lin Zhen could tell what medicine the people in Baihutang sold in the gourd, this three-flowering period turned out to be a bachelor's surrender.

Lin Zhen had already won this battle without a single move, and his points had accumulated to four points.

And Lin Zhen also found that there were no spectators in this battle. That is to say, the casino did not set up a gambling game based on their ring. It was the default Lin Zhen that would win.

If Lin Zhen had enlightenment in his heart, it seemed that the other party didn't plan to send another opponent in the Sanhua realm to challenge him.

His guess was correct. After returning to rest for a night, the next battle was still the opponent, there was still no audience, and he still gave in, and did not engage in any entanglement with Lin Zhen.

Now that the opponent surrendered simply, Lin Zhen was also happy to get points easily, and the night passed again.

In the days that followed, such a cyclical cycle began.

One day, two days... Three days, five days... Eight days, ten days....

After half a month, even the referee had stopped speaking, and when he got to the edge of the ring, he asked Lin Zhen to go up and immediately down, not even wasting any time.

While Lin Zhen's points rose rapidly, his strength was also rapidly improving.

The medicinal power was resolved smoothly, and Lin Zhen's star power accumulated more and more.

By the twentieth day, Lin Zhen finally felt that the star power was about to overflow.

"Xiaogua, you have made rapid progress these days. You have experienced the nucleus period, the epidemic period, the comet week, the satellite period, the orbiting week, and the sidereal period. Now what I am giving you is the medicine for the black hole period. After the black hole period, you have entered a whole new realm."

It has grown into a beautiful big fox measuring one and a half meters in length, with its big white tail wiggling a few times, which is regarded as a response to what Lin Zhen said.

"Take it, hope we can all make new breakthroughs."

Lin Zhen also started to take the medicine after giving Xiaogua the black hole pill.

But after taking out the pill, Lin Zhen suddenly stopped again.

He scattered the Ju Yuan back, and took out the internal world Wen Yang Dan.

Since he was about to enter Sanhua, the last fierce star in Lin Zhen's body, the star of Luo Huo, was about to light up.

During this period of time, I have been concentrating on preparing to break through, almost forgetting that he still has the last fierce star not lit.

Now that there is no residual medicinal properties in the body, Lin Zhen has taken a lot of Body World Wenyang Pill.

Soon, Lin Zhen and Xiao Gua fell asleep again.

Lin Zhen's thoughts were correct. Under the repeated exercises of the star power, the remaining medicinal properties were stimulated. After confronting the fox **** again, Lin Zhen's pill was completely absorbed.

After this stimulus, the fierce star Luo Hu had faintly started to shine, and it was not far from being lit.


On the twentieth day, Lin Zhen's medicinal properties were resolved again, and then took the Body World Wenyang Pill again.

On the twenty-first day, Xiaogua took a realm king-level pill and successfully advanced to the realm of a realm king.

On the twenty-second day, Lin Zhen Luohu finally reached the brink of being lit, and at most he would succeed once more.

On the twenty-third day, the medicinal properties of the melon were almost resolved, and it was about to be promoted to longevity.

On the twenty-fourth day, Lin Zhen took the medicine for the last time, waiting to resolve the medicine.

On the twenty-fifth day, Xiaogua advanced to the realm of longevity!

On the twenty-sixth day, Lin Zhen's medicinal power was resolved again!

On the twenty-seventh day, the medicinal power of Xiaogua was also resolved.

On the twenty-eighth day Xiaogua took the medicine again, like a three-flower sprint, and Lin Zhen was preparing for the final sprint.

On the twenty-ninth day, Xiao Gua was promoted to the state of Sanhua, and Lin Zhen finally reached the real star power overflow on this day!

The real star power overflow refers to the star power in the Dantian Qi Sea and the star power in the world in the body. Both have reached the peak, and it is already the threshold for one foot to enter the Sanhua!

On the thirtieth day, Lin Zhen came to the ring and once again walked in a cutscene with his last opponent.

After finishing this cutscene, Lin Zhen's points even reached thirty points.

So far, Lin Zhen has completed the early part of the contract. Starting from the next battle, he will face the martial artist of the Divine Mind Transformation Realm.

However, Lin Zhen was not too worried. According to the contract, the highest enemy he had to face was only the mid-stage of Divine Mind Change. Even if he was not an opponent, he would definitely not fail miserably, and he might even win.

When I returned to the room, it was night.

Lin Zhen sat on the bed with Xiaogua lying beside him, looking at Lin Zhen with big eyes.

"Little melon, this time is our critical moment. You are very likely to enter the divine change, and I may enter Sanhua. Let us all cheer for success."

Xiao Gu jumped off the bed, shook his huge tail, and suddenly said: "I am not called Xiao Gu, and please stop calling me by this name, dumb, fool, this name is not suitable for me."

The voice is no longer the soft and sweet little milky voice of the fox, but a soft and charming female voice.

Lin Zhen was taken aback, saw Xiao Gua suddenly stand up, her body twisted, a dazzling light flashed, and she had become a super beauty!

"Sure enough, it's you!" Looking at the charming woman in white dress and white dress, she looked exactly like the person in her dream.

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