Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 670: God's Punishment Star is about to open

When Ning Qingxuan woke up faintly, she found that she was already lying in the bed.

There was a smell of food around, and Lin Zhen seemed to be making food.

She supported her body with her hands, feeling that her arms were extremely sore and soft, and she couldn't support them.

The breakthrough failed, all her star power disappeared, and the tempered divine body also entered a weak state. At this time, let alone a martial artist, she was not as good as an ordinary person in the New Territories.

This feeling of losing all strength made her heart depressed for a while.

Her master told her not to try lightly, it would be the result if she failed.

She doesn't know how long this state will last, but it is estimated that it will not recover for the time being.

It's not that she doesn't want to return to the Metaverse, she has tried her best, but unfortunately she still hasn't succeeded. The next thing can only be resigned.

"You wake up, come and taste the porridge I made, know that you are weak, and give you some energy."

Lin Zhen came over with the porridge. Ning Qingxuan struggled to sit up but was very strenuous. Lin Zhen came to her and stretched out a hand to gently lift her body, half leaning against her.

"Don't say that I'm taking advantage of the danger. It's more convenient for me to feed you this way. You'd better not mess around. You know I'm not a very patient person."

A spoonful of sweet porridge came to her lips, and Ning Qingxuan's face turned a little red, so she was a little uncomfortable to be cared for by a child, let alone a man.

But now her ability value is almost cleared, she can't even raise her arm, and she doesn't have the slightest resistance to Lin Zhen's somewhat domineering behavior.

The white porcelain spoon was gently pushed into the red lips, and Lin Zhen asked while feeding, "Prince Princess, how long will you last in this state?"

"I don't know too well, maybe two or three years. I have to wait until my weak state is over. When it is over, I will recover."

Ning Qingxuan is still very lucky. If Lin Zhen is really her enemy, she will undoubtedly have no resistance in this state, but now it seems that she has not seen the wrong person.

"It doesn't matter, I will take care of you until you recover."

After speaking, Lin Zhen still felt a little uncomfortable in this posture, so he just hugged her body and let her head rest on his shoulder.

Ning Qingxuan wanted to protest, so she fed another spoonful of porridge.

She simply closed her eyes and didn't speak, the strong man's breath around her made her feel like a deer.

"Don't worry about anything, leave it to me when you return to the Metaverse."

Her long eyelashes moved a few times, and Ning Qingxuan said nothing. She felt ashamed of this state.

Lin Zhen smiled at the corner of his mouth. After eating a meal, he put down the beauty in her arms, and the extremely tired Ning Qingxuan soon went to sleep.

Lin Zhen took off the Yuwang Xingjing and practiced again.

When the light ball he set dimmed again, he felt that Ning Qingxuan beside him seemed to start to curl up involuntarily.

Gently quizzed the opponent's forehead, only to find that this longevity martial artist was actually a little cold.

"It's really a domineering side effect, it can actually make the longevity martial artist's body weak to this point, thanks to being with me, otherwise she may be in danger at any time."

Lin Zhen's practice this time was also over, and once again fed Ning Qingxuan some water and food, and then simply got into her bed.

Gently stretched her arms, hugged the beautiful princess into her arms, and warmed her with her own body temperature.

"Lin Zhen...what happened to me?"

Ning Qingxuan opened her eyes slightly and asked weakly.

"Don't worry, you just have a cold, and you will get better soon."

Ning Qingxuan felt that this was a bit wrong in her daze, but Lin Zhen's warm embrace gave her the most comfortable place to rest, she couldn't help looking for a comfortable place, and fell asleep again.

The beautiful body in his arms is amazingly elastic and charming, and Lin Zhen is also very uncomfortable. He can only sink his mental energy into his dantian and concentrate on studying the lightning in the black hole.

If you want to leave here, I'm afraid you have to rely on it in the end.


The Star of God's Punishment will be opened in more than two years, and this news has swept the Metaverse.

On this day, golden light fell from the sky, and almost everyone heard a voice.

This voice announced to the entire Metaverse that the Star of Divine Punishment had appeared. After two years and five months, all those who were determined to enter the Star of Divine Punishment, please be prepared when that day comes, he will directly send everyone directly into it.

The number of people who have entered the Star of God's Punishment in the entire Metaverse is a full ten billion!

Moreover, Dimensional Universe Company will also broadcast the situation of the Star of God's Punishment to the entire Metaverse, and everyone can see their performance.

Ten billion sounds like a lot. At that time, in front of the huge population of Metaverse, it could be described as a drop in the ocean.

Regarding the quota of God's Punishment Star, it is getting more and more popular, but most people who are eligible for this quota are reluctant to sell it.

In addition to one hundred opportunities to temper the body, every warrior in the top 100,000 will receive a spirit of transformation!

The only function of the spirit of transforming the gods is to let the martial artist break the barriers of the world king and advance to the longevity!

Even if you don't get the chance to temper the divine body, there is a high chance that you will be promoted to the longevity. This is even more attractive to the martial artist, and the opportunity is even greater.

Of course, there are some people who feel that they can enter the longevity realm and have no higher requirements, so they choose to sell the quota of God's Punishment Star.

Every sale of a quota will set off a wave of bidding in the auction house. Almost all the places of the gods of punishment are sold for more than 100 billion.

No matter it is any country or force, the finalists will be carefully selected.

