Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 703: Lotus body

There is a canyon within the 100 districts of the eastern continent.

The name of this canyon is called Yixiantian, and there are towering peaks on both sides. Only at the end of the gaze can you see the sky that is really like a line.

At the beginning, this was the first wonder of the star of God's Punishment, and it was in the east.

After the punishment, Yixiantian is also a place where undead creatures are relatively dense, especially when the boundary is opened in the later period, undead creatures can move around, and some high-level undead gathered here.

If the Star of God's Punishment currently has 200,000 undead creatures, there are almost 50,000 gathered here in Yixiantian.

Where the high-level undead is, even the martial artist must retreat. Especially in the end, the high-level undead came here, but it became a forbidden area for the martial artist. Cleanup.

On this day, the warrior of the Phoenix clan, led by Master Jun Mo, who is currently ranked fourth in the overall ranking, encountered an ambush when killing undead creatures here.

The people who ambushed them were also from the Galaxy Giant Beasts Alliance, led by the sixth-ranked Bull Demon King and the eleventh ranked Long Xiaonan, and besieged the Phoenix clan in a ray of sky.

The battle was extremely fierce, and hero flags were eliminated from time to time, and the information on the dimensional universe jumped and swept the screen, which proved how fierce the infighting of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance is.

Among them, Jun Mo's performance was very eye-catching, killing five or six hero flags in a row, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that this battle was prepared or unprepared, and finally the defeat of the Phoenix clan warrior was inevitable.

But the vast majority of warriors don't participate in the fight. The more violent the infighting, the better, and the more people eliminated, the better. Only when everyone else is eliminated can one have a chance to rise.

Only the warriors belonging to their own clan can't stand by and go to the front line to support their clan.

This includes Feng Qingluan.

Before going, Feng Qingluan had also hesitated that her family should save her, but the most important thing for her right now is to kill. The more people killed, the later the Star of God's Punishment will end, and Lin Zhen will get time after he returns.

But after all, there is still Lord in it. Although Feng Qingluan doesn't like Lord Lord, he is the young master after all, and Feng Qingluan can't help but save him.

Moreover, while saving people, she was killing people, which did not go against her strategy of delaying time.

But when Feng Qingluan entered the canyon, she knew she had been fooled.

When the four masters of Qin Jianfeng, Boston, Ramotti, and Shengyan appeared at the same time, Feng Qingluan took out his five-meter-long Daguan knife.

By her side, Jun Mo and the two Phoenix tribesmen were also there.

"Qingluan, the other party has an ambush, what shall we do?"

Feng Qingluan gritted his teeth: "What else can I do? It will be a joy to meet several masters in the Metaverse."

Lin Zhen is experiencing an unprecedented experience at the northernmost point of the star of punishment.

The flower bone of the snow lotus finally opened a gap, slowly opening!

When the flowers bloomed, Lin Zhen's soul immediately found sustenance and fell directly on the snow lotus.

At this moment, a ray of spring breeze blows from afar, dispelling the severe winter cold.

The warm breath swept across the earth, and the ice and snow began to melt.

But the winter has passed, and the life of snow lotus seems to have come to an end. Although it is in full bloom now, it is withered after the blooming ends.

Lin Zhen experienced the whole process, from a flower bone to blooming, from blooming to blooming, from blooming to withering.

Time seemed to pause at this moment, and his soul stayed on the lotus, quietly experiencing the course of life.

The last aurora fell on the snow lotus, and the strange sky light disappeared.

The polar night has passed and winter is over.

"The flower has bloomed and fallen for another year, and this flower has only one day to bloom."

"Blooming is a new world, and this snow lotus has a powerful world power."

"This ice, this light are all dreams of warriors. I can hold on to this day. This is also my chance."

If there is a pair of yin and yang eyes that can see the soul at this moment, you can see that Lin Zhen's phantom is sitting among the flowers that are about to wither, and has merged with lotus.

When the last petal withered, Lin Zhen slowly opened his eyes!

"This is the power of the new world, this is the power of life, my body, resurrect!"


A lotus flower flickered, Lin Zhen's soul returned to the body!

The powerful life force began to spread on the body, and those scars disappeared quickly as if ice and snow met the bright sun.

A ray of light bloomed from Lin Zhen's body, and quickly pierced the ice covering him.

Spider-web-like cracks appeared on the ice, cracked densely everywhere, and then burst open!

Lin Zhen's body seemed to be covered with a layer of jade light, and he walked out of the ice.

