Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 791: A feast of roaring guns!

When Lin Zhen was on Earth, he had also longed for those firearm users.

Although in the world of warriors, firearms are difficult to be elegant after all, but firearms also have his unique charm.

That kind of shooting with a machine gun, and cutting down the large group of enemies in front of him, the pleasure produced by them is beyond the reach of swords and other weapons.

It's a pity that firearms are useless to a certain extent. Laser weapons, railguns, etc., are less and less useful after reaching the star realm.

After the warrior has passed the black hole period, as long as he is not hit by the main gun of the interstellar battleship, he can basically ignore the firearm.

So Lin Zhen once thought that he would never be able to shoot with a machine gun weapon.

However, he never expected that he would get the two super combat skills of Kirin Gun and Kirin Cannon by accident.

For these longevity periods opposite, if Lin Zhen were to rely on swords to fight, he might not be able to kill him when he was exhausted. In the end, he would either escape or die in battle.

But the unicorn gun is a weapon at this time.

Unlike the black hole swallowing that requires transformation and preparation time, the unicorn gun is really open to Lin!

When the opponent's enemy comes, the first thing to approach is not the enemy, but countless long-range attacks, mainly flying knives and bows and arrows. In this kind of group battle, very few people will use mental shock, because you are shocked when you hit others. After the pause, the killing of the enemy basically has nothing to do with you.

Faced with these flying knives and bows, Lin Zhen immediately opened his mouth and started ejecting elemental bullets!

The flower of the four elements in the body is like a huge turntable full of bullets. After a perfect crystal conversion, it can be ejected from the mouth, and it can reach the speed of light attack!

"Give it to me, da da da~!"

At the beginning, Lin Zhen's head was slightly off, and several bullets could shoot down the flying knife bow and arrow, but then he quickly found the sight.

A metallic element bullet was shot out, knocking down the fastest warrior!

Don't underestimate this little elemental bullet, even a drop of water, if it can be shot out at the speed of light, it can cause great damage, not to mention this elemental energy.

Lin Zhen usually took a few hands and feet to clean up the longevity period, so he threw himself on the street without saying a word!

A pillar of blood soared into the sky, but in Lin Zhen's eyes it was the most beautiful and shocking picture.

It was also from this moment that Lin Zhen started a crazy killing!

"Hahaha! If you want my life, then take your own life first! Da Da Da...!"

Lips trembled at a very high frequency, and bullets roared out, red fire bullets, white ice bullets, yellow soil bullets, green wind bullets, and occasionally golden bullets!

Because there are too many people in the opponent, Lin Zhen doesn't even need to aim at this moment, just pouring firepower to the crowd!

Whether it's the opponent's long-range attack or the person rushing over, at this moment it is really like cutting grass, crackling down!

Pillars of blood rose to the sky!

A scream resounded through the sky!

Looking from the back to the front, these longevity warriors are like a desperate death squad, rushing forward one after another, and Lin Zhen alone is a powerful machine gun position!

A machine gun can fire dozens or hundreds of bullets per minute, but Lin Zhen has thousands of bullets per second!

The most important thing is that these bullets travel at the speed of light and cannot be avoided at all!

At this moment, Lin Zhen suddenly remembered a small game in the earth's A.D. calendar, plant zombies or something.

He is the shooter who keeps shooting bullets right now, no! He alone is tens of thousands of shooters, and he vents the bullets all over the sky to the zombie group!

"Hahaha! A large wave of zombies is approaching! Come on! Come on! Kill as many as you want! Da Da Da!"

As the mouth moves from side to side, a piece of photoelectric whizzes out, drew countless rays in the air, leaving behind strands, dense space cracks like spider webs!

The impact of the martial arts group is still scattered, there are also on the ground, in the mid-air, and in the sky, but under such a intensive firepower, it is falling like dumplings.

Some people were killed directly by a single blow, and some were bad luck. They were even hit by a dozen energy bullets, and they were beaten into a sieve in an instant!


People are crazy!

The attackers are crazy, and the people watching are crazy!

The warriors of the Kirin tribe have not forgotten their mission. After the initial daze, everyone burst into applause!

"Patriarch! So handsome!"

"Ahhhhh!!! I'm going crazy! Patriarch, you're crazy!"

"What kind of combat skill is this! It's so dazzling, no way, I'm going to be dizzy by the patriarch!"

"Come on, the patriarch, kill these bastards!"

"Patriarch, must win! Patriarch, must win! Patriarch, must win!"

This kind of cathartic yelling is no longer enough to vent the excitement in their hearts, and they think that the sound of such yelling is too small.

Lin Chuang was the first to cast the fire unicorn transformation, and a huge fire unicorn appeared, screaming!

With Lin Chuang taking the lead, other warriors also began to change, and soon the crowd watching the battle became countless fire unicorns.

