Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 712: Even cut!

On the leaderboard, Lin Zhen's points improved again, reaching fifth place, surpassing the current Holy Word. ~~щww~suimеng~lā

But his successive actions to kill the Bull Demon King and Holy Words also completely angered several people on the other side.

When he fell down, these five people did not speak a word, and displayed their utmost knowledge.

Qin Jianfeng and Boston are still the absolute main forces. They really face the explosion with Lin, and Jun Mo also joins them. The three attacking in a character shape makes it difficult for Lin Zhen to get away.

Ramotti and Shengyan attacked and harassed Lin Zhen even more.

In the face of the opponent's crazy attack, Lin Zhen's only way was to take the Divine Power Pill, and the opponent could no longer give himself a chance to attack and kill someone.

Lifting his hand, Shenli Dan appeared and fell into the entrance.

A powerful star power rises from the Dantian, and the strength soars by 40% instantly!

Although the improvement rate of the divine power pill is not as good as the opponent's violent thunder pill, it also does not have that big sequelae. If it is not in the star of divine punishment, the value of the violent thunder pill is definitely not as good as the divine power pill.

Lin Zhen's star power has now reached 12.5 million, 40% of which is 5 million. After taking the pill, it has increased to 17.5 million!

Moreover, with the presence of the Lotus Divine Body, Lin Zhen's star power can be used to the greatest extent, and the effect is almost 30 million star power compared to the average warrior!

The situation was reversed instantly!

The weapon in Lin Zhen's hand is the phantom light sword, facing the crazy impact of the opponents, he has a feeling of being in control.

"When the opponent is caught off guard, destroy the enemy and reduce the pressure!"

Suddenly Lin Zhen carried the sword with both hands and stepped on the lotus flower under his feet. A nearly teleporting motion came in front of Qin Jianfeng. He carried his foot strength and slashed at the sword that Qin Jianfeng used to smash Huashan!

An angry look appeared on Qin Jianfeng's face, as he greeted him with swords in both hands!

"Lin Zhen, you are looking for death!"


The sound of metal and metal rubbing was so harsh, it almost penetrated the eardrums of everyone present, and a firelight rose from between the two of them.

I thought that Qin Jianfeng and Lin Zhen would be at a stalemate, and Jun Mo immediately prepared to make up the knife from behind, but he did not expect that Qin Jianfeng would fail in a head-on confrontation between the two!

Lin Zhen's long sword vigorously suppressed Qin Jianfeng's long sword, and stepped on the lotus flower to directly push the opponent towards the mountain wall!

Qin Jianfeng's forehead blue veins violently, his eyes glared with red blood, and he has always felt the shame of being the first person in the kingdom.

You must know that this is a live broadcast of the entire Metaverse. Qin Jianfeng can imagine that in the future, the scene of him and Lin actually facing the sword will be constantly spread, will be used to molested, slapped, and even made. Emoticons......

"Ah~! Get away!" Qin Jianfeng's star power exploded again.

But Lin Zhen did not continue to pursue the chase. After pushing Qin Jianfeng away, he suddenly turned his head back with a sword, and directly slashed Lord Lord who was attacking behind, and then strode out with a stride, the goal being the holy words behind!

"Be careful of the word, he must get rid of you first!"

Having been successfully attacked twice by Lin Zhen, these people probably saw that Lin Zhen's tactics were to eliminate them one by one.

Ramotti was originally going to attack Lin Zhen, but seeing this situation immediately turned to the direction of the word.

Boston from behind also came to support urgently, wanting to rescue the Holy Word.

Lin Zhen showed a slight smile. His goal was not the Holy Word, but Boston.

The two of Boston and Qin Jianfeng flanked from side to side, making Lin Zhen very uncomfortable. He had to get rid of one first. Qin Jianfeng's words were too rare, so Lin Zhen locked Boston.

Seeing Boston rushing from behind, Lin Zhen suddenly repeated his old tricks, the lotus flower reappeared, he turned around violently, carrying the sword with both hands.

Lightspeed combo~!

This sword seems to be smashed directly, but in fact this is Lin Zhen's high-speed sword, slashing and then slashing, it looks like a sword, in fact, ten thousand swords are connected together, so you have no way to tell!

Boston knew that he had been fooled at this moment, but there was no other way besides resisting. With his trident crossed his hands, the only way was to resist!

Ten thousand combos, each hit at the same point, Boston's trident is not a shield, so within a second, it was cut like a water drop by Lin Zhen's magic light sword!

At the time of the 101st sword, Lin Zhen used Taiyuan!

The space crack crossed again, and a crack appeared in Boston's entire body!

Lin Zhen didn't even look at the other person. Taiyuan already knew the result when he took the shot. He turned around abruptly and swung his long sword again. This time his raid target was the Holy Word!

Behind him, the sky fell chaotically, the ground surged with golden lotus, and the lotus blossoms were like obstacles, blocking the attack route of Lord Lord and Qin Jianfeng. His current opponents were Lamoti and Shengyan.

After killing Boston, the pressure was greatly reduced. Lin Zhen didn't need to hide it anymore. The big horse was killed with a golden sword, his long sword swayed, and Ramotti, who was good at sneak attacks, smashed into the air with one blow!

The word was already full of anxiety at this time, his and Ramotti's frontal combat ability was not very strong, and there was absolutely no chance of winning against Lin Zhen.

