Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 724: God listen, Excalibur!


()&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAmong the Qingye School, Ning Qingxuan’s boudoir.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAs a disciple in charge, Ning Qingxuan also has a very high position in the martial arts, and her room is the best here.

The maid opened the door and walked in. She saw Ning Qingxuan standing in front of the window. The sun was falling on her hair, as quiet as a painting, and the maid looking at her was a bit dumbfounded.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspXiaoya has been following Ning Qingxuan for too many years. She grew up with her almost since she was a child, and is also a personal experience of this incident.

Miss &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp has amnesia and has forgotten many things, but luckily she still remembers herself.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Is Xiaoya you? Why didn't you come in at the door?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"It's my lady, you are in a daze again."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspNing Qingxuan turned her head and looked at Xiaoya: "I feel that there is a big gap in my memory, but I can't remember anything."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Miss, don’t be confused. If you have something you don’t understand, just ask me. Miss, I know everything about you."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Then let me ask you, how did I lose my memory?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Didn’t you know about this? You were deceived by the person named Lin Zhen, who mistakenly regarded the bad guy as a good person. As a result, he used it to fight against the enchantment of the gods when he was on the star of punishment. Lost during the enchantment, it should have offended the gods."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThese words, Liang Zhihuan, they have already worked out how to say it will be perfect.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspBecause Ning Qingxuan may also inquire about something in the dimensional universe, it is not a secret that she pushed the planet to hit the barrier of the gods, and it is impossible not to give a reasonable explanation.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Lin Zhen? Is that Huahua Tai Sui?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"That’s right, this person even watched you take a shower back then, do you know this? You can find it in the dimensional universe."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspNing Qingxuan nodded slightly, she has found out about this.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"You said how bad this person is. You dare to do so even knowing that you are a queen. Fortunately, your Majesty revealed his true colors this time, otherwise I don’t know how many people will be deceived by him."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Am I already a queen?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Yes, you and Your Majesty are in love, it is because of Lin Zhen that destroys the relationship between you!"

Listening to Xiaoya's words, Ning Qingxuan felt a little strange. She did not remember marrying Liang Zhihuan, but she knew very well that her body was still clean, which showed that neither Liang Zhihuan nor Lin Zhen had ever gotten her.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"But don’t worry, Miss, Lin is really done this time, the head teacher has sent someone to arrest him!"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"My Master?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Yes, the two sisters of the teacher took the action personally. I believe Lin Zhen will be caught soon."

Ning Qingxuan remembers these two people. Auntie Tie has three sisters. Auntie Tie is the eldest, and Erniang and Sanniang are twins.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp These two men are now immortal warriors, very powerful.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTie Erniang raised a super galaxy beast named Tianting, a canine galaxy beast, the best thing is tracking.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTie Sanniang owns a superb sword named Zhan Kong.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe grade of this magic sword is higher than most of the existing treasures, and all treasures that are inferior to it are divided by one sword.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspSo fighting with Tie Sanniang, there is basically no possibility of winning, because your weapon is not as good as her.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTie Erniang and Tie Sanniang have been in retreat for thousands of years. Unexpectedly, this time Tie Auntie moved her two younger sisters out, and Lin Zhen might really be over.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Miss! Please be happy, the person who harmed you is about to get retribution. I just saw Erniang and Sanniang have gone down the mountain. It is estimated that today there will be news about Lin Zhen's first Fuzhu!"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspNing Qingxuan's mouth pulled out a far-fetched smile.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspShe should be happy, after all, her enemy is about to be eliminated.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp But for some reason, she faintly felt a pain in her heart, and she didn't feel happy at all.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"It may be a sequelae of my amnesia." Ning Qingxuan looked out the window, her eyes confused.


&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Hahaha! The two fairy aunts can go down the mountain to help me, it really makes me feel so honored!"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Tie Erniang and Tie Sanniang face the emperor’s laughter, their faces are still gloomy as if they are a dead old mother, and Aunt Tie are almost carved out of the same mold.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Emperor, stop talking nonsense, these welcome clichés are unnecessary. Send us some helpers, and we will find you where Lin Zhen is."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Okay! Shi Xiaomao, take a guard, and wait for the two fairy aunts to dispatch. You don't need to report to me if you have anything. Just follow their instructions. Even if you die, you are not allowed to frown!"


&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspShi Xiaomao followed Tie Erniang and Tie Sanniang with a hundred world kings.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp But he was disdainful in his heart. It was nothing more than two old witches. It was disgusting to watch them. It would be better to follow his father to follow them to catch Lin Zhen.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Tie Erniang and Tie Sanniang did not say hello to Liang Zhihuan, and came to the palace courtyard.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAs soon as Tie Erniang raised her hand, a huge dog with a length of five meters and a height of 1.5 meters appeared.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspIf this dog is ten times smaller, it will look like a pet dog on the earth. It has a fluffy and naive manner, and immediately wags its tail at Tie Erniang after coming out.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspA guard around Shi Xiaomao even laughed, expecting this thing to catch Lin Zhen. Why is it not so reliable?