A huge cloud of fire rose, sulfur filled, this large group of unicorns began to roar even more excited than estrus, the trembling volcanoes were all rhythmic, and it seemed to erupt at any time!

In this general environment, Elder Li had to turn into unicorns and follow them to fill up the numbers, but their hearts were filled with regret.

Why did they argue with Lin Zhen, why are they greedy about the position of the patriarch? Knowing that Lin Zhen had such a strong ability, they would not do that stupid thing, but it was a pity that it was too late to say anything.

Just ask the other side's mercenaries to be more powerful, and don't be destroyed by Lin Zhen!


Ten thousand warriors, not much to say, not too much to say, no more, they went forward and followed a charge of nearly 30 seconds, rushing to the street for more than 6,000!

The sky is full of blood!

There were dead bodies everywhere, some were seriously wounded and not dead, and some were beaten to pieces!

All this came so quickly, it was like a nightmare that caught people off guard!

Some warriors originally wanted to retreat, but in the surrounding blood-filled environment, they even forgot their fear and forgot to retreat.

Five million is nothing for a longevity period. These warriors come here more for fame, and to join in the fun, they thought they would win, but they didn't expect it to be so tragic.

Among these warriors, not all of them have no resistance.

In the hands of a warrior, there is a Lingbao level shield.

When Lin Zhen's bullet storm struck, the warrior raised his shield.

The shield is very large, with a diameter of more than 1.5 meters, and under the injection of star power, it can also put a halo outside, and it can also effectively resist Lin Zhen's energy bullets.

Amid a series of thumps, the warrior was beaten back and forth, but the bullet did not penetrate his shield, so the area behind him was a safe zone.

Although the warriors were red-eyed and didn't want to retreat, their instincts still let them find a safe place.

After seeing this shield, countless warriors around rushed over quickly.

"Quick, quick! There is a shield for defense here, and you can rush over with this shield!"

"Everyone, as long as we get through this bullet-ridden area, we will be able to cut Lin Zhen into pieces!"

"Hurry up and change. I can't support it anymore. The change is supported with star power. If the shield is knocked down, we will all die!"

Lin Zhen also found this shield. Behind a huge shield, hundreds of people gathered like a long dragon, and the surviving warriors still rushed towards the shield, obviously relying on the power of the shield to contend with him.

Lin Zhen's eyebrows twitched slightly, the star power revolved again, and the flower of the four elements revolved wildly. He accelerated the output speed of the bullet, and blasted this shield with all his strength!

Bullets that were countless times denser than the biggest rainstorm blasted crazy!

Lin Zhen needs very little star power to fire this bullet. The Perfect Crystal is a good converter, allowing Lin Zhen to continue this kind of attack for a long time.

But if you want to resist with a shield in hand, you need a steady flow of star power.

The first warrior in the front row is holding a shield and advancing less than three meters, the star power will almost be exhausted, and another person will be needed to support it.

Hundreds of warriors have turned into thousands of warriors. People lined up, daring not to expose any deeds, all hiding behind the shields, one after another, carrying the shields and moving forward in a clumsy way. , They firmly believed that they would be able to get close to Lin Zhen and kill him!

Of the more than 3,000 warriors present, more than half had gathered behind the shield!

The rest of the sporadic warriors, a little closer, will be sifted into a sieve by the dense torrent of bullets.

Since the photoelectric and others didn't stand forward at the beginning, they all avoided this wave of blows.

Seeing the warriors like a long worm, moving forward slowly, Optoelectronics frowned slightly, and an unknown premonition enveloped my heart.

"This Lin Zhen..... He seems to be deliberately indulging the martial artists to gather together, what is he doing?"

"That's not right! This shield seems to be strong, but as long as Lin Zhen changes position, teleports to another position and strikes again, the person behind the shield is a living target. Why doesn't he do this?"

"not good!"

The boss of Optoelectronics' eyes glared at once, and roared almost hoarsely at the crowd!

"Quickly get out of the way! He wants to zoom in...!"

His prompt is still too late, even if it is too early, because people are going crazy.

Lin Zhen suddenly turned into armor, his head grew alive, a cloud of energy in his throat quickly gathered, and his mouth opened sharply!


With this blasting a huge energy beam, like the main gun on a space battleship, opened fire!

This is a unicorn cannon!

A fierce bombardment on the Lingbao shield, the shield suddenly made a crack like a spider web, and the person behind the shield spouted a mouthful of blood, and fell without a word!

"Nice Lingbao! Come again!"

Second shot, fire!

Only a huge noise was heard, and the shield was torn apart by the second shot!

"You have no defense this time, come again!"

Lin Zhen opened his mouth, and the energy beam struck out again in his throat.

At this line of thousands of warriors, the third shot, fire~~! ! !