Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 807: Swordsmanship


Leaving the Thirty-Three Heavenly Pagoda, Lin Zhen walked along the mountain road to the peak where Tianban practiced.

When I met some people on the road, they nodded their heads in favor of Lin Zhen. You should know that Lin Zhen is no ordinary person anymore. The freshman in Tianban is the first, which can be described as a promising future.

And more importantly, no one dared to underestimate Lin Zhen's strength.

Can get through the seventh floor of the 33rd Sky Tower and defeat the spiritual teacher in the early stage of the change of mind. Who dares to provoke such a person?

When passing the alchemy room outside, Qian Tong turned around and walked inside after seeing Lin Zhen.

When passing by the boundary of Xuanban, Lin Zhen saw the machine again.

Mechanic glanced at Lin Zhen, then closed his eyes tightly, as if he didn't even notice Lin Zhen passing by.

Lin Zhen felt a trace of fear in their eyes.

These two people will definitely not give up revenge on themselves, but at least, they dare not act rashly now, because they found that Lin Zhen, the realm king, is a bit strong, and if he provokes Lin Zhen, he might not end well.

Of course Lin Zhen would not let them go, but the timing was not ripe yet, and the most important thing right now was to seize the time to improve his strength.

Since seeing the early stage of the Divine Mind Change, Lin Zhen feels that his vision has suddenly opened up, and he is full of expectations for the road ahead.

At the same time, he is also not satisfied with his current strength, his realm is still too low.

Walking up the mountain road all the way up, I soon came to the place of Tianban.

Tianban’s cultivation atmosphere is very strong. There are about sixty or seventy people in the entire class. After seeing Lin Zhen’s arrival, no one would take the initiative to say anything, even most people didn’t even notice Lin Zhen’s arrival. Immerse yourself in your own practice.

After seeing Lin Zhen, the freshmen nodded slightly. Among them, Lin Zhen saw Dongfang Yu from the Han Empire and even clasped his fists: "I have seen Brother Lin."

The ranking among the classmates was arranged according to the progress of the Thirty-Three Sky Tower. Lin Zhen was able to get through the seventh floor, and the ranking was just ahead of them, ranking first among freshmen.

Lin Zhen also waved his hand to Dongfang Yu: "You are welcome, I am young, just call me by name."

"Hehe, Brother Lin is really approachable." Dongfang Yu smiled.

Lin Zhen walked over, Sun Yidao's gaze fell on him, although he was also called Senior Brother, but his eyes were obviously unconvincing.

Lin Zhen didn't say much, and went all the way to the front of the stone stele of Sun Luo Swordsmanship.

This sword technique is not understood by anyone now, because the power of the single Seng Luo sword technique is not particularly great.

At least in Lin Zhen's opinion, the one-type soul-locking sword technique he currently knows is not as powerful as the burial he has just learned.

Sitting down in front of the stone tablet, Lin Zhen began to study everything about Sun Luo swordsmanship.

There are four styles of Senluo swordsmanship, namely Sen, Yuan, Luo and Prison.

Sen is called Senhan.

Yuan is called the abyss.

Luo, called Rakshasa.

Hell is called purgatory.

The soul-locking sword technique learned from Hei Bone is called Abyss.

And the sword technique here in Falling Star Lake is called Senhan, and the stone tablet obtained from Liberty City is called Rakshasa.

The last sword technique is called Purgatory, in the Double Tree Garden, Lin Zhen can't touch it at present.

These few swordsmanship techniques were used alone, and the power was probably somewhere between the extreme life of the Taiyuan swordsmanship and the burial of the gods. The power was good, but it was definitely not as shocking as the world.

And these tricks are not prioritized, and their powers complement each other. As long as you learn one more trick, the power of the previous one will be doubled.

For example, Lin Zhen has learned the abyss swordsmanship now, if he learns Senhan again, then these two moves are likely to come out with a single move, and the power can be compared or even surpassed by the gods.

If he learns the Rakshasa in Liberty City again, and these three tricks are combined, Lin Zhen can't imagine what kind of power it will be.

The reason why Hei Bone wanted to sneak into Starfall Lake was because he was attracted by the swordsmanship of Sun Luo, so he died.

When he was learning the forest swordsmanship, a stone tablet had been comprehending for fifty years, and half of his time in the holy land was spent on the Seng Luo swordsmanship. This is considered to be a good understanding, and it is precisely because of this that few people will spend it. A lot of precious time in the Holy Land to understand this stone monument, so Lin Zhen came to this stone monument, there was no one in front of it.

And the forest swordsmanship hasn't been signed yet, and I don't know who left the stele here. This is also quite mysterious.

Looking at the Senhan Stone Stele in front of him, and then at the Rakshasa Stone Stele that had been permanently stored in his Dimensional Universe, Lin Zhen decided to learn about Senhan first.

The Rakshasa stele will not disappear in the dimensional universe. Even if he leaves the Holy Land in the future, he can comprehend it in any other place at any time. It is only right to learn Senhan first.