But this person was decisive enough. Seeing Lin Zhen rushing over, he simply adopted the most trouble-free method and blew himself up!

Seeing the other party's body swelling, Lin Zhen immediately shot a Seven-Star knife out, shot through Shengyan's mind, and then withdrew and retreated!


After shaking the mountain for a while, Boston and Shengyan's bodies were slowly lifted into the sky wrapped in blue light, and they were eliminated.

Ocean Emperor Boston was eliminated!

The word of the secret door young master has been eliminated!

One of these two ranked third and the other ranked sixth.

Although he was still in the top ten after being eliminated, Lin Zhen's ranking at the moment has reached second place, second only to Qin Jianfeng!

Shaking the phantom light sword in his hand, Lin Zhen showed a sneer on his face: "Prince Qin, you have to be careful. I will kill another person in a while to take your first place."

This is not an exaggeration. After taking the Divine Power Pill, Lin Zhen's strength skyrocketed, and he killed Boston head-on and raided the Holy Word, but the opponents were powerless. If this continues, no one will doubt that Lin Zhen can kill them all.

There were only three people left on the opponent, Qin Jianfeng, Jun Mo, and Ramotti.

At present, Qin Jianfeng is the first in the standings, Lin Zhen is second, Jun Mo is third, and La Moti is fourth.

Although the others are still in the top ten, they have been eliminated and there is no possibility of threatening them.

"You won't have that chance."

Qin Jianfeng didn't say much. He picked up the long sword and pointed at Lin Zhen, and said to Lord Lord and Ramotti beside him: "Time is running out, everyone don't need to talk nonsense. No matter what, we have to decide whether we will win or lose. The three went up together to get rid of Lin Zhen in one go!"

Jun Mo and Ramotti nodded slightly, the two of them had already seen that if they had to deal with Lin Zhen now, they had to rely on Qin Jianfeng, otherwise they would definitely not be Lin Zhen's opponent.

The three shot again, Jun Mo and La Moti were the vanguards on the left and right, and Qin Jianfeng was a little behind, brewing a powerful killer move.

Lin Zhen held the phantom lightsaber in hand, and the target was on Lord Lord.

It was this person who, as a member of the same clan, attacked Little Phoenix, causing Little Phoenix to be eliminated. Lin Zhen would never let him go!

Lord Lord’s total star power at this time was about 18 million, which was even higher than Lin Zhen, but Lin Zhen didn’t see it at all. He didn’t even care about Ramote’s and Qin Jianfeng’s attacks. Swinging a sword brazenly greeted him!

Jun Mo couldn't help crying secretly when he saw Lin Zhen, but he couldn't let him retreat at this moment. He could only resist Lin Zhen with all his strength, so as to create opportunities for the two Qin Jianfeng.

Lamoty was also killing Lin Zhen at a swift speed, and the time between him and Lord Grim was less than one second.

At almost the same time, Lin Zhen, Jun Mo, and Ramotti collided head-on!

There was no fancy confrontation, and the three of them played tens of thousands of times in an instant!

Lin Zhen's advantage after taking Shenli Pill was vividly manifested at this moment. It took only one second from being suppressed to palm numbness, from palm numbness to tiger mouth cracking, from tiger mouth cracking to vomiting blood, and from vomiting blood to serious injury. bell!

"Qin Jianfeng!"

Jun Mo made a stern call. At this moment, Lin Zhen is not the two of them can resist. If you want to talk faster than others, you are far inferior to each other in strength. They are completely crushed and beaten. The two of them are almost instantly It fell into a desperate situation of defeat.

With the strong wind whistling behind him, Qin Jianfeng had already followed, reluctantly invigorating the two of them, still making the final resistance.

The lotus is open!

A snow lotus rose in the center of Jun Mo and La Moti, interrupting the two people's joint force, Lin Zhen Taiyuan turned out again, and hit Jun Mo!

Such an attack is no longer something Lord Grim can resist!

"All you stay here are shameless and vulnerable! You are not worthy to be the young master of the Phoenix clan!"

"Lin Zhen! To die, everyone die together!"

Jun Mo couldn't resist seeing it, and decisively released the Phoenix Flame!

This trick is not only for Little Phoenix, but also for him!

But Lin Zhen didn't stop the sword in his hand, and cut it decisively!

Taiyuan passed by, Lord Lord died on the spot, but the Phoenix Flame was also released at the last moment.

The deep cyan flame swept across the earth filled within a ray of sky, making this place an instant furnace.

Lin Zhen's body was bathed in the flames, and he didn't care at all. Jun Mo's firepower was still below him, and this move could not hurt him at all.

At this time, two news broke out in the dimensional universe.

One is the news that Lin Zhen eliminated Jun Mo. After Lin Zhen eliminated him, his points immediately jumped to the first place!

But the second news was that Qin Jianfeng had eliminated Ramotti!

When the flame erupted, Qin Jianfeng killed Ramote with a decisive sword, and with the help of Ramote's body to block the impact of the flame!

Lin Zhen's short-term first place was immediately surpassed by Qin Jianfeng, and fell to the second place again.

The flame disappeared, Lord and Ramote’s bodies lifted off at the same time. Qin Jianfeng patted the dust on his body and sneered at Lin Zhen: "This time, it’s okay. Finally, there are no such hindrances. Fight now It’s the real start!"