Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 711: Kill the dragon!

Liang Zhihuan watched Aunt Tie shake the soul chasing bell a second time, and he was still looking up information about the Qingye school soul chasing bell.

The more I look at it, the more frightened, and the more I look at it, the more frightened, this soul chaser is simply a terrible thing.

"Qing Xuan, I hope you can rein in the precipice in time and turn your head back to the shore. Don't be stubborn anymore, I don't want to.

In his opinion, Ning Qingxuan definitely couldn't survive the second soul chasing bell.

The bell is like a magic sound, it rang for ten minutes!

When Aunt Tie put down the bell, Liang Zhihuan immediately asked eagerly: "How is it? Has the queen turned around?"

Aunt Tie saw sweat all over her head, and the muscles on her face twitched a few times: "Not yet!"

"Haven't come back? She actually survived? You don't mean that the pain of the soul chaser is like a brain gouging. How can she be able to hold it with a beautiful girl?"

"Emperor, although Ning Qingxuan is a girl, she is also a strong-willed warrior. I dare not say to other people, but I still have a little understanding of me as a gangster. She is the kind of stubborn temperament. Others are Don't hit the south wall and don't look back. She won't look back easily if she hits the south wall. I can only blame you for not catching her heart."

"Then what to do?" Liang Zhihuan said eagerly.

"Don't be anxious. After the soul chasing bell, it must be another twenty minutes before it can be used again. These twenty minutes are her time to consider. If she does not want the third soul chasing bell to completely destroy her soul and mind, then she must Will come back, as long as she comes back, the old body will feel something here."

"Then what if she doesn't come back in twenty minutes?"

"Then just as the emperor said, if you ruin her, you must force her to come back! The connection between the Aoba Sect and the royal family can't be broken. This is the old man's thoughts and yours!"


Within a ray of sky, it has become a super battlefield.

People cannot imagine that the seven-person battle can be fought to such an extent.

You must know that in the Star of God's Punishment, everyone's star power is suppressed a hundred times. It stands to reason that this level is not enough to cause too much damage to the environment.

But these seven people seemed to have exceeded this limit, the battles were earth-shaking, the mountains shook, and the rocks pierced through the sky.

Facing the six enemies who had taken the violent Thunder Pill, Lin Zhen immediately activated the Star Power Transfer!

With his own 8 million star power, plus the clone's 4.5 million star power, Lin Zhen now has 12.5 million star power!

But facing these six people, Lin Zhen has no advantage at all, because these six people are very powerful pinnacles of realm kings, and each of them has a star power of more than 10 million, and after it has increased by 50% , Such as Qin Jianfeng and Boston, the star power even exceeds 20 million!

Even if Lin Zhen's Super Divine Body can exert 90% of its combat effectiveness, it can't hold the advantage, it can only maintain it!

"Ahhhh~! Lin Zhen, you can be here for me!"

At this moment, Long Xiaonan seemed to have been hit with chicken blood, his spear turned into a storm, and he was blessed by the violent Thunder Dan. He also had an attack speed close to the speed of light, and there were other people around at the same time attacking, allowing him to let go unscrupulously. Fight.

"Lin Zhen! You **** continue to be crazy! You **** continue to pull! Why are you now? Come on! Where's your quick gun? Too slow, too slow, too slow! You **** too slow slow!"

As a clan of the Galaxy Giant Beast Alliance, the warriors of the Dragon clan have always been above the top, and Long Xiaonan is one of the leaders.

He looked down on any other galaxy beasts. Although Lin Zhen hadn't returned to the Qilin clan, he still didn't like it.

In addition to the tyrannical abuse by Lin Zhen before, he was determined to be ashamed and completely disregarded his own safety. Anyway, there were other people around him attacking, and Lin Zhen couldn't concentrate on himself.

So on the entire battlefield, he is the most arrogant.

Lin Zhen wielded a spear in his hand, and shot at the speed of light, like a mountain. The six people around him were like iron, clanging and clanging. Even if Lin Zhenxing's power was transferred, he was still smashed. Some blood surged.

"I can't go on like this. After the opponent takes the medicine, the combat effectiveness is too strong. Unless I take the Shenli Pill immediately, the situation will not be reversed."

Lin Zhen didn't want to take the Divine Power Pill easily, because he could see that someone here didn't give his full strength. He wanted to leave a hand for himself. If he had all his cards now, he might lose.

Qin Jianfeng’s long sword is fierce on this side, and the Boston trident on the other side is fierce. Ramotti’s sneak attack is fascinating. The Holy Word is constantly launching a mental shock from a distance. The threat of mental shock is not small, just talk about spirit. In terms of strength, Lin Zhen is inferior to him.

Jun Mo's long sword was also attacking his life, but the person who threatened the most right now was actually this Long Xiaonan who did not care about life and death.

Seeking wealth and insurance, fight it!

Now Lin Zhen’s weapon is the Yajiao Spear, because the Yin-Yang spear was nailed to the mountain wall when he killed the Bull Demon King.

Continuously dodge and parry the attacks of Boston and Lamoty, Lin Zhen suddenly exploded with elemental energy!

The power of teal flame!

