Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 648: decision

Deacon Feng's face turned cloudy.

I didn't expect this kid from the New Territories to be so difficult to deal with. He caught his elder's affairs and held on to it, and actually threatened him with this.

Taking a deep breath, Deacon Feng said: "Little brother, I have already said that it was they barking. I have already indicated my identity. As for them, I don’t want to correct it. If you want to take this matter to the guild, I will be punished by one at most, but your friends will be over, and they will no longer get my medicine."

"Haha, your pill, can your pill be taken to detoxify? It doesn't matter if you don't have the ability of the Ice and Fire fellow practitioners, but if you slander under this banner, it is your fault."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Who can be a fellow practitioner of Ice and Fire? Except for the chairman, even the elders don’t necessarily have this ability. If you want to find fellow practitioners of Ice and Fire, you won’t find it in your life... "

As he was talking, foam flew across his mouth, and he saw Lin Zhen's fingers entangled with cold air and flames, regardless of each other.

"Go on? You can't find anything in this life. I'm sitting right in front of you. Can't you see it for such an adult?"

"You, you.... How can you have the power of freezing and flame at the same time?" Deacon Feng's face became more ugly.

"Existence is truth, do I need to explain so much to you?"

"Huh! What about that? It's not that you can make alchemy with cold air and flames. Alchemists need massive resources to cultivate. It takes thousands of years of hard work to achieve success. You have flames and cold air. It’s useless if you don’t know how to refine pills. They still ask me for medicine."

"That was before, and they don't need it from now on."

Lin Zhen said and looked at Zhao Xiaoman: "Xiaoman, don't look for scum like this again in the future. If you are short of medicine, ask Brother Lin. Brother will give it to you...well, buy it for you."

"Big Brother Lin..."

Zhao Xiaoman didn’t know how to express her feelings at this moment. She wanted to agree to Lin Zhen, but in her heart, Lin Zhen was pretending to be garlic at this time. The pill was very expensive. If Lin Zhen really bought it, he I am afraid there is not so much money.

Deacon Feng was repeatedly confronted by Lin Zhen, and he couldn't help being furious, and he had the desire to use force.

But just as he was about to let his bodyguards do it, he saw on the other side of the bamboo fence, a slouchy-looking realm king was looking at him gloomily, his eyes shuddering.

Lin Feng has been holding back for a long time, wanting to teach these people in the past, but in the Dimensional Universe received Lin Zhen's warning not to move rashly. He could only drink alcohol here dryly, and kept attacking Deacon Feng with his eyes, but the other party never saw it. .

He was holding back so much that he was about to explode, and finally Deacon Feng finally saw him, and the anger that had been holding back for a long time was fully expressed in his eyes.

His eyes were brilliant and the killing intent was revealed, this really frightened Deacon Feng.

He adds two domain king bodyguards, it is not enough for a domain king to hold it.

Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses. It seems that there is no advantage to take advantage of today.

Lin Zhen in front of him also put a veil of mystery in his eyes, making Deacon Feng timid.

Unless he was on the territory of the Alchemist Guild, he didn't have the courage to face Lin Zhen.

Thinking of how to get off the stage and leave, before he could prepare to speak, the man named Li over there was annoyed.

"Xiaoman! What's the matter with your friend? When he came, he was picky and picky, and he still dared to talk to Elder Feng...Uh, Deacon Feng said that, he is not sincerely dismantling our station. Isn't it? Can he really give us money if the pill is not bought? Seeing his poor and sour look, who would believe this kind of nonsense?"

As he said, he stood up: "Xiaoman, quickly let this kid apologize to Deacon Feng!"

Zhao Xiaoman’s face was very embarrassed. Of course, she would not let Lin Zhen apologize, but her teammates did it, and she would also find it difficult to do it. If she is no longer in this team, then she will lose the source of income. Now I see Big Brother Lin, he With such a miserable situation, Zhao Xiaoman secretly intends to make more money, and she is willing to support Big Brother Lin, so she still doesn't dare to turn her face with the team.

Lin Zhen didn't make Zhao Xiaoman embarrassed, but said slowly: "I guess Deacon Feng will not let me apologize. Everything has a cause and effect. Deacon Feng, if I were you, there should be A decision."

Deacon Feng glanced at Lin Feng again, and Lin Feng squeezed his fists over there, anxiously not knowing what to do, so he grinned viciously at Deacon Feng, as if to eat people. .

Deacon Feng was really shocked by this seemingly crazy-looking Realm King. This is the city gate. When the opponent is excited to kill himself and then ran, I am afraid the Alchemist Guild will not be able to avenge himself for a while.

Deacon Feng is determined!

Suddenly strode forward and rounded his arms at the man surnamed Li who was yelling at Lin Zhen, and slapped his face fiercely with a slap!


With a big loud slap in the face, the man surnamed Li was slapped and fell to the ground pretending to be a gold star!

"Deacon are you doing?"

"What's not to do? The road is uneven, everyone stepped on it, you are a big man shouting at women with prestige? You seem to be very capable, don't you? As a deacon of the Alchemist Guild, I have never rubbed sand in my eyes since I was young. , Don’t you come to this set in front of me! I tell you, where do you like to buy your pill? I want to go through the back door with me, no way!"

