Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 786: Soaring strength!

The reason why the mutant galaxy beast is different from the ordinary galaxy beast is because it always has some special abilities after it is mutated.

For example, Lin Zhen's black hole swallowing is the most typical example.

This clone is a five-element condensate. There is no precedent before, and Lin Zhen doesn't know what ability he will evolve.

The body has been completely cast, the perfect crystal is hidden in the center of the eyebrows, and a dazzling light circulates throughout the body.

"Divine body! This perfect crystal has helped the clone become a super divine body!"

If there is no super divine body, no matter how high the star power is, the star power of 80 million can play 40 million, which is not as good as Lin Zhen's body.

But with 90% of the super divine body, it can exert 72 million star power, so that it can be regarded as a master.

Of course, Lin Zhen wanted to show 100% more, but that was impossible. The only person who could show 100% star power was Lin Zhen alone.

Evolving into a super divine body, the special ability of Lin Zhen clone was also born.

He has two special abilities, one is bonus.

To attach gold is to attach gold aura to the body and weapons.

Covering the body will form a strong protection. The Qilin Clan's scale defense power is very strong. After attaching gold, it can form an invulnerable armor.

Lin Zhen used the gold, and the scales on his body suddenly turned golden.

Taking out the Zhankong Divine Sword, Lin Zhen cut it down.

A crisp metal collision sounded, the Zhan Kong Divine Sword was bounced, leaving a shallow white mark on the scale armor.

"It can actually withstand the attacks of ordinary spirit treasures, the defensive power of this scale armor is too abnormal."

In addition to covering the scales, it can also cover the weapons. Under the blessing of the golden gas, this clone will become a fierce general who charges and entraps the battle.

The second special ability is to mix the elemental power in the body with star power through the transmission of the perfect crystal, forming a powerful elemental energy beam.

Lin Zhen has no place to test the power of the energy beam, but he has a feeling that the lethality of this energy beam is comparable to the Destroyer Thunder!

Destroying the Thunder is one of Lin Zhen's strongest tricks, but he only has three shots and he is very cautious when using it.

Last time in the ring, the three-in-one **** thunder killed Hei Bone, and Lin Zhen has not yet conceived a **** thunder.

The power of this energy beam is not comparable to the three-in-one divine thunder, but compared to a single divine thunder, it is not much inferior. The power should be very close.

And this restriction is also much less. With the power of the flower of the four elements in the body, it is no big problem to blast 20 or 30 rounds at a time, and it can be recovered after one practice.

With the flower of the four elements, the earth, water, fire and wind power between heaven and earth can be quickly absorbed by the clone and transformed into star power, so the lasting combat power of the clone is even above the body!

The appearance of this trick made Lin Zhen ecstatic, this energy beam appeared, the impact and combat effectiveness of the clone would reach a very high level.

Lin Zhen named this trick the Kirin Cannon. The mouth is the muzzle, the body is the turret, and the energy beam is the cannonball. Lin Zhen dare not say that once the shot goes down, the moon-like satellite must be torn apart!

Don't think that this muzzle can only be fired, and it can be fired.

The flower of the four elements can not only form energy beams, but also small bullet-like energy clusters.

With the perfect crystal as a converter, the clone can not only shoot cannonballs, but also shoot.

The energy beam is too powerful to test, but the gun can be tested.

Lin Zhen was in Elder Qin's hall, experimenting with the newly acquired abilities.

With a mouth open, the star power surged, and the combined elemental power rushed to the crystal in the center of the eyebrows. After the crystal conversion, it was launched from the mouth. This process was extremely fast.


A series of bullets of various colors shot out from the clone's mouth like a storm!

Each bullet is more powerful than the intercontinental ballistic missiles on the earth, and tens of thousands of bullets were fired in a second!

The fire forest cultivated by elder Qin for many years was destroyed.

Where the bullet storm passed, everything was ruined and destroyed.

As soon as a bullet passed, the forest of fire plunged into a large area. The trunks that were as hard as iron pillars were pockmarks at this moment. A circle of my son shot out. All the forests of fire, plus Elder Qin’s manor, were razed Flat ground!

Masses of elemental energy were raging, the earth cracked and flames rose, completely turning this place into ruins.

"So strong..... What a strong elemental energy bullet!"

"I can even control the elemental properties of bullets, fire bullets, ice bullets, and even metal bullets!"

"When I was on the earth, some warriors practiced thermal weapons, but there were too many restrictions on thermal weapons. After cultivating to the level of God of War, thermal weapons were basically useless. But today, my attack method similar to thermal weapons must be Will resound through the metaworld!"

This trick cannot be regarded as another special ability. It was Lin Zhen's own research based on the abilities of the Qilin Cannon and the Perfect Crystal, recalling the bullet storm on the earth.

Now that there is a unicorn gun, this trick is called a unicorn gun.

