Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 656: The call of the black hole

When Lin Zhen's black hole beast appeared, the natural gas breath surpassed Ke Jianglong's fire unicorn.

The unicorn family is the king among the beasts, and the black hole beasts mutated from the unicorns can almost be regarded as the king among the unicorns!

So when Lin Zhen's black hole beast appeared, his momentum was not inferior to Ke Jianglong's fire unicorn.

A body of black steel-like scales, with cold light reflected on it, unlike Ke Jianglong's fire-like mane, Lin Zhen's mane is also black, very dense!

A pair of antler-like horns on the top of the head, but not too sharp, sturdy limbs, big mouth, although a circle smaller than Ke Jianglong's fire unicorn, but more fierce!

And there is something different from Qilin, Lin Zhen's mouth is wider and sharper, and the upper and lower jaws are open, as if he can swallow a particularly huge thing.

This is the real body of the black hole beast, his blood basin and mouth are not beautiful, as long as Lin Zhen is willing, there can really be a black hole storm inside!


After Lin Zhen's Black Hole Beast appeared, and after taking the Divine Power Pill, the star power of 1.1 million soared to 1.54 million!

But Ke Jianglong on the opposite side felt extremely uncomfortable.

Level suppression!

This is the natural level suppression among galaxy beasts, higher level galaxy beasts face the suppression of lower level galaxy beasts!

As a super galaxy beast, fire unicorn, Ke Jianglong has always been the experience of suppressing others, and he has never been suppressed. Today, he finally feels it.

After the level was suppressed, Lin Zhen's combat effectiveness was invisibly higher, but Ke Jianglong was lower, and the gap between the two people was further narrowed. With Lin Zhen's momentum at the moment, he was ready to fight!

The four claws spread, and the two big guys quickly approached, then jumped up at the same time, and hit together!


Taking advantage of being taller, Ke Jianglong bit Lin Zhen's shoulder with his big mouth, blood splashing.

Lin Zhen's black hole beast is underage, small, but small also has small advantages. He ignored the injuries on his back, but bit Ke Jianglong's front paws!

With his head swaying, Lin Zhen clearly heard the sound of broken bones coming from his mouth!


Ke Jianglong didn't expect Lin Zhen to be so fierce. He swung his other paw and slapped Lin Zhen fiercely, fanning him out.

Lin Zhen rolled over on the ground twice and knocked down a piece of rockery and gravel. His body seemed to be spring-loaded. He leaped up again and jumped to the top of Ke Jianglong's head. His two front paws opened his bow right and left!

"Puff puff~~!"

Flesh and blood!

Ke Jianglong was also aroused to be fierce, fighting to such a point, either you die or I die, there is no tie at all.

This is the Qilin Jue, relying on the beast-like talent to fight, you can't turn into a human body in the battle, all the exercises and combat skills are invalid at this moment, of course, the talent skills belonging to the unicorn are still there until one side falls.

The two huge beasts roared in the garden. If it weren't isolated by a protective cover, I'm afraid they would be alarmed for thousands of miles.

The surrounding flowers, trees, and even houses were razed to the ground during the battle.

During the battle, Ke Jianglong took a breath of flame and realized that it was really useless for Lin, but the raging fire had begun to raging.

The ground was full of blood, broken scales, scattered mane, and countless traces of desperate fights.

Outside Nanliang City, Liang Chen finally came back.

He hurried back all the way back, without even drinking his saliva, he went straight to Qin Yin Xiaozhu in the city.

"Sister Xiaoya, where's my mother."

When he came to the backyard, he asked Ning Qingxuan's maid.

"The young lady just finished her practice and took a rest. Is there anything Young Master asked her for? If it's not very important, come back tomorrow."

"No, no! Very important thing, let my mother get up quickly."

Ning Qingxuan rarely uses the Dimensional Universe, and she basically has no friends in the Dimensional Universe. Except for her master who hasn't spoken once in 10,000 years, there may be only Liang Chen, and Liang Chen is still by her side, so Her dimensional universe is generally closed.

According to her, the province disturbed her cultivation.

Xiaoya was hesitating, Ning Qingxuan's voice came from the room: "Let him come in."

"Okay, young master, you can go in, but let me remind you that the young lady doesn't have much money in her hands now. You'd better not mention money."

"Okay, okay, see, am I like the kind of person who gets into the eyes of money."

Liang Chen walked into Ning Qingxuan's room and saw his beauty mother slowly coming out of it.

The washed slightly whitish Luo skirt, the hair was pinned with a wooden hairpin that had been worn for an unknown amount of time, and was worn smoothly, occasionally a few strands of green silk hung down to the waist.

In fact, Ning Qingxuan is a person with extremely simple requirements for material life. In addition to practicing, Liang Chen didn't know how much money was useful to her. The things in her room seemed to have memories from Liang Chen. It has been like this since then, clean and tidy, but it doesn’t need anything new.

"Let's go, it's been half a year since I disappeared, what's wrong with me suddenly coming back this time?"

After taking a sip of fragrant tea, Ning Qingxuan asked lazily.

