Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 772: First visit to the Holy Land

Lin Zhen's friends gradually dispersed. (

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Many people chose to stay in Qin. There is also a New Territories fellow villagers' association here, which can survive everywhere, and the prosperity of Qin is indeed very attractive.

Ning Qingxuan stayed in Qin Capital's Alchemist Association, practicing in the suspended villa.

"Husband, don't worry about me. There is no concept of time in martial arts. You have only been in the holy land for a hundred years, and the holy land is not forbidden to go out. If you miss me, just come back and see me."

Ning Qingxuan, with her snowy skin, nestled in Lin Zhen's arms, the red tide on her face had not completely faded.

"Well, I will come back often."

"But husband, you should also pay attention to it. There is also a battle in the holy land. The closer you are to the stone monument, the more you can learn, so internal challenges are very important."

"Is it true in every holy place?"

"Yes, every sacred place is like this. If you rank last in a class, not only will you learn less, but you will also be demoted during the annual assessment."

Lin Zhen nodded slightly: "Don't worry, your husband and I are strong in every aspect, you know that."

Lin Zhen's remarks caused Ning Qingxuan to pinch him fiercely, but in the end some thoughts of Lin Zhen were'aroused'. She turned over and suppressed the beautiful lady with pink makeup and'Jade' under her body. The uninterrupted movement in the early morning proved his words.

In the morning of the next day, all the new students gathered at the shore of Falling Star Lake.

Today’s weather is good, although there are winds and waves, it’s not too big. I saw blue whales from the holy land pushing away from the lake to swim in the distance.

A handyman in Tsing Yi stood on the back of the blue whale and said to all the students: "I am on the order of the five sons to come and pick you up to Star Picking Island. Please go fish!"

Lin Zhen ‘touched’ his nose. He had heard of getting on a car, a boat, a plane, a battleship, and the term “fishing” is really rare.

The Blue Whale docked in the deep water area. All the students lifted up into the air and flew short distances. The students from the sky class first and the students from the desert class finally boarded the blue whale in order.

"Sit down, there are big winds and waves in Falling Star Lake, and there are some monsters. If you fall, it will be dangerous. (The fastest update on the first-class novel network

The handyman'confessed', the blue whale turned its head, its huge fins paddled, and began to rumble towards the depths of the Starfall Lake.

A fish can swim more than a piece, and Lin Zhen has opened his eyes today.

This is not swimming anymore, but gliding on the surface of the water. Occasionally, when the fins slap the water, they are all increasing at multiple times the speed of sound!

Everyone tries to fix their figure as much as possible and keep them from being blown off the back of the fish.

The more you go to the depths of Starfall Lake, the bigger the wind'waves' become. It is like entering the vast Pacific Ocean, with no edge in sight.

The huge ‘wave’ ahead was so great that the head of the ‘wave’ was lifted and it was directly photographed above the clouds!

Dark clouds in the sky, lightning and thunder, this place is like a forbidden zone of life, even these warriors feel the powerful force of nature here.

"Sit down!"

The handyman yelled, and the blue whale plunged into the wind's waves.

In the depths of the huge ‘wave’, a strange aperture appeared.

"This is a teleportation ‘door’!"

Before people could react, the next moment the blue whale had already passed through the teleportation ‘door’ and appeared in a new water area.

The surrounding area was filled with fog, and the blue whale continued to paddle, and after about an hour, it emerged from the foggy area.

Everyone is walking in the clouds and mist, and they don't know what route they have taken.

But they knew they were about to arrive, because a huge island had appeared in the distance, and there was their destination, Stargazing Island.

The blue whale's speed also gradually slowed down, and the surrounding wind'waves' disappeared at this moment.

"Star Reaching Island is in the area close to the center of Starfall Lake, passing through the teleportation ‘gate’. You are now eight billion light-years away from Qin Capital!"

The warriors were secretly speechless, and they had to pass through a teleportation ‘door’. The wind’s ‘wave’ just now was too big. If it weren’t for the handyman’s leadership, they wouldn’t be able to find the teleportation ‘door’ of Star Picking Island. (Fastest update)

A Yuban warrior asked: "This little brother, if we want to leave the island, how can we get out?"

"The Holy Land does not forbid students to leave, but relying on you alone, it is basically impossible to find the'gate' of the teleportation for the first time. You can only take the'traffic' tool of our Star Island.

"Is it this blue whale?"

"No, the blue whale is a large-scale communication tool. You can only sit here, that's it."

The handyman pointed forward and saw a huge dolphin more than ten meters long jumped out on the vast lake on the side of the island, with a silver ‘colored’ skin shining in the sun.

"This is the sacred dolphin, you can rent it, and it costs a lot of money every time."

"How much money can there be for rent!" A wild class warrior said with disdain.

The handyman smiled: "Not too much, if you want to return to Qindu, one billion at a time!"

