Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 693: Ke Xiangdong's big battle!

Liang Zhihuan also knows a little about the legends of the Canons.

The two people of the Kanon tribe are actually one person. This is a form of life, not a clone or twins.

La Moti is La Moti, and La Moti in front of him is the most mysterious La Moti in the Star of Punishment.

"Then I will call you Ramotti directly. Laxia and Ramotti are the same person anyway."

I don't want that Rasha but waved his hand and said, "No, no, no! I am Rasha and the other half is Ramotti. If your Majesty sees the other half of me, you can call him Ramotti, but I am not."

Liang Zhihuan was a little speechless. He was originally a person, so why he was so particular.

"Your Majesty, this time it was you who came to me on the initiative and promised to give me a huge reward. I promised to tell you my identity. This is also to win your trust. If you believe this kind of thing, you will not make a public announcement, but if You told me Ramotti was heard by others, so my identity would be exposed. Have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Liang Zhihuan suddenly realized, and immediately said: "That's why I am abrupt, Mr. Laxia, let's talk about your situation now."

"I want to know first, who is the one that your Majesty asked me to kill?"

"If I asked you to kill Qin Jianfeng, can you do it?" Liang Zhihuan deliberately posed a problem. Qin Jianfeng is now known as the number one king of the realm. Not to mention the warriors of the same level, even the longevity warriors were killed by Qin Jianfeng a lot. Well, even if Liang Zhihuan was an immortal warrior, he didn't dare to say to kill Qin Jianfeng. He was deliberately embarrassing La Xia.

"Haha! It depends on the reward you give, your Majesty. Ramotti was not sure of defeating Qin Jianfeng in a head-on fight, but if it was an assassination, then there really is a big chance. If the reward is high enough, he is really real. You can give it a try."

Seeing La Xia's unhurried look, Liang Zhihuan was finally relieved.

Even if he dared to take up the task of killing Qin Jianfeng, defeating Lin Zhen was even more trivial.

"Hahaha! Mr. Laxia is really quick to talk, this time the target is not Qin Jianfeng, but this person..."

Lin Zhen’s information was sent by Shi Xiaomao, and La Xia took it over and took a look: "Oh! This is actually the person who won the first hero flag. Isn’t this your Nanliang warrior? Why does Your Majesty Nanliang want it? Do you personally get rid of the warriors in your own country? What kind of deep hatred do you have?"

"This seems to have nothing to do with what we are talking about. Mr. Rasha would say whether he can accept this task?"

Liang Zhihuan doesn’t want to talk about this topic. The key is really hard to tell. Even if the emperors of other countries are greened, it’s because the wife is too much and the energy is scattered and can’t be taken care of. However, Liang Zhihuan likes this one, and he is actually greened. This fact is beyond words.

"Well, I don't have to ask. For this person, I will take 50 billion and I must pay half of the deposit first."

Although the price is a bit high, Liang Zhihuan can't manage that much at this moment, he must attack Lin Zhen.

"Yes, but Mr. Rasha had better choose a critical time to do it. My request is not only to eliminate him, but also to hit him severely!"

"Well, I also like to play like this. I will choose a suitable time period and notify you in advance."

With that, an image of a dimensional universe was transmitted.

This is an image from the inside of the Star of Punishment. You must know that the Star of Punishment cannot use the dimensional universe.

Kolasia and Ramotti were originally the same person, and Ramotti took the things recorded by him directly. He was the only person who could communicate with the outside world on the Star of Punishment.

The information was passed to Liang Zhihuan, and on the screen was Ramotti killing a hero flag.

That was the number one warrior in another war zone, but Ramotti was hidden in the darkness, and when he approached the opponent, the warrior was unaware.

It wasn't until Ramotti approached him and stabbed a short knife in his hand that the warrior had a trace of alertness, but everything was too late and he was killed!

"This...this assassination method is so powerful!"

"Haha! Fortunately, your Majesty is waiting for my good news. I must give Lin Zhen a fatal blow when he is most proud of it!"

"Then I am waiting for your good news!" Liang Zhihuan finally felt relieved at this moment. Lin Zhen's situation was broadcast live on Quannan Liang. Everyone was watching. Then he was suddenly killed. The hero is about to fall from the altar.


Lin Zhen was at the corner of a street, watching Ke Xiangnan from a distance, waving a big flag and shouting loudly at the top of the tall building.

"Scream slowly. I don't mean to kill you right away. I'll talk when you are tired."

Lin Zhen didn't ask Ke to head south, but walked on the street, and immediately shot at the martial artist.

There are also warriors around to challenge Lin Zhen constantly, and for outsiders, they also want to kill.

However, at this moment, ordinary warriors no longer pose a threat to Lin Zhen. Without killing the hero flag, Lin Zhen's points are still making steady progress.

After staying in Area 39 for three days, Lin Zhen killed the second hero banner.

The seventh-ranked warrior in this district was also beheaded by one sword after encountering Lin Zhen.

