Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 753: Opponents on Day 2

After lying down for the fifth round, the first day of the ring is over.

Lin Zhen took a look at his opponent in the next round, and he was also a member of the Galaxy Giant Beast Alliance, a super elder from the Dragon Race soaring.

The peak of the realm of longevity and the possession of a high-level divine body will be a tough battle.

The people of the Galaxy Giant Beast Alliance do not belong to the Qin State, but the people of the Qin State still ran over in a swarm, adding this elder from the black dragon clan to soar and cheer.

In fact, this soaring does not need to cheer up, this black dragon is already more than 200,000 years old, and he is very mature, he is truly refined, and his skills and skills are almost at his peak.

In the first five rounds, Elder Black Dragon Soaring almost all rolled over, and the fighting time did not exceed one minute.

After five rounds of elimination, there are now very few weak people who can get to this point, like Lin Zhen, who caught up with a bye is almost rare, and the rest are basically strong.

And based on Soaring's record, everyone can be sure that this person is the strong one among the strong.

The Qin people who had been depressed for a whole day finally got excited, as if they had been beaten up one by one.

Everyone is a warrior, and there is no need to go home to sleep at night, just stay here in the ring, brightly lit to discuss drinking, saying that when the game starts tomorrow morning, Lin Zhen will definitely be killed.

"Boss, boss, I got the information about the main opponents that may appear here, you can check it out at night, and plan your tactics."

The dwarf Nicole ran to Lin Zhen and got him a piece of paper.

On this piece of paper, all of them are warriors whose numbers begin with the word 7.

After a day of fighting, the people of Metaverse have compiled a lot of information, and people have done a lot of analysis on who is a master and who has the strength to enter the Holy Land.

There are also several super masters in seven districts.

One is a warrior recommended by the national teacher Qian Tong. His name is Xiao Se. In the early days of Sanhua, the combat effectiveness can be described as overwhelming. All the way, he ended the battle with one sword.

There is also a mysterious man with a cloak, who is good at using palm thunder, and a palm thunder defeats his opponent. No one knows his true face.

In addition, there are several masters in the Sanhua realm in this area, all of whom are not easy to mess with.

Longevity peaks like Soaring are everywhere, and they can only be regarded as the second and third group of people.

Lin Zhen checked the match list, and if he won the first round of tomorrow's schedule against Soaring, his opponents in the second and third rounds would be similar to Soaring.

No matter who wins or loses over there, Lin Zhen feels very hopeful that he will pass.

After a little bit of deduction, everyone is also helping Lin Zhen calculate to see if Lin Zhen might encounter strong players in the next few rounds.

In the end, Zi Qianxia gave Lin Zhen an answer: "Lin Zhen, if you can reach the fourth round tomorrow, you have a high chance of encountering depression!"

Everyone bowed their heads and said nothing, obviously they were all worried for Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen took the Xiao Se's information and looked at it. This is the warrior recommended by Qian Tong. He should belong to the first group of characters in this district. As long as he and this person win all the way, they will meet in the fourth round. .

"What if I beat him? Is it possible to run into someone and can calculate it?"

"Well, it's not easy to calculate for the time being. There are too many people. If you finish three rounds tomorrow, it will basically be clear."

"Well, see you tomorrow!"

Lin Zhen closed his eyes slightly, waiting for the battle to come.

Many people did not rest this night, including Guo Shi Qian Tong.

Qian Tong's men are back, summarizing today's fighting situation.

"On the whole, today's battle was fairly smooth, and everyone who should pass has passed."

Qian Tong scanned the audience and paused for a while: "But there are still many shortcomings, and some people have not been able to surprise me!"

People's eyes fell on Jiao Xi who had crushed the talisman.

Qian Tong's eyes changed sharply: "Jiao Xi! When people all over the country were watching, you announced aloud that you were my candidate recommended by Qian Tong, but what was the result of the final battle!"

"The saint teacher is subordinate, subordinate."

"Needless to say, since I was promoted to the Holy Alchemist, Qian Tong has not lost such a big face. Not to mention the special significance of defeating Lin Zhen, you can't defeat a fifth-level realm king in his district. , And it was so high-profile before, my face has been lost to you, especially at the last moment, you actually didn't even have the courage to fight, and chose to escape, there is no guest like you in my house!"

Jiao Xi's expression also looked ugly. At any rate, he was also an immortal warrior, and it was really uncomfortable to be reprimanded as a child.

That's it! There is no place to stay here, there is a place to keep him, where he can't go for a meal.

He even wondered whether he wanted to find a chance to go to the New Territories.

When the longevity reaches the New Territory, you will be the king, the supreme, and you will have everything you need.

"Since the national teacher doesn't need subordinates, then the subordinates retired!"

"Huh! Are you a good-tempered person when you think of me as Qiantong? Isn't this National Teacher's Mansion where you can come and leave if you want!"

After Qian Tong finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand, and the black mist directly enveloped him.

