Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 774: Stone stele

Eight people from the local class came to the front of the stele.

There are a lot of stone tablets here, fifty-five, but there are people in front of almost every stone tablet.

Every ten years, eight local students enter the sacred land. Lin Zhen and the others enter, but the one hundred years ago left. Normally there should be eighty people.

But in fact, the number of the ground crew is less than seventy. A lot of things will happen in a hundred years. Some warriors are gone for some reason, or leave, or fall.

However, the number of people is still a little more than that of the stele.

Only the few stone tablets at the back were not understood, but without asking, the last few stone tablets are definitely more difficult.

The number of people enlightened before the first stone tablet is the largest, with three people.

When Lin Zhen and the others arrived, a chubby warrior opened his eyes.

"The new students are finally here, our group is not the smallest."

"Excuse me, is there any trick to the stone stele here?" Huang Zun said lightly.

The fat warrior glanced at Huang Zun: "There is no big trick. The point is to choose. No one can comprehend every stone tablet. For example, you must comprehend the spear technique when you learn the sword technique. It’s a waste of time, choosing a study that suits you, and the purpose of enlightening the stele is to hit the 33-day tower. It’s enough to improve your strength.

"Then what are you enlightened?"

"This is a fast wind step, suitable for combat."

Hearing the words of Fat Warrior, everyone's eyes lit up.

Body style is very important for a martial artist. For example, Lin Zhen's plum blossom pile step has helped him many times in the battle suit.

However, the quincunx pace is still very limited after all, and it is not really a top martial skill.

Shifeng Step is a universal step, any warrior can learn it, anyone is useful, and a few warriors are ready to learn immediately.

But the enlightenment also has to pay attention to the order. According to the rules of the Holy Land, Lin Zhen and the others are currently ranked in the bottom eight, and the eight of them are currently in no particular order.

The sorting thing is useful when you are looking at the most popular stone monuments, and those who are ranked higher can get a better position.

The fat warrior said: "You can enlighten yourself. You can confront each other to determine the order. Of course, you can also challenge us, but you need qualifications to challenge us."

"What qualifications do you want?"

"The standard for measuring strength in the Holy Land is the 33 Heavenly Pagoda. All of us are people who have broken through several floors. If you want to challenge us, you must be the 33 Heavenly Pagoda of the same level to challenge. If you If the number of towers is higher than ours, then your ranking will automatically move forward."

A warrior suddenly realized: "Oh! The so-called challenge, that is, can only be carried out between the same level?"

"Yes, only people who have reached the same level of the tower can challenge each other. For example, if you are currently on the first floor, you can challenge each other. If someone has passed the first floor, then you have no challenge. Qualified."

Several warriors looked at each other, two of them turned around and left, ready to try how difficult it is to break through the Thirty-Three Sky Tower.

But most of them didn't plan to pass now. The Thirty-Three Sky Tower should be very difficult. If you can learn to walk fast, then it will be easier to break through.

Huang Zun looked at several people around him: "I want to comprehend the stone stele of the wind step now. Let's decide the order. Those who still want to comprehend can challenge me."

Among the several people in the ground class, two of them have only looked at Huang Zun's horse. Perhaps they had discussed with each other yesterday and knew that Huang Zun was very strong.

But there were also two people who challenged Huang Zun, and now everyone is on the first floor of the thirty-three-day tower, and it doesn't hurt to compare them.

Lin Zhen did not participate in the challenge, nor did he go to the 33 Heaven Tower. He is still in the weakening period of the Shenli Pill, and it will take two days to pass. He will not use force for these two days.

After walking around for a while, several Diban warriors who came with them all found the steles and determined their order.

Huang Zun's strength is still relatively strong, winning two consecutive games and obtaining a good position for enlightenment.

Even if the loser, the ranking must be ahead of Lin Zhen, because after all, Lin Zhen didn't play a game, and the automatic ranking was in the last position.

But Lin Zhen was not in a hurry, ordinary stone monuments were of no use to him, because he inherited the memory of Black Bone, Lin Zhen had actually mastered many sacred martial arts, and he would have long been able to use stone monuments such as Shifeng Step.

It was just that it was inconvenient to expose before. After arriving at the Holy Land, Lin Zhen could slowly reveal what he had learned.

Seeing Lin Zhen wandering around and not taking part in any challenge, Huang Zun and the others showed contempt.

"The guy who takes drugs, don't give him a chance to transform into a black hole beast, he is just a scum!" Huang Zun is very disdainful of Lin Zhen. In his opinion, the all-round Sanhua student, he can be a realm king. It was a shame to come in.

"There is no way. Who calls someone an alchemist? It is said that even Qian Tong is not as good as Qian Tong for the kind of pill he made. I really don't know how this kid is so young and how he can make alchemy. Kungfu is practiced to this level."