After killing the second hero banner, Lin Zhen still did not rush to deal with Ke Xiangnan, but left the 39th area and went to the 75th area.

When Ke Xiangnan saw Lin Zhen's figure disappearing into the teleportation formation, he was shocked, and then jumped off the tall building.

"Run! This **** guy is really timid."

Ke Xiangnan sat down on the ground and let out a long breath. Now that Lin Zhen is gone, he doesn't need to worry too much.

He gestured to the distance, and the few hero flags who had been waiting secretly saw that Lin Zhen had already left, and they all turned and left.

Ke Xiangnan took out his mobile phone, which he collected on this planet. It is said to be Global Connect. Although the dimensional universe can no longer be used, the borders are now open, and he can still communicate with some people through mobile phones.

"Hey! Brother, it's me, Lin Zhen has gone, this kid didn't dare to move me at all, now I am safe, don't have to worry about it."

On the other side of the phone is Ke Xiangdong. He also smiled when his younger brother called to report safety.

"That’s good, Xiangnan, you don’t know. Not only is Master Qin Dong on my side, but there are also many brothers from the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance, all of whom are from the Eastern Continent. If something goes wrong with you, I can immediately Summon dozens of heroic flags to help you, and Lin Zhen will just destroy him directly!"

"Haha! Don't worry, brother, Lin Zhen is not so brave. He is just a bereavement dog who can't even return to the Qilin tribe. If I want to move, I can't look at the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance behind me? Unless he is SB. , Otherwise absolutely not...ah!"

Just when Ke Xiangnan belittled Lin Zhen, suddenly a bad wind flickered behind him!

Ke Xiangnan's heart is not good, it is too late to turn around and resist, a sword light is drawn, too empty!

To deal with a junior realm king like Ke Xiangnan, Lin Zhen didn't need to use all his strength, just a single blow, completely defeated Ke Xiangnan!

"You... actually go and come back!"

"Yes, it's nothing more than wasting some points, Ke Xiangnan, many things are not reported, but the time has not come. Congratulations, the spirit of God is not yours!"

Ke Xiangnan's current ranking is more than 10,000 points. He was eliminated and halved his points. He fell directly to a position of more than 70,000. By the end of God's Punishment Star, it is absolutely impossible to enter the top 100,000.

"Lin will not end well, I...I am waiting!"

Ke Xiangnan spoke to the phone, then his body thumped and fell, and then he was wrapped in cyan light and came out.

Before he appeared on the stage, Ke Xiangdong's tone was very anxious when he was still talking on the phone.

Lin Zhen grabbed the phone and yelled at the other side: "Ke Xiangnan is dead, you can burn the paper and talk to him if you have something to do!"

"Lin Zhen, you bastard..."

"Fuck~!" The phone was smashed by Lin Zhen.

On the other side of the phone, Ke Xiangdong trembled.

"Okay! Lin Zhen, you dare to get rid of Xiang Nan. This is your hope for the cut-off and promotion to longevity. Xiang Nan was able to obtain a spirit of transformation, so it was ruined by you. How can I let it go? you!"

Picking up the phone, Ke Xiangdong began to dial.

As the ninth-level king of the pinnacle, Ke Xiangdong is currently the number two figure in the younger generation of the Fire Qilin tribe, second only to Qin Dong.

"Brother Qin, my brother was eliminated by Lin Zhen. He is in District 39... um! Find someone to come over and kill him!"

"Hey! Is it Brother Xie from the Xuanwu clan, do me a favor, pack up one person, come to District 39."

"Are you brother Yuan Kui from the Storm Ape clan? I am Ke Xiangdong from Huo Qilin, ha ha! Come and do me a favor..."

Ke Xiangdong's popularity is still very good. In the 700 years of the Yuan Realm, he has made many friends, and there are many people from the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance in the Eastern Continent.

He made calls one by one, not only for Ke Xiangnan's revenge, but also to give Lin Zhen a warning. This is no longer the New Territories. Lin Zhen wanted to fight his Ke family brothers, but it was far away.

Even if he leaves the Star of God's Punishment in the future, he will make Lin Zhen dare not provoke them again!

Eliminating Ke Zhen can also be regarded as a bite of the evil spirit of the year.

Looking at the ranking of points again, he is currently ranked over 1,200.

Before, they were all within a thousand names, but in order to kill Ke Xiangnan, they teleported back and forth twice. The points were deducted by 20% and dropped to more than 1,200.

"Now the other party can't set up a game to ambush me, and I should kill once. Only the first hundred can get the quota for tempering the gods. I am still far away."

Lin Zhen took a look at his situation, and now he can still use Star Power Transfer, or take Shenli Pill, which can be said to be the best time.

And after killing Ke Xiangnan, he could even see that the hero flag on the map was gradually increasing.

"One, two, three, four..... After a while, a dozen or so hero flags came. I didn't expect to kill Ke Xiangnan and stabbed a hornet's nest. It happened just right, so let's be presumptuous!"