It took fifty years for the Black Bone to Enlighten the Stone Tablet, and Lin Zhen believed that he would never use it for that long.

When he was about to start practicing, someone in the dimensional universe suddenly called him.

"Master, your friend Michel is calling you, is it connected?"


Lin Zhen also wanted to know what happened to Michelle.

After the connection, the image of Michel appeared on the screen, and the background seemed to be outside the sky shift.

"Senior Brother Lin, I want to see you, can you come out?"

Lin Zhen was stunned. At this time, he suddenly remembered that Michel had not participated in the challenge of the Thirty-Three Sky Tower and had now been automatically demoted to the ground team.

"You can't get in"

"Yes, these dogs look at low-level things. Lao Tzu just failed to take part in the challenge due to injury. They didn't let me enter the Tianban site. When I return to the Tianban next year, these guys must be good-looking."

Lin Zhen knew that he was talking about some handymen, and smiled: "Well, I will come out now."

Leaving the stele, I saw Michelle standing outside in a huff, with two handymen standing in front of him.

Seeing Lin Zhen coming out, the two handymen were a little embarrassed: "Brother Lin, it's not that we are not friendly, but that the holy land has the rules of the holy land. Brother Michelle is no longer a member of the Tianban, and he cannot enter the Tianban. Land boundary, we have no choice..."

Lin Zhen waved his hand and said to Michelle: "Brother, why bother about these little things, go, let's go down the mountain for a drink."

Michelle was also temporarily unbalanced. Of course, he would not break the rules of the Holy Land. He hummed twice and followed Lin Zhen down the mountain.

After a while, I came to the bottom of the mountain, and there were tens of thousands of people on the island, which was equivalent to a small town with several pubs.

Finding a quiet place, the two people sat down.

"Lin Zhen, I won't call you brother anymore, just call your name."

"Haha! This is the best."

"That's it, I know you have money, the seventh-rank alchemist is really amazing, so I'm not welcome with this order."

Lin Zhen raised his hand and signaled that Michelle was free, how much money would it cost to eat.

Michelle is really welcome. The first dish is steamed golden dolphin, and the second dish is braised dragon wings.

With two main dishes, another side dish and good wine were ordered, and soon a large table was filled.

Michelle picked up the wine glass and said to Lin Zhen: "Lin Zhen, for borrowing your wine, my brother would like to thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have become the dung of those dead beetles at the moment, great grace Don't say thank you, my brother will do it first."

As soon as he raised his head, he poured a glass of wine worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Lin Zhen also drank a drink: "If you are polite, you don't have to say it, no one will be saved, but I am very curious, how could you be so embarrassed at that time"

Michelle said angrily: "Don't mention it! I originally teamed up with my friends and went to the endless sea of ​​stars to find a star, a grave star."

"Grave Star" is the first time Lin Zhen has heard of such a term.

"Yes, it is the Grave Star. A semi-god powerhouse was buried on that star. We were planning to find his tomb, but we didn’t expect to encounter a few bright lights when we worked so hard to find a place. angel."

Michelle took a drink again: "Bright Angels are the most despicable and hypocritical race. They hypocritically said that they joined us on an expedition, and we got things equally divided. We also agreed. They were really sincere and saved us. A friend was killed, and this won our trust."

"Unexpectedly, when they arrived near the tomb, they actually attacked us. Several of my friends died in it. I finally hid in a tomb, but they attracted death beetles and wanted to keep me alive. I had no choice but to use a wormhole egg that I had collected for many years. Then I escaped from the demigod tomb, but I was also seriously injured, and many dead beetles followed me into the wormhole egg. , If it hadn’t been for you, my brother, I would have been over.”

Speaking of this, Michelle smiled: "But they didn't take any advantage. I took away the key to the tomb. They wanted to open the door of the tomb. There was only a decryption method. Never want to go in for a year!"

Lin Zhen didn't care much about the but he was a little interested when he heard about the tomb of the demigod.

"Demi god"

"Yes, it is a demigod. It is the people who failed to break through the **** stone realm at the end of the **** change period. These people crushed most of the **** stones and saved their lives. They will never have the hope of becoming a god, but their strength is also very scary. It is said that The strongest person below the gods is a demigod, reaching the state of a demigod, enough to run rampant in the metasphere.

After finishing speaking, Michelle suddenly said mysteriously: "Brother, do you have a chance to go out with me, and we will go back. As long as you open the tomb of the demigod, I dare not say anything else. I will definitely get you with the **** stone. Soft hands!"

Lin Zhen thought for a while: "It's not working right now. Right now, my focus is on cultivation."

"I understand, my brother may be a breakthrough soon, but I also ask brother Lin to remember that within ten, within nine years, I must go to the demigod tomb. This time I succeeded. There is no need to worry about the resources for cultivation. When do you think that the cultivation is almost complete, when will we set out." () "The Era of National Evolution" only represents the author's viewpoint that the black soil is smoked, if the content is found to violate national laws and conflicts Please delete the content of, the position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!