"What? One billion?" Many warriors raised their voices in surprise. Although their realm is not low, the money of Yuanjie is not so easy to make. Without Lin Zhen's ability to refine alchemy, one billion is not a small amount for anyone. digital.

A Zhou squad warrior said with some dissatisfaction: "This is too dark. We are all holy land warriors. The holy land can also be regarded as our home. How can we charge such a high fee to our family?"

"That is, it should be used for free. At least our yellow class should be eligible for free."

"Why can the yellow class be free? Just because you are one level higher than our Yu class?"

"Although our deserted class is low, we should treat them equally."

Several warriors quarreled. At this time, Tianban student Michelle suddenly said: "What are you arguing! Rules are rules. Did you use yourself as the master when you entered the Holy Land?"

Michelle is faintly the first person in this selection, and as a Tianban student is still very deterrent, many people shut up when he speaks.

The handyman smiled at Michelle: "This classmate is right. Although you are the martial artist of the Holy Land, you are not the master of the Holy Land. You are only the people studying here. It is like a student who wants to'pay' in school. Like tuition, you have to pay a price for enjoying everything in the Holy Land. Unless you are the master of the Holy Land or his direct disciple, you can be considered a master."

People immediately thought of Jinnuo. If you can't reach the level of Jinnuo, you can't be regarded as the master.

"I'm just a small handyman, but I still want to advise you, if you want to make a difference in the Holy Land, only relying on your strength and being able to go higher in the 33rd day tower will your status in the Holy Land be higher."

"Thirty-Three Sky Tower, what is that?"

"Hehe, the holy land is here, someone will answer you soon, everyone, please fish."

The blue whale docked on the shore of Starcatcher Island, and there were already people waiting on the shore.

Everyone once again descended from the blue whale in order and landed on the shore.

The host is still a handyman. After seeing everyone coming down, he said blankly: "Everyone will follow me. I will explain something to you on the road. If I can’t hear or remember that I am It will not be repeated."

At this time, with Lin Zhen, the student Huang Zun said: "Damn! How come these handymen are so crazy one by one, we are students and they are handymen, can it be higher than our status?"

Lin Zhen said indifferently: "All the holy land handymen are longevity warriors. For them, the holy land is their home, and we are just passing by, and we have no identity at all."

"Lin Zhen, do you know who you are talking to?" Huang Zun seemed to look at Lin Zhen a little displeased. Lin Zhen didn't give him face yesterday, so he had some opinions on Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen snorted and didn't answer him at all.

What else Huang Zun wanted to say, the handyman turned around and said: "Don't make a loud noise, leave the team if you speak again."

Huang Zun gave Lin Zhen a few empty pointers, and then he said nothing.

A bluestone road winds up from the edge of the island.

The handyman led the people and made introductions as they walked.

"There are currently more than 30,000 people on the sacred place of Star-catching Island, including more than 8,000 trainees and more than 20,000 handymen. There are many things on the island, which is equivalent to a small city."

"The front is the area where your students live. From Tianban to deserted classes, the more advanced students, the better the living environment. If you want to live, go there. The villa at the top is Tianban. Everyone has a building. There are also smaller villas in Diban. Xuanban is the bottom of his house. The chase shop at the bottom is the deserted class, but I don’t think this is of great significance, because you rarely have the opportunity to practice. live here."

After walking for a while, passing by a place called Jindan Pavilion, people stopped.

Because people saw that inside the Jindan Pavilion, a person was walking out.

This person is actually a sage from Qin, Qian Tong!

"Isn't that the holy alchemist Qian Tong? Why is he here?"

The handyman smiled: "It seems to have heard that he did something wrong. He was punished by the fifth son. He has been practicing alchemy in the holy land for a hundred years. Unlike you, he is forbidden to leave the holy land or go to the stele area. This place makes alchemy."

Hearing the words of the handyman, people all know what mistake Qian Tong made, that is, attacking the contestants during the arena, which offended the majesty of the Holy Land.

And what shocked them even more was the power of the Holy Land.

With a word of Wu Gongzi, Qian Tong, the only saint-level alchemist in the Metaverse, can honestly practice alchemy in the Holy Land for a hundred years, especially those martial artists who know what kind of figure Qian Tong is in the Qin State, it feels incredible.

The majesty of the holy land is so terrifying!

Qian Tong watched the warriors walk by, his eyes fell on Lin Zhen, there was a hint of anger in it, but he didn't dare to show it clearly, and he simply turned around and returned to the Golden Pill Pavilion to make a blind eye.

Lin Zhen's gaze was only lightly swept, as if he didn't see Qian Tong.

Continue to go up along the Qingshi Road, and after crossing a small ridge, we finally reached the core area of ​​the Holy Land.

On the hillside in front, huge stone steles stood tall, looming in the vast morning mist. rw

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