Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 792: Beastbound Spirit Lock

After the Lingbao was shattered, Lin Zhen's Qilin Cannon finally showed its mighty power.

Because the warriors lined up in a straight line, the warriors at the back did not even know the shattering of the front shield and did not evade in time, so disaster occurred.

Except for the two or three hundred warriors in the front who saw the shield shattered, after the first time they fled, the 1,400 people behind were pierced by this unicorn cannon!

The reason why Lin Zhen chose the front position was to wait for this moment.

An energy beam penetrated from the first person to the last person, wherever it passed, only a large leg was left!

People's upper bodies were immediately vaporized when hit by the energy beam frontally, and the rest of the legs fell from the sky crackling.

After this blow, the mercenaries who came to attack Lin Zhen had less than two thousand remaining, which was not a big threat.

And Lin Zhen switched to the unicorn gun attack mode again, and began to shoot accurately.

A corpse fell from the sky, and the number of enemies was getting fewer and fewer, and soon fell below a thousand people.

And until this time, no one had been able to cross the canyon that Lin Zhen had artificially drawn with Jian Gang.

The people of the Kylin tribe sang and danced with excitement, stomping on the ground with their paws, sending out a string of cheerful rhythms.

If this continues, perhaps in two minutes, the battle will be over.

The Qin people looked at the Dimensional Universe helplessly, unexpectedly Lin Zhen would be able to do a massacre even in the face of the siege of tens of thousands of people, and the realm of longevity could no longer pose the slightest threat to him.

But under the effect of the potion, the remaining warriors were still rushing towards Lin Zhen quickly. The more **** killing atmosphere around them, the crazier they became.

He rushed over, and before he got close to Lin Zhen, a blood flower bloomed on his forehead. He was headshot on the spot, and his body fell to the ground. This picture was repeated all the time.


Several figures quickly passed by the edge.

"Don't pay attention to Lin Zhen! Go and kill the Qilin people, so that Lin Zhen can no longer use this kind of light bullets unscrupulously!"

Lin Zhen was startled, and saw several black shadows flying by from his far end, at an amazing speed!

"Three Flowering Period~!"

Lin Zhen frowned slightly and finally appeared.

He knew that with such a big battle, it was impossible for Qian Tong to only find the longevity to deal with him, because even if he was lost, he could escape, and there must be a master hidden in it.

Sure enough, at the critical moment of the battle, the Sanhua Warrior appeared on the stage, and made an amazing move as soon as he appeared.

They didn't even kill Lin Zhen, but rushed to kill the people of the fire Qilin.

I have to say that this trick is very useful. If it was before, Lin Zhen would not pay attention to this kind of thing, but he has just taken over as the patriarch, and it is impossible for the other party to kill his own people.

"You guys must be presumptuous!"

Lin Zhen gave up the line of defense in front of him and ran back quickly.

The burst of the unicorn gun can easily kill Changsheng, but it cannot easily kill the three flowers, especially if the opponent has more than one three flowers.

However, Lin Zhen was faster than the opponent, and when the opponent rushed into the Qilin tribe, Lin Zhen also killed him.

Seeing that they were about to catch up, the other two Sanhua Warriors suddenly looked back!

They didn't kill Lin Zhen, but passed by Lin Zhen and ran in the same direction.

At this moment, Lin Zhen hesitated. He could now kill the two warriors running back, but there were still eight black warriors in front of him.

If you kill these two people, those eight people will kill the Qilin tribe.

The two evils are the lesser of each other, Lin Zhen resolutely gave up the two men and continued to hunt down the eight men.

But this move has brought catastrophic consequences!

An invisible rope suddenly encircled Lin Zhen's neck and directly brought Lin Zhen's body back!

At both ends of the rope, there are the two warriors in black who seem to escape!

"Beast-bound spirit lock!"

When this invisible rope restrained Lin Zhen, someone from the Qilin clan shouted.

As soon as the name came out, everyone including Lin Zhen was shocked!

Beast-bound spirit lock, this is the nemesis of all galaxy beasts.

Being bound by this kind of rope will not only bind the body, but even the soul!

The more the galaxy beast struggles, the tighter the rope will be. Unless you struggle directly to death, you can never get free.

This kind of beast-binding spirit lock is very expensive, one 50 billion yuan, two can buy a wormhole egg.

Among the metaworld, there are some particularly powerful warriors whose mounts are not ordinary metaworld beasts, but galaxy beasts they have caught.

Bind the galaxy beast with the beast-binding spirit lock, transform it into shape, completely conquer it, and then use it as its own mount.

A long-lived or even three-flowered galaxy beast is used to ride or even pull a cart, it will be a windy thing.

Not only does it look good, it is even a powerful helper of its own, because after a thorough conquest, the mount is also part of the combat effectiveness.

When Lin Zhen was restrained by Beast Bound Spirit Lock, he knew Qian Tong's ambitions.

This guy not only wants to get rid of Lin Zhen, but even wants to turn him into a mount!

For a galaxy beast, it is better to kill it than to catch it alive.

