Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 650: The first meeting of the enemy

The sixth-rank elder was going to report to the Alchemy Master Association, and Nalan Chenxi's movements were also very fast, completing the identity process of Lin Zhen in a while.

The purple robe with six gold stars on his chest was brought over, and Nalan Chenxi personally handed it to Lin Zhen.

"If it is someone else, I will call him the Great Elder even if he reaches the sixth rank, but you are different, Lin Zhen, you have an infinitely bright future. Both Dwyane and I agree that you will surpass it sooner or later when you are working on alchemy. We are two old guys, so I call you Brother Lin, he won't think I am climbing."

"Haha, thanks to the two old brothers showing love, Lin is really terrified."

Nalan Chenxi and Dwyane also laughed, and several people patted their shoulders, like a picture of good brothers.

They are also alchemists, and they know how terrifying Lin Zhen's alchemy skills are now.

There is nothing to be faulty about this child's alchemy technique. As long as the opportunity arrives, he might become a seventh-rank alchemist tomorrow, and he will be on the same level as himself.

But they are all alchemists who have practiced for tens of thousands of years.

So in their opinion, Lin Zhen will be the first person of Nanliang Alchemist sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.

The two are also very happy to make friends with Lin Zhen. If they can be promoted to a seventh-rank alchemist, there is no one who is not a longevity warrior. This Lin Zhen is also about to reach the domain king, and no accident, will soon enter the realm of longevity.

"Brother, we may be a few years older than we are. I would like to give you a piece of advice. Don't refine too much of this improved divine power pill. It is rare and expensive. This pill is very valuable."

Lin Zhen nodded. He knew very well that this ancient pill that he improved was definitely the best pill.

A drug that can increase 40% of its star power, the less it is, the more valuable it is. A single drug can be sold for auction.

Lin Zhen became the great elder and owned a large yard in the association. The yard he bought outside was even not far away, only ten kilometers away.

In order to celebrate the addition of another great elder, Nalan Chenxi also found the other three great elders of the guild, and met Lin Zhen.

Everyone has added a dimensional universe number to each other, and there is a group of five of them, and they can exchange their alchemy experience in everything.

Now Lin Zhen was also drawn in, and these six people were the highest level of the Nanliang Alchemist Guild.

"Hahaha~! I am really happy today. Our Nanliang Alchemist Guild has finally succeeded. These years, five of our old immortals have been holding on here. Compared with the guilds of other empires, our guild is a little worse. It means, everyone looks down on it. Now that the elder Lin Zhen is here, I see who would dare to look down on our Nanliang! The great elder in his early thousand years is simply Scorpion Baba-the only one, hahaha!"

Listening to Nalan Chenxi's inappropriate metaphor, Lin Zhen was speechless, the old man was a little too happy.

"Everyone is busy with yourselves first, I will deal with the things at hand, half an hour later, let's go out for a big meal, I will treat, this meal does not cost it 100 million, don't say you have seen the world! "

Several great elders and Dwyane laughed, it is rare that they will grow up bleeding, this meal will have to eat more than 100 million yuan, and beat the guild leader's local tyrant.

Lin Zhen is also very happy. The guild's courtyard is also there, and he will also get two bodyguards for the immortal warriors. This is what Lin Zhen values ​​most.

With two longevity guards, Lin Zhen's safety is basically completely worry-free.

It's just that the longevity warrior is not a Chinese cabbage, and it will take time to make it there, and it will not be delivered in three days or five days.

Lin Zhen was not in a hurry. He happened to have to go out and have a look at Nanliang's Alchemist Guild. There were several bones he needed, and he had to unblock the Bone Divine Needle.

Just as he was about to go out, Nalan Chenxi also urged: "Everyone, don't wear long robes when you go out to eat, just dress casually and keep a low profile."

Several people nodded, even if they didn't wear robes, no one in the guild would not know them.

Lin Zhen was the same, he didn't want to be too ostentatious, he just dressed up well, anyway, the front desk of the guild already knew him.

Taking off his robe and putting on casual clothes, Lin Zhen left Nalan Chenxi's courtyard and came to the front desk of the guild.

"Elder Lin Zhen, hello."

At the front desk is a beautiful girl of the elves who bowed to Lin Zhen with curiosity flashing in her eyes. She had been notified that there was an additional elder in the guild.

"Hehe, hello Freya."

"Ah! Elder Lin Zhen actually remembered my name!"

The girl named Freya was full of excitement: "This is the first time I have seen a young, handsome and amiable elder like you."

"When there are more opportunities to meet in the future, you won't be surprised."

Lin Zhen smiled and turned off the subject: "Furuya, how about finding some bones for me? I use it for alchemy."

"Okay, please make a list of the great elders, you can enjoy a 30% discount here."

Lin Zhen immediately gave the list of the remaining six types of bones to Furuoya: "Look at what the Guild here is. If there are some, give them directly to me. If not, please help me buy them."

