Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 805: Realization of desperation!

After two consecutive hits, Lin Zhen didn't feel any relief in his heart.

Under the circumstance that the Divine Power Pill could not be used, both the Black Hole Beast Transformation and the Destroying God Thunder were Lin Zhen's hole cards, but they were all used, and only one-fourth of the opponent's health was removed. This shows that the God has become powerful.

The guard was also obviously irritated by Lin Zhen. He was set to have emotions, and naturally there was happiness, anger, sorrow, and happiness. He was injured by Lin Zhen, a realm king, which was inexcusable to him.

"Boy! You are looking for death!"

The guard roared and finally ran away!

Ten flying knives rose from behind the guards, and the tactics belonging to the spiritual master finally appeared.

A shuttle-shaped shield was flying through the air under his feet, with ten flying knives moving horizontally and horizontally, pulling a certain distance from Lin Zhen and attacking with flying knives.

The opponent's ten flying knives were superbly manipulated. Under the control of the guards, five flying knives attacked Lin Zhen's body and five flying knives attacked his clone.

Because the black hole just swallowed and destroyed the **** thunder, Lin Zhen felt that the **** change did not seem to be particularly strong, but at this moment he knew that he was wrong.

Lin Zhen actually didn't have the ability to counterattack under the opponent's flying knives. Those flying knives that staggered back and forth were moving at the speed of light, which did not give Lin Zhen a chance at all.

After the clone's scale armor was attached to gold, and wanted to force an assault, the opponent's five flying knives were actually combined into a big knife, slashed in the air, and the clone was cut back!

Can't raise the speed, can't get close, Lin Zhen's body and the clone can only rely on each other, and join forces to defend against the attack of the flying knife.

But then, Lin Zhen would have no chance of winning.

The opponent's divine impact still comes from time to time, this kind of tactics that releases a flying knife while launching a mental impact is simply impossible to defend.

One person can easily trap Lin Zhen's body clone, which is how powerful his divine consciousness becomes.

The flying knife turned into light, blinking continuously, and Lin Zhen's body and clone kept adding wounds.

"I can't go on like this. If I can't fight in close combat, I can't fight back at all. I still underestimate the change in spirituality. Although he is only an early spiritual teacher, he is too much better than the Sanhua realm!"

If it were a three-flower realm, Lin Zhen's body clone could basically be slinged, but now it was the one who was slinged.

Seeing that he was about to fall into a desperate situation, Lin Zhen made up his mind to take a fight.

"Cover! I'm on!"

Lin Zhen's body and clone moved at the same time.

After the clone's body was attached with gold, the Spear of Lantis turned into a windmill, opening the way in front, while the body was blooming with lotus flowers, closely following the clone.

The ding-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang knife came up, making it extremely difficult for the clone to advance!

"Haha! Do you think you still have a chance to attack when I take this battle seriously? Let you know the true strength of God's Transformation Period!"

The guards once again showed a lofty look, pointing to the void, and those flying knives shone brightly!

"Puff puff puff~!"

The scale armor after the clone was attached to gold met Nemesis for the first time, and was pierced by the star-shining flying knife!

If you switch to a general warrior, this series of attacks will directly kill you.

Lin Zhen clone desperately moved forward to resist, the impact was weakened a little bit, blood spurted.

There was a cruel smile on the guardian's face, and his fingers seemed to be playing with a string of remote-controlled flying knives. The power of each knife was astonishing, and it attacked wanton!

"Ah~! I'm not reconciled!"

The clone screamed, the body tumbled down, and a string of unicorn spears were fired before death, and then the person disappeared in the clouds and went straight to the steel torrent below.

As soon as the guard raised his hand, the mental power shield reappeared, and the unicorn gun banged on it, but it was impossible to break it.

"Ignorant junior, if you lose your clone, will your body continue to struggle?"

Lin Zhen didn't answer, with lotus blossoms blooming on his body, supported by gritted teeth.

Those flying knives with shining stars struck again, and Lin Zhen roared: "I'm fighting you!"

The star power burst out, and a huge lotus flower was released from Lin Zhen's body, abruptly isolating the flying knife, and rushing towards the guards like a cannonball.

"It's over!"

The guard's face was cold, his hands were put together, ten flying knives were unified, and they turned into a giant knife and killed them!

"Sen Luo swordsmanship!"

Lin Zhen never waits to die. At this moment of life and death, the Swordsmanship erupts, and that is the secret knowledge from the Soul Locking Station.

There are four styles of Senluo swordsmanship, and this style is called the abyss!

Fighting with swords, the guardian's ten swords were defeated!

Lin Zhen finally got close to the guards with this blow!

Although the guards were surprised by the power of Lin Zhen's sword, he was in the realm of God Transformation after all, and he did not panic.

"Do you think that the spiritual teacher must be very weak? Then you have to compare it with someone. The spiritual teacher in the spiritual phase is enough to crush you!"

The guard placed the star power on the palm of his hand, blocking Lin Zhen's sword with one hand, and was ready to let the flying knives make another volley of fire. This time, Lin Zhen must get rid of eight pieces!

At this time, Lin Vacuum's door opened wide, and he wanted to cut the sword with both hands, but was blocked by the opponent's one hand.

