Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 672: Moment of relief

This is the first time in more than two years that Ning Qingxuan has opened her eyes while embracing each other.

Lin Zhen couldn't imagine Ning Qingxuan's psychology at the moment, but he knew that the princess, who had always been reserved and calm, must have mustered great courage.

Lin Zhen's first reaction was to let go of his hand, but in a flash of light, he immediately rejected the idea.

A masculine man who dares to act, why should he let go?

Not only didn't let go, but Lin Zhen held the beautiful woman in his arms tighter, lowered his forehead, and could clearly feel each other's breath.

This is a bold move. You must know that Ning Qingxuan has regained her strength at this moment. Regardless of Lin Zhen's current star power of 4 million, she is definitely not her opponent.

As the saying goes, wealth is sought by danger. This wealth does not only refer to wealth. Many beautiful things are not easily available, but Lin Zhen believes that his actions at the moment are correct.

Because he saw that Ning Qingxuan's eyes did not indicate rejection, but seemed to be satisfied with Lin Zhen's reaction.

If Lin Zhen let go of her at this moment, it would undoubtedly make her very disappointed.

"Lin Zhen, you are a bold guy."

"It's okay, at least I don't think the princess is a terrible person."

"You still know that I am the prince, what are you doing now?"

Lin Zhen thought for a while, did not say any clumsy excuses to warm you up, but said straightforwardly: "Hold the woman I like."

Ning Qingxuan stared closely at Lin Zhen's eyes, as if she wanted to keep Lin Zhen's appearance firmly in her heart.

After a while, she took the initiative to lean in Lin Zhen's arms for the first time, stretched out a pair of water snake-like arms, and hugged Lin Zhen's neck.

Her arms are beautiful, with a slight coolness. When the arms stretched out, the sleeves of her clothes slipped off the fat-like skin, white reflections.

"Lin Zhen, I used to lie in this position every day, looking at the star crystals on these trees, I think this place is beautiful, and I will think like this in my heart, maybe I will never leave, stay here forever, I don't have to face For the ups and downs outside, you don’t have to face anyone else, maybe one day I will marry you..."

Hearing Ning Qingxuan's sudden and straightforward statement, Lin Zhen didn't know how to respond.

"But I know that there won't be such a day. I have my destiny. From the time I can remember, my destiny has been like this. The Qingye Sect and the Nanliang royal family have long been inseparable, and I am married Liang Zhihuan is one of the most critical links. There are too many conflicts of interest here, and no one will allow anything wrong in this matter."

Lin Zhen looked at Ning Qingxuan: "You have the strength to fight."

"No! I can't fight. I was raised by the Qingye faction. Unless I return my life to them, I have no right to fight. This is the value of my existence."

Lin Zhen didn't say anything, but in his heart he was thinking about how to deal with this incident.

At this moment, Ning Qingxuan suddenly sat up, pulled out the wooden hairpin on top of her head, and fell like a waterfall of green silk.

"Lin Zhen, do you think I am beautiful?"

"It's beautiful!"

Ning Qingxuan suddenly leaned down, her hot red lips printed on Lin Zhen's lips.

Feeling a rush of blood rushing towards his forehead, Lin Zhen turned over and pressed the beautiful woman under him, and a fiery kiss enveloped him.

The darkness of lilac is fascinating.

A few minutes later, Ning Qingxuan wrapped her hands around Lin Zhen's neck, her eyes were determined with meaning: "Lin Zhen, I am very happy to have you with me over the past two years. Tonight, you can treat me whatever you want."

Lin Zhen's breathing became heavy, and he couldn't refuse such a beautiful thing.

"But... after today, please forget me completely. I will marry into the Nanliang royal family and become the real prince."

Like a basin of cold water poured down, Lin Zhen knew that what Ning Qingxuan said was true.

But how could Lin Zhen be content with such a result, he leaned down and kissed her lips gently: "If this is the case, I also have a request."

"Go ahead, I promise you all."

"I won't treat you today, but please keep it for me. Your first time belongs to me."

Lin Zhen can naturally see that this peerless beauty is still a virgin, and he is very committed to him. Now he can't face the Nanliang royal family, so he made such a request.

Ning Qingxuan looked at Lin Zhen with complicated eyes, she knew what such a request meant.

Marrying into the royal family is just changing a place to live, she will not be able to truly accept the prince.

It can be said that Lin Zhen's request was extremely excessive. Ning Qingxuan was already a little emotional. In order not to leave any regrets, she wanted to give her most precious thing to Lin Zhen before leaving.

Unexpectedly, what Lin Zhen wanted was her heart.

If she agrees, then in the future, where will the prince be placed, and even the emperor's Liang Zhihuan in the future?

Sanity hit her mind, making her somewhat undecided.

Deep kisses were pressed down. Ning Qingxuan, who had just tasted this taste, was already soft, and finally nodded to Lin Zhen: "I promise you, but my future is probably..."

"No! You have to stay well and wait for the day I will pick you up!"

One night passed quickly, and Lin Zhen did not know when he fell asleep.