You know, this time the battle of the Star of God's Punishment will be broadcast live in the entire Metaverse, and there is no way to cheat. Every country's strength wants to get the greatest attention and benefits in this event, so the people they send absolutely There is no mediocrity.

However, some people believe that those who enter the Star of God Punishment may not be the elites of the Metaverse. There are many warriors who have strong strength, but they have no money and power, but are not qualified to go to the Star of God Punishment. This is not for them. Fair.

It's a pity that this argument is not supported by many people. Money and power are also part of strength. If you can't get it, it still means that you are not strong enough. There is no real fairness in this world, and it has never been fair.


The Great Qin Empire!

King Qin Yuntian hosted a banquet in the hall for all those who represented Da Qin.

The entire Qin State participated in the war with more than one million people, but only one thousand people truly represented the court!

The king of Qin, who is full of golden light, is like a god, fighting on the clouds and looking down on all beings.

"You are all the pride of my Daqin clan. As the most powerful empire in the Yuanjie, I only have this one requirement. This time the number one of the star of punishment must belong to Daqin. Do you have any confidence?"

"Sure victory! Sure victory!"

In front of the team, the boy in Tsing Yi, the ninth-level peak realm king, his whole person is like an unsheathed peerless **** soldier, his sword intent almost pierced the sky.

"The first place must belong to Qin Jianfeng, the prince of my kingdom of Qin! Only the prince of the First Empire is worthy of being the number one in the Metaverse!"

In a deep mountain in Zhao State, the peaks and ridges are piled up and the sky is covered by dense forests.

Deep in the jungle, an old man with a strip of leather around his upper body was meditating.

In front of him, hundreds of disciples sat cross-legged, closed their eyes and said nothing.

If you look closely at this old man, you will find that the leather on his body is actually the skin of a super galaxy beast golden dragon, which he peeled off and made clothes around him.

"Our secret martial artist has won three hundred places this time. In 100,000 years, we have never made a step out of this misty forest. What we are waiting for is this day. My children, prepare to pick up your swords and guns and go to the Star of Punishment. Let's be presumptuous! Let the countries on the mainland see and see and see how powerful our secret students are!"

In the capital of Nanliang, Prince Liang Zhihuan looked at the warrior below.

Nanliang has only 1,000 places, and it is truly under the control of the royal family, only less than twenty.

Liang Chen stood in front of the team, behind him there were more than a dozen realm king level powerhouses.

I haven't seen him for a while, Liang Chen has now become the domain king, and a second-level domain king.

However, Liang Zhihuan’s confidence is not very high. Nanliang’s military force is not counted in the entire Metaverse. The number of Metaverse countries is about five million. It is estimated that Nanliang is not even four million in these countries. To.

If the crown prince is not so high now, he may still have some confidence, now....

"My son Nanliang, I will give you a goal in this battle for the Star of God's Punishment. Even if you can't get the quota for tempering your body, you must get at least one of the top 100,000 places. As long as you reach this goal, it will count as ours. victory!"

It is not an easy task to win the top 100,000 chances to advance to the longevity among the tens of billions of contestants. No matter who does this, it will be prosperous, and the future is limitless!

Among the Fire Qilin clan, the patriarch is also calling the warriors to discuss.

"This time our Kylin clan was allocated three hundred places, and it was allocated by Mo Kylin, Jade Kylin, and so on. In the end, there were only 15 places allocated to our fire Kylin, so I decided to allocate them according to the following method. "

"Qin Dong! One place. Zhao Xiaolong, one place. Ke Xiangnan, one place. Ke Xiangdong, one place..."

Ke Xiangdong and Ke Xiangnan looked at each other, their eyes were filled with excitement.

Joining the Kylin clan is indeed the most correct choice. This time if they can really get a good ranking in the Star of, then their brothers can be regarded as entering the public eye.

At the beginning, the Lin Zhen incident brought a huge negative impact, but the matter has been over 700 years ago, and it has finally been eliminated. This time they can both get the quota, which proves that the clan doesn't mind that matter anymore.

"Lin Zhen! You first brought me a huge influence, and then you killed my father. When I return from the Star of God's Punishment, that's the day when I find your revenge, you are ready to wait for death!" Ke Xiangnan of Master Wang clenched his fist tightly.

The sacred mountain of the Phoenix clan, here is a jungle of plane trees.

When the sound of gathering in the clan sounded, beautiful phoenixes flew out from the trees and flew to the hall in the clan.

At this time, a particularly beautiful little phoenix gently stretched its wings, transformed into a woman in red in the air, and landed in front of the hall.

"Qingluan! I am here!"

Jun Mo, the young patriarch of the Phoenix clan, came to Feng Qingluan with a gentle smile on his face.

"I have seen the young patriarch!" Feng Qingluan bowed slightly.

"Hey! Why should Qingluan and I still see each other like that? Sooner or later we will be a family.

"Please take care of the young patriarch. Feng Qingluan already has a sweetheart. We have made a thousand-year agreement. Unless he doesn't want me, otherwise I won't belong to anyone else."

Jun Mo's face was immediately ugly, and he said in embarrassment: "Well, I hope your sweetheart will not forget the time, but this time it is the quota allocation of the God of Punishment. You and I have quotas, let's go in and listen Just listen."

Feng Qingluan nodded and stepped into the hall of the Phoenix family.

At this time, the entire Metaverse is discussing this matter, and every force and everyone is closely related to the Star of God's Punishment!