Two people are only less than three meters apart!

Those flying knives are cruising around, and if there is a change in any other direction, the flying knives will intercept them immediately. This is the tactics of the spiritual teacher, and it does not leak!

And things always happen in unexpected places.

A long spear came out through Lin Zhen's abdomen!

The Gun of Lantis~! !

The cold of winter~!

The spear penetrated Lin Zhen's abdomen, shot at the speed of light, and at the same time stringed Lin Zhen and the guard together!

Puff~~! ! !


The guards spurted out blood, and their preparation for the attack stopped.

He is a pure spiritual teacher, and he is very familiar with the battle of the teacher, there is no place in the sky that can be used, and he can let him with strong spiritual power display it!

He calculated everything, but he did not calculate that Lin Zhenhui took such an extreme method!

The clone is inanimate, even if it is knocked down, it will not die. He knows that, so he is on guard, but he never thought that the clone would pierce the main body with a shot, and use the main body to cover his sight, the main star Li concealed his spirit, causing the clone to send a thunderous blow!

Frost bloomed on his wound, instantly freezing the blood flowing out, and the red bar on the top of the guard's head fell directly to 50%!


People who watched the guard's life value did not drop for a long time, knew that the battle was about to end, Lin Zhen must be forcibly supporting it, I am afraid that such support cannot be sustained.

But never expected that Lin Zhen would actually give the guards another crit!

Fifty percent of the seventh floor was completed, which surpassed Feng Qingluan and tied for third place with Lu Yunfei from the Locking Soul Platform.

The most important thing is that Lin Zhen still has not been eliminated!

There are only two people ahead of him, one is Xiao Lie of Liberty City, who has completed 65 percent, and the other is Moses of Double Tree Park, who has completed 90 percent.

"Lin Zhen, if you work harder, you will be third."

Jin Nuo whispered, but his fingers were moving slightly. He even hoped that Lin Zhen could create even greater miracles, but he didn't dare to expect too much.


The guards are crazy!

When Lin Zhen succeeded in a sneak attack, he actually screamed up to the sky, and those flying knives no longer had any defensive actions, all bursting out a diamond light, spurring crazy back and forth!

After Lin Zhen's avatar succeeded with a shot, he immediately protected his body. After the gold was attached, his body was riddled with holes, falling like a rag doll. This time, he really lost his combat effectiveness.

A wave of the steel magma river swallowed the clone.

The body is protected by the clone, and this wave of attacks can be regarded as survived.

"Asshole! Damn asshole! It's too cheap to kill you like this, I'm going to cut you alive!"

The guard yelled, and a spiritual force flew out with the light of diamonds, turned into a long rope in the air, and went straight to Lin Zhen to wrap around!

Lin Zhen's sword cut the sky, and Jian Gang attacked continuously, but he couldn't cut this long rope of spiritual strength.

His complexion changed and he wanted to use teleport to leave, but the other party's mental impact directly interrupted.


The long rope is like a python, binding Lin Zhen tightly in the air, completely unable to move!

The guard walked slowly, the huge wound in his abdomen was still dripping blood, and his cold eyes fell on Lin Zhen's face. As soon as he raised his hand, he caught a flying knife directly in his hand.

"Lin Zhen, can you still resist?"

"I will abolish your resistance a little bit now, so that you can no longer pose any threat to me. When you are completely desperate, I will kill you!"

Before the words fell, the guards raised their swords!

Lin Zhen's left hand was cut off!

"You can hold the sword with both hands, and you can release the sword gang. This is a threat to me, and I will completely solve this threat!"


The right hand was cut off This is the price you have to pay, the price you have to pay for attacking the gods in vain, how can you swing your sword after losing your hands? How to pick up your gun? "

"Your body is very tough and tough, but I don't know if it has the ability to resurrect after being chopped up by me?"


The guard's knife pierced Lin Zhen's chest again!

"My knife cuts off your blood supply to your heart. You will quickly feel weak and weak, dizzy and soft, but don't be impatient. This is not the end. After cutting off your heart blood supply, I will continue. Abolish your eyes and ears, dantian Qihai, spiritual knowledge of the sea, so that you have no place to die!"

"Oh, yes, and also, I will make you phantom, let you deeply feel the real doomsday, let you see that after your death, your body rots, was eaten by wild dogs, and turned into the most humble dirt! This is The price of your blasphemy!"

It was stabbed again!

Lin Zhen closed his eyes, he didn't even feel where the knife was stabbed, and where the stabbing was not that important. At this moment, he had no ability to resist.

God changes, so powerful!

His Kongzhang sword can't be used, his two-handed sword can't be used, his mental power can't be used, his clone has fallen, and his tricks have been used up, what else can he do?

The other party claimed to be a god, but Lin Zhen did not admit that he was a god.

The God Transformation Period is a false **** at best, not even a demigod!

"Even if you are a god, I will not give up fighting! If there is a god, I will die!"

Lin Zhen's thoughts lingered in his mind, and at this moment, he realized something.

He still hadn't comprehended the last style of Taiyuan swordsmanship for a long time. He vaguely remembered that move, called Divine Burial!