"Mother, this is really a big deal, otherwise I won't run over to find you in the middle of the night, but before I tell you, you'd better be mentally prepared."

"Oh? What do I need to prepare?" The instinctive slowness made her think that there would be nothing wrong.

"Just be prepared not to get excited, don't get angry, just listen to me slowly and finish speaking."

"That's right, then I'm ready." Ning Qingxuan picked up a book and read it.

"Ahem~! I think I have found the whereabouts of Huahua Taisui." Liang Chen said, looking at the reaction of her mother.

The fingers turning the pages of the book suddenly stopped. Ning Qingxuan did not make any movement, but Liang Chen felt that the indoor temperature had dropped several degrees for no reason.

There were some birds called cicadas in the garden outside, but at this moment they all disappeared!

Within a few hundred miles of the surrounding area, everyone was quiet at this moment. They all felt the palpitating breath. Although they didn't know where the breath came from, they didn't even dare to breathe.

The strong longevity was angry and suppressed all the surrounding creatures!

After a while, Ning Qingxuan took a breath and everything returned to normal.

"Where?" Ning Qingxuan asked.

"Mother, this thing is very long, listen to me slowly tell you, you still remember that I was called Lin Zhen asshole, now I can confirm that this person is indeed a super asshole, I am totally **** Only with his gloves can I be so downhearted today. This is how things are..."

Liang Chen started telling stories to Ning Qingxuan, starting with Lin Zhen's arena, and then being deceived again and again, and then meeting Lin Zhen in the Alchemist Guild and being framed by him.

Of course, this period of Liang Chen deliberately whitewashed herself in order to discredit Lin Zhen and make Ning Qingxuan hate this person even more.

"Until I saw the wanted order and discovered his identity as the Zijin Protoss, I began to wonder who he was, so I went to Xianle County and after half a year of investigation, I finally verified my guess."

Liang Chen stood up at this time and said to Ning Qingxuan: "Mother, Huahua Taisui is Lin Zhen, and Lin Zhen is Huahua Taisui. Now I am the elder of the Alchemist Guild. I am very convinced that he lied to my money. Actually Also to retaliate against you, because I am your son!"

From beginning to end, in Liang Chen’s description, Lin Zhen is a scumbag who is greedy for money, lustful, and extremely shameless. Moreover, this scum also hides evil intentions. He wants to avenge Ning Qingxuan and get rid of Liang Chen, if not that Lin Zhen can eat People are a bit exaggerated, Liang Chen will definitely say that.

When Liang Chen finished speaking, Ning Qingxuan closed her eyes slightly.

Although there seemed to be no movement, Liang Chen knew that my mother was angry, very angry!

He even, apart from cultivation in Ning Qingxuan's life, perhaps the only thing he was worried about was finding Huahua Taisui's revenge. As for marrying his father, perhaps her mother had never taken it seriously.

After a long time, Ning Qingxuan said faintly: "The great elder of the Alchemist Guild...I will go tomorrow."

Liang Chen nodded frequently. Since the mother said to go, no matter who blocked him, Lin Zhen could not be kept.


Rumble~~! !

A large rock was smashed by Lin Zhen's body, and his body was already covered with scars.

Sharp claws and fangs can also cause fatal injuries.

Ke Jianglong on the opposite side was not getting better either. There were wounds all over his body, his flesh turned out, and one of his front paws was broken.

But after all, he is really stronger than Lin, after all, there is a huge gap between the star power of the two.

"Hoho~! Lin Zhen, you **** is over, today I will not only kill you, but also eat you alive! You are a weird one, and eating you might have some unexpected benefits!"

Huo Qilin limped forward, his eyes were cold, his mouth was dripping blood, and he didn't know whether it was his blood or Lin Zhen's blood.

Lin Zhen's mouth is dripping He just tasted Ke Jianglong's unicorn blood.

Seeing Ke Jianglong approaching, Lin Zhen raised his head. Although he was covered with scars, he didn't care. He looked at Ke Jianglong with a mocking look.

"Do you think you won?"

"Now that the result is obvious, do you think you still have the power to fight again?"

Lin Zhen shook his head: "Star power is still quite bad, I can't beat you."

Before Ke Jianglong laughed, Lin Zhen said again: "But I agree with your words, I want to eat you, no, I want to eat you!"

"What are you talking about?" Ke Jianglong was taken aback. Lin really is not crazy, right.

"Ke Jianglong, your star power was originally 3.8 million. I don't know if the unicorn force field consumes a million, there will be 2.8 million, right?

"So what? Much taller than you."

Lin Zhen shook his head: "Not a lot. My current star power is 1.54 million. If you double it, it will surpass you. If your star power does not exceed twice mine, you will definitely die!"

Ke Jianglong sneered: "If you have this ability, what did you do in the first place?"

Lin Zhen opened his mouth and vomited out. He actually vomited a piece of bone. It was a bone on Ke Jianglong's front paw, which was actually bitten off by Lin Zhen!

"For this, now that you have this, you don't have to live, Ke Jianglong, feel the call from the black hole!"

Suddenly, a terrifying force rose in Lin Zhen's body!

In the void, a black hole opened his eyes to Ke Jianglong!