Alchemy has been using flames for many years, and now Lin Zhen's flames have a bright blue appearance.

Although it doesn't have the power of the flames of burning the sky like Little Phoenix, it can't be underestimated.


The large group of flames directly blasted towards Qin Jianfeng, he wanted to block this biggest threat first.

Qin Jianfeng didn't dare to be careless in the face of such flames, swinging his long sword, star power gushing, blocking Lin Zhen's flame attack.

Spiritual evil spirit shock!

This time, Lin Zhen turned his passiveness into an active one, and the spirit evil spirit hit the divine word in the distance.

Countless howling ghost spirits rushed forward with their teeth and dancing claws. The Holy Word, who had never experienced this kind of experience, was also beaten in a rush, temporarily losing the ability to harass Lin Zhen again.

While these two attacks were in progress, Lin Zhen's hand movements inevitably slowed down, after all, it is impossible for a person to concentrate on several tasks.

Although it escaped the attacks of Boston and Lord Grimm, Ramotti's attack could not escape!

Lin Zhen lowered his head to dodge the key, but still got a stab in his vest!

After taking the Furious Thunder Pill, the attack power of these people has been incredibly strong. If Lin Zhen hadn't resisted it by the lotus petals behind him, this one would have broken his stomach!

Despite this, this stab from bottom to top still lifted Lin Zhen's body into the sky, and the blood flew!

As his body lifted off, Lin Zhen resisted the pain, a gravitational force sucked on the ground!

Suddenly, a violent wind blows, flying sand and rocks, countless gravel dust flying around Lin Zhen.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Zhen decisively performed the transformation technique, turning his body into a small grain of sand, hiding it in the dust.

"Where is Zhen Lin?"

The few people who were preparing to violently attack froze, and there was a momentary pause in their hands.

After all, Lin Zhen suddenly disappeared and disappeared in front of them, no matter who it was, he would be momentarily stunned.

Ramotti quickly said: "Without spatial fluctuations, he cannot escape into the space here, he is still here."

"Since it's still there, I will completely turn this piece of sand into dust!" Qin Jianfeng was about to take action.

But at this moment, a piece of sand had fallen in front of Long Xiaonan's eyes.


Lin Zhen appeared suddenly and stabbed Long Xiaonan in the throat.

Only in this way, only in this way would rather endure the injury, but also temporarily get rid of the siege and get a chance to get close to the enemy.

Long Xiaonan didn't expect Lin Zhen to appear in this way. It was too late to dodge at this moment, but he still had his life-saving trick.


Galaxy beast transformed!

A clear dragon chant rose through the canyon, and Long Xiaonan turned into a huge golden dragon.

The person suddenly became a dragon, and the position of his neck also changed. Lin Zhen just stabbed him in the shoulder with a single shot.

The sudden change didn't make Lin Zhen panic, he grabbed Long Xiaonan's thick neck, and his body flew up into the air!

The end of the spear in his hand was hung on Long Xiaonan's body and couldn't be taken off. Lin Zhen lifted his hand and the magic light sword appeared.

"Even if you are a dragon, I will kill the dragon today!"

Long Xiaonan also knew the crisis at this moment. His last strength erupted at the moment of life and death, and his body rushed towards the mountain wall.

"Support Long Xiaonan, don't let Lin Zhen take action!"

The five people below were also red-eyed, and launched a long-range attack together, all of which targeted Lin Zhen accurately!

"It's late! You die for me!"


A sword light tore through the space, and within a ray of sky, the space cracks were drawn, and the surrounding rocks and dust were sucked in by the space cracks.

The sword light crossed the neck of the Golden Dragon, and when it was about to hit the mountain wall, a huge dragon head rolled down!

A sword soars blood!

Slay the dragon with one sword!

After slaying Long Xiaonan, a bitter cold rose in his mind, and Lin Zhen opened the lotus body guard!

He avoided most of the attacks from a few people, but Qin Jianfeng's sword actually hit Long Xiaonan's Dantian.

Long Xiaonan's Dantian was originally on the verge of self-destruction, and was hit by Qin Jianfeng with a sword, and it exploded!

The side effects of the violent Lei Dan were so unparalleled that Long Xiaonan turned into a nuclear bomb in the air, bursting!

Lin Zhen's body was like a cannonball, blasted into the sky by the shock wave of the explosion.

One, two, three...

The lotus blossoms formed a continuous isolation layer in the air, blocking Lin Zhen from wave after wave of impact.

He rushed out of the zenith of the sky, almost approaching the barrier set by the gods, and then fell from the sky and returned to the sky again.

The snow lotus opened to disperse the dust, and Lin Zhen appeared.

The corner of his mouth was bloody, his face was pale, and the wound left behind by Ramotti was still leaking blood, but his eyes were shining.

Taking out the pen and paper, he slashed Long Xiaonan's name fiercely.

"This is the second one!"

Behind him, Long Xiaonan's body was wrapped in blue light and slowly lifted into the air, but Long Xiaonan's face, who had fully recovered, was much paler than Lin Zhen.

The fear of being beheaded by a sword, the fear of bursting his body, has been deeply carved into his bones and soul.

For the rest of his life, he never wanted to face Lin Zhen again.

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