Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 730: Catch him if you flatten the volcano!

This video of Lin Zhen blackening the massacre caused an uproar in Nanliang.

This time it was not only the anger of the royal family, but the people were completely ignited and detonated.

Countless people took to the streets and demanded that Lin Zhen be punished severely.

Holding banners and chanting slogans, angry people came to the government and even actively asked to join the war.

Such a large-scale operation increased the pressure on the government, and had to send local troops to maintain law and order.

However, they also quickly gave people a satisfactory answer, that is, Lin Zhen has entered the Hell Volcano. At present, the Hell Volcano has been besieged by the sky and the earth. There are tens of billions of soldiers and civilians guarding it. Lin Zhen can't escape even if he puts his wings Day of birth.

Too many people have been useless in the past, because the crater is full of people for thousands of miles, the defensive firepower in the sky is ready, and there are more advanced warriors guarding the ground, and Lin Zhentu may not escape.

At this time, the royal family even announced that during the national holidays, people would go to watch this grand event of besieging Lin Zhen.

There are also many literati who have come forward to condemn Lin Zhen's atrocities, thinking that this person is a butcher villain, and living is a crime!

The articles with passionate words aroused the feelings of the same enemy in Nanliang people. The heroes of the past have been regarded as the enemy of the whole people, and everyone has been condemned!

Nanliang's big move has attracted the attention of many neighboring countries. Some countries even sent reporters to report on the situation of Hell Volcano.


And the center of the storm, Hell Volcano, is full of people, the royal family, the Aoba faction, and the army are studying countermeasures here.

The first thing they did was to completely seal off the sky and the ground here, and they would never leave Lin Zhen a chance to escape.

According to Shi Zhonglie's words, Lin Zhen wants to survive, unless he is directly teleported away, otherwise he will be torn apart by people when it turns into air!

But the problem is that there is absolutely no teleportation array here, and he can't teleport.

Tie Erniang came here with Tian Ting, and this time Tian Ting even obtained the blood of Lin Zhen's clone. Neither the body nor the clone could escape Tian Ting's tracking.

After Tian Ting came here, he stood and barked at the crater, which proved that Lin Zhen was inside the volcano.

Shi Zhonglie came to the front of the crowd. By his side, more than ten immortal warriors had gathered.

Several of them came from the royal family, the Tie Erniang of the Qingye School, and several folk masters who volunteered to come here and determined to kill the people.

Twelve people are all in the realm of longevity!

"Everyone, your majesty has sent a will, let us at all costs, regardless of all means, as long as we can completely kill Lin Zhen, your majesty will all have a big reward!"

People all nodded one after another. This is already a consensus.

"Now the whole beam, and even the surrounding countries are watching us, we must not lose face anymore. Lin Zhen has already brought too much harm to Nanliang."

"That's right! The old man came here this time to completely eliminate this scumbag!"

"Commander Shi, I don't have to say, just tell everyone what should be done? If you are willing to be a pioneer, you will meet this **** butcher!"

The surrounding folk masters were all filled with righteous indignation, and they could not wait to fight Lin Zhen immediately.

"Okay! I can understand everyone's mood, but this **** volcano is not easy. It was formed millions of years ago. It is said that a star had reached its lifespan at the time, and after it was broken, a large piece fell here, alive. A volcanic crater was smashed out, and from then on, it would have to erupt once every three days, which is already a disaster in the city."

"The temperature inside the volcano is extremely high, even though everyone is in the realm of longevity, but I dare say that among us, there may not be a few of us who can go deep into the deepest part of the volcano and capture Lin Zhen."

A folk warrior asked: "Then how did Lin really dive into the depths of the volcano?"

Before Shi Zhonglie could answer, Tie Erniang snorted coldly: "Lin is really an alchemist, and also a sixth-rank alchemist. Every alchemist is an ancestor who plays with fire. Of course he can enter where you can't go."

The face of the folk warrior who was choked by Tie Erniang changed, but he really didn't dare to cry with this old witch, so he could only hold his nose and endure it.

Shi Zhonglie smiled: "Don't worry, everyone. In order to completely solve Lin Zhen, we have already figured out the countermeasures. This time, we will not only solve Lin Zhen, but also completely eliminate the hidden danger of the volcano."

"What's the specific way? Let's talk."

"Put the volcano down!" Shi Zhonglie was not shocking and dying.

Several folk martial artists, including Tie Erniang, were all taken aback. This volcano is a hundred miles around, how can it be flattened?

Shi Zhonglie laughed: "Everyone, don't forget how many people we have now. In order to flatten this volcano and arrest Lin Zhen, shouldn't everyone put some effort into it?"

After finishing speaking, he said to the officer behind him: "Bring up the prepared things, and everyone who is willing to contribute to the excavation tools, let everyone work together, regardless of the huge mountain, but we are crowded, One or two days will be enough to completely remove this mountain from the ground, and then Lin Zhen will have nowhere to hide!"

