Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 738: The enlightenment of sword intent, unique!

The battle in the palace was a little bit dumbfounded.

Auntie Tie was superior in star power and also possessed two spirit treasures. This battle was foolproof, but he did not expect that Lin Zhen's three destructive mines would blast away Auntie Tie's defensive spirit treasure.

But the battle didn't favor Lin Zhen. Aunt Tie had lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Her fighting experience was extremely rich. Knowing that it was time for life and death, she chose melee combat to prevent Lin Zhen from issuing the last trick.

Lin Zhen hasn't destroyed the divine thunder anymore. It takes a bit of time and space for the black hole beast to transform, but Aunt Tie's tactics have restrained him. He can't teleport and cannot transform. This battle is difficult!

Lin Zhen continued to add wounds, but he couldn't come back for a while.

If this goes on, it's dangerous!


Inside the palace, Liang Zhihuan, who saw this scene finally relieved.

"Hahaha! Lin Zhen! You also have today, you are finally going to die! Today you are not only going to die, but you will also lose to me in the queen's fight. I will confine my room with the queen now. See what you can do? "

Liang Zhihuan turned around and was about to pull Ning Qingxuan who was sitting aside.

Both of them had finished freshening and bathing, the idlers and others had already retreated, no one came back to disturb them.

But Ning Qingxuan retracted her hand: "Your Majesty respects herself."

"What? What did you say?"

Liang Zhihuan froze, with an angry look on his face: "At this time, you actually call me self-respect? Is there any unbearable memory in your heart? Don't forget your identity, you are my queen, your master sees You are going to kill Lin Zhen, but now you are giving me this one. Are you afraid that your master will blame it for a while?"

Ning Qingxuan looked at Liang Zhihuan with beautiful eyes: "No! I don't remember anything in these hundreds of years. Lin Zhen outside, I looked at him very strange, but I rejected you because of what you did. ."

"What I did? Isn't I good enough for you?" Liang Zhihuan was angry.

"It's not against me, but against your people. I can see your actions. Let tens of billions of people besiege Lin Zhen. Regardless of the lives and deaths of the people, 4 billion people were killed in the volcano. This alone is based on this. , You are not worthy to be an emperor!"

Reprimanded by Ning Qingxuan, Liang Zhihuan was startled.

He only managed to deal with Lin Zhen, but ignored a very important thing, that is, he did not evade Ning Qingxuan.

You must know that Ning Qingxuan is a true righteous person, even if she loses her memory, her nature has not changed.

All this fell in her eyes, and it was difficult to get her forgiveness.

Liang Zhihuan has a strong heart, but how dare he? Although Ning Qingxuan didn't make a move, she was a real three-level martial artist, stronger than the iron aunt outside.

The only thing he can do now is to wait for Aunt Tie to kill Lin Zhen. As long as Lin Zhen is dead, there is still hope of recovery. At least Ning Qingxuan will not help Lin Zhen deal with Aunt Tie.


Lin Zhen was in an unprecedented crisis.

After the breakthrough, his strength skyrocketed. If it were not for lack of weapons, he would not be afraid of Aunt Tie, and he was even confident that he could win.

But just a magic sword changed the situation of the battle.

He had a weapon at the moment, it was no use, it was not a Lingbao-level weapon, and couldn't resist Zhan Kong at all.

Auntie Tie had already used her offensive to its limit, one sword was faster than one, and she even shot ten thousand swords in one second. This was also the speed of light!

"Lin Zhen! Don't struggle anymore! It's useless. Before cutting you into minced meat, your old body won't give you a chance to breathe. Will you be able to hold on? See how long you can hold on?"

The wounds healed quickly, but they appeared at a faster rate. What Lin Zhen could do now was to avoid and then avoid.

Not letting Aunt Tie hit the point, or cutting off her hands and feet, was the only thing he could do.

"Hahaha! It's over! You don't have weapons, but I have a sword. The difference between victory and defeat is often that simple. Within ten seconds, if you don't die, you will decide yourself!"

Auntie Tie's desperate attack finally showed its effect. Although she was also seriously injured by the Destruction God Thunder, she was still able to attack with the sharp weapon.

Lin Zhen machine avoided, but no one noticed, he still slowly closed his eyes at this moment.

Aunt Tie's offensive was fierce, but as long as he was not cut to pieces, he would not die immediately.

Aunt Tie's words just hit his heart like a drum in the morning and evening.

Aunt Tie has a sword, but he doesn't have a sword.

But who stipulated that you must lose without a sword?

A few days ago, what I learned in the Heping Wuguan came to mind.

Li Mo said to him: "Su Qing'an, what you lack is the sword intent. For the true understanding of the sword, there is no sword in your hand, but the sword in your heart! As long as the sword intent in your heart lasts, then weapons are not that important."

"Although the weapons are good, they are still human beings after all. When you realize this and when you master the sword intent, you can learn the superior swordsmanship and sword skills!"

Lin Zhen closed his eyes, but murmured slightly in his mouth.

"There is no sword in my hand, there is a sword in my heart, I understand!"

"Everyone has a hidden magic weapon in their hearts, but few people can inspire it. Among the people I have seen, only Li Mo, this humble person, has inspired sword intent."

"Where is the sword? The sword is in my heart, the sword is in my hand! As long as I want to use it, it will appear!"

A thought passed through Lin Zhen's mind like thunder that pierced the night sky.

When the Star of Punishment fought, Qin Jianfeng left a deep impression on him that day.