I have to say that Elder Qin also has some abilities, or that he is a thoughtful person, and he deliberately arranged such a trap, which caused the five great unicorns to kill each other, and finally became this super clone, but he did not expect people to count. Not as good as the heavens, Lin Zhen came at a critical moment, killed all his enemies in one fell swoop, and got this clone.

Doppelganger does not need to practice, because it shares the same blood of Lin Zhen, as long as Lin Zhen advances, the clone will also be promoted, just like Xiao Nuan at the beginning.

Lin Zhen is now the seventh-level realm king. Once he reaches the ninth level, his clone will reach the peak of longevity.

And if Lin Zhen breaks through to the realm of longevity, the clone will enter the early stage of Sanhua.

With gold, unicorn gun, and unicorn gun, these are the special abilities of Lin Zhen clone.

The super divine body, 90% of the star power, up to 80 million star power, all of which made Lin Zhen extremely happy.

Of course, there is the last trick, which is the unicorn transformation of the clone.

"Wake up, my clone!"

Lin Zhen could control two divine bodies at the same time long ago, and the clone opened his eyes when his thoughts moved.

There was a brilliant look in the eyes, and then turned into cold beast eyes, and his body shook and turned into a huge five-color unicorn that was ten meters high and over thirty meters long!


With a loud roar, the five-color unicorn ran through the ruins for a few steps, and a powerful aura spread out, and everyone in the entire Fire Unicorn Holy Land felt a powerful pressure!

Everyone couldn't help bending down, their bodies trembling a little. The nature of the beasts told them that the unicorn that gave off momentum at this moment was definitely a more advanced and powerful existence than them.

"Who is this? Is it the patriarch?"

"Isn't the patriarch dead?"

"Your head is pretty funny, right? The current patriarch is Lin Zhen, and the Fire Qilin clan has changed days."

"Gosh! This aura is really amazing, isn't Patriarch Lin Zhen a black hole beast? How do you feel that this is another powerful mutant fire unicorn?"

"Hope, from the roar of the patriarch, I feel hope, with such a powerful patriarch, the rise of the Fire Qilin clan is just around the corner!"

People's eyes are full of hope. Metaverse is the world of the strong, and there is a strong as the leader. This is what everyone expects and is happy for.

The avatar transforms, Lin Zhen's body shakes, and at the same time she transforms into a black hole beast!

The nebula above his head, the black hole floats and sinks, and the power of the black hole beast is equally astonishing!

The two giant beasts screamed at the same time, announcing the appearance of the new owner of the burning unicorn family.

By doing this, Lin Zhen also gave a warning to the others in the clan, telling them that the fire unicorn had changed the owner. Since Lin Zhen took over the position of the patriarch, he would not allow any opposition to exist.

Today, if anyone dares to question his authority and status without a long eye, Lin Zhen will kill him without hesitation!

After venting his excitement for a while, Lin Zhen's clone and main body simultaneously changed back to human form.

The clone is as tall as the body, and the length is exactly the same.

When Lin Zhen didn't use elemental power, he couldn't see the difference between the clone and the body from the outside, there was no difference.

Moreover, the clone can hide the realm, and its aura is reduced, and it looks like a seventh-level realm king.

Looking at the clone that was indistinguishable from his appearance, Lin really breathed a sigh of relief.

Having a clone is too convenient for Lin Zhen.

With the clone acting outside, Lin Zhen can concentrate on returning to the inner world to practice.

Lin Zhen is not lacking in combat skills. What is lacking is the realm. If he is now the pinnacle of longevity and has a clone of the Sanhua realm, he can concentrate on making money to buy wormhole eggs and return to the New Territories to take his family back. .

Therefore, Lin Zhen urgently needs cultivation, his cultivation is simple, as long as he resolves the medicinal properties in his body, he can be promoted by swallowing the pill again.

As long as there is time to concentrate on cultivation, before returning to the Holy Land, Lin Zhen will be able to advance to the eighth level of Realm King, with a star power of 50 million.

The gold seal of the Kirin tribe, the sword of the empty sword, and other things were handed over to the clone, the body shape flashed and directly entered the body world.

Back on the dark Lin Zhen sat before the twin twins at the North Pole.

He was about to start cultivating, and at the same time he felt the power of Frost, and strived to one day learn absolute zero.

The body began to practice, and now it was the clone walking outside.

Putting on his body clothes and looking around the surrounding ruins, Lin Zhen picked up the ice block of the frozen Sakya.

Now that he has become the patriarch, he must do his part for the Qilin clan.

He will put Sakya's body into the volcano and return to the flames, just as a human being enters the soil for peace.

"All Fire Qilin people, I am your new patriarch Lin Zhen, now all the people in the clan will gather in front of the Fire Palace, no mistake!"

Bringing ice cubes, the new Fire Qilin patriarch Lin Zhen left in a big stride.

I hope that this day, there will not be anyone who does not open his eyes to provoke him.