"Understand sir!"

The officer immediately took the army to issue tools, each with a cold shovel, which could effectively resist part of the fire.

The response from the masses was even more enthusiastic. In a while, more than one billion people received the tools.

Seeing the army digging a volcano set off, it was as if countless ants were gnawing on a hill. Although each bite could only gnaw off a little bit, the number of ants was too large, and the volcano still weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A civil warrior swallowed a mouthful of foam: "Captain Shi, what should I do if the volcanic lava flows out?"

"It doesn't matter, we have already prepared. The warriors who are proficient in ice elements are already in place, and there are countless refrigeration potions are ready, and all the magma will be frozen a little bit, and then taken away by the excavators."

As he said, Shi Zhonglie shouted to the crowd: "Remember to put the excavated soil, sand, rock, magma and other things into the space ring, and don't hinder the progress of the excavation!"

The crowd suddenly agreed, angrily!

A group of folk warriors couldn’t help but exclaimed: “This Lin is truly unrighteous and will kill himself. After committing such a serious crime, he still doesn’t know how to repent. He even dared to sneak into the royal pharmacy to steal medicinal materials and even wounded his Majesty today. The slaughter of the poor is now the next end. It can be regarded as a causal cycle. Retribution is unhappy!"

The people around nodded, all believing that Lin Zhen was guilty of taking the blame, and that he was dead.

"Look, miss, Lin Zhen absolutely can't escape this time, so many people will arrest him."

In the Qingye School's boudoir, Xiaoya was combing her long hair for Ning Qingxuan, and she was still watching the broadcast of the Dimensional Universe.

Ning Qingxuan watched the picture with beautiful eyes, but didn't say anything.

"What's wrong with you, miss? You used to be the most jealous and injustice?"

Ning Qingxuan's long eyelashes drooped slightly, she couldn't see the emotion in her eyes, and her tone was low.

"After the amnesia, my thoughts seem to be a little different, Xiaoya, what you see is people's hatred of him, but if you are Lin Zhen, will you be caught?"

Xiaoya opened her mouth, not knowing how to answer.

"Although I don't know the specifics, it is the first time in Nanliang's history that someone has won the first place in the Star of God's Punishment, let alone Nanliang, even if it is the big Liang, there are all the surrounding allies, how can there be any? Have you ever appeared in the top ten at once?"

Xiaoya couldn't interface even more, and she felt that Miss had indeed changed.

"Lin Zhen must have paid a lot for the battle of the Star of Punishment. Moreover, he is only a domain king. From the perspective of a warrior, he has done it perfectly, and Nan Liang has brought supreme glory. "

Taking the comb from Xiaoya's hand, Ning Qingxuan came to the window alone and looked to the far northeast, where the Hell Volcano was located.

"Such a person, if he changes to any other country, he will definitely get preferential treatment, unprecedented preferential treatment, but he didn't get it in Nanliang. Not only did he get no reward, but was cast aside by all the people. I can't wait for him to die, all's very unfair to him!"

Speaking of this, Ning Qingxuan raised her head: "Nanliang people have reasons to hate him, but from his perspective, he is absolutely right."

Xiaoya was about to say something, but Ning Qingxuan suddenly turned her head and looked at her. There was a hint of expression in her beautiful eyes: "You said, Lin Zhen used to deceive me before, and I fell in love with him after being deceived by him, and then went Did God's Punishment Star save him?"

Xiao Ya was flabbergasted for a while, but she could only nod her head, because this was the fact she told Ning Qingxuan and couldn't hide it.

There was something complicated in Ning Qingxuan's eyes, and she whispered softly in a voice that Xiaoya could barely hear.

"Speaking of which...I used to seem to have a foresight..."

"Ah! Empress, what did you say?" Xiaoya shouted out the identity of Ning Qingxuan, reminding her to pay attention to her words and deeds.

Ning Qingxuan shook her head slightly, her eyes dimmed again, and she was silent.


The excavation work at the place of **** volcanoes is proceeding very People will be one mind, and now there are tens of billions of people who are one mind, and everything can be done.

The original majestic volcano has been excavated in pieces. Whenever there is magma gushing, there are countless ice warriors rushing over to freeze the magma, and a bottle of freezing potion is smashed over without money.

After the magma was frozen, a large group of people rushed over to dig away the magma and put it into the space ring.

Constantly cannibalize, keep moving forward.

During this process, there were also people who were swallowed by magma because they couldn't dodge, and there was no bone residue left.

But at this moment, no one cares about such a little sacrifice. In order to catch Lin Zhen, this little price is worth it.

The volcano is getting smaller and smaller, the magma is getting less and less, and more and more people are evacuated from the excavation because there are not so many people.

As the volcano was gradually being hollowed out, the killing team formed by the eternal warriors was ready at any time, waiting for the moment Lin Zhen came out!