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTie Erniang looked at the laughter with a knife-like look: "What are you laughing at?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspI was so excited by Tie Erniang's gaze that the guard immediately raised his face: "The subordinates just think this dog is too cute, I'm afraid."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTie Erniang pointed at the guard, and said to the sky: "Go on! Eat him!"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspJust now, Tianting, who was still naive, suddenly exploded his hair, and an electric shot rushed over, revealing sharp claws in the originally round front paws, which was even more terrifying than a knife!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe guards instinctively wanted to block, but only saw a flash of light passing by, and the body was cut into pieces by Tianting!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTianTing rushed over, opened his mouth, and crunched his chewing, and soon ate up the guard!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAll the people present suddenly broke into a cold sweat, and then looked at the chubby dog ​​and the blood on the ground, there was no slightest contempt in my heart.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLiang Zhihuan frowned slightly on it and didn't say anything. He was just a guard, and died.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Okay, my little baby is full, let's start work, you can find me, where is this person?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLiang Zhihuan has collected some fragments of Lin Zhen's genes, plus the shadow graphics, and placed them in front of Tianting.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTake a mouthful, swallow something with Lin Zhen's gene.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThis thing includes dandruff, blood, hair and other items, Liang Zhihuan can still collect it if he collects it deliberately.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAfter swallowing, Tian Ting lay on the ground and narrowed his eyes as if he was asleep.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspNo one of the guards dared to question the ability of Tian Ting, they all waited quietly.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAfter about ten minutes, Tian Ting opened his eyes and stood up, yelled at the rear of the palace a few times, then spread his paws and swiftly flew towards the harem.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspSeeing this scene, almost everyone was shocked. Could Lin really be in the palace?

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLiang Zhihuan looked even more cold. Although he did not have a concubine in the harem, if Lin Zhen really stayed here and he didn't know it, then this kid would be too brave.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Follow up! Take a look!"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe sky is getting faster and faster. Tie Erniang turned around while keeping up: "You disperse and block the traffic arteries. Don’t give Lin Zhen a chance to escape. You don’t have to go to the battle. Me and San Mother is enough."

Originally, Liang Zhihuan also summoned Shi Zhonglie and others to hope that Ke could help. Hearing Tie Erniang's words, Shi Zhonglie's speed also slowed down.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspWell, since your Qingye faction is so arrogant, let you go on it, let’s watch.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspA large group of people moved fast and soon came to a place.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAfter seeing this place, Liang Zhihuan's eyelids jumped constantly. No wonder Lin Zhen can't be found everywhere. It turned out to be hidden here, and there is no way to find it.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspEveryone raised their heads, feeling a smell of medicine coming from the house in front of them, it turned out to be the royal medicine storehouse!

In addition to a few guards, there are also a few administrators in the drug storehouse. If Lin Zhen hides here in place of one of them, he will definitely be able to hide it.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Tianting stood in front of the drug store and roared wildly, proving that Lin Zhen was here.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Go in! Search for me! Don't miss a corner!"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLiang Zhihuan forgot what Tie Erniang and Tie Sanniang had said, and rushed in the first place. There are so many precious things here that he must go and see.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTie Sanniang raised her hand and seemed to draw a gray long sword from her spine.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAs soon as this long sword came out, people around could not help avoiding it, because the evil spirit on this sword was too strong, even if it was far away, you could still feel a trace of the sword light stinging your skin.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTie Erniang took the dragon head crutches, and led the gods, the two old women stepped up the steps and walked into the royal pharmacy.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLiang Zhihuan ran the fastest. He was very worried about the theft of his drug store.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAfter entering, the few small servants inside who were sorting out the medicinal materials were shocked, and I don’t know who the battle was aimed at.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"I have seen your majesty, and wish your majesty long live."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Stop talking nonsense, everyone will stand up for me!"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLiang Zhihuan raised his hand to stop these people from saluting, and shouted loudly: "Everyone will spread out and stand for me, trace the criminal Lin Zhen, and give me a little cooperation!"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThese little servants suddenly panicked and scattered around in a mess.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspSeeing they are in a mess, the chief of the drug store comes to help.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"You used to stand too, now everyone is a suspect, wait for the dog to come in and identify."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLiang Zhihuan looked at the medicine cabinet in the distance, and saw that many of the medicine cabinets were already empty, and he was immediately furious.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Yes, your Majesty, your subordinates are here."

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe servant chief did not go far, but quickly approached Liang Zhihuan.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLiang Zhihuan himself is also a master of is also extremely sensitive to danger. Seeing the servant chief approaching, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp"Your Majesty, be careful~!"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspShi Zhonglie can see clearly from the back, the servant leader definitely has a problem.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTie Erniang and Tie Sanniang attack at the same time, they must be taken down before Lin Zhen can make a move!

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLiang Zhihuan has already taken the lead, or in other words, he has taken the shot together with the chief servant of Lin Zhen's disguise.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspHis shot is a strong sword energy.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAnd Lin Zhen's shot is a huge planet that fills the entire space!