Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 667: Goodbye time and space wandering flower

Lin Zhen also had to admit that this universe was full of coincidences, and things were so strange.

When he came to this space, he immediately realized where it was.

This wandering space was the space he had entered in the Star Fruit Tree during the Earth God General Training Camp.

He still remembers the star crystal on the tree and the flower of the wandering time and space.

When he left this space, Lin Zhen once engraved the words "Lin Zhen Xiaoshu" on the tree trunk.

Maybe this can be called fate, but I didn't expect to enter this space again in the turbulent flow of this space.

Thousands of years have passed, and there are no other changes in this space, but this little tree has grown a lot. I don’t know what opportunities this space has in this millennium. Those flowers have now bloomed with brighter stars. crystal.

The few words that Lin Zhen engraved at random at the beginning did not expect to be used as a weapon to counter Ning Qingxuan now.

Ning Qingxuan lowered her head, looking at the words on the trunk, her eyes were filled with incredible words.

"How is this possible? When did you engrave it?"

"It's been a long, long time, I told the princess that this is my site, but unfortunately you don't believe it, so now the evidence is solid, what else does the princess have to say?"

Ning Qingxuan stared at Lin Zhen for a long time, blinking and blinking, feeling a little aggrieved inexplicably.

She is a dignified longevity martial artist who is suppressed everywhere by the man in front of her. She is taken advantage of by others and cannot retaliate. Now she has come to an unfamiliar space, which is actually his place.

The most hateful thing is that she has spoken up all herself first, and at the moment it is a bit difficult to ride a tiger.

Is it really necessary to find a place to stay at the corner of the corner and give it to Lin Zhen?

Her long eyelashes dropped weakly, just like the master's mood at the moment, she took a difficult step.

Lin Zhen didn't mean to keep Ning Qingxuan, and sat under the tree carelessly.

Ning Qingxuan turned her head and glanced at him, snorted coldly, speeded up and left under the tree.

But this space is only such a big place, and Ning Qingxuan can't walk far, so she stopped on another small soil bag not far away, separated from Lin Zhen by twenty or thirty meters.

After struggling in the spatial turbulence for several days, both of them were very weak and tired. Ning Qingxuan got there and immediately began to meditate on the spot to recover.

Lin Zhen is relatively better, he can still support after the weakening period of Shenli Dan.

didn't choose to rest immediately, Lin Zhen went under the tree, looking for the flower that wandered in time and space.

The flower of time and space wandering is the most special star crystal on this tree. Lin Zhen got the space power from this in the first place.

Looking for a while, among several huge star crystals, Lin Zhen saw a slightly floating star crystal.

This star crystal is not big, but the color on it is different from other star crystals.

The star crystal is light blue, with traces of silver light lingering in it. Lin Zhen gently approached his fingers and felt the hairs on the fingers stand up slightly, that is the energy of lightning elements.

"With the power of space and the element of thunder and lightning, this flower of time and space wandering through thousands of years has finally grown a new flower."

"I still remember that after I picked the special star crystals, this space was already facing collapse, but as long as this tree is still here, it won't collapse. Wandering in space for a long time will give birth to magic."

Lin Zhen's lightning element has already comprehended the power of atoms, but in the face of the lightning power in this star crystal, his previous lightning seemed to be a toy.

"Chrissy, can you look up information about Raiden for me?"

Chrissy responded immediately.

"Master, this is not within the category of Metaverse. You are now in the crack of time and space. The signals of the dimensional universe cannot cover this place."

"Then it can't be accessed." Lin was really frustrated.

"It is of course not possible to check for a normal intelligent life, but I am different. Under your master’s careful care, your intelligent life is already an independent super life body. I have already stored a lot of information in me. In the space of the universe, even if I break away from the signal source of the dimensional universe, I can find countless things."

"Then help me see, what's the situation with this lightning?"

Kriss checked for a while, then said to Lin Zhen: "Master, there is no record of this kind of lightning in the database of the dimensional universe, but there is something similar to it."

"tell me the story."

"Okay, according to my investigation, this kind of thunder and lightning should belong to the initial form of thunder light. We see thunder and lightning on rainy days. It is called rain thunder, and the thunder and lightning that some warriors can emit has a powerful exorcism effect. It’s called the God Thunder of Evil Guarding Evil. Some of them are purely killer, called Palm Thunder. Some warriors even mastered the thunder and lightning when the world was opened up, that’s called the Purple Heaven God Thunder."