At the center of his eyebrows, a lotus flower appeared, and then slowly disappeared.

He didn't leave immediately, but just sat on the ice. The snow lotus on the ice had disappeared, and he sat in this position.

All the negative powers in the body have disappeared. Within the dantian, the star power has also recovered, the spiritual power is surging, and the **** infant wakes up in a deep sleep.

Even his space ring can be opened at this moment, but Lin Zhen is not hungry at this moment.

Looking down at his skin, from inside, he could actually see the brilliant light flowing in his body.

The smooth muscle lines are not exaggerated at all. Seeing that they are no longer exaggerated like martial artists, there is a feeling of returning to the basics.

And in the dark star space, above the North Pole, a snow lotus has begun to grow.

He raised his hand and took out a little energy block to supplement the energy of the dimensional universe.

"Chrissy, wake up!"

"Oh haha! Long time no see my dear master, oh, you look so attractive now, tusk! This beautiful muscle, this perfect figure, this crystal skin! This abdominal muscle, waistcoat line, and this big guy , If I have a body, I will push you down immediately!"

Lin Zhen had no clothes at the moment, but there was still a black line when she heard Chrissy's life-only words.

"Let’s stop talking, use your smart system to analyze my current situation."

"Good host, come right away."

After a short analysis, Kris gave Lin Zhen a surprise answer.

"Master, your body is different from before. This is a divine body tempering!"

"Divine body? I actually got the divine body tempering?" Lin Zhen was shocked, wouldn't the divine body tempering appear after the star of punishment is over?

"Yes, it is true, Snow Lotus Divine Body, you should have obtained a Super Divine Body. Although I don't know how the **** designed it, you did get it."

"But I don't think it has changed much."

"No, no, no! The change is too great, Master, first of all your current star power has increased again. Snow lotus settled in your dark star space and brought you an additional one million star power increase. Do you feel this? ."

Lin Zhen nodded slightly. Indeed, the star power has increased. Snow lotus has brought a million star power, making his dark star space power reach 3.5 million, plus the body's 4.5 million, it has reached 8 million!

"Master, you must not underestimate these eight million star powers. The greatest advantage of the divine body is that it can maximize your star power."

"The biggest play?"

"Yes, you can look at the battle process of other people, and you can also look at your previous battle process. When you fight, the star power bursts and the energy flows turbulently, and you can’t use your full strength to join yours. The star power is one million, so at least half a million is wasted, and only half of the star power can be used."

Lin Zhen nodded slightly. The waste of power is normal. No one can fully use every bit of strength, unless it is a **** to make the most reasonable use.

"But this reason cannot be blamed on the martial artist himself, because your body is not perfect, you can only achieve this level, and the tempering of the divine body is to make your body fundamentally change, the quota of this hundred divine bodies , Is to give the best people a reward and make the best people even better."

"Is there any difference between those kinds of gods?"

"Of course there is. If the wasted power of a normal warrior is 50%, then the elementary body is 40%, the intermediate is 30, the advanced is 20, and the super divine body is only 10%. The power has been squandered, that is to say, the super divine body can exert 90% of its own star power."

Lin Zhen was taken aback when he heard this: "If that's the calculation, wouldn't I be right now."

"Yes, before your 7 million star power, in fact, only 3.5 million stars were actually used, but now you have 8 million star power, but you can actually display 7.2 million stars. Power, how much do you say your strength has improved?"

Lin Zhen didn't say anything, but he was extremely excited.

"Master, this time of life and death is actually the test of the super divine body, but your performance is too good, and you have completed an almost impossible task. In this task, you are not only required to have super willpower, but also It is possible to complete it with strong soul or else willpower alone will be frozen to death when it is about to complete, but you have completed it, so you deserve it."

Lin Zhen looked inside for a while: "I think I can almost break through to the realm king."

"Yes, master, if you choose to break through at this moment, I guarantee that in the entire God Punishment Star, no one will be your opponent. Of course you are also very strong now, but will you choose to break through at this moment?"

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Zhen shook his head slightly: "It's not for the time being, I always feel that something is still missing, so let's do everything."

"Well, Master, you seem to have other gains besides the divine body, right?"

Lin Zhen nodded, and raised a hand: "I have the speed of light, and this lotus body seems to have a great magical effect!"

"Awesome my super handsome master! Then you can leave here and go out to fight."

"Yes, I'm still here to prove that the Star of God's Punishment is not over. I also want to go out and see. If I win the first place again, then what else will the gods reward me!" 74