Jiao Xi still wanted to dodge, but a warrior beside him gave him a light blow and directly blocked his way.

After such a delay, he was directly hit by the black mist, and immediately everyone was enveloped in it, and there were bursts of howling ghosts and wolves.

"Holy Master! The subordinates know that they are wrong, please give me another chance!"

With the screams, a piece of pus and blood dripped, and Jiao Xi's whole body was turned into a mass of black blood.

Qian Tong killed Jiao Xi, and his eyes fell on the warrior who had just stopped Jiao Xi from going: "Xiao Se, do you think I can't kill him?"

"No! Of course the sage can kill anyone here. The subordinates just don't want to see him resist stubbornly. In fact, it would be fine to leave this to the subordinates to take action."

Qian Tong nodded slightly, and then said to Xiao Se: "Since you are so loyal, you may have a mission tomorrow."

"Subordinates understand that if they meet Lin Zhen tomorrow, they will definitely not give him any way out!"

"I believe you, you are the key guest of my house. You are different from the guy Jiao Xi who can only talk about it. It will be up to you tomorrow."

"The subordinate hopes so too. I just want Lin Zhen to be able to stand up. If he is killed by Soaring, it will be disappointing."

There is also a voice of criticism against Lin Zhen in the dimensional universe.

The people of Qin State believed that Lin Zhen's victories in the past few games were clearly invincible, and that he was out of luck.

In addition to the second game, he played a few times. Later, a few people were too bad, and even one was a bye, so anyone could come over.

But in tomorrow's battle, Lin Zhen will definitely not be able to get through it, and it is very likely that he will be dropped in the first game.

The only thing that worries the people of Qin is that both sides of the battle are people from the Galaxy Behemoths Alliance. If the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance gets in the way of it, it would be terrible to let it fly.

So Qin people warned the Galaxy Giant Beasts Alliance on the forum, don't try to play tricks, Qin people's eyes are discerning, if a ghost is found, be careful not to eat it!

In fact, Qin people's worries are not without reason.

The people of the Galaxy Giant Beasts Alliance really plan to let Soaring and releasing the water. It is mainly that Sakya, the patriarch of the fire unicorn, values ​​Lin Zhen too much. In his heart, Lin Zhen is a black hole beast, as long as he can survive a period of time and grow up. After that, in the future, he would take over as the patriarch of Qilin or even the leader of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance.

He saw that his opponents in the first game tomorrow were so strong, thinking that they were all members of the Alliance, and he wanted to do a little bit of his own power. He even went to visit the Dragon Race with a gift, hoping that Soaring could release the water and let Lin Zhen win.

But he somewhat overestimated his own face. For hundreds of millions of years, the leader of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance has been the warrior of the Dragon Race.

Among the major races of the Galaxy Behemoth, the Dragon Race is the most powerful.

Black Dragon Clan! The White Dragons! Fire Dragon Clan! The Golden Dragon Clan! Thunder Dragon Clan!

The Dragon Race’s super galaxy beasts accounted for dozens of them, with the largest number and the strongest strength. They have never put other races in their eyes.

The patriarch of Fire Qilin dared to make such a request, which made the dragon people laugh.

Not only did they fail to save face, but they also threw out all Sakya's gifts, not even seeing what was inside.

The Supreme Elder of the Black Dragon clan is the only warrior in the Black Dragon clan who participated in the war. This person even smiled proudly at Sakya: "Patriarch Sakya, you are afraid that you have found me by looking for the wrong person. Tomorrow I will not Will release water, and will kill Lin Zhen with all his strength. I heard that you have focused on cultivating his mind. Are you still planning to compete with my dragon clan for the leader? It seems that I will kill your hope in the cradle, hahaha !"

Sakya came back in an embarrassing manner, and this was not the end. At midnight, the matter of the black dragon clan soaring and angering the Qilin patriarch was suddenly anticipated in the dimensional universe.

For a while, the entire State of Qin became a sensation again!

The people of Qin State angrily denounced the despicable conduct of the Kirin tribe, and many even demanded that Lin Zhen be disqualified from the competition.

"You can fight if you can, and you can admit defeat if you can't fight. What's this?"

"Sure enough, shameless people do shameless things. It is not unusual for Lin Zhen that **** to do such things."

"Haha! It's so got beaten in the face, Lin Zhen will definitely surrender tomorrow."

"Everyone watched it carefully to see if they were doing a show tomorrow, maybe this video is just to deceive others, in fact, soaring or releasing water."

"Then they may have made the wrong calculation, everyone is not blind!"

Lin Zhen also knew about this in the sound of the crusade.

First of all, Lin Zhen felt dumbfounded, and Sakya was really doing a disservice. He wasn't afraid, so why did he ask for help?

Furthermore, he was also angry with the unkind practices of the Dragon Clan, and refused to refuse it, why should he get the Dimensional Universe and embarrass others!

In this way, if Lin Zhen wanted to prove his innocence, there was only one way.

Tomorrow's internal battle in the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance will be very hot!
