Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 680: King's stage

If you just entered the Star of God's Punishment, this crazy knife is indeed a strong enemy, the ninth-level pinnacle of the world king, can be the emperor's guardian, and the strength is beyond doubt.

His star power level reached 39,000!

Here, the star power of 39,000 is 3.9 million star power, which is almost the same as Lin Zhen's 4 million star power.

But now, he is no longer Lin Zhen's opponent at all.

There was no reason for him. Lin Zhen's mental power completely crushed him. When Lin Zhen used Light Sha to turn into a shield again, when he dived and attacked from a high altitude, Mad Knife knew he was finished.

If you want to fly in the star of God's Punishment, only a spiritual teacher can do it, and the minimum requirement is that the warrior must breed the **** baby!

Like Lin Zhen's foot shields flying around, ordinary **** infants are not good enough, I am afraid at least they are bronze peaks or silver, otherwise it is difficult to be easy.

Crazy Knife Stone Xiaomao has also condensed the **** infant, but it is only a late bronze **** infant, although it can fly, but compared with Lin Zhen, it is simply the difference between a moth and a goshawk.

Lin Zhen can fly and attack. Flying is tantamount to death. Lin Zhen is already invincible.

After resisting Lin Zhen's three dive attacks in a row, Shi Xiaomao couldn't hold it anymore.

"Lin Zhen! I played with you!"

The middle door opened wide, and thousands of swords burst into light, and the air was like an erupting volcano, and people came with swords!

Lin Zhen's eyes condensed, and the golden infant's hand-held colorful spear shot out!

Ignoring all physical attacks and physical defenses, the **** infant went straight into the sword gang!

Lin Zhen took the gun and walked forward, and said as he walked: "The battle can't be won by your madness and fierce swordsmanship. It also requires some brain."

The **** infant returned, the sky of the sword light dissipated, and Shi Xiaomao staggered in two steps. When he was about to fall, he was wrapped in blue light, broke through the air, and was eliminated.

After killing Shi Xiaomao, Lin Zhen's points made a big jump again.

Just now there were more than three hundred and thirty thousand, with fifteen thousand and nine points, and now it has directly reached twenty-three, and the ranking has risen to 188722!

"Does this enter 200,000... Killing is really the fastest way to advance."

Lin Zhen sorted out some messy clothes and walked towards the city.

He doesn’t know when the border will be opened, maybe three months, maybe a year or two, but a ranking of 180,000 is definitely not enough. If you can’t rank among the top in a theater, there will be nothing after the border is opened. With great competitiveness, at best, it can win the spirit of transforming the gods. If you want to win the opportunity to temper the gods, you don't even think about it.

The entire God Punishment Star has four hundred small theaters, and each theater has a first place with four hundred people, and there are only one hundred opportunities for tempering the gods, which means that there are at least three hundred theaters first. To such an opportunity.

As he walked, Guang Sha once again turned into a fusiform shield, carrying Lin Zhen's body straight to the city!

The guy with zero points in Nanliang is no longer zero points, and soared to the ranking of tens of millions at one time!

This incident has also caused some small attention in the dimensional universe, but that's it. People really pay attention to those who rank high in the various theaters.

During the banquet at the Nanliang Palace, Shi Xiaomao knelt down, afraid to look at the gloomy emperor.

At this time, the emperors of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty had already been arranged to the palace. Ning Qingxuan had just turned away and Liang Zhihuan returned. Since the guests don’t need to accompany them, Ning Qingxuan didn’t want to stay here for a minute, causing Liang Zhihuan’s heartache .

Inside the palace, only Liang Zhihuan and Shi Xiaomao were present.

"Lin Zhen eliminated you?"

"Yes, your majesty, we are incompetent, please condemn it!"

"Let's not talk about guilt or not, let's introduce Lin Zhen's situation."

"Your Majesty, we may have made some mistakes in our previous estimates. Since this Lin Zhen can perform a few tricks in the hands of the queen, it shows that this person's strength can be obtained even in the realm king. It is not necessary to kill him. easy."

"In your opinion, Lin Zhen can't control it in the Star of God's Punishment?"

"No! Weichen personally fought him, his strength is actually between the first and second minister, but his mental power is too strong, it suppresses me to death, if you can invite those world king masters If you play, there should still be hope to get rid of it."

Liang Zhihuan squinted his eyes. Although Shi Xiaomao was right, Lin Zhen is currently in the Star of Punishment, and the dimensional universe is blocked. How can he contact the people inside?

Seeing what Liang Zhihuan meant, Shi Xiaomao said: "Your Majesty, don't worry too much. Lin Zhen eliminated me and buried hidden dangers. When Lin Zhen killed my border king when he was the star of punishment. , I feel that things are not good, and I have already passed the news to my old werewolf in the Star of God's Punishment. As long as the werewolf takes action, Lin Zhen will undoubtedly lose!"