"But the current lightning is obviously not any of them. Strictly speaking, this kind of lightning is more advanced. It is pure and non-attribute lightning. Such lightning is quite rare. If the owner can make good use of it , It will have infinite benefits for you."

"Oh! What are the benefits?"

"Speed! Space power! And huge lethality, if the master masters him, your speed will get an essential increase, which is of great help in battle, and the space power and thunder light in this star crystal are almost melted. As a whole, the owner can get the space power in it, and it is even more magical. For example, long-distance teleportation may be used."

"The final lethality depends on the master yourself. I can tell you a method. Lightning is the most overbearing elemental energy. The master should activate its strongest traits. This process is called warming. What kind of thunder light is like, what it is like, this is yours alone."

Lin really nodded. Hearing Kris's introduction, this kind of lightning is indeed too rare, he must make good use of it.

looked up at the tree full of star crystals, Lin Zhen was secretly excited, although he could not leave this space for the time being, his cultivation here is undoubtedly fast.

There are still more than two years before the star of God's Punishment opens. I hope that within this time, he can find a way to leave here.

was about to pick this special star crystal, Lin Zhen saw Ning Qingxuan not far away.

This big beauty has been lying on the mound for some time, her eyes closed slightly, her breathing is well-proportioned, and she has already fallen asleep.

"Hehe! Although he is a longevity warrior, his vigilance is still too bad. It is a flower that grows up in a greenhouse. If I suddenly act on you at this time, are you still dead?"

Lin Zhen shook his head, muttered a few words, and then came to Ning Qingxuan.

looked in the space ring, Lin Zhen took out something.

A purple blanket, Lin Zhen spread it on the ground, and then driven his mental power, silently lifted Ning Qingxuan's body in the air, and slowly placed it on the blanket.

Pillows and quilts, there are so many of these things. These years, there are countless killings and countless trophies. His space ring is enough to open a department store, and he has what he wants.

She covered Ning Qingxuan with the quilt as if she was taking care of a child, and then Lin Zhen lightly touched her long hair: "I know a lot about you, and I know you have taken on a lot of things, and I am a poor girl. If possible, I really hope to give you some warmth and be your best friend."

After finishing speaking, Lin Zhen returned to his territory, ready to start practicing.

Just when Lin Zhen went back, Ning Qingxuan's eyelashes moved gently.

She pretended to be asleep on purpose, to see how Lin Zhen would react. If Lin Zhen was still awkward to her, then she would never tolerate Lin Zhen anymore, and would definitely kill.

But she never expected that Lin Zhen would take care of her in this way, not only covering him up, but also confessing that feeling.

This made Ning Qingxuan's heart sour, and an inexplicable mood rose up.

His eyes seemed to be astringent, he opened his eyes and glanced at Lin Zhen secretly, and wiped off the somewhat invincible mist with his hands.

Maybe it's because of some changes in his mood. Looking at Lin Zhen now, it doesn't seem to be that annoying anymore.

Inexplicably, Ning Qingxuan had a warm feeling in her heart. She originally planned to pretend to sleep, but the blanket and quilt are really warm, making her feel comfortable, and she actually fell asleep unconsciously without worrying about herself. Security issues.

Just when Ning Qingxuan was in her dreamland, Lin Zhen, who seemed to be cultivating, quietly opened one eye and glanced at her at the sleeping beauty in her dream, Lin Zhen smiled.

"Small! Fight with me! Although you are an immortal warrior, you are still too far behind playing with this set. After this time, I believe that all your murderous intentions towards Lao Tzu have been thrown away! "

Ning Qingxuan is a little clever, but for the old dough sticks like Lin Zhen who walked out of the sea of ​​swordsmanship, she was too far away from being careful.

This time, Lin Zhen also settled down, stood up and came under the tree, and gently picked off the flower of time and space wandering.

reached out and cut the star crystal from the flower, and the star crystal slowly floated in the palm of Lin Zhen's hand.

The cyan and silver scents entangled, and the pure thunder and lightning flowed slowly in it, without even a slight arc jump.

"The most domineering Lei Guang, according to Chrissy's statement, I think there is one place that is the best."

"That is my body, the core of my dantian, which destroys everything, my black hole!"

After the general martial artist entered the galaxy stage, the black hole no longer exists, but Lin Zhen is different. As a black hole beast, the black hole is his dantian core. It has always existed and is often used.

After paying attention, Lin Zhen started his practice.

The power of the star crystal was absorbed by him and guided into the body, while the trace of non-attribute lightning was quickly absorbed into the black hole by him. )!!