As an imperial warrior, Qin Jianfeng's talent can be said to be unique. The two sword auras ejected from his palms are infinitely powerful. Lin Zhen, who once killed him while waving them all around, retreated steadily.

In the end, if Xuan'er hadn't unblocked his magic needle and let him display the black hole beast transformation, he would not be Qin Jianfeng's opponent.

It's just that Qin Jianfeng's natural spirit sword body, and what Lin Zhen understood right now was the sword intent!

He wanted to use Qin Jianfeng's means to show his sword intent from his palm!

This realization is actually a moment!

Aunt Tie had already taken out the sword again at this moment, and shouted in her stern voice: "Cut!"

A sword light swept the sky!

In her opinion, Lin Zhen must evade this sword, and she should be able to completely take Lin Zhen by using the serial sword again afterwards.

But Lin Zhen didn't evade. He twisted his body likewise, waved his right hand, and turned out with one hand.

At this moment, the profound meaning of the unique swordsmanship is clear to the chest!

"It turns out that this is a dead end! The grave of the immortal realm!"

"Old witch! It's over, utter death!"


The dragon yin and tiger screamed loudly, and the eardrum hummed.

But something more terrifying than eardrum buzzing happened!

Aunt Tie's three-foot green front drew from Lin Zhen's waist, almost cutting Lin Zhen in half!

If his sword advances further, Lin Zhen will be cut in half by this sword.

Even if Lin Zhen has an immortal spirit body, it is not a simple matter to be cut in two and want to recover. When the soldiers around him swarm up, Lin Zhen will probably be chopped into flesh immediately.

It is a pity that she can no longer go further.

Because of Lin Zhen's waving right arm, a five-meter-long golden lightsaber appeared through the body!

The lightsaber was longer, and before she took a step closer, swept across the army and swept across!

This sword slashed Auntie Tie, the warrior at the pinnacle of the dignified immortal realm, was beheaded on the spot by a third-level realm king, and a head rumblingly flew into the sky, and then landed!

Blood spurted from the headless corpse, Aunt Tie staggered, and then fell suddenly!

Aunt Tie fell along with the big tree behind her and a group of palaces in the distance!

It's as if the space is cut off by something, all the scenery is broken at this moment, and the cuts are as smooth as a mirror!

There is no wonder that tears the space, there is no smell of fireworks, this is the sword intent! This is the ultimate!


Zhankong's divine sword landed, Lin Zhenyi raised his hand and took Zhankong into his bag.

In any case, this is a peerless magic weapon, he Lin really wants it.

The wound on his body began to heal quickly, and Lin Zhen's eyes swept across the distant crowd.

Looking at it like a knife, the people went backwards in one step, two steps and three steps, and finally they made a strange cry and all turned their heads and ran away!

As a royal army, they abandoned the emperor and ran away at this moment!

Lin Zhen did not pursue, stepping into the void, and appeared in the hidden moon hall the next moment.

The indoor wind is caressing, the gauze tent swings, Liang Zhihuan and Ning Qingxuan stand side by side, distinct.

Seeing Lin Zhen coming in, Liang Zhihuan's legs couldn't help shaking at this moment.

This Lin Zhen was terrible. He actually killed Auntie Tie. The first person in the Nanliang Longevity realm was defeated. Who else could resist him?

correct! And the queen!

Liang Zhihuan hurriedly shouted to Ning Qingxuan: "Queen! This person is the one who deceived you, the one who deceived me, the butcher executioner, you kill him for me!"

Lin Zhen saw that Ning Qingxuan was fine, and he let out a long breath.

Just stepping forward, Ning Qingxuan suddenly stopped in front of Lin Zhen.

"You can't kill him. He is the emperor and my husband."

Listening to Ning Qingxuan's soft voice, Lin Zhen was shocked: "Xuan'er, don't you know me at all?"

Ning Qingxuan shook her head slightly, "I don't know him at all. You'd better stop the killing immediately, or I will do it to you."

Seeing this scene, Liang Zhihuan's dim eyes immediately lit up. It turned out that it was useless for him to find this or that. The strongest was by his side, and only the queen would take action. Lin Zhen would die!

He hated Lin Zhen too much, he had to record Lin Zhen's death experience, so at this moment, he resolutely opened the broadcast.

Recording the death of Lin Zhen also left an end to this incident.

But in the next moment, Lin Zhen's actions exceeded the limit of his imagination.

Lin Zhen didn't move himself but walked up to Ning Qingxuan's face, completely disregarding Ning Qingxuan's warning eyes, and hugged this peerless beauty in her arms.

Ning Qingxuan didn't know what was going on, perhaps because she felt that Lin Zhen wouldn't hurt herself at all, she was so stupidly hugged.

I just wanted to fight back, but I heard Lin Zhen say in his ear: "Do you remember this embrace?"

The jade hand raised by Ning Qingxuan suddenly stopped in the air, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Lin Zhen lowered his head, looked at Ning Qingxuan's delicate face, and felt the warmth of the delicate body in his arms. He only felt that all the hard work was worth this moment.

Holding her is better than a thousand Baidu looking back at the dim lights.

Maybe Ning Qingxuan, who reacted in the next moment, would turn her face, but at this moment, Lin Zhen resolutely kissed her attractive cherry lips!

Only Liang Zhihuan was by the side and recorded this scene blankly. It was broadcast to the Dimensional Universe. The colorful world before his eyes, but at this time it felt dark! ()