"Well, let me see... There is exactly one bone of the Soul Eater, there are also dragons, and Kunpeng. There are no Phoenix, Qilin, and Storm Ape now. I can try to buy it for you. "

Sure enough, it was the empire's alchemist guild, and three of the six bones were found, which made Lin Zhen happy.

But Lin Zhen knew that the remaining three bones were not easy to acquire. The bones of this super galaxy were almost unattainable. If they hadn't had this identity, there would be no place to get these three bones.

"Well, you can buy it and try it."

Lin Zhen spent more than two billion to get the bones of the Dragon Race, Kunpeng, and Soul Eater.

After taking the things, Lin Zhen returned to the rest area in the hall to wait.

Lin Feng also followed him, but this kid is now going to assess the fourth-rank alchemist, saying that as a follower of Lin Zhen, his strength can't be too bad.

Lin Zhen knew what he thought, and Lin Feng thought that if Lin Zhen had achieved a sixth-rank alchemist, he might not need him as the guardian of the realm king, and he should find an immortal warrior. He might have to make a living on his own in the future.

But in Lin Zhen's heart, he never regarded Lin Feng as a guard for his servants. Even if he had an immortal warrior guard, Lin Feng would not leave. Lin Zhen could fully support him with his own money.

But in Lin Zhen's view, the possibility of Lin Feng passing the level is not too great, at most half the chance. Although his talent is very good, he does not have Lin Zhen's perverted ability to harvest memories. Where is the fourth-rank alchemist? It is so easy to test.

Sitting in the rest area, waiting for Lin Feng's assessment, and also waiting for Nalan Chenxi to come out.

At this moment, Lin Zhen heard the voice talking next to him.

"His Royal Highness, please rest assured that when these medicinal materials arrive, I will refine them into pill soon. My teacher will also come over in a while. Our master and apprentice will join hands to fight for the fastest possible conversion of these pill into money."

"You must be fast. Your Highness is too tight during this time and needs money urgently. These medicinal materials were obtained from other places. Your masters and apprentices hurry up and try to make them all turn into pill within two days. Remit the money to me as soon as possible."

"Two days... Your Majesty, that's too urgent. In such a short time and with so many medicinal materials, even if we ask a few other deacons to help, the refined ones are crudely crafted, and I'm afraid they are not easy to sell. "

"I don't care about this, you can do it, I just take the money, don't tell me you can't do it!"

"Well.... Let's try our best."

When Lin Zhen listened to this conversation, two people immediately appeared in his mind.

This alchemist is Deacon Feng. As for the other person, isn't that someone who has been challenging himself.

Although he had long known that this man was a son of the royal family, Lin Zhen still did not expect that he would actually be the eldest grandson of the Nanliang Empire.

This is the son of the prince, Liang Chen who has been living with the princess Ning Qingxuan.

Although the emperor has other grandchildren, only this is the son of the prince, who will be eligible to inherit the throne of Nanliang in the future, and his status and status are far from comparable to those of other imperial children.

But listening to the conversation between the two people, Lin Zhen couldn't help but want to laugh.

Does this Liang Chen seem to be out of skill? After losing 32 billion, I lost another 10 billion. Now I really don’t have any money in my hand. I don’t know where to get a batch of medicinal Let Deacon Feng and the others make alchemy through this. Ways to accumulate money.

As for why you save money, there is no doubt that you have to challenge yourself again.

This is really a qualified small infantry giving money.

Lin Zhen thought and let out a chuckle.

With this laugh, he immediately disturbed the two people who were still conspiring over there.


The two turned around at the same time, saw Lin Zhen at the same time, and said the same sentence at the same time.

"It's you~!"

After speaking, Liang Chen and Deacon Feng looked at each other at the same time, and Liang Chen asked, "Do you know this person?"

Deacon Feng is now in the Alchemy Masters Guild, and his confidence in his heart is extremely sufficient. After the last incident, he started looking for his own teacher. His teacher was an elder of the Guild's surname Wang. After talking to the teacher, the teacher looked for it again. His teacher, Grand Elder Charles raised a mouth.

The great elder didn't take it seriously at all, he was busy making alchemy, and he hummed and said not to bother with these little things.

With the words of the great elder, Deacon Feng can be regarded as having a bottom line, and there is no need to worry about being threatened by Lin Zhen.

So now seeing Lin Zhen, the shame he had suffered immediately came to his heart.

"His Royal Highness, this is a despicable, shameless, deceitful guy. He had some feasts with me a month ago. I let him off at the time. I didn't expect to dare to come to the Alchemy Master Guild!"

As he said that, he asked Xiang Liang Chen: "How can your Highness know this person?"

"This person... I can't wait to turn him into ashes!" Liang Chen's eyes flashed with hatred and he lost tens of billions to Lin Zhen. Lin Zhen has become an obsession in his heart. If he doesn't defeat Lin Zhen, he I feel I can't do anything.

Hearing Liang Chen's words, Deacon Feng was even more confident: "Boy, there is a way to heaven, you are not here, and there is no way to go to hell, you are finished today!"