Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 755: 3A powerful opponent in the flower realm

Holding the talisman in his hand, Soaring struggled to resist Lin Zhen's crazy attack.

But there was no way to come back from this battle, So Xiang had scruples in his heart, and his spirit had vented, and he couldn't resist Lin Zhen who had no concerns.

When the battle lasted for one minute, Soaring drew a stick at Lin Zhen's waist, but he paid the price of a right hand!

The palm of his right hand, still holding the talisman, is now on the ground.

Soaring immediately rushed to grab the talisman, and now he wanted to leave alive, he could only rely on this method.

How could Lin Zhen let him succeed so easily, wielding the Sword of the Sky, and finally seized an opportunity to cut off the flying stick!

Losing his weapon, soaring and howling, his body turned into a huge black dragon, only missing a right front paw, hovering constantly in the air, looking for opportunities to regain the right hand, or the talisman in the right hand.

Lin Zhen stepped on a plum blossom pile under his feet. This talisman was a bait, a bait that could make it fly and die.

Soaring and rushing towards his old life, Lin Zhen calmly turned sideways. When the two crossed, Jian Gang shook, and while the black dragon rushed down, he slashed out with a sword.

A trace of fluctuations appeared in the space of the ring, which shows how powerful this sword is!

Slay the dragon with one sword!

The huge dragon head was directly cut off by Lin Wuwen's hand, and bright red dragon blood spurted out!

"Ouch! Good stuff, good stuff, you can't waste it."

As soon as he saw something like dragon blood, Lin Zhen's alchemist was guilty of something wrong. He immediately took out bottles and jars, began to collect blood, and took out a knife to dissect the dragon's corpse.

The people of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance frowned frequently.

Excessive, killing people, and now they are collecting blood and dissecting them like a pig, deceiving people too much!

At this time, the prompt sounded: "The battle is over, Lin Zhen from the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance has advanced."

Hearing this voice, Lin Zhen directly raised his hand and put the dragon corpse into the body world, and was teleported out of the ring in the next moment.

After winning this game, he was considered to have entered the top 16,384.

Victory in this battle is inevitable, but it is of great significance to Lin Zhen.

No one says that Lin Zhen wins by paying bribes. Have you ever seen a bribe who killed the other party directly?

The Qin people fell silent again, and began to look for Lin Zhen's next opponent.

But their disappointment is destined to continue, because the next opponent does not seem to be as strong as Soaring.

From morning to noon, there were two more rounds of fighting.

In these two rounds, Lin Zhen still showed super strength, and he passed two levels again without seeing any very powerful tricks he used.

So far, the Holy Land Challenge has gone through eight rounds.

After eight rounds, the number of all warriors is only 4,096!

Among these people, whoever wins two consecutive victories will definitely be able to enter the Holy Land!

"God! Who will stop Lin Zhen?"

"This guy has gone through eight rounds. Is it really necessary to watch him enter the Holy Land without a single person able to snipe him?"

"Don't panic, don't panic, his next opponent will definitely not get through!"

During the lunch break, Lin Zhen's next opponent appeared.

It is also a recommendation from the national teacher Qian Tong, and the opponent's name is Xiao Se.

After seeing that it was bleak, the eyes of all Qin people lit up.

This time Lin Zhen is really over. Among the martial artists starting with the 7th character, Xiao Se is the number one seed player. Although the other mysterious man with a black headband is also very strong, it is not as famous as Xiao Se.

Xiao Se is now in the early stage of Sanhua, has followed Qiantong for tens of thousands of years, and has countless glorious achievements in Qin.

When participating in the elimination rounds, Xiao Se also shouted a slogan. During the elimination rounds, he would never make more than twenty swords, and he would enter the Holy Land!

At that time, many people questioned Xiao Se's bragging, but the actual fighting situation stunned everyone.

In the previous eight rounds of battle, Xiao Se had a total of 13 swords!

Four battles with one sword solve the battle, three battles with two swords to solve the battle, and one battle with three swords to solve the battle!

In the battle where the Three Swords resolved the battle, Xiao Se faced an opponent in the Sanhua realm. He thought it would be a battle between dragons and tigers, but the opponent with a star power of 50 million only resisted the Three Swords!

According to the insider, Xiao Se's star power has exceeded 60 million!

And when Xiao Se was three times, the star of God's Punishment ranked first! Have a super body!

Facing such an opponent, Lin Zhen had absolutely no chance of winning.

Therefore, when Lin Zhen faced Xiao Se, the people of Qin were as happy as the Chinese New Year, a series of elemental fireworks rose into the sky, and the grand celebration began in advance.

For Lin Zhen's supporters, the atmosphere was very depressing.

No matter how you look at it, Lin Zhen can't be Xiao Se's opponent. He thought that the impact on the Holy Land was hopeful, but now it seemed that it was about to end.

Feeling the dignified atmosphere around, Lin really wanted to give everyone a few words of comfort, when suddenly someone said, "Xiao Se is here!"