He was awakened by a powerful momentum.

When he woke up, Ning Qingxuan had put on a new dress and stood by the pool, the water still rippling gently.

Lin Zhen could see that Ning Qingxuan had broken through.

"You woke up, I prepared some food for you. Although it is not as good as yours, I made it by myself after all, so try it."

The congee and side dishes on the table, although not rich, are delicious.

Ning Qingxuan sat next to Lin Zhen, and the two of them ate the last breakfast.

"Lin Zhen, I was thinking before that I would teach you everything I can, so that you can be more competitive in the Star of Punishment, but I am also very useless, because the forced breakthrough resulted in more than two years. Become a useless person, and I need you to take care of me. I am worried. What will you do if you go to the Star of God's Punishment?"

"Haha! Am I so uncompetitive in your eyes?"

Lin Zhen was not worried. The Star of God's Punishment did not end overnight. In this battle, he was confident that he would get a very good ranking.

After eating up in twos or twos, Ning Qingxuan walked around the space.

She stood for a long time under that tree, and Lin Zhen could clearly feel her reluctance.

Raising his finger, on the trunk, beside the words "Lin Zhen Xiaoshu" Lin Zhen, added the words Ning Qingxuan.

Seen from above, it becomes the little tree of Lin Zhen and Ning Qingxuan.

"I will definitely miss this place, let's go!"

After Ning Qingxuan did all this, she left her deep feelings of reluctance and went straight to the edge of the space.

Lin Zhen glanced at him, then quietly waved his hand, putting the tree and the small hills into the dark star space.

A stride came to Ning Qingxuan's side, and the space oscillated at this moment.

Losing that little tree, this wandering space finally faces the brink of collapse.

Ning Qingxuan didn't know how this happened, so she grabbed Lin Zhen: "Let's go!"

With her long sword in her hand, she slashed out with a fierce sword, and the barrier of this small space suddenly cracked!

The two rushed into the endless space turbulence outside at the same time.

At this point, Ning Qingxuan swung the long sword in her hand again, directly breaking the surrounding energy storm, and fiercely bombarding the space barrier!

A gap was opened in the solid space of the Metaverse, and the two teleported almost at the same time, leaving the gap directly!

Lin Zhen didn't use his own **** of destruction, it took a long time to recover that thing after using it once.

The surrounding area is not near the ground, but a starry sky.

"Lin Zhen, can you tell if this is still the southern beam area?"

Lin Zhen immediately summoned Chrissy: "Hurry up and find out where is this place?"

Chrissy quickly gave the answer: "Master, you are not far away from the original place. This is still the starry sky of Nanliang, and the difference between the positions where you entered the space crack is only 200 million kilometers."

Lin Zhen nodded, 200 million kilometers in the starry sky is really not a distance, and it won't take long to go back.

Summoning the double-headed magic dragon again, Lin Zhen hugged Ning Qingxuan to his chest.

Ning Qingxuan leaned in his arms with blushing face, and looked down at the double-headed magic dragon: "Your demon pet is Huahua Tai Sui. The cry is very unpleasant. I don't like it. Let me bake someday. ."

The two-headed magic dragon knows Ning Qingxuan too much. I didn’t expect this terrifying woman to become a mistress. She was already scared of her body. When she heard that she actually persuaded Lin Zhen to eat I wanted to transform herself immediately. The yellow oriole made a few nice sounds to Ning Qingxuan.

However, Lin Zhen slapped it with two ghost roars and screams: "Hurry! Don't look back. The left head won't work, and the right one won't work!"

The two-headed devil dragon swiftly headed towards the ground, and Lin Zhen was about to reach Ning Qingxuan's dimensional universe number.

Her Dimensional Universe has almost never been used, and has been in a closed state. After Lin Zhen reminded her, the Dimensional Universe was opened.

After the two people added to each other, Lin Zhen gently said in Ning Qingxuan's ear: "Xuan'er, in fact, in the dimensional universe, you can do a lot of things!"

Ning Qingxuan pinched Lin Zhen lightly, then leaned in his arms and said sullenly: "I regret that I promised you, so it would be very difficult for me to do it."

"Are you going to regret it?"

"Of course not. Since I promised you, I will never go back. I also hope that you can create miracles and appear in front of me one day to break my destiny. Although I know that is very slim, I have unlimited life. I can always wait for you."

Lin Zhen was also moved secretly in his heart, and it was the most difficult to accept the grace of beauty, he couldn't let Ning Qingxuan wait too long.

"I beg you for one thing too?" Ning Qingxuan suddenly raised her head and asked Lin Zhen.

"You just say it."

"Chen'er, that is, Liang Chen, he will also participate in the challenge of God's Punishment Star. I am a little worried about his situation inside. When you get there, you'd better take care of him. I know that you are very strong now. There are very few opponents among the kings."

"Let me take care of Liang Chen?"

"Well... Now you treat me like this, then... Liang Chen should be considered your junior." Ning Qingxuan said this sentence naturally.

There was a strange feeling in Lin Zhen's heart. What kind of relationship is he and Liang Chen?