"I hope so, but you don't want to put all your hopes on the werewolves, and think about other ways. If possible, the initiative should be in our hands. There is a bottom line, and Lin Zhen cannot get the overall ranking. Top 10 million!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, that Lin Zhenfei is domineering, I think it is difficult to get to the border opening in the 68th theater, let alone the general list."

Liang Zhihuan nodded slightly, but he was not particularly relieved. This matter involved a bet with Ning Qingxuan, and he must not be careless.

A gust of wind rolled over the street, and telephone poles shook in the wind.

Whoosh~~! !

The two figures ran all the way along the line of the wire. One jump when accelerating can easily jump from one pole to the other. The amazing jumping power is astounding.

The person in front was anxiously chased, turned his head violently, and issued a series of hidden weapons.

He used a hidden weapon, and those who chased him behind also used a hidden weapon. A flying knife traveled through time and space, and then came first, and knocked down the person who flees in front!

The body fell from the telephone pole and was wrapped in blue light before landing.

"Lin Heizi! You madman is presumptuous in the northwest city, the werewolf will not let you go!"

The warrior roared through the blue light, and before the roar was finished, the person had disappeared.

"Werewolf, werewolf, are werewolves your catchphrase? I'll stop if you sign up, then I'm still fucking!"

Lin Zhen glanced at his ranking. The 68th battle zone was ranked 10012, and he was about to enter 10,000.

It has been three months since he has been in the Star of God's Punishment, and after soaring tens of millions of places at the beginning, he did not stop the pace of the offensive, and began to kill in the northwest city.

Whether it is a human or an undead creature, there is only one dead end when encountering Lin Zhen.

Moreover, Lin Zhenxin was ruthless and dubbed Lin Heizi, and he was considered the number one person in the northwest city.

After killing this person, Lin Zhen looked around and found that Canglan Street was empty. There were very few undead creatures here, and there were very few warriors.

In three months of melee, the 25 million warriors in the 68th theater now have less than 3 million remaining.

You can no longer see the situation of people everywhere. If you want to kill people, you need to look everywhere.

Lin Zhen came to the door of a convenience store. The Star of Punishment has only appeared for two years. The technological environment and living environment here are similar to those of the earth in the A.D. calendar. Sometimes Lin Zhen has the illusion of returning to the earth.

Pushing open the door of the convenience store, Lin Zhen stepped in, rummaged on the shelf for a while, found a bottle of white wine, took out something and started eating slowly.

"Although I have been chasing after these three months, the efficiency is not very high, because many undead creatures act at night, and those real masters also go out at night to kill undead creatures. They are active during the day. It's all here."

"At night, it is the world of big brothers. Only those who rank in the top ten thousand, or even one thousand and two thousand, can rampage at night, otherwise they are not qualified to mix in the dark."

"Continue to act in the daytime, the harvest is already very small. From today, I will enter the night. Since they named me Lin Heizi, then I will be black to the end!"

Lin Zhen touched the bottle of wine, drank a bottle of white wine gurglingly, then sat and rested on the spot, waiting for the night to come.

In the past three months, his cultivation has never been wasteful. Because the pill was absorbed by the star crystal during this period, the side effects were very small. In two or three months, he would be promoted to the ninth-level domain king.

The expansion of the inner world is also very smooth, and within half a year, the inner world will continue to light up new evil stars.

There is also spiritual power. Lin Zhen's spiritual power has now reached the golden stage, and the goldenization has reached 80%!

This is Lin Zhen's cultivation speed. He has the advantage of being swallowed by black hole beasts. In addition, he can refine alchemy himself, which can bring the materials that can be swallowed. His cultivation speed absolutely crushes anyone!

If this God of Punishment Star opens for thirty! Twenty years! Lin Zhen dare to say that he can definitely sweep everyone on the planet without blinking!

"The late golden stage.... If my mental power can advance to Dark Gold, I dare say that the entire God Punishment Star, who can match my spiritual power, will not exceed the number of one hand!"

The night gradually descended on the star of God's punishment....

Outside the Star of God's Punishment, there is a force field isolated by the gods, which blocks the possibility of people leaving and the entry of signals from the dimensional universe.

However, the pale moonlight in the sky seemed to be brighter and brighter than normal.

Whenever the moon rises, even those warriors who rank in the front have to act carefully, because all the super undead creatures will come out to bathe in the moonlight.

Once the monitor lizard gave birth to wings and turned into a zombie-like invulnerable dragon, soaring in the sky.

Once a warrior on this planet, after he died, riding a war horse, stepping on the black **** fire, turned into a fierce and powerful necromancer, walking through the streets in groups.

Occasionally, a group of bats lift off into the sky, huh, huh la la, and obscures the sun. When they fall on a tall building, they will turn into a white-faced human figure wearing luxurious clothes. They are vampires.

In this battle zone of Lin Zhen, there used to be a warrior who once ranked first, who was eliminated by a group of necromantic knights!

Therefore, the warrior is very careful to appear in the dark night, but only the dark night is the stage of the king and the stage of the dead!