The man surnamed Li vomited blood, but he didn't even dare to speak loudly. He dared to say something serious to Lin Zhenbiao, but he didn't dare to say a word to Deacon Feng.

After speaking, Deacon Feng came to Lin Zhen and held a fist: "This son, I was offended just now. I will pay for the wine and food today, so now I will..."

This person has bad thoughts about Zhao Xiaoman. Lin Zhen originally seemed to kill him altogether, but then I thought that this person is also an alchemist, and he will soon go to the alchemy guild, maybe it's still useful. , Waving directly as if to catch a fly: "Hurry up, don't get in the way here."

Deacon Feng gave Lin Zhen salutes, and then ran away with his two bodyguards.

Those two bodyguards couldn’t stay there anymore. For a while just now, Lin Feng gestured to them seven or eight times with the middle finger, made three grimacing faces, and made several beheading movements. Where their duties are, they have already ran away at this moment, and they are eager to escape the place of right and wrong sooner.

From beginning to end, neither of them showed any sense of existence. After running, they felt their backs were soaked.

"Deacon, did we just leave?"

"What else can I do if I don't leave? That kid should be a relatively rich man. He can hire the world king bodyguard. We can't take advantage of it if we stay here."

After running a long distance, Deacon Feng stopped panting, "But this matter is not finished, it is simply a shame, I guess those adventurers will come back to me to buy medicinal pills, then I will be the kid's information If you can get it, let's settle the old and new accounts together!"

Deacon Feng decided to retaliate and ran back to the Alchemy Master Guild in a desperate manner. He planned to ventilate with his elder first. In case the surnamed Lin really came to complain, he would be better prepared, at least he would not be punished too much. weight.


Zhao Xiaoman stared blankly at Big Brother Li, who was defeated by Deacon Feng, and didn't know how this trick changed.

Why was Deacon Feng so shocked by Big Brother Lin, not only did he not attack Lin Zhenbiao, but also beat Big Brother Li.

But for this ending, Zhao Xiaoman was still happy.

Although she has been with her teammates for more than ten years, her position in her heart is far less important than Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen was also extremely shameless to Zhao Xiaoman's two teammates. He wanted to sell his teammates in exchange for a pill. Such a person is inferior to Deacon Feng and should be destroyed on the spot.

Lin Zhen thought so, but he couldn't kill people directly. After all, this was the gate of Nanliang City, and the killing problem was very serious.

Moreover, looking at Zhao Xiaoman's appearance, it seems that he has feelings for these teammates, and it may be difficult for her to kill directly.

But Lin Zhen naturally had his way.

Lin Zhen said to Zhao Xiaoman: "Otherwise you can go with me."

Zhao Xiaoman thought for a while, and hesitated: "I also thought, but our team has been together for a long time. I left, the team is missing one person, otherwise I will go immediately after they find someone to replace me. I'm looking for you."

"Well then, I will give you the dimensional universe number."

The two people added Dimensional Universe friends to each other, and they were finally able to contact at any time.

Captain Han seemed to want to say something over there, but Lin Zhen ignored them and continued to say to Zhao Xiaoman: "Xiaoman, do you think I'm poor now and want to help me?"

Zhao Xiaoman blushed Although she thought so, she didn't say so, for fear of hurting Lin Zhen's self-esteem.

Lin Zhen laughed and said, "Don't worry about me. Although Big Brother Lin is not strong, he has done a few businesses in Metaverse and made some money, and he doesn't need others to feed him."

With that, Lin Zhen took out something from the space ring.

Five Metaverse Crystal Coins, the largest currency of the Metaverse is one million, five five million, which is enough for a team of adventurers like them to earn one or two years.

Handed the crystal coin to Zhao Xiaoman: "Buy whatever you like, don't lose yourself."

Before Zhao Xiaoman refused, Lin Zhen took out some pills.

"This is the Juyuan Powder used in the Star Territory Phase. You can keep it for yourself. I got it from a friend. The toxin is very small."

"And this, Baihua Pill, the best medicine on the market to dissolve erysipelas. If you feel that there is too much toxin accumulation in your body, take these medicines. But remember, this is very expensive and it is best not to give to someone."

Zhao Xiaoman nodded, secretly happy, Big Brother Lin is still that Big Brother Lin, who can still be mixed in the Metaverse.

Lin Zhen glanced at the two Captain Han, who looked at the crystal coin and pill in Zhao Xiaoman's hand, and their eyes lit up.

Lin Zhen didn't say anything, and again told Zhao Xiaoman: "Remember, take Juyuan Powder first. This Baihua Pill and Juyuan Powder are a set. You can't take them separately. If you take it to others, you will die of poison, so you can't give it to others. do you know?"

Zhao Xiaoman nodded and squeezed the Baihua Wan tightly.

After the explanation, Lin Zhen returned to his fence and greeted Lin Feng to get up and leave.

At this time, Zhao Xiaoman realized that there was a realm king beside his elder brother, who seemed to be in a subordinate position, and couldn't help admiring Lin Zhen even more.