A warrior sighed with emotion, and was full of jealousy for Lin Zhen as a seventh-rank alchemist.

"Well! What's the use of alchemy? The root of martial artist is still martial arts. If you don’t achieve longevity, you will start to study alchemy. This is not doing your business. Once your life is reached, everything will not be empty. , It's not a great genius, it's nothing more than the talent of the black hole beast that made him take some shortcuts."

Huang Zun also once specialized in alchemy, but alchemy is indeed a skill of water milling. Without long years of accumulation, there will be no major achievements. His practice of fishing for three days and drying nets for two days is still only one. That's the third rank alchemist.

He was more than half a million years old, but he was not as effective as Lin Zhen's over a thousand years old. Naturally, he felt a little unbalanced. This was one of the reasons why he didn't like Lin Zhen's eyes.

"Hurry up and practice, and try to get this kid out of the job!"

Huang Zun started his practice in front of the stone stele of the Swift Step.

After a while, the two people who challenged the Thirty-Three Sky Tower came back.

"How was the result? Is the first layer past?"

A person shook his head slightly: "No, the guardian of the first layer is too difficult to fight. In the early days of Sanhua, the spiritual master of the Dark Golden Peak, the spiritual impact is faster than the gun, and it is impossible to hold it!"

Another obvious self-confidence has been hit: "The 33-day tower is too abnormal. The first floor is difficult to be like this, and there are 32 floors behind. How long and how long will it take to cultivate? Pass? I don’t think anyone can pass it all, not even a god!"

"It's better to practice with peace of mind, and don't go too far."

When they talked here, Lin Zhen had already reached the depths of the stele.

He has read all the steles once, and determined a stele to be comprehended.

This stone stele is called Wuying Step, which is an upgraded version of Haifeng Step.

The person who created the wind step left a total of two stone tablets. The shadowless step is the essence of what he must learn, and it is very difficult.

The wind step is the use of the power of the wind element, plus one's own experience, and the shadowless step is the wind element plus the power of space and time, which is extremely complicated.

After Dafengbu was created, it was also learned by some other warriors, so it is also available in the Holy Land of Suo Shentai, but Wuyingbu is the only one here in Suixinghu.

There are a lot of similarities in some martial arts. Hei Bone learned a lot at the beginning, so coming to Lin Zhen can help him save a lot of steps.

"Just this shadowless step. If you learn this trick well, it is much easier to use than teleporting during battle. Teleportation also has time to activate, time to react, and the possibility of being interrupted. There is no such problem in Shadow Step. It just so happens that I am also proficient in the power of time and space, and have the foundation of Wind Step. There is no problem in learning this."

"However, it is easy to be suspicious to learn this directly. I will go to Jifengbu to deal with it for a few days."

Seeing that Lin Zhen came to the front of the stone stele of the wind step, Huang Zun and several people stood up and even looked at Lin Zhen with demonstrative eyes.

Lin Zhen ignored the few of them, and sat at the end and began to comprehend.

"Cut! Soft egg!"

Huang Zun said with disdain, seeing Lin Zhen did not react, he also lost interest.

The days of practicing in the Holy Land have begun.

The freshness of the warriors who first arrived at the holy land quickly dissipated, and instead they entered the intense training.

There are rules in the Holy Land. A person can stay here for at most a hundred years. After a hundred years, if he cannot be selected as a direct disciple by the owner of the Holy Land, he can only leave.

A hundred years sounds very long, but it is too short and too short for the martial artist, everyone is eager to learn and enlighten.

During this process, Lin Zhen showed something unusual.

Two days after the comprehension of the wind step, Lin Zhen left this stone monument and went to the front of a stone monument called the Dripping Sword Technique to comprehend.

People thought he gave up because he couldn't understand the wind step, but he didn't expect that after three days of comprehension of this sword technique, he went to a stone monument of mental power control method to comprehend it.

At first, he paid more attention to Lin Zhen's person, but now he is a little disdainful.

Martial arts must be dedicated I have learned a little bit, but what is the use of not learning everything? Lin Zhen is obviously too greedy and can't chew, and it won't be long before he regrets it.

For a whole month, Lin Zhen had been wandering everywhere, and eventually even went to the Xuanban Huangban, or even the deserted squad, to enlighten it for a while.

One month later, Lin Zhen returned to the ground class again and came to the stele of Wuying Step.

This month, he did not waste time in vain. At least people think that what he has learned is very mixed, and no one will say anything when he uses the Holy Land Martial Arts in the future. At most, he is just wondering why he learned so well in such a short time.

When he returned to the front of the Shadowless Step Stele, Huang Zun and the others didn't pay attention to him at all.

At this moment, in their hearts, Lin Zhen is no longer in the same class as them, and one year later, Lin Zhen will definitely fall into the Xuan Class, so there is no need to worry about him.

And Lin Zhen finally started his first formal training in the Holy Land.