Lin Zhen looked up and saw the turbulent crowd in front of him spread out, leaving a passageway.

A warrior who was dressed in a simple gray shirt and looked like an ascetic monk appeared in front of Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen stood up, wondering what Xiao Se was doing.

Xiao Se walked up to Lin Zhen, looked up and down Lin Zhen a few times, and then a sneered sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Lin Zhen, I have to say that your luck has been very good. Until now, you haven't met a real strong player. "

Lin Zhen smiled: "Maybe my luck will always be better."

Xiao Se shook his finger slightly: "No, your luck is over here. The next round is your fight with me. You may not know me. I am actually a kind person, so I took a break at noon. Time, I will come over to see you and see if you have any last words to explain, so that after you are in the ring, you will have no time to explain."

After Xiao Se said, he waved to the people behind: "Come here to record Lin Zhen and see if he has any unfulfilled wishes, and record them all together. What can be done is done for him. If it involves spending money. , I pay!"

Then he turned to Lin Zhen: "Look, how kind I am, you should have never seen such a compassionate opponent before."

Lin Zhen's bleak high posture looked particularly annoying.

But Lin Zhen had to admit that there was a clear gap between his strength and Xiao Se's strength.

The opponent's star power exceeded 60 million, or even more than a lot, and this person was carrying a long sword behind his back, which was clearly the same as his own Zhan Kong, a spirit treasure level thing.

This was the first Sanhua warrior that Lin Zhen faced. After Xuan'er was promoted to Sanhua, she had no battle with herself.

"The ring hasn't started yet, Xiao Se, don't be so arrogant!" Nicole the dwarf jumped out and shouted at Xiao Se.

"What an annoying fly!"

Xiao Se said, raising his hand and waving at Nicole!

A surging force blasted out, and the dwarf Nicole also entered the realm of longevity, but in front of Xiao Se, he was blasted out like a fly!

A mouthful of blood was spit out in the air, and Nicole fell directly to a kilometer away, knowing his life or death!


Lin Zhen was furious, and drew out the sword of Zhankong, slashing it directly!

"The pearl of rice also shines, that's it, before the start of the game, let you feel the taste of despair!"

Xiao Se also drew out his sword and greeted him with a sword!


The loud clashing sound made the nearby people have a splitting headache, and they were holding their heads in pain.

The strength of the opponent’s star power made Lin Zhen at a loss, and he slashed with a sword. His Zhan Kong was swept aside. If it hadn’t been for the growth stage of his black hole beast’s body, the sword in his hand would be shaken away. Up!

The sword was shaken open, Lin Suowen's door opened wide, Xiao Se's second sword made a swift advance, unexpectedly feeling faster than lightning, and one sword penetrated Lin Zhen's lower abdomen!

This sword was replaced by ordinary people who would definitely be seriously injured or even killed, but Lin Zhen had an immortal spirit body, and this sword could not kill him.

But Xiao Se's reaction was extremely fast. At first glance, Second Sword didn't seem to kill Lin Zhen, and he turned around and slashed again!

This sword ran towards Lin Zhen's neck. Even if Lin Zhen resisted, he would at least lose his arms!

Lin Zhen frowned. It seemed that the method of pressing the bottom of the box had to be taken out in advance, and even if he was seriously injured, he would have to kill the despair.


After another huge collision, Xiao Se pulled away, looking solemnly at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Dressed in an elegant dress, Ning Qingxuan, who was as pretty and charming as a lily, stood in front of Lin Zhen!

"Queen Nanliang!" Xiao Se was surprised.

The Emperor of Nanliang was indeed the country's beauty. Even in a prosperous place like Daqin, Xiao Se had never seen such a beautiful woman. Compared with the rumors, it would only be more beautiful.

But he never knew that Queen Nanliang's strength was so strong that she was not inferior to him.

Ning Qingxuan said with a cold face: " Now that the battle has not started, you are here to provoke your opponent. Doing so will be disqualified."

Xiao Se's brows moved a few times, and when he saw that there was no chance to do it, he simply laughed: "I just played with Lin Zhen, and it didn't really cause harm. Even if you don't come, I will stop the sword. "

After speaking, he said to Lin Zhen: "Sorry, the brother who is hiding behind the woman, I made a heavy shot just now, did not scare you? If you are unhappy, you can get revenge in the ring, hahaha! Let's go !"

A group of people came flying and domineering, and went arrogantly, leaving behind a string of laughter.

The people of Qin State who watched the excitement around cheered for a while. In their opinion, if Ning Qingxuan hadn't appeared suddenly, Lin Zhen might have been killed by Xiao Se before he took the stage.

And with the national teacher Qian Tong, Xiao Se will never be disqualified.

Lin Zhen had been arrogant for so long, and finally met his opponent.

Ning Qingxuan ignored the laughter of other people, and pulled Lin Zhen: "Come with me."