But how could Lin Zhen willingly be bound by the Beast Spirit Lock, he grabbed the noose with both hands, and wanted to break free.

Beast-bound spirit locks may not be able to be captured immediately, because galaxy beasts are very powerful, and the stronger the galaxy beasts, the more difficult it is to capture. There are many precedents in the Metaverse that failed to capture and were eventually killed by galaxy beasts. .

Of course Lin Zhen is an extremely powerful galaxy beast. These two three-flower warriors can't hold him at all. Although the beast-bound spirit locks constantly suppress Lin Zhen's star power and attack his soul, but before they succeed, Lin Zhen will definitely be pulled over and killed!

The two Sanhua Warriors did not dare to let go, and shouted to the other side: "Hurry up!"

Whoosh~! !

Two more Sanhua warriors rushed over, and the two of them moved apart, and another beast-binding spirit lock bound Lin Zhen's right arm!

It turns out that there is more than one Beast Bound Spirit Lock!

A powerful binding force came, and Lin Zhen felt as if two giant pythons were entangled around him, strangling himself desperately.

Lin Zhen stretched out his left hand to pull, and two more Sanhua Warriors rushed over, and the third Beast Bound Spirit Lock was **** again!

The twisting movement was so fast that Lin Zhen was **** again.

Lin Zhen was still unwilling to tie his neck and the back of his hands. He spread his legs and ran. He wanted to rush into the Pampas volcano and into the volcano. He didn't believe that these three-flower warriors could still be his opponents.

There were ten people in the other party's Sanhua. Seeing that Lin Zhen wanted to run, the remaining four rushed over again, and the two of them pulled a beast-bound spirit lock, completely binding Lin Zhen's feet!

Ten Sanhua Warriors and five Beast Bound Spirit Locks, Qian Tong was desperate to catch Lin Zhen!


Seeing Lin Zhen was arrested, Lin Chuang and others were about to rush to rescue him.

At this time, a cloud in the sky came over, and the five masters all appeared.

Nine Spirits, Optoelectronics, Red Witch, Shaman, Tarzan!

These five holy land martial artists at the peak of the three flowers blocked in front of the Qilin people, and the powerful star power rushed over, and the suppressed young people of the Qilin people could not move forward!

"I advise you not to kill yourself. Lin Zhen is finished today. If you don't want the Qilin clan to annihilate, just be honest with me!"

Photoelectric stood in front of a crowd of fire unicorns, and felt a little worried. There were more than 10,000 fire unicorns here. If they swarmed, the five of them would be impossible to stop, and they could only threaten first.

As long as the older generations of the unicorn tribe don't make a move, they are not afraid of these young little unicorns alone.

The elders' eyes were on Elder Li and others, waiting for their orders.

Elder Li glanced at each other, took a deep breath, and made a decision.

Elder Li waved his hand: "Don't act rashly, don't forget what the patriarch said before he went to war, don't allow any of us to intervene, are you going to disobey?"

Lin Chuang looked at Elder Li with red eyes: "But the patriarch is at stake...!"

"Don't judge the safety of the patriarch based on your trivial wisdom, what kind of person the patriarch is, he will surely be able to turn the danger into a disaster, you should watch it honestly."

Several elders ordered that all the older masters of the Qilin tribe stopped moving, while the younger generation of Lin Chuang and the others were not in a good state, and they were powerless.

Seeing this situation, Optoelectronics and Jiuling finally took a breath.

However, they are still a little Seeing that Lin Zhen is fierce just now, they are planning to fight against Lin Zhen, but they didn't expect Qian Tong to arrange for a back-up player, but they can't be used anymore. .

"Forget it, I have money anyway, but it's a pity that Lin Zhen, this guy, will eventually become Qian Tong's mount."

On the battlefield, ten three-flower warriors struggled to pull, and Lin Zhen's struggle gradually weakened.

The power of the five beast-bound spirit locks could not be resisted by a galaxy beast.

Lin Zhen seemed to be tired too, and finally lay motionless on the ground, not knowing if he had accepted his fate.

"How? Is it imprisoned by the soul or dead? Why didn't you move?"

A Sanhua warrior shook the rope and found that the Beast Bound Spirit Lock did not respond, and suddenly felt something wrong in his heart.

If the target bound by the beast-bound spirit lock dies, then this kind of chain is the case.

But in their opinion, Lin Zhen's young hero has a boundless future. Even if he would rather be captured, he would not choose to die. He still has an infinite future. How can he die willingly?

All ten people shook the rope, but could not feel any signs of Lin Zhen's life.

"Let's take a look, it's not a fake death, but don't be fooled by this guy."

Ten people slowly gathered around and began to approach alone, carefully checking Lin Zhen's pulse, heartbeat, and body temperature.

"It's over, Lin Zhen is dead!"

After several confirmations, the warrior shouted.

This shouting shocked the other people. The order they received was to catch Lin Zhen alive as much as possible, otherwise Qian Tong would not prepare them to bind the beast spirit lock, but he did not expect Lin Zhen to die!

Ten Sanhua warriors immediately approached, wanting to see if there is any way to rescue them.

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